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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The Israeli defensive action in Gaza has become, we are told, a massive humanitarian crisis, and it must stop. All the most trustworthy people in the world tell us so.
“The United States is unequivocal; international humanitarian law must be respected. Too many innocent Palestinians have been killed,” declared putative Vice President Kamala Harris on Saturday. “Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating.”
Then on Monday, the Associated Press, with a fine regard for journalistic objectivity, reported that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Soviet Union) and what it called “a robust group of Democratic senators” were “done ‘asking nicely’ for Israel to do more to reduce civilian casualties in Gaza.” These fearless solons “warned President Joe Biden’s national security team that planned U.S. aid to Israel must be met with assurances of concrete steps from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s hard-right government.” Sanders thundered, “The truth is that if asking nicely worked, we wouldn’t be in the position we are today.” AP added, “It was time for the United States to use its ‘substantial leverage’ with its ally, the Vermont senator said.”
To buttress their indignation and increasingly shrill demands, Harris and Sanders and the rest can look to no less an authority than the United Nations. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) on Sunday published a chart of “Reported Casualties” in Gaza, and the numbers look grim indeed: over 15,523 deaths, with 4,257 women and 6,387 children making up fully 70% of that figure. The far-left establishment media is putting out substantially the same figures; the UK’s Guardian wrote Tuesday that “in the last three days, bombing has been heavy, and the total death toll since 7 October has risen to 15,899.”
These figures not only aroused the righteous indignation of our nation’s leftist self-appointed voices of conscience, but they moved the antisemitic Unz Review to the heights of hysteria: “We are certainly witnessing the greatest televised slaughter of helpless civilians in the history of the world, with nothing even remotely comparable coming to mind.”
Oh my, that sounds terrible indeed. But let’s step back for a moment. If you follow an asterisk down to the small print, you’ll see that the UN attributes its figures for Palestinian casualties in Gaza to the “Ministry of Health” and the “Government Media Office.” Which Ministry of Health? Which government? The UN doesn’t say, and its reticence on this point is likely due to the fact that the government and Health Ministry in question are those of Hamas in Gaza. The Guardian likewise attributes its figures to “the Gaza health ministry.” Yes, that’s right: the one that Hamas runs.
This would be like the New York Times during World War II reporting massive German civilian deaths in an Allied offensive and attributing its data to Josef Goebbels’ Propaganda Ministry. Hamas obviously has very good reasons to inflate the number of Palestinian civilian casualties: the higher the numbers, the angrier Kamala Harris, Bernie Sanders, and Antony Blinken get, and the closer the Biden regime moves to cutting ties with Israel and isolating the Jewish state completely.
This will come to no one’s surprise, at least not to anyone who isn’t a woke millennial TikToker, but Hamas is obviously lying. A board member of the media watchdog Honest Reporting who goes by the single name Aizenberg took a close look at the day-to-day casualty figures that the UN publishes from Hamas and found a large number of significant anomalies. “It is immediately obvious,” notes Aizenberg, “that Hamas does not report ANY combatant deaths & the numbers amazingly seem to indicate that IDF bombs & bullets disproportionately hit women, children & elderly. The IDF CANNOT seem to hit too many fighting age men.” But also, “the numbers are faked.”
On Oct. 19, for example, the total casualty number increased by 307, from 3,478 to 3,785. Yet at the same time, the total number of children killed went from 853 to 1,524, an increase of 671. Nor was that the only time such a thing happened. On Oct. 26, the total number of casualties increased by 481, while the number of children casualties went up by 626. Clearly, the Hamas Ministry of Health in Gaza is not too concerned that people will study these numbers closely; the idea is simply to shock and appall people with Israel’s alleged inhumanity, and that is working well enough.
The likes of Kamala Harris and Bernie Sanders may fall for this. No reasonable person should.
So the dumb bitch Kamala has pointed out devastating images.
Good! It tells us Israel is winning.
(The fool Kamala is apparently too stupid to comprehend that islamic scumbags still use their own children as human shields.)
And the devastating images are all disingenuous and mostly fake, anyway.
A few weeks ago a tv show I watched showed some “pictures” of wounded kids in Gaza. One of the kids had six fingers. Another had one arm about a foot longer than the other. There were a few more examples that proved the images were fabrications.
