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Even as Islamic Jihadists are taking over Syria, ethnically cleansing Kurds and terrorizing Christians, the media is hailing the new “inclusive” regime which “liberated” Syria.
The regime is indeed inclusive if you consider bearded men with assault rifles to be the measure of inclusivity. And terrorizing minorities to be the exciting new diversity.
“This victory, my brothers, is a victory for the entire Islamic nation,” Abu Mohammad al-Jawlani, the leader of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (HTS), a former Al Qaeda and ISIS allied group, declared in the Umayyad Mosque. The mosque is a symbol of the old Caliphate and it echoed the speech given by his old friend, the former ISIS Caliph Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, in Mosul’s Great Mosque of al-Nuri declaring his own caliphate. But it will no doubt be a most inclusive caliphate.
As Jawlani had previously said, “some people limit the issue of implementing the rule of the sharia to just imposing some of the Hudud punishments, chopping off hands, stoning whomever, whipping someone who drinks alcohol, and so on. But this is a very basic part of the very big concept of implementing the rule of the sharia.” There’s a lot more to Sharia Islamic law than just chopping off hands but you have to work on the basics of hand chopping before going big.
Syria’s newly appointed Prime Minister Mohammad al-Bashir appeared in front of a white Jihadist flag with the Islamic declaration that rejects all other religions except Islam. Bashir’s credentials include a degree in Sharia Islamic law and membership in the Muslim Brotherhood’s ‘Syrian Salvation Government’. After saving Syria from Assad, who will save it from the saviors?
Secretary of State Blinken is going on a tour to persuade the Turks and their Jihadis to establish an “inclusive” government in Syria. But inclusivity now means Sunni Jihadis backed by Turkey repressing and killing everyone else. This will be a fundamental liberating change from the old order in which Shiite Jihadis backed by Iran repressed and killed everyone else.
Words in the Middle East however have a way of meaning different things than they do over here. It’s not just “inclusive” that has a whole other dictionary entry.
Turkey bombing and displacing Kurds in Syria is considered “inclusivity”, but Israel bombing Hamas and Hezbollah terrorists in Gaza and Lebanon is termed “genocide”.
The Islamist regime in Turkey, which has maintained an actual occupation of popular areas in Syria, before using proxies to seize the entire country, has accused Israel of “occupation” for expanding a security zone that it used to hold on an uninhabited mountain over 9,000 feet up.
The only possible victims of this ‘occupation’ might be the goats in the region who will likely appreciate and personally benefit from this long overdue ‘change of management’.
‘Occupation’ was a term widely used to describe Israel’s lack of presence in Gaza from which it had withdrawn back in 2005. But the simple fact that Israel was not in Gaza did not dissuade activists, journalists and the UN from accusing Israel of occupying land it wasn’t even on.
But ‘occupation’, like ‘inclusivity’, means the opposite of what it does in the Middle East.
Another popular accusation was that Israel was conducting a ‘siege’ of Gaza by refusing to let Hamas terrorists through its borders to kill and rape their way across Israel. By that definition any border with an enemy nation is a ‘siege’ and by locking your own door at night you’re besieging all the people outside who might want to break into your house.
“Genocide” is another of those many words that have different meanings in the New Middle East Dictionary. Amnesty International has come under fire for changing the definition of “genocide” in order to be able to accuse Israel of it.
Amnesty’s report is headlined, “‘You Feel Like You Are Subhuman”. If you feel like it’s genocide, well then it’s genocide. Amnesty decided that its definition of genocide should not use the traditional definition of “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group” because, as it explained on Page 101 of its report, it “considers this an overly cramped interpretation of international jurisprudence and one that would effectively preclude a finding of genocide in the context of an armed conflict.”
War becomes genocide. But only in the case of Israel. Meanwhile actual genocidal efforts by Hamas on Oct 7 and Turkey in Syria to target ethnic groups are redefined as “liberation”.
Probably inclusive liberation.
Gaza’s population actually grew which makes it a very unique form of genocide indeed. But after a year of claiming that there was no food in Gaza (despite social media videos of the Arab Muslim population stuffing itself during its annual Islamic festivities), “starvation” was also redefined. So was ‘famine’ which is defined as 2 per 1,000 people dying of heart attacks.
Over 1 million tons of food have entered Gaza since Oct 7. That’s half a ton for every terrorist supporter. Half a ton of food for every man, woman and children is to ‘starvation’ as population growth is to ‘genocide’ and as Jihad is to an ‘inclusive’ government in Syria.
