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[Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
How did we end up with Hamas rallies on college campuses across America? Start with ‘equity’.
America started out with the idea of ‘equality’ that all people should be treated equally so that regardless of where they started out, everyone had the same rights and their lives had the same value. Advocates for ‘equity’ argue that this was unjust because different people were starting out in different places. What they really needed was a level playing field by imposing ‘equity’.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion disposed of equality. Its equity agenda dismissed the idea that people would be treated equally. The only way to achieve equality was through an indefinite period of inequality: raising up some people and pushing down others. Organizations, from the White House to Corporate America, vowed to ”embed equity” into everything that they did.
The moral DNA of society was completely rewritten so that everything from freedom of expression to the value of human life had to be weighed in terms of identity politics. Even the most basic moral questions came down to the paradigms of oppressor and oppressed. Right and wrong were determined purely in terms of ‘punching up’ or ‘punching down’.
“Is it wrong to murder, rape and kidnap people?” was a question to which the answer was no longer “yes”, but “were the victims or the killers members of an oppressed group?”
What matters is not so much that Hamas raped, killed and kidnapped kids, but that it appears to be the weaker party in the conflict, the one with backing from leftist figures in good standing, and the one that has the revolutionary vibe that bourgeois radicals love so much.
Siding with Israel or Hamas has become a litmus test for the left of center. It evenly divides liberals from leftists. The dividing line is between human decency and ideology. It’s a familiar moral struggle that played out time and again throughout the twentieth century.
Morality can only exist in a society that believes in equality. Equity is obsessed with outcomes which is another way of saying that it believes that the ends can always justify the means.
“To put it brutally,” Walter Duranty, the New York Times correspondent, busy covering up Communist atrocities in the Soviet Union, famously wrote, “you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.”
Equity is all about the omelets. It reduces all morality to a political program. Right and wrong is determined by where everyone starts out and where they want to end up. Violence is just another means. Sometimes eggs have to be broken and millions of people have to be killed.
Brutality, rather than something to be deplored, becomes a sign of revolutionary commitment. Only those who truly believe in a new age and are determined to overthrow the existing order will be utterly ruthless, vicious and destructive in the campaign against the system. The worst barbarism is justified as a ‘reaction’ to oppression and a determination to rush out an end to it.
The Left never lets go of bad ideas. It just rebrands them. Equity is just the same old program of promising to make everyone equal through a temporary totalitarian ‘evening out’ period. Under this umbrella, there is no room for individuality or freedom, and the only morality is political.
Radicals claim that equality perpetuates the system while equity disrupts it. The reality is that equality is genuinely dangerous because it disrupts all systems of power while equity is just another means of eliminating individual rights, and replacing it with a system of power.
Expecting people dedicated to this proposition to side with Israel over Hamas is foolish. And those indoctrinated to view the world through concepts like anti-racism, intersectionality and orientalism have been groomed throughout their miseducation to support Hamas. All the tools and the information they have been given have trained them to understand Islamic terrorists as the oppressed, not just in Israel, but in America, Europe, India and all around the world.
This may seem like madness to conservatives and liberals, but if you understand the world as a conflict between the old order and an emerging new order, as leftists and some far righters do, siding with Hamas is wholly reasonable. Not to mention China, Russia and Al Qaeda.
Equity is all about forcibly ‘evening out’ humanity while intersectionality connects all causes.
When abortion rights ralliers carry signs reading, “Palestinian resistance is reproductive justice”, it seems like madness, but it’s a very particular species of ideological madness. The same one that led Communists to defend Nazi Germany during the period of the Hitler-Stalin Pact. Or led the Trotskyists who still form the backbone of the anti-war movement to sabotage the defense industry in the United States and the United Kingdom once WWII was in full swing.
If the only real measure of morality is the oppressor/oppressed or ‘punching up’ and ‘punching down’, then why be selective about who the oppressed ‘punching up’ are? Nazis and Hamas both look pretty good when they’re inflicting defeats on the people you want to overthrow.
