The thing about hypothetical scenarios is that they work best if they stay hypothetical.
The House sergeant at arms, who was the head of the D.C. National Guard during the attack on the Capitol, told the Jan. 6 committee that the law enforcement response would have looked much different had the rioters been Black Americans.
“I’m African American. Child of the sixties. I think it would have been a vastly different response if those were African Americans trying to breach the Capitol,” William J. Walker told congressional investigators, in an interview transcript released Tuesday.
“You know, as a law enforcement officer, there were — I saw enough to where I would have probably been using deadly force,” he said. “I think it would have been more bloodshed if the composition would have been different.”
This isn’t a hypothetical because we actually saw what happened when Black Lives Matter race rioters attacked the White House and D.C. sites, including setting fire to the Church of the Presidents.
What was Walker’s response to that?
Walker said that National Guard troops were not involved in using force to clear Lafayette Park Monday night… saying that National Guard personnel held their positions and did not advance on the protesters and emphasizing that National Guard personnel are stationed in order to minimize their interactions with protesters.
“They held the line, they never advanced on the crowd,” Walker said.
Asked whether the low overflights were directed by the Pentagon leadership, Walker said they were not, saying the incident is under investigation.
“I have a Joint Task Force Commander, a general that serves under me, and he had the aircraft in the air. I am not a pilot. So I don’t know if that was the, if they were too low. I don’t know if they were too low. Here is what I can tell you, a full investigation is underway right now. It is going to be thorough, it is going to be comprehensive,” he said.
Pilots were later sanctioned for flying low over the vicious hate-filled racist mobs out to terrorize Americans.
Military brass who walked with Trump to the vandalized church quickly apologized and launch racial purges within their service branches.
The FBI did little to intercept and arrest the racist BLM thugs.
And Walker emphasized how unwilling he was to do his job in the face of the race rioters. Where was all the bloodshed that he claimed would have happened?
So yes, the response would have been very different if BLM racists had been penetrating the Capitol.
Everyone would have been obligated to take a knee, raise a fist, chant BLM’s racist slogan and anyone who objected would have been canceled and then arrested.
Instead of calling it an “insurrection”, it would have been described as an “uprising” or “civil unrest” and the media would have contextualized it within the latest police shooting of a junkie thug and the entire history of slavery.
We know that’s what would have happened because that is what did happen.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yeah, I was just thinking about hypotheticals earlier in the evening. Even very smart people often get it radically wrong when they speculate about hypotheticals. The best strategy I have come up with so far, when asked about hypotheticals, is to say “I don’t do hypotheticals” or something like that.
Andrew Blackadder says
If black people in America demand they are now called African Americans then I demand that white people are called European American, just as there are Asian Americans or Hispanic Americans.
European Americans generally know where Europe is located on a World Map and know where their heritage came from in Europe, but everybody is calling them White, whereas the average black person in the USA does NOT know where Africas is located and some have even called it a country.
Ive also notice that Black American is always with a Capital B while white Americans are not Capitalized.
Methinks this is indeed racism.
rocco barbella says
There was an article by Walter Williams where he stated of all the things blacks have been called over the years: negro, colored, etc. “African American” is the most ignorant.
Many blacks and white liberals say they use the term African American because they don’t know what country their ancestors are from. I always come back with Obama knew where his parents are from. His father is from Kenya and his white mother’s ancestors from Ireland. Yet, he’s referred to as African American.
They shuts them down.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I agree. “Black” and “white” are really gross generalizations that little descriptive power. When I was young, my race was called “Anglo” and I was an “Anglo-American.” The roots of “Anglo” refer to the English and this describes the majority of my ancestors.
“European” is perhaps closer to a term I like best: westernkind. “Westernkind” acknowledges the various roots from Israel, Athens and Rome. That is the flavor of America. I am grateful western civilization came to the British Isles. I am grateful I am an American.
Lightbringer says
“Westernkind” is a great idea. Anyone can claim to be part of it if they value Western civilization.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I have taken that term from Jason Kohne. He is not known well, but has written a very good book about his love for his people, whom he calls “westernkind.” The book is “Going Free: A Guide to Aligning with the Archetype of Westernkind.” A very short, well-written book.
He is a young man. He wrote the book after experiencing prolonged and focussed hatred from teachers and peers throughout his formative school years from the “blessings of diversity.”
Cat says
i don’t feel like a European American or a European at all although I enjoyed touring parts of Europe, foreign countries to me.
Isnt time to discard the hyphenated victim groups? And just be individuals?
I have American citizenship as I was born here. I feel less and less connected to this place and more connected to my particular heritage. But thats my private business. These victim groupings, pronoun obsessions, skin color designations, are all a drag now. Call me whatever you want.
Just don’t call me late for supper.
Lightbringer says
Over a century ago Teddy Roosevelt spoke out against any kind of hyphenated American and stated that we are all just Americans, wherever our ancestors — or we ourselves — were born. I’ve always liked that.
Kynarion Hellenis says
If I remember accurately, you live in New York, most likely in a part that is predominantly Asian. What you are saying is that your feeling is with your people who share your birth heritage. The word “nation” is cognate with the idea of “birth.”
I wonder if you would feel the same if this were the nation of your ancestral birth, language and customs? If your government were opening its borders to all manner of third-world hordes, who did not share your language and customs, but which your taxes were supporting?
Perhaps you can go home. Where can westernkind go? Where would we be welcome?
rocco barbella says
Of course. If blacks entered into the Capital the media wouldn’t even cover it. If they did, it would be favorable coverage. As Daniel noted we saw the response when blacks destroy. We had an entire summer to witness the peaceful protests.
We saw a black Capital Police Officer shoot and kill an unarmed white woman, who posed no threat to anyone. He got away with murder.
Cat says
If blacks entered it would be “profound” If Muslims entered it would be “ beautiful”
Maybe Hispanics could get away with it.
Asians not so much.
btw, I do not the crowd were all white people. ( old white cis gendered men toothless and uneducated clingers etc etc). .
Kasandra says
Great column! Right you are.
Mark Sochor says
Who does Walker think he’s fooling? This was a MAGA supporters deep state set up from the get go.
The nations capital officials from Pelosi and the DC mayor on down helped designed the situation that happened to be used just as it has been. FBI operatives encouraging the crowd to doors being opened with enough incitement of the crowd to ensure just enough violent footage to validate the bogus “insurrection” narrative. Now the democrats are all in unison singing the “MAGA domestic terrorist” song. And there are enough low IQ people to eat it up with a spoon. The last election results as my proof.
WJ says
It is interesting that the vast majority of black people who are intelligent tend to equate themselves with conservatives regardless of skin color. They are excepted as equal with other conservatives, at least those I know anyway.
Those who equate themselves with the left/d’s are more on the same level with the democrats who equate themselves with the illegals coming across our southern border. Lawlessness doesn’t try to be equal with anyone unless they are lawless themselves. That is why the left/d’s blind themselves purposely to how people are suffering because of their open border nonsense and refusal to take any responsibility for what they are creating.
As the saying goes, “what goes around comes around,” They ain’t gonna like what they have created when it comes back around like a runaway freight train on the same track in a tunnel with no way out.
Yeppers, they deserve everything that is going to happen to them, it won’t be pretty.
David Mu says
Well, if most (or all) had been black, I wouldn’t have my resident leftist going on and on about it. It’s now political porn for the herd to keep them faithful to the cause. I suggested it, once to my resident leftist and I, at least, had a few hours of peace from this third rate struggle session as it stopped – for awhile.
Al Fargnoli says
Daniel, you are the leftists worst nightmare. You aren’t afraid to speak the truth.