Unlike Westerners, Arabs don’t care much about lives or buildings, if they did Hamas would not use its civilians as human shields. If they cared, they would provide their civilians with shelters or at least protect them in their tunnels. They did neither.
From the Arab perspective, the most important commodity is honor, and the Arab’s land is their honor. By conquering an Arab’s land, you rob him of his honor, which is more precious than life itself. This is why the 1948 War was called “The Nakhba” or the “the catastrophe” since Arabs were displaced from their land. While Arabs lost many lives and buildings in many of the future wars and conflicts with Israel, none of them were a true catastrophe for the Arab, only the conflict in which they saw “their land” conquered and taken by the Jewish state.
Israel cannot win this war unless the Palestinian Arabs lose land. Only then will they feel defeated and deterred. Only then will they bow their heads in defeat. Until that point, even if Israel wipes out a million Gazans and flattens all of the buildings in Gaza, it won’t deflate the Arab, it will only galvanize and embolden them to plan further massacres until they achieve their ultimate goal of the complete destruction of the Jewish state. Only defeat on their own terms will put an end to their national aspirations of liberating the entire land between river to the sea.
The problem is that ‘honor’ has a totally different meaning in our civilized world and that of the muslims.
For us, it’s made of honesty, courage, endurance, compassion, fortitude and sacrifice for the protection of the weak.
For them, it means destroying anyone or anything that could threaten the image of themselves they wish to project to the world – and nothing is too vile, too cruel or too absurd to achieve this end.
You are right, only when they are defeated will they stop being the world’s plague.
Yeah, us human beings don’t consider the murder of our daughters and other female family members for showing too much ankle, leaving home alone or looking at a boy or man to be honorable. We aren’t quite that sexually insecure, paranoid and whackadoo.
I guess that’s a standard pathology for males who can’t satisfy chicks.
So you’re saying islamopithecines are territorial like animals. That checks out. The males probably mark their territory by pissing where they live.
Paleosimians are a motley crew of Arabs, Druzes, Circassians and other ethnicities , by the way. The wide held belief that they’e all Arabs just because they speak Arabic and are too ignorant and stupid (average IQ of 75) to know their own ancestry is false.
Statistical anomalies were what elected them in the first place, and the legacy media Pravda covers that up too.
Where is the cametery holding 15K graves ?
This is crude Hamas propaganda that is accepted as truth by the morons in the western media as a kind of blood libel against Israel ; moreover, there has never been any scepticism or muck raking by so called ”western journalists because they clearly want it to be true
Where is the list of HAMAS fighters killed by the IDF ? There is none because they are hiding behind the deaths of so called ”civilians and children”
The WEstern media have a duty to report the facts and not aid and abet Hamas propaganda , and it’s these bogus ”atrocity stories” that is fuelling the mobs of anti Israel protests in western cities every week
What is striking is that I have seen NOTHING from the Western Media that tries to objectively determine how many casualties there are. That leaves Hamas open to report whatever number suits their propaganda needs.
Next those subhumans will claim there are no new 15,000 graves because dem Joos absconded with all the corpses, or Allah the Moon magically made them disappear.
The picture for this article warms my heart. Reminds of all of the allied pics of Berlin in 1940-45.
Finish the job, IDF. Make the Strip an unlivable hellscape.
They intend tp deport the Gazan rabble under cover of ”war refugees” , then present EGYPT and the UN with a fait accompli
I sure hope so but remain skeptical.
The few SANE GAZANS should stand up and spill their own blood for their State by going after all terrorists since they all know whose fault this really is.
BILLION$ has been sent to the areas and instead of building infrastructure, they buy weapons, mostly rockets, while most of the weaponry is given to them by terrorist nations.
After 9-11, a protest was held at UNM in Albuquerque with members of the Peace and Justice Center holding up signs: “WE DESERVED IT!” THE SAME PEOPLE ARE SAYING THE SAME FOR ISRAEL. Never blame for Hamas in their “justified cause due to decades of oppression.”
THE GAZANS knew of every Hamas fighter, tunnel, use of civilian locations, and I don’t recall an uprising against them.
