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The man knows what he’s talking about. And it’s not the first video highlighting Rep. Ilhan Omar’s mission.
In January, a video went viral featuring Rep. Omar allegedly declaring that “We as Somalians,” the translation describes, are an “organized society”, “people of one blood”, “brothers and sisters”, “people who know they are Somalians first, Muslims second.”
“The US government will only do what Somalians in the US tell them to do,” the translation states. “They will do what we want and nothing else. They must follow our orders.”
“We Somalians must have that confidence in ourselves that we call for the shots in the US… the US is a country where one of your daughters is in congress to represent your interest for as long as I am in the US Congress, Somalia will never be in danger, in waters will not be stolen by Ethiopia… the US would not dare to support anyone against Somalia.”
“Sleep in comfort knowing I am here to protect the interests of Somalia from inside the US system,” she says.
Rep. Ilhan Omar claimed that video was mistranslated.
The interests of Ilhan is that the Somalian people and Somalia,” former Somali Prime Minister Hassan Khaire said during a rally to support Rep. Ilhan Omar.— Alpha News (@AlphaNewsMN) June 30, 2024
What about this latest one, via Alpha News, in which Omar stands smiling while former Somali Prime Minister Hassan Khaire states, according to the translation, that “the interest of Ilhan are not Ilhans, it’s not the interest of Minnesota, nor is it the interest of the American people, the interest of Ilhan is that of the Somalian people and Somalia.”
“The success of Ilhan is the success of Somalia.” He then urges Somalis everywhere on the planet to “support and give money to Ilhan’s campaign”
There’s a pattern to these videos. And the pattern is pretty clear.
“The success of Ilhan is the success of Somalia.”
Translation: “The success of Ilhan is the success of sh*thole sectarian Democrat politics”
The success of Mayorkas is the success of communists
The “success” of Obama is the success of Communists.
And the feckless republicans let this lying corrupt refuge that lied to get into America, married her brother and used campaign bucks illegally run amok in America
Truly unbelievable. Its not working out well for the Country; we have a dismal future.
Anyone who wants an amazing look into the workings of aspects of Somali society should read the books by Ayaan Hirsi Ali. Jaw-dropping stuff, and almost wholly incompatible with the West.
Omar claims a mistranslation of her speech. This is easy to resolve since it is on film. Have a different person translate it and see if it is as bad as reported. I suspect it is considering the reporting on her out of MN by several sites like this one, Powerline and Alpha News.
She is a typical demorat, everything coming from her mouth is a lie, and anything to help destroy the USA makes her smile. She should be escorted out of our country nobody cares where she lands.
Escorted out of the country? A catapult would work.
Ilhan wants to be what she (and her ilk) *accuse* Jews of being: a dual-national who is working in the best interests of a foreign nation, a foreign bully who dictates US policy.
It’s always projection with these people
So you actually think Ilhan Omar gave a speech in which she said “The US government will only do what Somalis in the US tell them to do.” You actually think she said that.
You’re so full of it.
She was speaking in her native tongue to her peeps thinking that no one was recording it and she was safe.
Since you refuse to believe it happened, then it couldn’t have happened.
How did that work out with Biden’s dementia at the debate?
So you think Ilhan Omar actually believes that Somali Americans control the government???? Then she’s a crazy person and not a threat to anyone. Either she is a nefarious agent working to destabilize the US for the sake of her pedophile, Islamist, Communist friends, or she’s an idiot. Saying both of those are true at once is moronic.
What makes her crazy?
The ex-PM of a country and a crowd of folks waving Somali flags believe she’s key to making sure the Biden admin sides with Somalia over Somaliland and Ethiopia.
Considering the influence of the Squad and the growing role of Somalis in Dem politics, there’s no real reason to think they’re wrong.
Hitler was a crazy person. Was he no threat to anyone?
I think that Ilhan Omar wants Somali Americans to control the US government. Weren’t the 9-11 hijackers “crazy” people?
You’re a moron to think you can convince anybody Inbred Omar didn’t say that. It’s on video, dumbfuck.
Omar still in the House is more glaring proof that the republican party is totally useless. She is a liar, a cheat, wholly corrupt and the evidence is there. Yet nothing is done about her. Nothing.
And she’s a rabid America and Jew hater.
Sir Richard Burton already had Somalia pegged in the 1800s. One of the worst places.
Somalia is not on my bucket list
lol … good one Muggs 🙂
Not unless it’s a barf bucket.
Yes, whatever the racial and ethnic background of those mongrels is, it’s obviously a mixture of the worst. No wonder they choose Islam.
Loyal to Somalia not America just like all Liberal Democrats who are loyal to the UN/Globalists
Such a crying shame the kinds of people we have allowed into our government. She should be dropped off in downtown Mogadishu scantily clad.
