And now your latest Fake News brought to you by CNN, the official channel of Fake News, and sponsored by Pepsi.
When King Abdullah II of Jordan was presented with a wave of refugees from Syria, he welcomed more than a million people into his country.
When President Donald Trump was presented the same, he closed the door.
This is so wrong that it actually redefines the term wrong.
Not only hasn’t Jordan resettled any Syrian or Iraqi migrants, but after several generations it still refuses to grant citizenship to its own “Palestinians” who ended up there after a failed genocidal campaign of ethnic cleansing against Israel.
Much of Jordan’s population still doesn’t have citizenship. This has extensive legal implications for things like marriage.
Jordan has had to cope with a lot of Syrians showing up. Its coping strategy is to demand that America and Europe take them and resettle them. Resettling is a very different thing than opening a refugee camp. And when talking Turkey or Jordan (while bashing Trump) the media compulsively fudges the difference.
Resettling means taking people in permanently and allowing them to become citizens. Jordan hasn’t even allowed much of its own population to become citizens. It is not resettling anyone. Meanwhile the United States is resettling 50,000 refugees under Trump, not to mention countless numbers of immigrants.
“We also acknowledged the vital role that Jordan has played in hosting refugees from the conflict in Syria,” Trump said, adding that the United States will contribute more aide to Jordan for refugees.
“This aid will help countries like Jordan host refugees until it is safe for them to return home,” Trump said. “The refugees want to return home.”
Abdullah echoed this sentiment: “Most, if not all, Syrian refugees want to go back to Syria.”
That’s to say that neither country at this point is looking to resettle Syrians. CNN could have stated this honestly without the misleading lead. But CNN insists on further misleading…
Despite the troubles, though, Abdullah’s decision stands in stark contrast with Trump, who – days after assuming office in January – directed his administration to shut the door on Syrian refugees.
Abdullah didn’t have much of a decision to make. CNN portrays it as voluntary, but Jordan had no real ability to do anything to stop that many people from coming in. Jordan is an American client state. It relies largely on the US and Israel to keep from being actively invaded. And neither country was going to be much help there.
Jordan doesn’t want the Syrians there. It doesn’t have much choice about it. Plan A was to get Europe and America to take them. The current Plan B is to get foreign aid from America.
But to be clear about it, Jordan is not allowing them to immigrate. It’s, as CNN correctly put it, “hosting” them. What CNN and the rest of the left wants Trump to do is to allow them to immigrate here.
Maybe it’s time that CNN were honest about it.
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