THE WORLD HAS CHOSEN SIDES. THE MEDIA HAS CHOSEN SIDES and now the sympathies are for terrorists. Every newscast is started by the bombings in Gaza. THOUSANDS OF MEN STANDING AROUND? NOT ONE BRAVE ONE WHO WILL LED A REBELLION AGAINST HAMAS???
there are no good Gazan. The so called palestinians (fakestinians ) are all muslims, degenerated and death loving. They must be elominated
Elderly Gazan blaming Hamas for hoarding supplies. “They can shoot me!”
Reportedly, there’s a dwindling presence of Christians in Gaza who havn’t been wiped out yet.
Robert, I am sure that you know the Muslim Palestinians” are the civilizational enemies of all Western Civilization. They would wipe out Israel if they had the power. and they continue their Global Jihad. They are on the verge of triumph in the EU. And they are well established in America.
Israel must continue the war and wipe out Hamas although there is little difference in them and the Muslims in Gaza.
The only difference I can tell is that Hamas is better armed than other Paleosimians.
It doesn’t matter if the civilian casualties are real or not. These were the people cheering in the streets as their terrorists paraded dead Israelis before them. The people who spit on dead and living Israeli captives. The people who spit on the broken bodies of gang-raped Israeli girls. So it will be a long time before I care how many of these animals die with the terrorist scum they overwhelmingly support.
And that’s something that every decent Westerner needs to know, and every Hamas sympathizer deserves to die for.
Strange how none of these videos make it on the MSM broadcasts.
Hamas started a war. They chose to rape and slaughter and burn Israeli civilians, Civilians always become the majority of casualties in war. Just war theory states that a war be finished quickly with a minimum of casualties (no percent or number given) and the war will not carry on forever but will have a winner and a loser and then peace will be restored. Without a winner and a loser the war will carry on forever with everlasting death The hypocrites demanding a one sided cease fire where Israel just stops and Hamas keeps the still alive hostages and keeps attacking Israel does not lose and continues to attack Israel are the problem standing in the way of peace. The end of war demands a loser. I nominate Hamas. Maybe the Gazans will stop supporting Hamas and try peace for a change, but probably not. The loser supporters want the death to continue while claiming to want to stop it. Israel better hurry up and win or the hypocrites will resupply Hamas and escalate it,
Spencer’s slander of Bernie Sanders is so typical of you rabid dogs of the far-right. Sanders= Soviet Union. Yeah, right ! He’s a democratic socialist ( and like me, proud of it ). That Horowitz slogan about a totalitarian wanting to come out of every progressive is more of a self- perception by Horowitz of his earlier radical self. Poor soul, he’s been desperately and obsessively trying to atone for his earlier Radical Left ”sins” for 40 odd years by becoming some fierce mean right wing maggot, like all his contributors. David, I shall lay my hands on your sorry tormented head and bring your soul some needed inner peace… at which point you will revert back to a sane humane leftism. 🙂
Sane humane leftism, like permanently “affirming” a Nine Year Old’s “gender transition” with surgery to prevent “going back”. Opening the Border to “Let them all in” (to do WHAT?). Making Life so SAFE from being “offended” for teens and twenty-somethings they don’t want to go out and WORK any more. Your brain has atrophied from lack of thinking. Probably be first in line to get a plate of bugs to eat to “save the planet” from “Climate” nonsense. Hope you get the full-blown Communist USA you crave so much. Communism has improved the lives of so many, right? Some people don’t like to be told how to live, where to work, what to eat, or that the UN requires me to DO or NOT DO something. Count me as one of those.
I ”like” your precious dedication to WORK. Myself, I’m more of the Slacker Schoool of ”do the least amount of WORK” possible ”. FUCK HARD WORK. And , yes, you will be forced to live a certain way in part: all factory meat farms , for instance, will be shut down. If you have a problem with that, you can demonstrate, but a Green government will ignore you. If you get out of hand , we will put you in jail because our democratically elected Green government will have a monopoly on superior force. Elections will be held , and if a majority of filthy scum like you want to turn the clock back, so be it. But no Jan6 2021 crap will be tolerated. If that happens again, in the near or later future, you can be assurred that there are enough loyal-to-the -rule- of -law police and National Guard around to clear any nasty violent MAGA types out, as I’m sure you now clearly know. And enough loyal FBI etc.. to prosecute any MAGA scum as they have been doing. Does that upset you ? If so, fuck you.