Some radicals may be well aware that Hamas Jihadis would be shooting or raping them if they were in the wrong place, but it didn’t especially bother them when their friends ended up on the guillotine or in gulags, or when they were beaten during race riots or killed in Latin America.
Equity requires sacrifices. We can’t all be even until some of us are broken or killed.
Where equality sees us as individuals, equity reduces us to members of a group operating within a political context. Our lives are sacred only to the extent that our death serves a political purpose. Do black lives matter? Only when they’re taken by a police officer, not by the stray bullets of a gang member over a long weekend in Chicago.
College students who cheer Hamas or tear down posters of kidnapped hostages ask themselves what is the political context in which these crimes were carried out. It is the context that matters, not the people. In the right political context, anything can be justified.
The further away we get from equality, the more we find ourselves in this abyss of equity where the only morals are political, the only crimes are political and the only people that matter are political. The cruel god of the leftist is politics. Men, women and children are sacrificed to him, but he yields nothing except a permanent sinecure for the bloody priests wielding the knife.
Equity gazes at the past and the future, but has little interest in the present except as a meeting point of the two. It destroys the present to avenge a poorly understood past and ensure its impossible plans for the future. It dehumanizes people on the promise of humanizing them. It convinces them to support discrimination to end it, to spew hate for the sake of love, and to support mass murder so that all mankind may live in peace.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Equity requires strong government intervention, which makes it a non-starter in my book. Government is inherently dysfunctional for one thing.
don says
US Universities occupies by idiotic professors and airhead students. They will jump at any chance to denigrate the US. We are the victims of decades of worthless education and granting of University Diplomas for High School accomplishments.. The US, once the apex of learning is now a wasteland of useless degrees in worthless subjects.. No one really cares what our once-proud universities say. Its all nothingness
Annie45 says
Equity sounds so much like Islam. The Jihadist goal is to brutalize, rape,
kidnap, torture and kill – so that all will come to live peacefully and equally
under seventh-century Sharia.
No wonder Islam and the communist Left are always working together.
Biden giving billions of dollars to number one Hamas supporter, the
Islamic Republic of Iran, is a perfect example.
Ahmed says
Outstanding article. It’s a manual of how the leftist mentality operates and why it’s so dangerous.
Inmate of Earth says
Those of the left have no moral compass, no moral centre.
(The last word in the above sentence may seem like a typo, but it is not. Not where I come from).
Stay strong.
Jusith says
“The only way to achieve equality was through an indefinite period of inequality: raising up some people and pushing down others.”
What could go wrong here..oh, yeah…they forget the word indefinite and keep going…just like affirmative action…that was ALREADY “equity” in action and now it is compounded with “interest”…accumulative racism. And we can see how dangerous leftist is…they never think things through…emotional fools that create monsters in governing.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
So true.
Plus, life for any species on Earth is not equal in opportunity or results. To push equity is to lower productivity and achievement by those born with talent. Eventually, that civilization will remove itself from human endeavor. Meritocracy rules nature including humans. It’s the very definition of natural selection, aka, survival of the fittest. Equity is disabling, destructive, and always leads to ruin.
Steven Howe says
Leftest solutions to the perceived problems will never cure their hearts desires. It is only the yearn for blood that will satisfy. The more innocent, the better the satisfaction.
Vivian says
Infant photos at Shifa are not believable
Over the past couple of days, we’ve seen photos like these out of Shifa hospital:
…if you want to keep the babies warm without an incubator, you would swaddle all of them – not leave some naked. You would cover their heads with the knit caps some of us are familiar with.Or, ideally, you would find people to hold them – preferably their mothers – and give them skin to skin contact to keep them warm.
You don’t just lie them on a bed, some of them without clothes, one of them (who does not look premature or sickly at all) with their face pushed up against the sharp corner of a box.
This is not treating premature babies. This is abusing them for a photo-op.
Another photo of babies from Shifa hospital shows something interesting:
There is equipment and lights in the background that is clearly running on – electricity. ..
