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The world can no longer ignore the crimes against humanity being committed in Iran. Last year over 1,000 executions took place in 86 of the mullahs’ medieval prisons. Those hanged included 34 women and 7 juvenile offenders, executed after they turned 18. Among those executed were 119 Baluchis, highlighting the disproportionate targeting of this marginalized and oppressed ethnic group.
Barbarically, 4 of the hangings were carried out in public in an attempt to terrify the rebellious youth into placid submission. Public hangings are generally from a construction crane, an especially slow and agonizing execution method.The frenzy of executions, over 70% of which took place since the so called ‘moderate’ president Masoud Pezeshkian took office in August, are testimony to the theocratic regime’s fear of imminent overthrow.
The psychotic and ageing Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, has watched the gradual unraveling of his warmongering stranglehold in the region, with the decapitation of his proxies Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The sudden and unexpected fall of Bashar al-Assad in Syria, the Islamic Republic’s greatest ally, has sounded the death knell for the mullahs’ regime. Now, Khamenei can only shudder in anticipation of the arrival of President Donald Trump, with his maximum pressure sanctions campaign and his unwavering antipathy to the Iranian regime’s sponsorship of international terrorism.
Ever since the mullahs hijacked the popular revolution that ousted the dictatorship of the Shah in 1979, they have resorted to bouts of brutal repression at times of crisis to subdue the populace. But their atrocities only strengthen the determination of the Iranian youth to overthrow the fascist tyranny. The regime must be ostracized by the international community and any dealings with it should be conditional on an end to executions and torture. Its leaders must be brought to justice. There can no longer be a business-as-usual approach by Western appeasers. Too much innocent blood is being spilled as Khamenei sets new records for crimes and executions in a bid to delay his inevitable downfall.
According to Amnesty International, the number of executions in Iran in 2023 accounted for about 74% of all documented executions worldwide. That record has been surpassed in 2024. Undeterred, the regime began the New Year with a fresh wave of hangings. 12 people were executed on 1 January 2025. Five prisoners were executed in Qezelhessar prison, five in Bandar Abbas and two more in Yasuj and Malayer. Among those executed were 119 Baluchis, highlighting the disproportionate targeting of this marginalized and oppressed ethnic group.
The Iranian regime’s involvement in the international drug trade has been known for years. Its elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) maintains extensive mafia networks, laundering billions of dollars of dirty money for gangsters and cartel Godfathers, helping the mullahs to overcome the impact of western sanctions, and providing the regime with the means to finance and supply its terrorist proxies. Despite this well-known fact, more than half of the victims (502 prisoners) were executed on drug-related charges. In Iran drug charges are commonly used as cover for the execution of political prisoners, particularly members or supporters of the main democratic opposition movement, the Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK).
Part of the IRGC’s narco-network was exposed after the fall of the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria.His regime played a key role in the captagon drug trade alongside Hezbollah. Captagon is an amphetamine-type stimulant widely misused in the Middle East. The US Treasury Department noted last year that Assad and his allies had“increasingly embraced the production and trafficking of captagon to generate hard currency.”Hezbollah were actively involved in supervising the building of a new captagon factory in eastern Syria before Bashar al-Assad’s ouster. They were being closely overseen by the IRGC.
The tumult of hangings is the tip of an iceberg of barbarism. The cruelty and inhumanity of Iran’s judicial system goes well beyond executions. Individuals may be arrested and indefinitely detained without charge on trumped-up offenses,and subjected to degrading treatment, including torture, in order to extract confessions. Those accused and/or convicted of perpetrating crimes are incarcerated in overcrowded prisons where they may be subject to torture, rape, and other atrocities. Iran’s densely populated and dirty penitentiaries are also breeding grounds for COVID-19 and other illnesses, and prisoners are often denied necessary medical care, personal protective equipment, and disinfectant. Under the mullahs’ ‘justice’ system they are denied rights such as access to legal counsel and a fair and speedy trial, and sentenced to other barbaric penalties such as amputation, blinding, and flogging.
