Now that Donald Trump has been indicted, everyone who loves America as a free society, no matter where you may be on the political spectrum, should be standing with him.
There are many reasons why this simple fact has been obscured today, not least of them being Donald Trump himself. In my own case, I was deeply impressed with Trump’s performance as president, and even gave him the highest possible ranking in my 2020 book Rating America’s Presidents. After the 2020 election, I remained on his side as he stood against what seemed to me to be an obvious case of election fraud. But then came the increasing evidence that the whole COVID hysteria was concocted, and that the vaccines caused more harm than they solve; Trump, however, has continued to trumpet those vaccines as a major achievement of his administration. Nor has he demonstrated any change in his tendency to support people who oppose his agenda, as his recent endorsement of Ronna Romney McDaniel shows yet again. And his attacks on America’s best governor, Ron DeSantis, are petty and mean-spirited. I began to think Trump’s time had past.
Now that he has been indicted, however, all those considerations must take a back seat to the fact that Donald Trump is the man whom the authoritarian Left hates and fears more than anyone else, and is determined to destroy. The Leftist establishment is so avid to destroy Trump that it has not hesitated to take the wrecking ball to Americans’ trust in our most respected institutions.
The FBI used to be the very definition of an unimpeachable, incorruptible group of public servants who pursued justice without fear or favor. Today, the Biden-era FBI is the sinister muscle of a corrupt regime that has not hesitated to unleash it against anyone, no matter how small, who dares to dissent from the Left’s agenda, up to and including parents who protest at school board meetings against their children being indoctrinated with race hatred and sexualized by drag queens. The Justice Department in general is an appallingly corrupt entity that has established a two-tier justice system, ruthlessly trying to frame Trump repeatedly while steadfastly ignoring ever-mounting evidence of the crimes of Hunter and Joe Biden, Nancy “Insider Trading” Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and others.
That two-tier justice system applies to every American citizen, not just the big names. On Friday, a 33-year-old Trump supporter named Douglass Mackey was convicted of election interference and faces up to ten years in prison for tweeting pro-Trump memes during the 2016 election. According to a Friday press release from the “Justice” Department, Mackey faces up to ten years in prison for memes such as this. Vaughn tweeted a photo of what looked like a Hillary ad, but was actually a parody of a Hillary ad. The caption read: “Avoid the line. Vote from home. Text ‘Hillary’ to 59925. Vote for Hillary and be a part of history.” The Justice Unless You Support Trump Department explained that this was a heinous crime because “Mackey conspired with other influential Twitter users and with members of private online groups to use social media platforms, including Twitter, to disseminate fraudulent messages that encouraged supporters of presidential candidate Hillary Clinton to ‘vote’ via text message or social media which, in reality, was legally invalid.”
That sounds terrible, right? Yet the Justice Department, according to the Post Millennial, “was unable to provide evidence that anyone was deceived by the meme.” What’s more, at least one memester on the other side did exactly the same thing, and was never arrested or tried, and faces no prison time. On Nov. 8, 2016, which was election day, Kristina Wong tweeted a video of a Trump supporter with the caption: “Hey Trump Supporters! Skip poll lines at #Election2016 and TEXT in your vote! Text votes are legit. Or vote tomorrow on Super Wednesday!” Not only was Kristina Wong never prosecuted, but her tweet is still live.
All this is why even Leftists, in the unlikely event that there are any who actually value America as a free society, should be standing with Donald Trump today. What Leftists don’t realize is that they can’t be assured of staying on the good side of an authoritarian regime forever. In the 1930s, Stalin began consolidating his power in the old Soviet Union, having many of his old Bolshevik friends and allies arrested on bogus crimes, subjected to equally bogus show trials, and executed. Many of them likely thought that as founders of the regime and friends of its supreme leader, they were immune to its capricious violence. They weren’t.
