The Taylor Force Act, which banned further funding to the PLO until it stops paying terrorists to kill, was named after Taylor Force, a former Army officer who was stabbed to death in Jerusalem, whose family is now suing the Biden administration for violating the law by providing “aid” to the terrorists.
Yesterday, David Stern, a former marine, was shot in Hawara alongside his wife Rachel Stern.
Hawara is an Arab Muslim terror village where recently two young men were shot and killed while waiting in traffic.
“Every day, yes! – every single day – at least 20 Jewish cars get stoned while driving through Hawara,” Shmuel Sackett, the head of a tree-planting foundation, wrote.
1,600 Israeli Jewish families have to travel the road that goes through the village. Stoning cars, he clarified, means “throwing bricks and dropping cinder blocks from rooftops.”
If the name Hawara or Huwara rings a bell though it’s more likely because of all the ‘outrage’ directed not at the murders, but because some local Jewish residents protested and a few set fire to some junk cars.
How much outrage will there be at this latest shooting?
David Stern, a Krav Maga self-defense instructor and trainer for first-responder security teams, was shot in the head Sunday afternoon when an Arab terrorist approached his car and opened fire at point-blank range with a Carlo-style submachine gun.
The victims, both dual American-Israeli citizens, are 44-year-old David Stern and his wife, 37-year-old Rachel Stern, residents of the Givat Ronen neighborhood in the town of Itamar, north of Huwara, the site of the attack.
Stern, a former U.S. Marine, returned fire at his attacker and managed to hit him. Doctors at the hospital described Stren surviving a “miracle” as he sustained impact to the head.
About 20 bullets were fired at the vehicle by the attacker and from it by Stern who returned fire. Footage from the scene shows the windshield of the vehicle spattered with bullet holes.
Stern’s friend said that he was a “skilled and cool-headed fighter”, a former Marine who they consider a “legend.”
They said: “He is a firearms instructor, and trained people exactly for these moments.”
“I’ve known the injured man for man years. He’s a dear friend, a professional fighter and level-headed,” Religious Zionist Party MK Tzvi Sukkot said in a statement.
“After a direct attack, he managed to return fire, hit the terrorist and take care of himself. A miracle has happened here!”
Samaria Regional Council head Yossi Dagan stated, “This resident is a true Jewish hero, the glory of the settlement in Samaria, who protected his wife with his own body; a martial arts man, a security man and an educator. While the armed terrorist was shooting at him on the main road and he was wounded in the head by the gunshot, he pulled out his weapon and fired back. With his resourcefulness, he saved his life and that of his wife – a hero of Israel, a hero of Samaria.”
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said he was praying for the “wounded hero” who succeeded in shooting the terrorist attacker, adding: “Whoever tries to harm Israeli citizens — will bear the responsibility.”
If you’re a member of a synagogue whose rabbi delivered a lecture condemning the Hawara protest, I recommend you ask your clergymember to speak about the murder of Elan Ganeles, an American recently killed by terrorists in Israel, and the shooting of David Stern.
The Biden administration has demanded that Israel investigate the death of terrorist propagandist
Shireen Abu Akleh from the Al Jazeera terror network.
There should be an investigation of the PLO funding of the shooter who attacked David Stern and his wife.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Dropping heavy objects from high places was one of the deadliest of the ancient weapons.
Una Salus says
A familiar and effective tactic even today in certain parts of the world given the extra momentum motor vehicles provide . Once happened to me with a guy throwing a brick. A friend who was a passenger wanted to go in and give the guy who threw it a piece of his mind maybe because they had a similar background. I persuaded him that might not be such a good idea.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Una, good points.
Una Salus says
thanks for the historical perspective AA.
Jeff Bargholz says
He should have f’ed him up.
Jeff Bargholz says
And blazing oil. Those f’ers were vicious.
I live on the fifth floor of my building and once threw a small melon through some bitch’s back window of her car, She was an obnoxious nuisance and wigger who was hooked up with this criminal black guy who eventually got evicted after his weekly arrests. Hell, at least once a week. I had all the charges against me expunged and erased, of course. I did have to spend a night in jail, though. Worst food I’ve ever eaten. And they tried to take my clothes away. I’m not wearing an orange jumpsuit.
I hated that guy and every time I rode the elevator with him I was prepared to smash him. He was a big pussy though.
cedar9 says
With the exception of a few traitors there are no ex Marines. Former is what we use. That said, Semper Fi Marine.
Yehuda Levi says
Marine is also capitalized in print and never begins with a lower case “m.” It is always “Marine” not “marine.”
This capitalization was earned by the Marines due to their courage under fire.
I also don’t say “former” but “Marine veteran.” Once a Marine, always a Marine.
Semper Fi from a US Marine veteran!
Jeff Bargholz says
Yeah, Stern got shot in the head and he’s still alive. That’s pretty damned tough.
Kynarion Hellenis says
May he make a fast, speedy and complete recovery!
Chief Mac says
Impeach TaliBiden and his entire terror regime for funding genocide
Spurwing Plover says
Being armed and shooting back at your attackers this id why we have a 2nd Amendment and disarming law a biding Americans and the Small Arms Control Treaty signed by Democrat/Traitor John Kerry for Democrat/Traitor Barack Obama
CowboyUp says
Boot the fakestinians and turn the town into an Israeli ‘settlement.’ The fakestinians will quit attacking Israelis, or eventually run out of towns to attack them from.
Jeff Bargholz says
Just kill them all.
WJ says
The looming Ezekiel 38 battle will essentially do just that. Islam is not going to do much, after that battle, ever again.
TruthLaser says
Killing Jews is part of the “peace process” to the decadent West and intrinsic to the tribal jihad.
Cat says
Do we know this hero’s current condition? I hope he fully recovers.
As an aside, in terms of influencing what perspective may be presented in synagogue, In my geographic area, it’s a lost cause. Which is why I am absent. Among the pressing issues of the day, perhaps that is not the most urgent. But in the long run, yes, important.
Steven Brizel says
The only good terrorist is a dead terrorist. The Israelis should build a road that bypassess that hellhole of terrorism
Hugh L. O'Haynew says
Israelis like to run away from problems, too.
You’d make a great Israeli.
Una Salus says
where you going to run genius?
WJ says
The democrats fund a few sources of terrorism themselves with tax payer dollars, antifa and blm along with the palestinians are just three that are well known.
Christopher Riddle says
GOD Bless David Stern!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jeff Bargholz says
For sure……………. 🙂