In Urmia prison in West Azerbaijan province, the regime’s Sharia courts ordered the amputation of the fingers of two brothers for the crime of petty theft. On January 2 a further 4 prisoners were hanged in Urmia Central prison. Two other prisoners had their fingers amputated in the main prison in the Holy City of Qom. The supposedly ‘moderate’ president, Masoud Pezeshkian, demonstrated his moderation by allowing the prisoners to be anaesthetised before their limbs were amputated! In another blatant crime against humanity, Khamenei’s judiciary sentenced a political prisoner from the 2017 nationwide uprising to having his eyes gouged out, for allegedly blinding a State Security Force (SSF) officer by throwing a stone at him.
In a poignant Christmas letter smuggled out of the notorious Ghezel Hesar state prison in Karaj and written by a political prisoner called Saeed Masouri, now in his 25th year of incarceration,he recounted the relentless suffering and escalating executions under the Iranian regime. Masouri shared the heart-wrenching memories of lost cellmates taken to the gallows and the psychological scars of living under the constant threat of death, highlighting the human cost of a regime that executes one person every four hours on average.
Masouri’s harrowing letter was addressed to international human rights authorities, including the UN Human Rights Council, the UN Secretary General, and the UN Special Rapporteur on the Human Rights Situation in Iran. Surely now is the time for them to act. The West can no longer close its eyes to the suffering and human rights abuse that continues daily in Iran. Khamenei and his hangmen must be consigned to the dustbin of history.
Iran is undergoing a massive Christian conversion that’s driving the evil mullahs insane. Perhaps as many as 1 million people in the country have changed to the truth of Christ.
However, the demon Prince of Persia is not going to let Iran out of his clutches per the book of Revelation and the invasion of Israel.
God bless the innocent people of Iran undergoing this horrific war upon them.
The sooner the USAF plants some mushrooms in their illegal underground atomic bomb plants, the safer the world will be.
That certainly would explain the assassination of those two Iranian judges from a couple days ago. And frankly, if those two Iranian judges were the kind of inhuman monsters that were described in this article, then I think the world is a better place without those two Iranian judges living anymore.
And here in America where Liberals Whine about executing convicted Killers(Like Robert Alton Harris)and the M.S. Media and Liberal Beedinghearts say nothing about the Backward Stone Age Punishments in Islamic Nations like Iran and nothing from the Useless Nations or Amnesty International so far
The Iranian people have to rise up and take their country back. The western world can do the right thing by refusing to do business with them and that includes, REFUSING TO BUY THEIR DRUGS, but what we should NOT do is interfere militarily, show me one place where this has improved things.
People in the UK dare not even stand up to Yvette Cooper
I sympathize with the Iraninan people, but if they want freedom they will have to get it for themselves. I’m not sure why it’s the responsibility of “the west” to do something in Iran. Perhaps we could just start with not importing Ayatollah-minded people into our own countries where they rape and kill our citizens.
I think the author should go there and make them stop.
The Alahtolya Homeny is Dead and where he is now he wont be saying any about The Great Satan since he is with Satan in that Lake of Flames
People from countries where they hate the USA are allowed to immigrate to our country because our gutless congressmen hide behind the First Amendment to keep from having to tackle this thorny issue. They enable hundreds of thousands of America-hating zealots to live among us, chip away at our freedoms and garner political power. I have a solution… congress should define what is a “religion,” and that definition should specify that promoting, encouraging or requiring illegal acts against the government as in sedition or insurrection; or against the people both believers and non-believers by use of assault and battery, torture, maiming, rape or homicide are disqualifiers.
There is much talk about rooting out the ideology of Islamic terrorism. What is not mentioned is that the foundation of this type of terrorism is the theology of Islam’s “holy book” the Quran. For the Quran instructs in the use of violence and killing for the advancement of Islam. As found in, for example, 2:191. 5:33. 9:5, 111.123. 47:4. Therefore Islam is a false ,dangerous and deadly religion.
