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Political language, George Orwell wrote in his essay “Politics and the English Language,” “is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable, and to give an appearance of solidity to pure wind.” That has never been a more apt description than with the sophistry of today’s Left. Their woke lexicon takes the political corruption of language to a whole new level of mendacity and windiness.
The Left insists, for example, on substituting such euphemisms as “birthing parent” for “mother”; “gender-affirming care” for the surgical mutilation of confused, manipulated children; “reproductive rights” for infanticide; “anti-racism” for anti-white racism; “anti-fascist” for fascist; “undocumented immigrant” for illegal alien; “justice-involved person” for convicted felon, to name a few. Such terminology is carefully crafted to dilute if not pervert the truth, and then given a coordinated push via all the Left’s media outlets to dominate our political and cultural discourse. Too often, conservatives end up embracing such language instead of always pushing back with the truth.
Sometimes the Left’s subversive language constitutes nothing less than a full-frontal assault on reality itself. In the latest example, Breitbart News reports that the dark, satanic mill of abortion, Planned Parenthood, has gotten behind an idea that is gaining legitimacy among young people, especially Generation Z (those born in the late 1990s and early 2000s). Last Thursday the organization claimed on Twitter that virginity is nothing more than a meaningless “social construct.”
“The idea of virginity comes from outdated — let’s be real, patriarchal— ways of thinking that hurts everyone,” Planned Parenthood tweeted over a picture of a billboard that stated, “Virginity is a social construct.”
Whenever the Left wants to deny a commonly-accepted reality that inconveniences their agenda, they dismiss it as a mere “social construct,” because in our society, which they believe to be built on oppression, exploitation, and bigotry, commonly-accepted realities – e.g., heterosexuality, traditional masculinity, the nuclear family – are in their view complete fictions imposed upon the powerless by the powerful. And if something has been socially constructed, it can and must be deconstructed in order to throw off the enslavement of social conventions and liberate the oppressed in the name of social justice.
Hence, in the Left’s view, traditional binary sex roles are mere social constructions that serve the “hetero-normative” patriarchal power structure and that oppress purportedly marginalized groups like the LGBT community (which of course is anything but marginalized).
And so Planned Parenthood has begun promoting the propaganda that “virginity” – the state or condition of sexual innocence – is an outmoded “concept” that no longer has relevance in our sexually sophisticated (read: jaded and degraded) society. This is another of the Left’s attempts to redefine words to push the postmodern world view that reality is malleable and relative. If we deconstruct definitions and unmoor words from the reality they describe, then we can jettison inconvenient truths and replace them with convenient lies.
Let’s unpack, as the current lingo goes, the idiocy behind PP’s desperate assertion. First, virginity is not an “idea.” It is a word that, for at least 700 years in English (the Oxford English Dictionary cites Chaucer as one of the word’s earliest users), has described a very real state of sexual innocence. Everyone knows that a virgin is someone who has not had sexual intercourse (or in a metaphorical sense, someone who is new and inexperienced at something).
Second, it’s unclear how the term “virginity” “hurts everyone,” as Planned Parenthood put it. In fact, it doesn’t hurt anyone; it simply describes a state of chastity. Perhaps PP means that people in our decadent modern era are embarrassed to be labeled a virgin. That is a sad commentary on our sexually jaded society, because there was a time when virginity was valued, not something to be mocked or shed of like a humiliating skin condition. Since the Sexual Revolution, though, women have been encouraged to hurry to leave innocence behind and embrace the “liberation” of promiscuity (in truth, though, who has benefited most from the so-called sexual liberation of women? Hint: not women).
This wasn’t the first time Planned Parenthood has argued that virginity isn’t a real thing. Breitbart News notes that PP previously conceded the existence of virginity but considered it a “concept” for years. Then, in 2019, PP tweeted, “Idk [I don’t know] who needs to hear this but virginity is a made-up social construct, and it has absolutely nothing to do with your hymen” – ignoring the fact that males can be virgins too. The next tweet in that thread proceeds to acknowledge the definition of virginity but then subverts it by claiming that different people define the word differently or dismiss it altogether as meaningless:
A virgin is someone who’s never had sex. But “sex” means different things to different people, so “virginity” does too. Many don’t care what it means or think it matters. Whatever you believe, the fact is you can’t tell if someone’s had sex by checking their hymen.