So this has nothing to do with Communism, which you nasty people always heap as an insult on democratic Green socialists. We laugh at your pathetic attempts to slander us with this designation. Honestly, there is no one who HATES the Chinese government , for instance, more than me . Maybe that is something we share. But to be consistent, you MAGA people might want to alter your admiration for that filthy psychopathic right-wing strongman , Putin, whom I HATE also.
Not only are you a hateful little pustule but you obviously live on Bizarro World because everything you tapped out is the opposite of the truth except for your hatred of your superiors. And anybody who hates the majority of Americans who want to Make America Great Again is a resentful oikophobe who backs the MASA (Make America Suck Again) mission of the puppet Alzheimer Joe administration. America is swirling down the toilet and the standard of living is at the bottom of the left-wing turd pile AND YOU KNOW IT. But being a useful idiot, you’re happy about it.
The only other people who’re happy about America’s degeneration are the moneyed interests which Beijing Biden, his handlers and the Dirtbagocrat RINO coalition in Congress collude with, such as the vermin in low tech such as Facebook, Google, Amazon and Microsoft along with the other favored oligarchs.
Your obvious anosognosia doesn’t excuse your equally obvious depravity and evil. Go suck a bag of dicks, you pussy.
slackers who do as little work as possible at the expense of their co-workers and the companies which pay them are shitballs, and I’ve fired every one of them who ever worked under me. I’m not surprised you brag about being a shitball who makes the world a worse place. Enjoy your butt herpes.
Sanity found in your, “you must vote for this candidate” perversion of socialism?
A form of government that has failed every time it has been tried?
A government in which no subject has any rights?
Humane ain’t in it and will never be found in a group of people who celebrate the murder of children.
Bernie has never held an honest job, never done an honest day’s work.
You are pathetic. “Sane humane leftism’.. better hear that than being deaf, it doesn’t last as long.
Bwahahaha! Another sucker for bernie. Were you so lazy and worthless that you got kicked out of a commune too? There’s no such thing as sane or humane leftism.
There is no “far right’ which holds the opposite views of truly rabid hyenas on the extreme left such as you. There are only normal people with varying beliefs and oikophobic lefties, again, like you. Bernout Sanders is a moron and so are you for thinking a contradictory term like “Democratic socialist’ is valid, and you’re both scum for your pride in evil nonsense.
Your attempted dismissal of the axiom that “inside every progressive (lefty) is a totalitarian screaming to get out” is a typical moonbat slur with no facts or any attempt whatsoever to back it up.
Your psycho-babble diagnosis of Horowitz and his colleagues and readers is so deranged I question your sanity, which seems to be as damaged as your morality and as deficient as your IQ.
“Sane (and) humane leftism” murdered 100 to 200 million innocent people in the twentieth century through democide, and is attempting to top that figure in the twenty first.
Go play on a freeway, dimwit, or better yet, go to Gaza and find out how much they “appreciate” your solidarity. A maggot is a higher life form than you.
LOL….. What a dork.
We hear a lot about oppressors and oppressed. Let me translate those terms. Oppressor = civilized human beings. Oppressed = savages.
IMAGINE that our CIA head and President are Muslims during the War on Terrorism. Communists too. Look at the World today… the rise of Communists and Muslims and the decline of the United States!
IMAGINE if a Nazi or Japanese were CIA heads and Presidents during WWII.
Imagine if we didn’t have Wilson in WWI…
America should never have entered WWI and Wilson was as summy as the so called technocrats who misrule America now.c
Scummy, not “summy.” My mistake.
John Brennan was once the head of the CIA and he’s a communist Moslem, which means he’s a bi-polar, schizophrenic moron, not to mention an evil enemy of his own country.
Amazing how the decisions and actions that Hamas takes ruins so many lives and families, Is there anything greater than themselves, one really has to wonder. Is that all there is? Is that al they look forward to…destruction?
I am not. who could be in good conscience as they participated in r a p e murder atrocities?
I am moderated when I don’t think I should be. Is it by account and so discriminatory or by comment? If a criminal commits a crime and I describe or list should my objection to his crime be moderated? Moderate the criminal.