Aviva Klompas @AvivaKlompas:
A photo of Gaza babies has appeared all over social media saying they were taken out of their incubators because the hospital doesn’t have electricity.
The thing is there’s also an uncropped photo that clearly shows a functional electrical monitor in the background.
Did Hamas endanger these babies for their propaganda war.
Nov 12, 2023
Flashback to January 2008:
LIARS in ACTION in Gaza – (and ..ckers will buy the lies as usual)
Look at these telling photos:
Poor Palestinians have to be with candles everywhere; in the streets, in conference rooms, even babies in incubators! Or, can it be a staged lie?! Watch the windows and the artificial lights on the photos made with wider angles …
How sad! The only problem is that for seeing the candle-lights they had to darken all these rooms with shades first, and in the street they forgot to turn off the advertisement lights.
Look at all these fakes in the really telling photos by the AP and Reuters…
Liars are in action as usual, and ..ckers will buy their lies as usual…
arnold ahlert says
Nothing–and I mean NOTHING–exemplifies the searing, world-class useful idiot stupidity of progressives better than their alignment with Hamas. The gender mafiosos, the pro-abortionists, the feminists, the atheists and all the rest who stand with the baby killers and corpse desecrators have NO IDEA that once the “friend” who is the “enemy of my enemy” is no longer needed, they will be as just expendable as the Jews they demonize, if not more so.
You might think no one could possibly be that twisted, or out of touch with reality. You would be wrong.
Robert of Prague says
You’re dead wrong re: atheists. Not all are woke lefties. My dad died a very conservative atheist. The commies declared him in 1958 ‘the Enemy of the State & the People’ for the ‘propagation of the American way & the US Constitution.’ They put that in the verdict.
Yours truly was a conservative pro-life atheist for 31 years. As an orthodox American Christian, am as conservative as before. Can’t stand the woke quasi marxist faux-churches of the protestant persuasion. The socialist Jesuit fake pope, too.
mj says
I would define America as an interactive combination of people, land and morality. How do equity and equality fit into America?
Equity is removing mountains and filling in canyons.
Equality is being inspired by the mountains and the canyons.
Equality makes room for everyone who wants to run a race to have a place at the starting line.
Equity does not allow the fastest runner to win.
Equality is morally bound, therefore conditional, and yet, remains all inclusive.
Equity is unconditional, consequently with no moral bounds and therefore, exclusive.
The elders of equity target the young to obliterate their natural desire for individuality and then to shape the attitudes of those susceptible into a controllable mass mentality.
The founders of American equality were committed to nurturing the development of independent, young minds into moral powerhouses.
Post American-Revolution America, post Civil-War America, and post World-War-ll America, its land, people and morality, and the inherent generational struggle for equality that has made America strong, is now a weak, equity based America-against-Itself America, attacked from without and within.
Equity and equality are in a life and death battle in America, even if most Americans don’t know it, care about it or feel threatened by it.
Gaza failed as a state because of its own people.
Israel succeeds because of its own people – and the help of God.
What must Americans do now to make sure that America does not fail?
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
American citizens must realize meritocracy rules in favor of survival, aka, natural selection, aka, survivors win thanks to luck and optimal traits. Equity eventually will provide failure for its emphasis on lowering standards and hindering natural, God given talent and work ethic.
RAM says
The first step toward radicalization is to disable people’s normal sense of right and wrong and strip them of historical perspective. Progressive higher education from its earliest days worked to separate students from their prior religious, civic, and family connections. The more separated, the more open to socialist/atheist pseudo-knowledge. The end game is about where we are now. We can go on and on about societal breakdown, but where are we sending our children for education?
Ed Snider says
Morality is hard. Ideology is easy. Dumb kids made a trade they will have to repudiate, or live with regret for the rest of their lives
Steve Chavez says
COLUMBIA WELCOMED AHMADINEJAD, very little outrage, audience listened, and yet this man wanted to “wipe Israel off the map.”