Fact check: virginity does not mean different things to different people. There has never been any confusion about its meaning. It always, to everyone, has meant the state of not having had sexual intercourse. But Planned Parenthood and its ideological comrades want to gaslight gullible youth into believing that the word, like every word the Left reframes, means whatever one wants it to mean at any given moment, or nothing at all. To quote Orwell again, “language can corrupt thought.” Words can liberate and empower as truth, or be weaponized to confuse and enslave as lies.
Social media lit up in response to Planned Parenthood’s tweet, with Twitter users overwhelmingly and righteously slamming PP for its claim that virginity is a meaningless fiction.
“Groomers,” one commenter accurately responded.
“Either you’ve had sex or you haven’t. How is that a ‘social construct?’” another user observed.
“Me thinks someone must be losing business or why the hell would they be tweeting something like this?!” yet another commenter wrote.
Tragically, they’re not losing business, except in states where abortion restrictions have been implemented, denying the infanticidal Left its precious freedom to discard an unborn child up to the moment of birth, if not beyond. According to the organization’s annual report released last April, Planned Parenthood performed the second-highest number of abortions (374,155) in its history and saw record-high revenue during its 2021-2022 fiscal year (the previous year saw the highest number of abortions in PP’s history: 383,460).
Planned Parenthood tweeted that message about virginity because family-annihilating gender ideology is the tip of the spear of the Left’s assault on normality – indeed, its war on reality. Because that’s what this ultimately comes down to: not simply the dismantling of our culture’s every norm, institution, and tradition, but the dismantling of reality itself and its replacement with political language that conforms not to reality but to ideology.
The Left wants to render the word virginity meaningless because they want to remove every barrier to a thoroughly sexualized culture. They want young people to believe chastity itself is not only passé and pointless, but that there is literally no such thing, that it was made up to keep young girls and women under the boot heel of an archaic, patriarchal, bourgeois social structure that devalued women and sought to suppress their sexual pleasure and expression. How can the Left insist that sexuality is at the core of one’s unique personal identity if a culture prizes virginity in both men and women prior to marriage?
The Left’s political manipulation of the language – especially the language of gender ideology – is a subversive campaign to replace reality with a fantasy universe of our own making, without any limits on our transgressive desires. It promises to make us gods. Instead, it will make us slaves to our own worship of the self.
You forgot about “minor attracted persons”
Women wanted to have the same opportunities as men and they have had this for decades now, apart from in islamic culture. But, like government departments, they can’t say, ok thanks, we’re not needed anymore, the feminists need to justify their own jobs.
”Housing Challenged”…………………….Drug Addict
Ive heard about The Young Turks podcast, but wasnt sure what they were for or about.
Now I know. I got up early this weekend and caught a couple of episodes.
What a bunch of nasty, hateful, leftist tools.
Sunday morning episode had a good looking, straight toothed, groomed bearded hateful homo, that went on for 10 minutes about all of the reasons there is such a ”housing crisis” in California.
Not once did he mention drugs.
They have him a big husky black guy (who plays the man on the street, tough guy, black southerner)
as a sounding board. His job is to agree with everything the homo says, but from a slightly different angle.
Every word has been choreographed, and then spoken as if it came straight off the top of their heads (due to their deep thought on whatever ”social issue” is current)
“The Young Turks.” I once got that station by some kind of accident when I thought I was tuned into Newsmax. One minute was all I could endure. What a shit show. Mental retardation is required to watch it.
Know the enemy, and yourself.
If virginity is a social construct then minors no longer need to be protected . Gift to the pedophiles.
Tey’re here, They’re queer and they’re coming for your children.
We’re here, we’re morons, and now we run your country!
This is another part of the attack on traditional morality by the left
What does tradition have to do with actual morality? Slavery was traditional does that mean slavery was moral? Prostitution is probably only a slightly less ancient tradition than slavery, does that make prostitution a moral ideal? How about the ancient tradition of Absolute Divine Monarchy?
“The “neo-conservatives” are now trying to tell us that America was the product of “faith in revealed truths” and of uncritical respect for the traditions of the past (!)….