The indictment of Donald Trump places America decisively on the path to becoming an authoritarian regime in which dissent is forbidden, the opposition is a sham that is run by the people in power, and those who oppose the elites are arrested, tried, and imprisoned on the flimsiest of pretexts. Actually, we are already quite far along on that path. That is why everyone who loves freedom should be standing with Donald Trump today. Love him or hate him, he is now the last man standing against those who are trying to destroy the last vestiges of America as a free society.
As usual, Trump was correct when he said ” They are after YOU, but I’m just in the way”
Too true, Trump’s fate seems to become a catalyst and speed up what is probably inevitable ; a national divorce for ”irroconciable differences ” OR a bloody civil war and anarchy in the streets
History has a way of throwing up Trump-like figuers during times of crisis ; if Trump never existed it would be necessary to invent him .
Indeed, just when TRump was losing momentum and appearing to have became a ”yesterday man” he is suddenly energised again by the radical actions of the DEms who are clearly suffering a kind of TRump derangement syndrome . But as they say, ”you know you’re right over the target when you’re catching flax ”!
TRump is a very brave man, but let’s face it, he’s in real danger from assassination by a lone gunman incited by the DEms and the MSM , or even a Deep State operative who could plant a time bomb on his plane , or even some maniac with a drone … It could happen, then what ?
Do you know Bill Bennett? Used to be Sec of ED under Reagan, political pundit and Christian. When Trump was running in 2016 and leading the Republican candidates I’ll never forget will Bill said, (paraphrase) “I’d be worried if I were Trump that some type of assassination attempt could happen. We know the Democrats will do anything to stop him, but there are many Republicans who feel the same. Trump is an outsider and is far distanced from these people. They are vicious and will do anything to retain power. If Trump were to win then all the corruption that has gone on in DC Trump would be privy to. He would expose and over turn their apple cart, and the politicians both Democrats and Establishment Republicans will not let that happen.”
When Bill first said that I thought maybe he was being a little hyperbolic. I knew Washington was corrupt to a certain extent. But, boy was I wrong. Looking back now Bill knew what we didn’t know. The corruption is so deep and widespread that any outsider will be ruined. Whether indicted or assassinated.
I believe our country is lost. I really do. Unless we have a miracle of miracles we are done. It’s only going to get worse.
Do you have to be a Christian to believe in individual rights, private property rights, the personal pursuit of happiness on earth? To believe in the American way of life which is Laissez-Faire Capitalism?
Perhaps you Christians on the Right are not aware, or refuse to admit and evade all day long, that the Catholic, Lutheran, and Methodist churches in America are dedicated to Globalism and Social Justice? That they are eagerly receiving tax money from the Biden administration to aid and abet the illegal alien invasion as we speak?
There as many or more Christians and Jews on the Left as there are on the Right. That’s a FACT.
Probably correct on the Christian Left. But that does not deny that many of these self-professing Christians (but some may be liars and infiltrators), are doing what they think is right and that I as a self professing Christian think is wrong. That you are either Jewish, Muslim or Atheist is of no matter to me. Only Christ can save you and even so, you can still live your life politically any way you want as long as your don’t support EVIL and SIN which these people are in fact doing and in the name of Christ, the worse kind of abomination. The Christian Left – the Pope model if you will – are sealing the doom for all of us, even the non believers like you, because that are unwittingly bringing in a totalitarian state where there will be NO religion and you will be forced to worship their God, which is Satan. To any true believers in Christ, please read this before you do or say anything to support the Sins of the Left:
You are clearly delusional.
“The Lutheran Border Servant Corps describes having reached 41,000 as part of having “accompanied asylum-seeking families on both sides of the U.S./México border”. The Jewish Family Services of San Diego operates hotel rooms for migrants. And these are only a few of the many organizations that continue to be players in the migrant invasion space.
While there are secular humanitarian groups involved, the majority of border organizations have partnerships, sponsorships or some ties with leftist Christian or Jewish groups. That stems from their disproportionate involvement in the refugee resettlement of mostly Muslim “refugees”. – Daniel Greenfield
“Do you have to be a Christian to believe in individual rights, private property rights, the personal pursuit of happiness on earth?”