It should be made known that if the founder of the current Islamic tyranny ,Ayatollah Khomeini would still be alive today ,he would spit on those Westerners who say that “Islam is a non-violent religion.”
For as Ayatollah Khomeini had clearly announced that “Those who know nothing about Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war….There are hundreds psalms and hadiths urging of Muslims to value war and to fight. …I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.” [1] So if he was alive today who would spit on those Westerners who say that “Islam is a non-violent religion.” [1]
There are also many places in the Qu ‘ran that instruct in violence and killing for the cause of Islam.
As found in ,for example Surah 2:191. 4:89.. 5:33. 9:5, 111,112 ,123. 47:4.
[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq page 339.
No mention at all of what those 1,000 were executed FOR. I’d imagine there are at least a combined 1000 murders, rapes, kidnappings, and major acts of thievery, arson, etc. in a nation of that size.
The question you should be asking is why “civilized” nations allow so many psychotic, sociopathic criminals to exist in their midst.
Those current mass executions in that “mullah regime’ of Iran is nothing new in in regard to that Islamic tyranny. It denied based human rights to the most brutal cruel and, literally deadly extent possible.
It should be made known that if the founder of the current Islamic tyranny ,Ayatollah Khomeini would still be alive today ,he would spit on those Westerners who say that “Islam is a non-violent religion.”
For as Ayatollah Khomeini had clearly announced that “Those who know nothing about Islam pretend that Islam counsels against war….There are hundreds psalms and hadiths urging of Muslims to value war and to fight. …I spit upon those foolish souls who make such a claim.” [1] So if he was alive today who would spit on those Westerners who say that “Islam is a non-violent religion.” [1]
There are also many places in the Qu ‘ran that instruct in violence and killing for the cause of Islam.
As found in ,for example Surah 2:191. 4:89.. 5:33. 9:5, 111,112 ,123. 47:4.
[1] THE ISLAM IN ISLAMIC TERRORISM by Ibn Warraq page 339.
Even before the .now dead ,Rasis had come to the position of supreme power on Iran, he taken a heinous and deadly part in the extremely cruel, brutal and demonic misogyny of this hideous Islamic regime. Not only against women but even young girls.
As explained by a former Iranian Revolutionary Guard member who defected to the West and now lives in America his book also informs the reader about the malicious and murderous affront girls in Iran’s Evin prison which reads that those in power ,the “paraded teenage girls in front in front of me as they led them to their deaths. These girls were barely out of their childhood, barely old enough to think of themselves, much less form thoughts against the state. They knew nothing about the machinations of politics. They were innocent in every sense of the word and certainty innocent of trumped –up charges that led to their imprisonment. Yet they suffered fates too brutal for even the most vicious criminal. ..Their few remaining moments of life had been filled with the level of abuse that few can imagine…The author further states “They tortured and killed young girls, in God’s name and before their execution they raped them because they believed that if a girl dies virgin, she will go to heaven, and they wanted to deny them this reward.” [1]
[1] A TIME TO BETRAY by Reza Kahlili. Pages 2,3. 117.
In Canada thousands of people die from drug overdoses, Host governments both provincial and federal sanction the killing through free drugs, and very expensive (at taxpayers expense) drug dens, safe housing, food, clothing and a free bird lifestyle, Nobody seems to connect Canada’s sanctioned depravities with wrongdoing, or make a deal of it on the international stage. I think it a little tasteless of anyone outside of Iran care or comment on how that country deals with their nitwits, dopers and criminals? At least they’re dealing with them.
The entire Western World has zero Right to scream about other Nations and their Laws, Imprisonments, and Executions as we should let them be as it is their country and not ours however we should BLOCK or serious Vet any of the people are that come from such barbaric countries as many of them bring that crap with them as islam is a Fascist Religious Cult and very few even try to escape it..
I dont want them coming into our countries and imposing their crap on us, as they seem to be doing, so I dont want young Americans going into their countries to impose our values on them…
Fuck Em, let them all kill each other..