What happened when this site started using this sign in method, the comments were loaded with spam and it was very annoying. So, 99% of my comments are in moderation first to stop the spammers. Our local university paper is loaded with hundreds of spammers and it’s a waste of time to comment. I’ve never had a comment not allowed but it takes awhile to see it. Later.
I was reading the usual Poor Gaza story in the St. Louis Post Dispatch – an AP story with FOUR casualties figures given out by Hamas and the so called ‘journalist’ did not even give the mildest of disclaimers that these figures have not been independently verified. Pravda Lite, actually not-so-lite.
Where was outcry for the civilians left behind in Kabu.
What about the civilians during the Philippine War against Japan.
How about all the civilians LBJ looked the other way during Vietnam War.
What about the civilians during the bombing of Dresden.
In case you do not know Arab Israel citizens were murdered. Bedouins were also murdered. Non of these people were Jews. People of Gaza are being used as shields. Have not heard of any complaints for this.
Storing bombs, ammunition, hiding in the hospital; that is okay. It is only the terrorists endangering the sick and helpless.
There are NO civilians in Gaza. And if you disagree, it doesn’t matter. We nuked Japan and killed women, children, puppies, and kittens. We helped firebomb Dresden. That is what war is about. In the case of Gaza, their rightful home is Jordan, the “palestinian” state established in the Partition Plan.
The rightful home of the Paleosimians is Hell.
There are ZERO Innocent Civilians in Gaza and the West Bank!!!
if as muslims claim that they love death more than jews love life , why is it that the west are wringing their hands at the death toll be they young or old . ? if death is their preferred option why are we [ westerners ] moaning about the outcome of israels response to oct. 7 ? there are no innocent fakestinians proof in the pudding of hamas leaders holding young children for photo ops holding child with heavy weaponry and cursing the jews . if they love death so much give them their wish , when hamas are subject to the same rules of war as israel only then will i start listening to the shrieks of blatant terrorist supporting hypocritical kackleoharris types in the current class of miscreants in the crack house . reduce gaza to ashes similar to the victims of oct. 7 .
There is no logic to the Jew hatred and jihad love of the Dirtbagocrats and other leftists, only evil.
Apparently, I am not part of ‘everybody’ for I couldn’t care less about those ‘civilians’ in Gaza.
Let’s see: the ‘civilians’ who rushed to the kibbutz to ransack and steal? The ‘civilians’ who handed over to the jihadis any Israeli who had managed to escape them? The ‘civilians’ who butchered the dead bodies of the Israelis soldiers killed by the terrorists on October 7? Or the ‘civilians’ who elected Hamas as their government in 2007, thereafter accepting to be treated as slaves by their rulers – while whinning nonstop ever since that it was the the israelis who mistreated them?
Frankly, why on earth should I be concerned one iota about this despicable type of humanity?
The likes of Heels Up Harris and Bernout Sanders WANT to fall for the OBVIOUSLY fake casualty figures Hamas upchucks for them to lap up. Sure, people like that are stupid and gullible but their misplaced passion for lies and concern for fake Paleosimian civilian casualty figures over authentic Jewish civilian casualty figures shows where their allegiance lies.
The IDF shoots Hamas jihadis, it doesn’t torture them to death, castrate the men (Frank AND beans,) gang rape the women and children prior to their murder, cut babies heads off or burn them alive or commit ANY of the VERIFIED atrocities that Hamas has committed. Hamas itself provided video of its 10/7 bloodbath.
Klamydia Harris, Bernie Sandernista, the majority of American Universty Presidents and left-wing scum throughout the West sure have some depraved priorities. I have no empathy for them whatsoever and wish they would all die horribly right this instant. In a just world, they would suffer as the Jewish citizens of Israel did at the paws of Hamas and go straight to Hell for more. Boy, would the world be a better place without people like them. I’ll take gang bangers, and other criminals over Dirtbagocrat politicians and lefties any day. They’re much less dangerous and destructive. They aren’t capable of destroying an entire culture, after all. Leave that to the politicians, lefties and islamopithecines.
Knowing the pathology jihadis have for l lying, my guess is that the fake casualty figures Hamas feeds to the Jew haters worldwide will soon exceed the population of Gaza.
