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From Canada to California, euthanasia goes together with socialized medicine. Euthanasia indeed is a necessary part of socialized medicine.
The UK going ahead and formalizing the practice of euthanasia just makes the arrangement official.
Thanks for this one Daniel.
As a handicapped man with a rare crippling arthritis, sleep apnea, asthma, aortic stenosis with artificial heart valve plus a few harrowing accidents in my past, a recent (last month) mastectomy for breast cancer, and 77 years old, I want to go on record as opposed to this stuff and state “I will not go willingly into that goodnight”, thank you.
Recently, however, I feel my doctors have given up on me. In my last GP visit after explaining a few painful problems I was told by my primary Dr. and her Associate, looks like you’re handling it well. See you in about a year for follow-up, and that was it.
Remember when Obama era liberals were bending over backwards to claim that there were no death panels in ObamaCare. Even when they were exposed as the liars they were.
Now euthanasia is de rigueur in the socialist paradise Trudeau’s Canada. Coming soon to the now Soviet Socialist/Muslim Republic of the UK in Starmer’s socialist/Muslim paradise.
The British people are voting for this ? Incredibly hard to believe .
Euthinise Grandpa then donate to Greenpeace to Save the Polar Bears which as Not Endangered
As a rational being I cannot believe the irrational comments being submitted regarding the Canadian and hopefully British aproach to Medically Assisted In Death.
Assistance in death is a humane method of allowing a terminally ill person or a person suffering with incurable illness to decide to die with dignity,
Norway is doing it for physically healthy 29 year old women with mental issues. Canada is already pushing it with patients who aren’t terminal. Is that rational? Maybe you need to look further into what is actually happening with these policies.
Life is very cheap under Marxist rule.
Terri Schiavo was euthanised in a private hospital in Florida. What really surprises me is that no one has ever stepped forward to offer a voluntary vigilante service to bring retribution to doctors who kill their patients under guarantee of impunity.