Raymond Ibrahim, a Shillman Fellow at the Freedom Center, was recently interviewed by Jan Jekielek, the host of American Thought Leaders, which airs on Epoch TV, also known as the “media giant you’ve never heard of” (published in 21 languages and in 33 countries). The main topic of discussion was the little-known but increasingly worsening persecution of Christians throughout the Islamic world.
Below is a 1-minute trailer, followed by a 7-minute preview of the must-watch interview on Twitter. The entire 33-minute interview is available at the subscription-based Epoch TV.
7-minutes on Twitter:
“There’s a hatred for Christianity that’s growing in the West…portraying it as the root of all evil…these tropes are very popular & embedded, not least because of Hollywood, but also academia.” – @RaymondIbrahim5
🎬PREMIERE 11/19 at 7:30pm ET on @AmThoughtLeader: pic.twitter.com/obzS1DE384
— Jan Jekielek (@JanJekielek) November 19, 2022
Meh it’s just Judaism in new clothes
There are many Muslims who strongly dislike Christians. Some Muslims even hate Christians so much that they even become violence against them and burn their Bibles. One reason for this is that in the mosques and madrasas the Muslim clerics, as the imams who speak many awful and unproven terrible things against Christians and Christian doctrine. So much so the many Muslims get all worked up against Christians and Christian teachings and some those Muslims commit violent actions against Christians. Such false religious teachers, as those Muslim clerics, who speak to people unfounded and invalid evil things about Christians and Christian doctrines have been described in the Bible. For the Bible informs the reader in Second Peter 2:12. “They speak evil of things they do not understand, and will utterly perish in their own corruption.” [N.K.J.V.]
It also should be make clear that in this specific above Bible verse, as well as in John 3:16. The word “Perish” does not mean loss of being but loss of well-being. As in going to ruin by ending up in languishing in torment in a terrible place of suffering that the Bible calls hell. Luke 16:19-31.
Since the Taliban have taken over Afghanistan, they have been searching for Christians to kill and likewise burn their Bibles.
One of the “reasons “ of that horrendous evil behavior on the part of the Taliban towards Christians along with Bible burning is because when the Bible when compared to and contrasted to the Qu ‘ran is the better and superior of those two books. So much so that the Taliban in fear of the information revealed in the Bible with expose the many false doctrines taught a “divine truth” in the Qu ‘ran.
Therefore, since the entire foundation of the existence and rule is based on the Qu ‘ran. So the Taliban will go to great lengths to eliminate the Bible from Afghanistan even if it means murdering Christians to do so.
The Taliban are glad to engage in that homicide of Christians.
The Taliban hate Christians and their Bible. One of the “reasons” that they do feel this way is because Christians with their Bible can expose the doctrinal errors of Islam as well as reveals the true character of the Taliban.
As for the Bible reveals the actual character of the Taliban it well describes those bloodthirsty vicious, violent, and murderous Taliban savages spread misery and death wherever in that land they go. The Taliban are so very evil and despicable that they are very similar to the heinous villains described the Bible. Which reads “”Their feet are swift to shed blood:; destruction are in their ways: and the ways;; and the way of peace they have not known.” Romans 3:15-17. [N..K.J.V.]
Where is the UN Human Right wackos when their needed?
Christians know they will be persecuted, just like Christ was for preaching the gospel and the truth. Matthew 24:9-15. THE WHOLE CHAPTER TELLS OF WARS, AND RUMORS OF WARS, 7.NATION WILL RISE AGAINST NATION, AND KINGDOM AGAINST KINGDOM, THERE WILL BE FAMINES,AND EARTHQUAKES IN VARIOUS PLACES, FALSE PROPHETS WILL APPEAR AND DECEIVE MANY, BECAUSE OF THE INCREASE OF WICKEDNESS, THE LOVE OF MOST WILL GROW COLD, BUT THIS GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM WILL BE PREACHED TO THE WHOLE WORLD, AS A TESTIMONY TO ALL NATIONS, AND THEN THE END WILL COME. WE ARE EXPERIENCING ALL THIS NOW. The gospel makes many turn to Christ so they can be part of his ever lasting kingdom, Acts 11:19. Now those who had been scattered by the persecution that broke out when Stephen was killed traveled as far as Phonecia, Cyprus, and Antioch, spreading the word only among the Jews. Some of them, however, men from Cyprus and Cyrene went to Antioch and began to speak to Greeks also, telling them the good news about the Lord. The Lord’s hand was with them and a great number of people believed and turned to the Lord.
As in the days of Nehemiah when he and his men were busy in the reconstruction of the walls around Jerusalem and the Arab became furious and indigent at this at this grand project of the rebuilding of the walls. Neh 4:1 and they thus despised the Jews , Neh. 4:4 ,and schemed terrorist attacks against them.
So the Jewish men set up watch for such attacks, Neh 4:8, therefore ,on this watch they set up guards to be ready for those terrorists attacks , Neh 4;16.
Likewise, in this twenty –first century in areas of the world, as the nations of Pakistan , Sri Lanka Indonesia, Christians need to be “on watch and stand firm” First Corinthians 16:13.,as to be on guard from jihad-minded Muslim terrorist attacks against Christians .
For Christians together compose the symbolic body of Christ, Ephesians 1:13. 5:30.
Furthermore, it should be made known that the Muslim terrorists who engage in the persecution of Christians will not get away from the punishment of God for their wicked actions. As seen in Romans 14: 12. First Corinthians 3: 16, 17. Galatians 6:7.
Christians are instructed to “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.”
First Corinthians 16:13. [N.K.J.V.]