No. I’m lost here. Where did you get that? The point of my comment is how deep and widespread the corruption is. How did you miss that?
“There as many or more Christians and Jews on the Left as there are on the Right. That’s a FACT.”
Citation? By the way, anyone can call themselves whatever they want. That doesn’t make them a Christian. For example, Joe Biden might have been baptized a Catholic and proclaim he is one, but in no way shape or form is he a Catholic.
I offered a citation of how deeply involved Christian churches are in the illegal alien invasion to “otherdas” from a Daniel Greenfield article here at FP Mag titled “How the IRS Enables the Border Invasion”, it is awaiting moderator approval. There are other articles by Mr.Greenfield documenting the same, you can look them up.
Anyone can call themselves a Christian? OK, fine, modern Christianity and Holy Scripture are open to interpretation. Nevertheless, Christians on the Left choose to interpret Holy Scripture as demanding altruism and self-sacrifice for brother, neighbor, and stranger, altruism and self-sacrifice are the moral basis for Globalism, collectivism, socialism, communism, and open borders. “You are your brother’s keeper”, “The meek shall inherit the earth”, “It is more difficult for a rich man to enter Heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle”, “the love of money is the root of all evil”, “pride is sinful”, “turn the other cheek”, “it’s better to give than to receive”. …
These are demands incompatible with self-preservation, rational self-interest, the personal pursuit of happiness and wealth on earth. They are incompatible with selective immigration and closed borders but they are the moral-political basis for open borders.
Unless Ayn Rand’s paradigm shift, historical, revolutionary, moral code of rational selfishness, or if you prefer rational self-interest and self-preservation is discovered, understood as the highest and noblest moral code men can practice, and altruism and self-sacrifice discredited and rejected, freedom, liberty, the pursuit of happiness, and capitalism can not be defended and they will not stand a chance to survive.
Men can call themselves women. Abortionists can say they love and protect children.
Biden can say inflation is under control. Counterfeiters and governments make fake money that looks real.
the Bible tells us how to discern the true from the fake. There are fake “Christians” and fake religions, false prophets, fake gods, and false “Christs.”
“There is nothing new under the sun.”
I’m worried that there will be an assassination attempt around his (illegal) arraignment appearance.
Oh please, those people would rather support a senile pedifile than support Trump
They would rather support a confused mentality ill sloth than support Trump
The brainwashing has been so through that insanity is the new normal
I’d rather support a Rep who can win and is not burdened with all the moral and ethical failings of Trump.
Trump is not only probably a criminal for some of his post 2020 election shenanigans, he a moral leper and a loser. He’s an albatross around the necks of Republicans.
The NYC case is fraudulent, but the other ones coming up aren’t. Let’s ditch loser Trump and get with a winner like DeSantis.
If Trump had not been an arrogant, egotistical, loud abrasive personality then he’d never have been able to endure the storm of abuse he’s had to take from the Dems, Rhinos and the liberal MSM . So you cannot have Trump without ”Trump-ism” . It’s the full package or nothing
Furthermore, sensible, pragmatic folk understand that if he’s right on the important issues and actually acts upon them, then his own personal faults are of little consequence
Except that some of his most grievous personal faults as Robert Spencer pointed out are, “Trump, however, has continued to trumpet those vaccines as a major achievement of his administration. Nor has he demonstrated any change in his tendency to support people who oppose his agenda, as his recent endorsement of Ronna Romney McDaniel shows yet again. And his attacks on America’s best governor, Ron DeSantis, are petty and mean-spirited. I began to think Trump’s time had past.”
Unfortunately those are huge personal grievous faults and it is unlikely Trump has enough self-awareness to see them and correct them. I’ll vote for him, what other choice have I got? But if he wins you can expect four more years of Trump shooting himself in the foot and sabotaging himself by choosing to surround himself with saboteurs, backstabbers, and secret enemies.