But the New Middle East Dictionary has plenty of room for lots of Newspeak revisions.
The Arab Spring redefined Islamist takeovers as “democracy movements”. Egyptian Washington Post columnist Shadi Hamid of Qatar’s Brookings Institute, recently charged that, “the U.S. has actively undermined democratic movements in the Arab world for decades — one of the great moral stains on America.” By democratic movements, he means the Muslim Brotherhood. And democracy then becomes Islamic theocracy and political terror.
But probably inclusive theocracy and political terror.
Arabic is written from right to left and sometimes things mean the opposite of what they do, but the problem is that we’ve adopted the Middle Eastern habit of dealing with the region by making words mean the opposite. When our political elites call genocide ‘liberation’ and liberation ‘genocide’, when they stigmatize any resistance to Islamic terror while calling terror ‘inclusive’, they’re not only reversing the moral polarities of our foreign policy, but killing the truth.
And making it impossible to understand what is really going on in the Middle East.
Initially we changed the definitions of words to fool the terrorists only to end up fooling ourselves. Efforts to avoid calling ISIS the “Islamic State” and to redefine Islamic terrorism as “violent extremism” or worse still “man-caused disasters” didn’t end up dissuading any Muslims from joining ISIS (whose I’s don’t stand for ‘inclusive’) and didn’t make us any safer.
The entire narrative of ‘radicalization’ tried to gate off some forms of Islam as legitimate and others as illegitimate as if there were an Islam out there that didn’t follow the same Koran. Under Obama, a “countering violent extremism” program was deployed to convince Muslims that Islamic terrorism of the kind practiced beginning with Mohammed was ‘un-Islamic’.
We didn’t fool any Muslims but we did fool ourselves. In 2024, all Islam is good. It’s inclusive. Especially when its bearded thugs are inclusively chopping off someone’s hands. And any resistance to it is bad. When Muslim Jihadis commit genocide, it becomes liberation. And when anyone fights back against them, it’s genocide. If they kill terrorists, it’s a war crime, and if they don’t kill them, it’s famine, siege and starvation no matter how fat the starving terrorists get.
Redefinition makes everything in the Middle East factually opposite to make it morally opposite.
The common paraphrase of Burke is wrong. All that is required for the triumph of evil is not for good men to do nothing, but for them to believe that evil is good and therefore good is evil.
Making everything morally opposite is truly all that is required for the triumph of evil.
Jonathan S. says
The opposite in the Arab Muslim world also applies to the treatment of prisoners along with the types of punishment being dished out. The mainstream media is justifying the end of the Assad regime by showing all these prisons along with their underground torture, rape and execution rooms. Take note of the Syrians who are crying about their loved ones being murdered in prison, all the women are wearing hijabs. They represent the good side, you know the Sunni extremists who overthrew Assad and will be instituting the ‘good punishments’ based on Sharia Islamic law! In short order Syria is going to be run by the same Islamic mindset of the Taliban. Where public executions and the cutting off of one hand and the opposite foot of criminals gets absolutely no coverage by the Western mainstream media. The way the Assad regime dealt with its dissenters and the way a strict Sharia Law compliant nation deals with lawbreakers are dealt oppositely by Western non-Muslim media. The Assad regime is evil but when it comes to Sharia Law compliant nations, well…we can’t judge others how they run their country!
Jerry says
Most reporters are very shallow individuals. They can’t, refuse, or are taught to to see only the few seconds in front of them, the staged photo, the propaganda release. They ignore the consequences of the next few minutes and hours that old school, devout Islamic ideology dishes to the less devout.
Moshe says
Unfortunately, Daniel Pearl learned the hard way. Israel needs to grant the Syrian Druse’s request for annexation to Israel. Trump needs to be more principled in his treatment of the Kurds; his abandonment of those heroic people to their faith with Turkey during his first term was shameful.
Mo de Profit says
George Orwell was a prophet.
Biden and the establishment are doing their best to create chaos in the world before they step down.
Justin Swingle says
it’s not, in my opinion, BIDEN as the one who is creating the ‘chaos’. that is the OBAMA – SOROS gameplan to put Obama back on the throne to serve the globalist billionaire class and surrender america to islam just as obama and the democrat party ruling class surrendered america to NARCOMEX.
in a nutshell, it’s DIVIDE AND CONQUER.
as obomb said, he will ‘transform’ america (and fill his pockets with the loot so he can live like those he’s served).