Anyone who says Somalis are ‘one people,’ ‘one blood’, and ‘organized’ is blowing smoke. They are a number of clans, perpetually warring among themselves and ready go do whatever it takes to screw over each other. They will work together against a common enemy, in this case the USA, but as soon as that is resolved, they’re at each other’s throat again.
same is true of most Muslim socieites
it’s why people in the Somali community in the U.S. keep leaking these videos
tik-tok is good for seeing videos made by the worst of the most threat – genocide jihadists October 7, 2023 Israel, videoed themselves and uploaded their ghastly deeds to tik-tok cause youtube would not have allowed slaughter videos and tik-tok isn’t as tied into the US and other governments in order to operate,- these videos are vital to know what is happening inside USA that is a pure threat to each and every one of us
If I wasn’t prepping for a colonoscopy tomorrow I would not be at home and have excess time to look back at this article I did not see with my normal morning cup of java scan and read of FP.
I have one question: why do they vote for someone like Ilhan Omar? How many terms has Omar served?
Omar is a very open and hostile threat to USA, Jews and Israel. Omar is 100% antisemitic and a traitor who has committed treason or will commit treason and is in a cabal of treasonous traitors that are disguised as the demoncrat party. The globalists know they can use Omar and no doubt currently are! Globalist deep state swamp network has everyone and will do all it can to protect their willing whore stooges. From main sleaze media propaganda, to bought off DA’s and judges to run a kangaroo trail and manipulate the law to use as “lawfare” – war fare using the law as I read about in books about communist nations from USSR, China, Cuba, on and on and of course the dictators and generalisimos of a coup d’etat. And coup d’etat we are in. A globalist coup d’etat with treasonous perps inside the US government, In CONgrASS, DOJ and currently demented fool in the White House. A criminal with a list of crimes against the USA and somehow kept getting elected!
They were paid in cash to vote for Omar, amongst other reasons.
It sure is an attempt at a coup d’etat by the Dirtbagocrap (I stole that one) party. The funny thing about globalist American politicians is that they push globalist policies but they would never tolerate outsiders controlling anything here, just like self professed commies like Bernout Sanders would never want to live under real communism.
A mischief of self serving phonies.
Colonoscopy 1: (Ex-Somali PM: Rep. Omar Doesn’t Represent America, She Represents Somalia – “The success of Ilhan is the success of Somalia.”) Now, if former Somali PM meant and was true, that Somali needs USA help, and Omar was not antisemitic and anti-USA and a total racist with insane myzzlym beliefs with no love for all and future generations and wanting a better world all around, then that would be ok as an immigrant that can legally be elected to serve in CONgrASS to serve and make improvements and life better for all. Omar, like the rest of the so-called ‘squad’ and their networks, are too busy plotting and planning to destroy their political opponents and all those who support them. This is the tentacles of the coup d’etat we are in. This coup d’etat and those willing participants who brazenly lie in front of the media and Congress, is the cancer that is destroying USA. You can fool a lot of the people a lot of the time with the main sleaze media. When life no longer matches to any of the lies the coup d’etat is vomiting, people start looking up. Something ain’t right and life is a nightmare now,
“Main sleaze media.” That’s still the best one I’ve heard, and there are a LOT of good ones.
That is a good one, and true.
Colonoscopy 1A: yet they keep telling us things are fine with old Joe and the squad and your favorite entertainers are their biggest backers and friends. When that horseshit is too much and start flowing in from the TV screen, and shortages and inflation prices are suddenly at once happening with open borders and horror stories of rape and murder along with the October 7, 2023 genocide massacre in Israel, then suddenly WTF happening in Ukraine seems like one big fabric connected to one big insidious and pervasive cabal that unleashed the pLandemic and rigged and stole the 2020 federal election in USA and the 2022 state election in Arizona, and made up impeachments against President Trump, along with made up crimes against President Trump by Soros backed DA’s, when he was no longer POTUS with instructions from the judge to the defendant and defendant’s legal team to present witnesses and evidence, gag orders and final instructions to the jury to guarantee a conviction!
This is the coup d’etat we are in and their kangaroo courts! They found out with the pLandemic how easy and swift they can control us and totally cut off supplies for our livelihoods! This is why we must vote November 5, 2024 for President Trump and every MAGA Republican and every RINO republican as long as they are Republican because RINOs will go either way. RINOs love to sell out. mike pence is a RINO – for example.
That’s all for sure.
F0r years my questions have been 1, how did 80,000 Somalis get the funds to make their way to Minnesota, and 2, how do they have the funds to stay there, in one of the most expensive places to live in the entire US?
Someone besides the Somalis is funding this, and the purpose is to help their artificial bloc elect anti-American representatives, which they have done.
Excellent analysis, Mr. Greenfield, as always.
Her father was a senior officer in a prior administration’s (warlord’s) army. His faction was deposed, so she and her father had to live in the desert in tents. Apparently, they lived some time in Britain. There was an Omar family in the US that brought them over here when she was 12 years old. That was immigration fraud because she was not related to the Omars, but it wasn’t chargeable to her because of her age. She adopted the name.
Later, she married her brother. The ceremony was performed by a Christian minister. They both got student aid and attended the U of ND. Her brother left and went to the UK.
Since she’s acting as an unregistered agent/lobbyist, that seems like a clear FARA violation. Biden’s DoJ won’t open an investigation, but hopefully the next one will. They should at the same examine the allegations of immigration fraud, electoral fraud, and education loan fraud.
“There’s a pattern to these videos. And the pattern is pretty clear.”
Yes, it’s a reelection campaign trying to raise money.