” offered a citation of how deeply involved Christian churches are in the illegal alien invasion to “otherdas” ”
Giving an example is entirely different than saying there are more Christians on the Left than the right which you pose as a “Fact”. You misspoke. There is no study or poll that shows there are more Christians on the Left than right,
People on the Left are not Christians. Pelosi, Biden are not Catholics. Hitler was baptized a Catholic but was an atheist. Again, not a Catholic.
Anyone can call themselves or describe themselves whatever they want. That doesn’t make it so. People will swear Bruce Jenner is a female. He is not.
“Arrogant” means aggressively haughty. That isn’t him.
People hardly seem to notice until it happens to Trump and by then it’s very late. That seems to include Trump himself. By rights Trump should get the same support he gave Michael Flynn. He ditched Flynn for selfish reasons early and the quality of our support might be the same.
Apparently nobody notices that on immigration, crime and spending the situation hardly improved under Trump’s tenure. The opposite. Apparently nobody notices the medical tyranny Trump ushered in at the behest of Fauci. For these reasons amongst others Trump does not get a high ranking.
Thank God you are not in charge of ranking anything except in your own small mind.
Una Salus is perfectly correct. Trump has defects. Trump made glaring mistakes. It is your small mind that refuses to be objective at every turn.
Everybody has defects but Trump doesn’t have the ones Una accused him of. Una is irrational when it comes to Trump.
I gave Trump what support I could in the beginning even after his tabloid hits on Cruz because more than his persona was at stake. Where we are today says where we will likely be in 4 years except further down the road because the only thing he’s learned is establishment practice.
Trump was PRESIDENT, not a DICTATOR.
He did not pretend to be a medical expert.
Big Pharma and Fauci/NIH/NIAID have been foisting
toxic drugs on Americans for decades.
Trump was not a doctor or medical expert.
Trump was not a legislator.
Trump was not mandating anything.
Trump was busy fighting off constant legal and political attacks,
foreign adversaries, terrorist threats, and bogus Democrat scams.
All of you Trump haters are worthless do nothing losers. No exceptions.
If ‘they’ can do this to Trump… ‘they’ can do it to anyone ‘they’ deem a threat to ‘their’ version of democracy. Socialism/communism is oppressive.
They do. As Spencer wrote, plenty of us little people are being persecute by the DOJ and its FBI.
The DEMONIKKKRATS will never side with Trump. To do so would admit defeat and since America has been reduced to a simple ‘football game’ with a “win-at-any-cost” offense from the LEFT, they would rather see her die than to admit that they were UTTERLY WRONG.
We are alone now…and we either accept that or we lose our America.
DEMONIKKKRATS and RINO DEEP STATERS aren’t Americans the way MAGA REPUBLICANS are. THEY ARE THE ENEMY and need to be treated as such.
FJB!! TRUMP WON~!! 2020 and 2024 WERE STOLEN!! MAGA!!! TRUMP 2024!!
Vaccines in the past solved problems like polio measles smallpox etc. There was no (lay person) reason to think Covid vaccines might not be helpful. They were not. President Trump is NOT for vaccine mandates. You’re mistaken Case closed.
I’m guessing President Trump had inside information about indictments against him and information that DeSantis was funded by RINOS, maybe Bushes, maybe Soros. How do you know DeSantis did not rebuff a friendly backchannel advance by President Trump?
DeSantis now looks a lot like he is waiting in the wings for Trump to be taken down so he can say he reluctantly (a-hem) will save the day and do “ Trumpism without Trump” as the RINOS say.
It is all an attack on Trump and therefore on us by Democrats AND by RINOS.
I am truly disappointed in you, Mr. Spencer.
DeSantis is indeed funded by the Bush’s namely Jeb who is full throttle in support of DeSantis. The Bush family are nothing more than Establishment Republicans who lean towards globalism.