The Worst Presidents in American History
By Steve McCann
There have been 45 men who have been president of the United States. Over the decades there has been voluminous speculation over who were the worst. That distinction now belongs to Barack Obama and Joe Biden. Obama was the most anti-American and radical president in American history and Joe Biden was the most venal and corrupt president in American history.
This attached-at-the-hip duo has done more damage to the United States and its founding principles than any presidents in American history.
Obama, a stealth but avowed Marxist, governed as a president unabashedly determined to shred the Constitution and transform the nation and its institutions. After the shock of Trump winning in 2016, Obama and his fellow-travelers, utilizing massive voting fraud and manipulation, made certain that Joe Biden was “elected” in 2020 to further their agenda. Biden was chosen because he could be easily manipulated or essentially blackmailed by the Obama-led cabal due to his well-known and long history of corruption and venality.
Moshe says
Mossad needs to take out George Soros and Alex Soros, and not to dinner.
TRex says
To this day, I am thoroughly disgusted with the American electorate for its ignorance. Isn’t it wonderful we are so progressive we finally got a black man elected POTUS? We were so open minded yet we failed to even bother to listen to his words. He wanted to “fundamentally change” America and we thought that was just peachy. “Fundamentally change” it to what? It seems no one bothered to ask that question. How will this “transformation” take place and how will it make America a better place? Who cares, “fundamental transformation” sounds really cool so let’s do it. America wasn’t in need of fundamental transformation. It needed to maintain its adherence to the Constitution and the values that made us the society many around the world yearned for. “We get the govt we deserve” perfectly defines the gullibility and ignorance of the American electorate, as a whole, One can only hope this recent election shows there are enough voters to turn things around but do not ignore those who think “fundamental transformation” is the future. Ignorance and idolatry still linger in the minds of fools.
Algorithmic Analyst says
The inversion principle. Very useful. Whatever they say, you must believe the opposite 🙂
Similar remarks apply to the names of certain “charities”.
Steve Chavez says
Until IRAN’S MULLAHS are taken out, nothing is going to change!
sumsrent says
That’s exactly what the propaganda is feeding the world…
See… Iran is the only Shiite nation left in this world… making up only 5% of the world’s islamic population…
The rest of the satanic islamic world is Sunni… making up 95% of the islamic world…
Hamas is Sunni… the Taliban is Sunni… the Muslim Brotherhood is Sunni… so is ISIS and Al Qaeda…
Iran is the smokescreen for the rest of the satanic islamic world to terrorize and kill Infidels…
Intrepid says
Beema Bop a lu lu
And a Chattanooga Chu Chu
Gee shmuck, today is church day and what are you prattling on about….your great obsession. Sunni v Shia. If you are so afraid of them maybe you should go over there and do something about it. After all, you are such a tough guy.
Meanwhile I’ll be at church, playing a little music, saying the Nicene Creed and the Lords Prayer.
OK, cue the usual tactics, whining about my “LUCY-Farian” this and that, homosexual Lutheran churches with nary a bit of proof to substantiate what you are saying. You know, the usual kindergarten crapola you vomit up. Pavlov’s Dog much?
And then I’ll come home and watch a little football. And George C. Scott’s version of A Christmas Carol. It’s going to be a good day for me.
But not for you. You’ve got LUCY-Farian axes to grind.
Angel Jacob says
Islam has two main pillars. Lies and violence. One supports the other.
A total over-grown criminal gang.
Billy Bones says
These jihadist wordsmiths are learning how to invert the meaning of common terms just by copying us. For example. mutilating children’s genitals is called transgender “care.” Stating that generating electricity by methods that don’t work at night or when the wind isn’t blowing is called “sustainable.”
Siddi Nasrani says
A BIG thank you to you Daniel, I just love your sense of humour, I did laugh when it was serious, you are so correct
in your analysis. I have lived in a Islamic country for 10 years so I know where you are coming from.
Reality is made up on the spot according to the situation, that is normal for them. That is how they live, as everyone
follows the same rule book.
I found out that even the foreigner’s after living many years in the country follow the same rules so as to blend in ?
JohnJay says
Brilliant and precise. CC state dept.
Rob A says
Why Islam Won’t Survive the 21st Century: A Quiet Collapse
Ron Kelmell says
Rudyard Kipling’s evaluation still goes, “Oh East is East and West is West and ner’ the twain shall meet, till earth and sky stand presently at God’s great Judgment Seat”. I
Islamic mind set and ethics are opposite those of the Christian West (what there is left of it).