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Sen. Chris Murphy (D – Tehran) doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo that the famine hoax has fallen apart and Hamas tossed it aside after the Biden – Witkoff deal allows it to claim victory.
But after the Trump administration froze the gravy train of aid, including $50 million in condoms for Gaza, Sen. Murphy tweeted that “It’s a lie. Made up. There was no U.S. funding for condoms in Gaza. What he stopped is programs to keep malnourished babies alive in Gaza. Aid groups say infants will start to die next week.”
Everyone knows the perpetually malnourished infants in Gaza can’t live without condoms. That then get turned into bombs.
In fact the government’s own website shows $45 million being sent to the UNFPA to “SUPPORT SEXUAL AND REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH (SRH) CARE CLOSE TO THE DISPLACED POPULATIONS” under the State Department’s BUREAU OF POPULATION, REFUGEES AND MIGRATION. The UNFPA is the United Nations Population Fund which acts as the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency.
None of this has anything to do with ‘malnourished babies’.
The media quickly went into ‘fact check’ mode.
Fact check: $50 million for condoms in Gaza? Five big reasons to be skeptical Trump’s story is true – CNN
Trump Administration Makes Unsupported Claim About $50 Million for Condoms to Gaza – Fact Check
The ‘fact checking’ had the media play its usual game of declaring that the claim was ‘unsupported’, nitpicking at the details and diverting attention away to the International Medical Corps for Gaza (which is where Sen. Murphy got his starving babies nonsense) and direct shipments rather than the UNFPA.
This is a game that the media’s fact-checking ops routinely play. It’s called playing dumb.
Biden’s former guy on the scene came closest to admitting the truth.
Andrew Miller, who served as deputy assistant secretary for Israeli-Palestinian affairs under former US president Joe Biden, calls the claim “outlandish.”
“It’s possible that $50 million is put aside for sexual health or something of that nature, which would include gynecology and many other services, but definitely not condoms alone,” he tells The Times of Israel.
Multiple lefty sites (and CATO’s libertarian Reason spam factory) quoted Miller’s ‘outlandish’ claim, but not his follow-up admission. It appears to even be reasonably accurate in that the $50 million didn’t just cover condoms, but ‘sexual health programs’ aimed at various forms of birth control.
Selectively quoting Miller demonstrated the media’s calculated dishonesty.
If future terrorists in gaza die then we won’t have to spend treasure or blood killing them later. Sounds like a win-win
In fact, for ALL of the third world, we should STOP feeding them. If their local government policies, land resources and agricultural practices can’t feed their population, then their population needs to decline to the point local conditions can sustain it. Ensuring a larger population by providing food only ensures larger future populations and MORE food. Regardless of how much the farm state lobby likes this it’s crazy geopolitics… We need to STOP getting in Darwin’s way.
Feeding them also enables them to emigrate to America, both legally and illegally.
Hi Daniel, FYI on a decent article in yesterday’s Federalist by Shawn Fleetwood. Although it lacks completeness WRT AF Gen Slife’s deleterious leadership during AFSOC (altering training standards to get a female officer into AF special warfare), it’s a good piece. https://thefederalist.com/2025/01/30/5-military-officials-whose-damaging-left-wing-antics-must-be-accounted-for/
The Air Force is so far keeping an all black female DEI group in fighter jet training. Racism and sexism at the same time. I’m surprised they didn’t choose all lesbians.
Have you considered creating a webpage here where we can keep a tally of all the lies told by the Lefty Congress critters and their collaborators?
It could lead to a game like fantasy football – creating teams of Democrats, RINOs, etc. to create the most lies per House session.
Didn’t mean the down vote – wouldn’t let me “UNVOTE”! Odd that you can UP VOTE and DOWN VOTE! Your idea is already in place since everything they’ve said is archived – ALL LIES! I guess a running COUNT would be a great addition, but the libers would LIE about LYING!
Even the UN has finally admitted there is no food shortage in Gaza, much less the famine and starvation the “fact checkers” have been wailing about since the IDF began its Hamas extermination mission.
So now they need Condoms to save the Infants what about some Real Food Releaf instead
Con-necticut Senator Chris Murphy has always been one of the truly moronic Senators in our time.
Doesn’t matter what the money is for, we need to stop spending and sending money all over the world that we just don’t have. When the deficit is down and we have a surplus, then we can send money for aid.
Condom’s Tunnel Cement
Proudly Serving Hamas for 3 Decades
Aloha Snackbar !!!
Money going for condoms in Gaza will be redirected to weapons and this fool of a Senator knows it. All foreign aid should be cut, all money to NGOs should be cut, only $1 per year to all the UN, and all grants to Universities should be cut due to the heavy Federal debt.
The only germane question in this matter is this: Who were the Washington DC politicians in on the grift and what was their cut of that $50 million if the bill passed?
It’s quite obvious that the “corrupticrats” in Washington DC have hundreds of ways to launder money and very likely auxiliary means of laundering money to thwart the prying eyes of the federal bureaucracy. (e.g., OMB, etc.)
That is if the federal bureaucracy isn’t already in on the grift. I err on the side that says they are. Dr. Fauci and friends know a thing or two about how that works!
The thought of keeping terrorist interns alive makes my blood run cold!
Why? It’s been par for the course since GWB invaded Iraq. If we had killed all those Islamic rats & roaches we wouldn’t have the problems we have today.
And I hope like hell that Trump exterminates the Mexican drug cartels. They actually run the country. Anyone who thinks the so-called Mexican government controls the entire country of Mexico is childishly naive and ignorant of the truth. Sorry to sound so harsh but it’s an indisputable fact.