DeSanits doesn’t have the wealth Trump does. DeSantis needs people like Jeb to help fund his campaign. DeSantis is probably the best governor in the US. He has done a remarkable job in Fl, which is why people are fleeing there to live a normal life free from dictators and crime like NYC.
That being said, I don’t know if DeSantis would fight like Trump has against the Leftist’s and globalist’s. He is going to have to return favors to his donors (Bush) and the rest of the establishment.
I don’t think DeSantis is going to engage in an quid pro quo. I’m sure the Bushes think he will, though.
My biggest concern about DeSantis also. Further is his refusal to object strongly about the Mar-a-Lago FBI raid or to say he supports Trump for re-election.
I admire DeSantis for what he has done in Florida, but he has a legislature supporting him, not fighting him as was Trump’s “Republican” Congress in his first two years. Remember the 30+ anti Obamacare legislation proposed by the Republicans during Obama’s time in office? Which, if passed, would have been vetoed by Obama. NONE were proposed with Trump’s “Republican Congress.” Everything is for show, not for real.
We’re not living in the world of 40 or even 20 years ago unfortunately. A lay person that doesn’t take refuge in being a lay person might have noticed. Results speak for themselves and the results are bad.
*common cold*
no cure, just endless shots
Big daddy Trump is not arriving to fix everything I’m sorry to tell you. Respiratory viruses are here to stay for a while. You might have noticed that there was no cure for respiratory viruses like the common before Trump and Fauci arrived. Guess what? There’s still no cure.
We’re living a brave new world with people who do not understand that a novel delivery mechanism for a crappy “vaccine” does not stop a crappy “vaccine” (purported to do something unprecedented) from being crappy.
Trump is one of the few leaders today who honestly believes in what he is fighting for, body and soul.
May the Good Lord protect him.
Start a “don’t visit New York State or spend any money there” campaign.” The far left effectively stages “boycotts” on states it doesn’t agree with. If you live in, or have a business in high-tax, high cost New York, consider leaving. California has imposed boycotts on states it does not agree with. Why can’t we do this with New York? Take a vacation somewhere else. There are many freedom loving areas in the country to visit that have better weather and lower
costs and lower taxes.
Surrender to the Taliban; Covidstan and the jab mandates; the deadly jab; drag queens dangling their hairy ball sacks over five year old faces; open borders with the fentanyl crisis; Brandon’s son’s laptop with all its criminal evidence a dog dropping a deuce on a law school’s lawn could easily use to try and convict; unlawful imprisonment of elderly grandmas caught parading in the Capitol armed with cell phones and MAGA hats on J6; FBI raids on people who prayed and sang hymns at abortion clinics; placing concerned parents against public school sexual grooming placed on the domestic terrorist watch list; public schools encouraging confused kids to get meatball surgery; excess deaths from the Covid jab using irrefutable life insurance data; all that (and it keeps getting much worse every day) brought on the big red wave, right? Oh but wait. It didn’t. But Trump participating in his poll number increasing sh** show by a two bit nobody prosecutor instead of using DeSantis’ promise not to extradite and golfing on Tuesday at Mar-a-Lago and forcing red state governors to do the same thing as DeSantis, will surely bring on a red wave in 2024. You’re being played and have no clue but do your usual Netflix, chill, watch Hannity and pull the R lever because we loves us some comforts.
While you down vote, ask yourself, why the hell did Trump demand that DeSantis promise not to extradite? When DeSantis did, why the hell is Trump extraditing himself?
I agree. Trump’s lawyers must be dumb as fuck to advise him to go be finger printed and have his mug shot taken. There’s not a thing Alvin Braggart and New York could do if Trump ignored their illegal subpoena.
Problem is he couldn’t leave Fla.