It is certainly irrational to use the “new” as a standard of value, to believe that an idea or a policy is good merely because it is new. But it is much more preposterously irrational to use the “old” as a standard of value, to claim that an idea or a policy is good merely because it is ancient. …
The plea to preserve “tradition” as such, can appeal only to those who have given up or to those who never intended to achieve anything in life. It is a plea that appeals to the worst elements in men and rejects the best: it appeals to fear, sloth, cowardice, conformity, self-doubt—and rejects creativeness, originality, courage, independence, self-reliance. It is an outrageous plea to address to human beings anywhere, but particularly outrageous here, in America, the country based on the principle that man must stand on his own feet, live by his own judgment, and move constantly forward as a productive, creative innovator.
The argument that we must respect “tradition” as such, respect it merely because it is a “tradition,” means that we must accept the values other men have chosen, merely because other men have chosen them—with the necessary implication of: who are we to change them? The affront to a man’s self-esteem, in such an argument, and the profound contempt for man’s nature are obvious.” – Ayn Rand
So you’re advocating anarchy? There are certain “traditions” that maintain society, others that
lead to upheaval. When one talks of tradition it is helpful to be specific. The current pathological actions in society offering safety through the acceptance of heresy and promotion for its elaboration needs to be rejected and not become “tradition”.
Then be specific. What tradition/s are you conservatives trying to conserve and why?
I’m not advocating anarchy, I’m advocating reason and reality. A rational moral code based on the facts of reality. And objective law based on the facts of reality, not Sharia, not Christian Law, and not Mosaic Law.
But Objective Law based on the facts of reality.
How about we start with the sermon on the mount. The Ten Commandments, marriage as it’s been understood for centuries, biology on sex, The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution as written. There are some of my specifics. Why? Because they’ve worked.
The traditional morality of the the United States was Christianity, with some Enlightenment principles thrown in to begin our downfall.
The good thing to remember is the first people to be put against the wall when the revolution comes will be these sewer dwellers. All Marxist revolutions follow the same script and these degenerates are the first to go. No society can tolerate such mental mutants and degenerates.
Children are losing their innocence every day in the classroom if a transgender teacher (read: groomer) is at the front of the room, or if stupid parents bring them to drag queen parades or story time at the library. Children are an easy target for the Left.
Breastfeeding is a social construct too, apparently. Say hello to “chest feeding.” Are the feminists cheering?
“”chest feeding”” How sickening! Absolutely repulsive. Repulsive in a manner that the english language cant properly define.
George Washington’s men died, bled, froze, and starved for this?
Hierarchy is part of reality, and the elimination of one will be replaced with another. We never have and never will exist without hierarchy. Once this is grasped, the question becomes “Who will be at the top?”
“Planned Parenthood tweeted that message about virginity because family-annihilating gender ideology is the tip of the spear of the Left’s assault on normality – indeed, its war on reality. Because that’s what this ultimately comes down to: not simply the dismantling of our culture’s every norm, institution, and tradition, but the dismantling of reality itself and its replacement with political language that conforms not to reality but to ideology….
The Left’s political manipulation of the language – especially the language of gender ideology – is a subversive campaign to replace reality with a fantasy universe of our own making, without any limits on our transgressive desires. It promises to make us gods. Instead, it will make us slaves to our own worship of the self.”
The fantasy universe of Judaism prepared the ground for the fantasy universe of Christianity, and both, prepared the ground for the fantasy universe of Islam and modern totalitarianism.
So, historically, the West went from the fantasy universe of the Parting of the Red Sea and Noah’s Ark to the fantasy universe of an Immaculate Conception, Virgin Birth, and Resurrection, to the fantasy universe of Transgenderism.
So you have zero moral standards because everything that could set such a standard is fanatasy. You must still play with dolls and army men in a fantasy play? What I can say is that you have not done any real study of history to know what may well be true or not. Easier to just write comments like yours, I know. Much easier.
How very sad to be such a deeply unhappy person, possibly BECAUSE your poor life has been absent of the moral anchors of tradition. It simply emanates from you so profusely, that unhappiness, that a decent person can not in good conscious mock you for the moral bankruptcy you are caught in.
Only traditional people can be happy, isn’t that right?
I often pity THX. He is trapped in a cult that exalts reason, but he defines reason as “man’s mind.” That being so, he also believes that reason *produces* truth – one of the transcendentals. These two foundational precepts of his are highly religious matters of faith without evidence. They also point to his god – himself.