David Horowitz goes to any campus… riots, damage to buildings, threatened, and need for massive security, that sometimes, the inviting group has to pay for. His FREE SPEECH has been denied numerous times. Never has any student group that invites Conservatives, used the universities own Code of Conduct Rules against the mobs or administration which could result to expulsions and firings.
David’s weapons…. Reason, Knowledge, and Experience. He used to be one of Them!
Taylor says
How we got here was 1. Red diaper babies and the Frankfurt School destroying American values and, 2. The same groups destroying our immigration and border control regime. The rest are just a mass of small details. The damage is done and won’t be undone.
Time to totally cut back on the funding of these Collages and Universities by 100% end the Brainwashing/Indoctrination of the youth by UN/Globalists/Big Brother
Robert of Prague says
Are you using facts & logic to make the heads of the woke red-diaper babies explode? You naughty boy, you. 😉 Jist kiddin’. The more the merrier.
Equality is a level field to start: equal opportunity. Equity is fake: equal outcomes. The latter is a sick chimera.
Am surprised FPM didn’t mention the Israeli SecDef re: the greedy grifters of Hamas bosses in Qatar. Good article on Breitbart: “Hamas leader in exile are dead men walking.”
Here is my rant: Well, the SecDef is a politician. They talk out of both sides of their mouth.
I believe it when I see these murderous coward creeps dead. Whether by Mossad or Shin Bet. Make sure to seize the stolen billions they’ve got from us & the EU. Same MO like the repulsive schmuck Arafat. He stole ~1 billion $$ & got the ‘peace prize’ for being a slick terrorist. ObaMao got it, too, for diddly-squat & bupkis, BTW.
Will never forget the 2nd attack by PLO during the SOG in Munich in 1972 killing the Israeli athletes – been there. And, been saying ever since, the solution is 2 bullets each to these sadistic yellow bellies – no root or branch left. Especially after Oct. 7, these bestial barbarians have forfeited the right of life in civilized society. Must be exterminated w/ extreme prejudice.
Vtg says
Basically, a white individual has zero chance in that scheme since the default for them is that they already had all the breaks!
Boyd B. Richardson says
How many millions of people have been indoctrinated by elementary schools, middle schools, high schools and universities to believe in “equity”. I have read what the National Education Association (teachers union) stands for, and it can be summed up in two words: “woke progressive”. Indoctrination of children has been a common characteristic of both Communist countries and Nazi Germany. A good start to dealing with the problem would be to prohibit the use of taxpayer money to promote DEI.
sumsrent says
The evidence stands…
We don’t do enough to prove that the Protocols are hogwash!
RS says
Ezekiel 39 is absolute proof that God is not done with Israel and will directly intervene in the war of Gog-Magog in the latter days.
The Hook in the Jaws that God uses to draw them into His land. “Son of Man, prophesy against Gog and say; “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: “I am against you, O Gog, chief prince of Mesheck and Tubal. I will turn you around and drag you along. I will bring you from the far north and send you against the mountains of Israel. Then I will strike your bow from your left hand and make your arrows drop from your right hand, 4. On the mountains of Israel you will fall, you and all your troops and the nations with you.
Ezekiel 39: 7. I will make known my holy name among my people Israel. I will no longer let my Holy Name be profaned, and the nations will know that (I the Lord am the Holy One in Israel. ) It is coming! It will surely take place, declares the Sovereign Lord. This is the day I have spoken of.
Eric T Goldie says
This is the most lucid, brilliant exposition of what “equity” really means and the “D.E.I.” garbage that the federal government ala Biden Administration has been forcing down America’s throat….from the DoD to public schools. This analysis is a real eye-opener! I think all Americans need to read, digest, and understand what’s covered in this article to learn what a real threat to our democracy “equity” really is. The best thing we can all do is vote Republican in 2024, and preferably, vote for Trump who would undo this madness from the radical Left.
Also, does anyone know how to get a hold of David Horowitz or the offices of Front Page? I didn’t see any contact information on this website. Thank you