I hear that there’s a DA in Dipstick, Mississippi who intends to indict the Hildebeast for campaign finance law violations concerning undisclosed payments to a D.C. law firm that funded the Steele dossier (the Trump/Russia hoax campaign smear document) on her behalf. They say that the DA has tracked the George Soros-bought Manhattan indictment of President Trump word for word, substituting the “Perkins Coie” law firm for “Michael Cohen,” the alleged Stormy Daniels middle man. The Mississippi DA is waiting for the Hildebeast to announce her Democ-rat candidacy for the White House (can it still be called that?) before filing the indictment, with jurisdiction provided by charging a Mississippi Democ-rat co-conspirator. Surely, Democ-rats will applaud the actions of this brave DA from Dipstick, since nobody’s above the law.
Michele Obama of the well-toned arms is the threat I worry about. Women LOVE her due to the media puff pieces over the last 15-16 years.
People like you deserve to be collapsed.
You are nothing but losers and defeatists.
I hope you find a cave to hide in and stockpile some food.
Good riddance.
Willfully blind would be the simplest explanation of your flawed admiration of Trump and his Presidency. I do think the Democrats could have given him more support for his immigration policy re: illegal immigrants at the southern border, but it seems neither side is willing to more than the minimum to compromise of workable solutions to help bridge some national divides.
The Covid hysteria was concocted? The election stolen? The vaccines do more harm than good? Robert, stick bto writing about Muslims
After reading all the comments regarding this article, it sure shows just how divided we are as a nation. The best part is that the Republican and Democratic Parties did it to us. We as a people voted for these people. Now, we are going to pay the price for our mistakes. The United States is in a state of decline and that fact will not change in the future. Very sad indeed.
We, the voting public, hold no quarter in the game the professional politicians play. We are to keep our noses to the grindstone and our asses in the recliner. They’ll take it from there. It’s taxation without representation all over again. We simply pay for the games these parties play. We are an apathetic and ignorant electorate that will be left scratching our heads when it all comes tumbling down.
You are right regarding your reply. America is not a democracy or a republic. We were never a country of the people, by the people, and for the people. We are a nation of the politicians, by the lobbyists, and for the special interest groups. That will not change. The American people are so gullible. They are living in a fantasy land. Promise them more social programs and they will vote for anyone, of course, they do not want to pay for it in the form of higher taxes. The government should just borrow more money until they default. Then the end will come quickly.
Your illustration from Stalin and how he ultimately treated his “friends & comrades makes me wonder what will ultimately happen to the elites who now support this current leftist ideology. Don’t these millionaire/billionaire donners and enablers realize that when their usefulness is no longer needed, they become, not only expendable but a liability. If this takeover succeeds they will mysteriously transform into the NEW enemies of democracy. They will disappear and Joe will be in the basement of his beach house munching chock chip ice cream and Hunter will be puffing on a crack pipe with half a dozen prostitutes on the third floor.
The State of Washington is considering a bill that seems intended to criminalize conservative speech. In some unspecified way, the bill will establish a means of monitoring social media for any views deemed “extremist” or “radicalizing,” or which constitute “misinformation” or “disinformation.” Given that it is Washington State, this means that ONLY conservative views will be subject to scrutiny.
At some point, the expression of certain views will be deemed sufficient to justify the intervention of law enforcement and/or psychiatric professionals. Keep in mind that planning or threatening violence is already a crime, so this law seems to be focusing on speech that does not rise to that level.
Agree about the vaccine and his horrible personnel choices. Disagree on DeSantis. DeSantis won the governorship because of Trump’s endorsement and then turned around and stabbed Trump in the back. And his flip flop on Ukraine in one day showed that DeSantis is not his own man, that he is bought and paid for.
You can’t be your own man if you depend on donations by very wealthy people. The ridiculous cost of a presidential campaign is the cause. Trump’s power stemmed from his ability to self-fund, if necessary. How else does someone campaign in this day and age in a country this size, with a biased media, except for large costly rallies and ads?
If our media was really in search of the truth and would have candidates on for a decent hour (no ads) who could explain their objectives without interruptions. Then a half-hour for answering hard questions from their opponents, voters would be able to assess who best would serve the country.
I dream.
Your a fucking idiot