His usual mode of engaging with me is to pretend he is teaching me something and tell me to buzz off and do my own research when he is cornered into logically defending either one of his core presuppositions: Reason is man’s mind. Reason produces Truth (as opposed to being a mere tool of discovery of truth). He simply will not let go, no matter how illogical.
His pitiable state is, to me, most evident when he spends so much time and energy in using fake history and poor logic to mock anyone who does not share his religion. He believes all reality is contained with his 5 senses. That which he can not sense is not real. Because he is god, you know?
I sometimes engage with him out of compassion and love, but only because he is passionate and not lukewarm. He actually cares deeply about his faith, and believes it to be unassailable. Love is sometimes given as the wound of a friend. See Proverbs 27:6. I chip away whenever the spirit moves me.
Dennis Prager once wrote that the only thing the right and left had in common was the English language. If that was true at the time, it certainly isn’t true any more; the left has engaged … is engaging … in a systematic assault on civilization itself. That includes the assault on language; it also includes the assault on the family through the assault on children and childhood.
It is impossible to overstate the cruelty of this war on humanity.
To say something is socially constructed is a tautology. Anything that has a name is a social construction. Language itself is socially constructed. Words are constructs of a group to facilitate communication. The Left’s claim to represent a “preconstructed” (or virgin) social reality, predating the the fall of humanity and the advent of oppressive social constructions, is patently false. Preconstructed is presocial.
The left’s values are social constructs.
Many, if not most, of the conservative values, indeed, are social constructs. The big difference is they are based on reality, history, and traditional values that have been proven to be beneficial to advancement of mankind. Most if not all of the left’s social constructs, otoh, have been proven by history to be detrimental to societal advancements.
Very well said. The left refuses to admit their take on social constructs has been tried and rejected over the course of human history. Had their “anything goes” attitude taken hold at the dawn of mankind the human race would have expired long ago.
Exactly right. Nothing new under the sun. The power of the internet and social media has given greatly expanded platforms not heretofore known, but otherwise, it is the same old evil crap.
Equating to the complete and total destruction of America and her mores and her traditions and her history…. the Communists who have taken power through the J 6 non violent coup are nearing the end of this Destruction of our Nation… as they cover their criminal activity by pushing sex techniques unto 4 yr olds.
So much drivel is spewed by all these leftist organizations!
Here are more euphemisms: impulse-challenged (rapists, compulsive gamblers/overeaters, rage addicts); energy-challenged (lazy); motivation-challenged (high-school drop-outs, the chronically unemployed who keep refusing jobs); decorum-challenged (rude and obnoxious a*holes); etc.
Yes, the left is out to destroy reality, reason and our social structure. We won’t recognize our world in 20 years (and thank God I am not likely to be around to witness the total dystopia).
Without the context of morality, any thought or action is meaningless.
Free will is meaningless.
So, naturally, God is meaningless. Life is therefore meaningless. Words are meaningless. Feelings are meaningless.
We are in a fierce battle to be able to live our lives with meaning based on divine moral reality.
The idea that virginity is a social construct—let’s be real—is the product of thinking by schmucks with no understanding of what it is to be a human being other than that they, themselves, don’t fit inside any category other than loser. The social construct nonsense is not really political thinking, but an attempt to strike back at the “normies” who make the losers feel uncomfortable and diminished.
It’s worse than we know. Apparently there are summer sex camps for kids. insane.
Planned Parenthood claims that virginity is a social construct that comes from a patriarchal way of thinking. Yet, what is more patriarchal than that claim? Disregard for virginity favors the abuse of virgins, including by the denoted patriarchy. Planned Parenthood does not want virgins to have the protection and concern of family, because that interferes with its business model.
And by the way, Breitbart continues to call the people who are invading and occupying America illegally “ migrants”. Why is that? Are the FBI and CIA blackmailing Breitbart? Are they actually a front group publication for globalists? These are criminal invaders, not migrants. And there are 2 sexes, not 2 genders. Gender is another word made up and twisted to excuse perversion.
The whole thing is so evil it is frightening. The comfort is knowing that God wins in the end. He sees everything and is giving mankind time to repent and surrender. The rest will be damned for eternity..