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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
After Hamas’ massacre of 1,200 Israelis on October 7, all the various factions of the world rushed to show how much they loved and admired not the victims of the attacks, and certainly not the state that they lived in, but instead, the belief system and ideology that inspired and motivated the attacks themselves: Islam. Left, right, and center, everybody loves Islam now, and that love is growing more intense by the day.
The left, of course, has loved Islam for many years now. Even before 9/11, Islamic groups such as the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) adopted the left’s tactic of charging that all critics of Islam, including even foes of jihad terror who were simply exposing the motives and goals of the terrorists, with “racism” and “bigotry.” Muslims, CAIR and its allies contended, were an oppressed class, victimized for being “brown,” despite the fact that there are Muslims, and Islamic jihadis, of all races. A new sin, “Islamophobia,” was invented to intimidate people into thinking it was somehow wrong to oppose jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women.
The left embraced this wholeheartedly, leading to a lasting alliance that has given us the winsome and patriotic Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Ramallah), and a society-wide fear of the personal and professional ruin that can come from being accused of “Islamophobia.” This alliance is showing some signs of strain lately over the left’s obsession with normalizing insanity, sexual deviance, and perversity, but the Oct. 7 attack showed that the bond between the left and Islam is still strong. Leftists eagerly purvey Hamas’ propaganda about how many civilian casualties have resulted from Israel’s defensive action in Gaza, and Israel is drawing increasing fire from leftist leaders including Canada’s Justin Trudeau and France’s Emmanuel Macron
The strains in the leftist/Islamic alliance, meanwhile, have awakened a new love for Islam on the right. Many social conservatives have noted that Muslims are among the only groups in the U.S. standing up against the delusion that a man can become a woman and vice versa, and that those who wish to do so are of perfectly sound mind. Muslims are also among the few who are resisting the left’s insistence on placing pornography in primary schools. This has led some patriots to imagine that a new alliance can be formed between pious Muslims and social conservatives; this is, in fact, not a new idea on the right, but one that no less a luminary than Dinesh D’Souza advocated as far back as 2007.
The fallacy of this kind of thinking, however, is that even if Muslims are willing to make common cause with non-Muslim social conservatives, this will not lead them to abandon the tenets of their faith that call for them to make war against and subjugate unbelievers. The shared distaste for the left’s perversions and delusions cannot be and will not become the basis for a new accord that will allow Muslims and non-Muslims to live together in peace. The Islamic imperative to “fight them until persecution is no more and religion is all for Allah” (Qur’an 8:39) will remain.
Antisemites on the left and the right, meanwhile, have always loved Islam for its deep-rooted hostility to the Jews. The Qur’an even projects that hostility upon its target: “You will find the Jews and the idolaters the most vehement of mankind in hostility to those who believe.” (Qur’an 5:82) We saw this most recently, and most revoltingly, demonstrated in the TikTok craze for Osama bin Laden’s 2002 letter to America, which excoriates the Jews for supposedly oppressing the Palestinians, and declares: “The first thing we are calling you to is Islam.” Nick Fuentes and others who have hijacked the “America First” slogan to contextualize and justify their Jew-hatred and Israel-hatred love Islam for being so tremendously negative toward the group for which they blame virtually everything. Marxist professors who have always hated Israel for being a standing rebuke to the left’s collectivism and destruction of individual cultures (and of individuality itself) love Islam for lending itself quite well to collectivism and hating Jews just as much as they do.
And so one of the most striking aspects of the immediate aftermath of the Oct. 7 massacre is that while antisemitism is resurgent all over the U.S. and Europe, individuals and groups on all points of the political spectrum are falling all over themselves to affirm their love for Islam. Jewish and pro-Israel students have been physically menaced on campuses including Cooper Union in New York City, Arizona State University, the University of California San Diego, and Tulane. That’s happening against the backdrop of increasingly harsh criticism of Jews and Israel from people as supposedly ideologically divergent as Max Blumenthal and Candace Owens. The societal trend is clear: everybody loves Islam, and everybody hates the Jews.
Michael says
What this article points to is that we can expect a mass conversion to Islam among leftists, for whom Islam is the surest way to rationalize their exterminationist hatred of the Jews.
The reasoning runs, there is no God to punish you in the afterlife for professing any false religion – so it doesn’t matter whether Islam is true or false. Let’s pretend that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is his messenger.
Jeff Bargholz says
A Jew carrying an Israeli flag was murdered the other day… a college professor! And he isn’t even a Moslem, he’s a rabid lefty.
Kasandra says
Reminds me of Tom Lender’s “Brotherhood Week”:
Oh the protestants hate the catholics
And the catholics hate the protestants
And the hindus hate the muslims
And everybody hates the jews
Kasandra says
That’s Tom Lehrer. Lesson 6734 on why I hate spell-check.
