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H.R.7109 or The Equal Representation Act passed the House on a party line vote. Its objective is simple.
“To require a citizenship question on the decennial census, to require reporting on certain census statistics, and to modify apportionment of Representatives to be based on United States citizens instead of all persons.”
As the Biden administration has deliberately allowed millions of illegal invaders to enter and remain in the United States, the underlying issues are more urgent than ever. And they date back to the debates at the heart of the Civil War.
Pack enough people into a district and those in power can become a majority even if the people themselves can’t vote and have no right to even be here.
This was one of the political issues involving slavery and the party of slavery used illegal aliens to create large numbers of ‘ghost districts’ especially in the West. The power of the Democrats is in large part based on urban political machines many of which are populated by people who are not American citizens.
The crackup over open borders is today’s slavery debate. Beyond the moral questions, there’s a political crisis caused by a partisan faction trying to build modern slave power on the backs of people who do not vote or make no actual choice in voting, but who function on a political plantation meant to ensure the power of the machine.
The Supreme Court’s unconstitutional interference with the census was both illegal and revealing. Of all the modern political taboos, this is still one of the most explosive. Asking people whether they are here legally and whether they are citizens would transform the political system and end the runaway radicalism of the Left.
And so it has become the ultimate red line.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Daniel! Another type of election cheating by the Democrats.
Mickows says
“The crackup over open borders is today’s slavery debate.”
Yeah! Let’s appropriate history to score political points! Who cares about accuracy or serious analysis? History is ours to bastardize to get rid of the Communist Islamist Trans Pedophiles. We use the Holocaust for this all the time. Why not slavery?
Chris Shugart says
Troll droppings are hard to ignore, but easy to sidestep to avoid stepping into the mess.
Domenic Pepe says
Now it is clear …
Stuffing more and more illegal aliens into America effectively changes not only the demographics of America,
but also irrevocably swings the control of the House of Representatives to the corrupt truly evil despicable democrat party.
Stuffing the ballot box and stuffing the US Census shows how truly depraved Biden and the democrat party are.
That explains the mad anti-America and anti US citizens policies of craven Biden and the corrupt democrat party.
If any President of the USA should be impeached for high crimes and treachery and treason, it is Biden.
Biden is a criminal and outright enemy of America and US citizens.
Unless the GOP and Conservatives build up the courage and raw power to stop it cold and deport all illegal aliens.
Otherwise, kiss America and US citizens goodbye.
The evil incarnate treachery and policies of Biden and the democrat party knows no bounds.
Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely has never before been so blatantly displayed in America than now by Biden and the democrat party.
The scum of America are literally the elite political and oligarchic ruling class and the democrat party.
Any idiot can see that now.
Kynarion Hellenis says
“Asking people whether they are here legally and whether they are citizens would transform the political system and end the runaway radicalism of the Left.”
If only. Mr. Greenfield’s statement assumes we have enough left of constitutional republicanism, but we can no longer play by those rules. The reason for the importation of a illegal aliens is not for any refuge or humanitarian purposes.
If that link does not make it through the posting process, then go to TheConservativeTreehouse blog and look at Sundance’s article entitled “Tucker Carlson Interviews Catherine Englebrecht about Illegal Alien Voting.” It is dated May 9th.
Mickorn says
My spouse wanted to bring their sibling and the sibling’s family from France to the US but could never bring themselves to sign the documentation to support them instead of them becoming wards of the state if they could not find employment.
The sibling was not born in France BTW.
The sibling nor the sibling’s spouse has a college degree., Neither of them has in demand blue collar trade. they are very good people. they ran their own restaurant for 10 years. they worked in computer and furniture factors as well as cleaned hotel rooms. So they are hard working people. But the Democrat tax regime has made life expensive in America for those that work and has made work hard to find.
I told my spouse to have them come over illegally over 10 or 15 years ago. Risky? Yes, it is. But I believe I know how the perfidious Democrat sht poliiticains operate.
Lets send all those Illegal Aliens/Future Democrat Voters and Supporters)to the UN DNC and Open Borders Hollywood
kernals says
Sorry, Daniel, there’s this little thing called the constitution that’s in the way. It says “Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the *whole number of persons* in each State, excluding Indians not taxed.”
Mike Larkin says
That was a sop to the slave holder States of the south and used to give them inordinate power in the House by counting slaves to inflate numbers for Districts.
The Democrats are trying to do the same thing with illegal immigrants.
kernals says
Well, if you want to change it, you can get a constitutional amendment passed.
Funny says
I have no doubt that illegal immigrants have voted in the last couple of elections. A number of states already put people on the voter rolls when they apply for a driver license. I recently read that some Americans voted twice in some elections. That was accomplish when an individual moved to another state and voted there and used a mail-in ballot to vote in the state they moved from. When you consider all the different ways to commit fraud like back dating the mail-in ballots at the Post Office so they meet the deadline for that state. So you have to ask yourself, how fair are the elections being held in the United States?
Is America a Banana Republic?
If you want an honest election, it requires three things. One – vote in person, two – provide proper id, three – be a U.S. citizen.
Domenic Pepe says
Unfortunately, half of the US population can no longer count to three.
Kit_Jefferson says
There are many of us who knew what the Democrat Party Playbook in regarrds to inflating population numbers was a long time ago. It was always about Apportionment and getting as many seats in the House as possible as well as affecting the Electoral College.
Since it was the Democrats who had all those Slaves it should be the DNC who owes them all that Reparations for Slavery not the American People and the BLM Jackson(Jessie)and Sharpton as well as Farrakhan and his Nation of Islam and Jerimiha Wright to