And is it just me who’s noticed that ALL the fiends of Hamas are civilians? There are at least forty official jihad organizations in Gaza. FORTY! Each and every one is comprised of civilians. Are there any Gazans at all outside those groups besides the soon to be extinct Christians? Is there a single moslem civilian there who doesn’t support jihad and the living Hell of 10/7?
Your reference to the lowlifes the AP (Associated Perjurers) referred to as “a robust group of Democratic (sic) Senators” as “solons” was a good one, Spencer. I’m still laughing at that. You’re also one of the only writers out there who uses the word “reticent” correctly. Being subjected to attempted pedants who use it as a false synonym for “reluctant” is a pet peeve of mine.
From the river to the sea, may Israel be free……..from Paleosimian occupiers.
A simple idea:
There aren’t any civilians. If a person’s homeland is invaded, all people have a duty to do everything within their power to aid the effort to repel the invaders.
The law, for instance, a man killed another man in a bar fight. The murderer fled to his girlfriend’s house. She gave him a get away car. The police arrested her as an accessory.
It is also the story of Ann Franke. The people who shielded her family knew full well they would be treated harshly, perhaps worse, for that act..
It is my perception that Hamas men invaded peaceful neighborhoods with the sole intent of murdering people. The thugs then ran back to their safe zone. There shouldn’t be any sanctuary for murderers. Anyone who shelters or gives them aid is equally guilty, subject to the same penalty. Israel is justified in rooting out the perpetrators and bringing them to account. Anyone giving the murderers aid and shelter shares the penalty.
Israel is surrounded by hostile neighbors seeking its destruction. The Hamas charter calls for complete destruction of Israel as an essential condition for the Liberation of Palestine and the establishment of a theocratic state on Islamic law. (Sharia.)
You’re right I noticed the same and wrote about it:
In any standard hospital setting, it’s not uncommon to encounter individuals who arrive at the emergency department without adequate documentation. This scenario is amplified significantly in times of conflict or war. The inherent complexities and challenges of the war make highly improbable to achieve complete and accurate identification of such a large number of casualties.
The article’s claim that only one data duplication error was found in a dataset of 12,000 identified casualties is hard to accept for any experienced data analyst. In the context of war, where data collection is fraught with immense challenges, such a claim of near-perfect accuracy is not just improbable but almost impossible. Data integrity in war zones is constantly compromised by factors like damaged infrastructure, disrupted communications, and rapid burial practices, all of which significantly hinder accurate data collection and recording. Furthermore, the lack of substantial rectifications or acknowledgments of potential miscounting, a common occurrence in conflict data management, adds to the skepticism.
Typically, even in less chaotic environments, datasets are prone to numerous errors; thus, the assertion of having a dataset with no discrepancies or only one minimal error in a war context defies the usual expectations and experiences of data analysts. This highly improbable claim calls into question the verification processes and the overall reliability of the data presented.
Moreover, the ongoing identification of bodies in Israel underscores the complexity of this process, casting further doubt on the claim that all bodies in Gaza have been accurately identified. The absence of rectifications by Hamas, particularly in cases like the Baptist Hospital, where initial reports of 500 deaths were later challenged by investigations suggesting the number might be 200 or less, also raises questions. This omission in the article points to potential errors in data collection. These elements combined suggest that the assertion of only one error in such a complicated context is hardly credible.
BBC article:
Thank you Robert.
I have found myself dusting off all of your books I purchased more than a decade ago. I took a really, really long break from my studies of Islam. It was so mind numbing, so thoroughly vile and repugnant, even then I could only handle it in spurts. Along with your books, I have all the Islamic source material, hundreds of documents on Islam, 9 Korans ( 3 hard copy: Pickthall, Yusuf Ali and Dawood ). I have no doubt that Islam is NOT a religion of peace, and if Muhammad existed, then he was a charlatan that used his Allah and Islam as a vehicle to induce cut-throats and brigands to do his bidding. Nothing more that a desert pirate and warlord; a perverse one at that.
I like your This Week in Jihad, with David Wood. Always informative and entertaining. Keep up the great work, as you’ve certainly helped a lot of people to understand the truth of Islam.