Jeff Bargholz says
Yes, spell-check is annoying.
Noah Andeark says
I am SO ANNOYED by spell check’s shirt!
Walter Sieruk says
The terrible reality is that many times history repeats itself, as then evil happenings do reoccur.
As with that October 7th. 2023 murderous jihadists attacks against all those young people at that music festival, which was intended by the Israeli’s to be a joyful event but the vicious and death infecting jihadist of Hamas turned it into a tragic event.
Six years before that Islamic abomination occurred at that place in the State of Israel ,there was that murderous jihadist bombing at a music concert in the city of Manchester of the United Kingdom, the British of the city had intended that concert to be a joyful event but that vicious and death inflecting jihadist suicide/homicide bomber turned it into a tragic event.
The deluded dangerous deadly and demonic evils of Islam’s jihadists has no limit.
Walter Sieruk says
The way to defeat that murderous jihad terror entity ,,Hamas , is by a use of a very strong force of the power of military might. For the sad and tragic reality is that this is the only language that the jihadist will understand, because they will not and cannot respond to reason and logic.
Therefore it’s necessary to hit Hamas hard, hit it long and keep on hitting it until it can’t raise up again.
For it’s been wisely said the “Half measures in war is folly and madness.”
Jeff Bargholz says
And Israel needs to learn to be much better at the interdiction of weapons to Gaza.
Noah Andeark says
Well……Joey helped by donating weapons to the ackbarbarians in afghanistan for use by hamas.
Walter Sieruk says
Israel does need to strike Hamas as hard as she can keep on hitting that deadly savage jihad entity and not stop hitting it.
If not, Hamas will a resurgence, and in time, launch another malicious jihad attack against the State of Israel and murder more of her citizens.
That awful message that jihadist loving Joe is complete nonsense and total 100 % balderdash.
In contrast to the words of folly given by Biden, there is the wisdom that was spoken by a real US President, James Monroe, who declared in a speech “The right of self -defense never ceases. It is among the most sacred, and alike necessary to nations and individuals.”
Walter Sieruk says
When viewing that murderous Islamic actions of the jihadists of Hamas , Hezbollah and Islamic jihad. it’s then wise to remember that as in the days of Nehemiah when he and his men were busy in the reconstruction of the walls around Jerusalem and the Arab became furious and indigent at this at this grand project of the rebuilding of the walls. Neh 4:1 and they thus despised the Jews , Neh. 4:4 ,and schemed terrorist attacks against them.
So the Jewish men set up watch for such attacks, Neh 4:8, therefore ,on this watch they set up guards to be ready for those terrorists attacks , Neh 4;16.
Likewise, in this twenty –first century about the seventy fifth anniversary of the rebirth of the nation of Israel that all the future Islamic terrorists attack against the State of Israel.
The Israel security force and military Israeli police as well the citizens of the modern State of Israel need to keep aware vigilant and on guard against Hamas , Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad attacks, just an in the day of Nehemiah in ancient Israel.
Alkflaeda says
The thing that occurs to me is that Hamas’ behaviour on October 7th was ultimately self-defeating in terms of their aims. If they had not dallied over the “delights” of raping and mutilating corpses, the death toll would have been a lot higher.
Taylor says
It’s probably already too late to close the doors to further immigration for a couple of generations–too many of them are already here and they vote, plus Marxists have warped the minds of too many young…CoreAmericans. As for the future of American Jews and an Israel that depends on traditional America…thumbs down I’m afraid.
Gary Hope says
Why do so many people have so much hate and scorn for those darned Jews? The Jews have contributed a disproportionate amount to the world in so many different fields and accomplishments.
They’ve won about 20% of all Nobel Prizes. and excelled and contributed to so many other fields. The arts, science, medicine, economics, politics, writing, literature and so many other things.
The current world’s Jewish population is less than 18 million Jews. Not even a billion.
The current Muslim population is 2 Billion with a :”B” and they’re afraid of 18 million Jews. I should have so much power as to intimidate so many people with my kreplach, bagels and matzo ball soup. Oi vey.
The Israeli military is also among the world’s best. Smart tough people. Many or the world’s population is just jealous and envious of them. I should be so lucky as to be Jewish. We all should.
John Blackman says
the jews are their own worst enemy , after all that has happened they are still giving them bucket loads of money as are the west . they will still give the cess pit fakestinians work permits to work in and case israel for the next attack as they will for the west bank . israel will again make allowances for the cess pit of gaza to make a comeback and the west will still keep on about a 2 state solution and the fiction of occupation . the 2 state fiction has been rejected by fakestinians time and time again yet will still be resurrected after the dust settles . the jews need to ignore the west and go it alone , they won’t be any worse off than they are now .