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Calls for reparations payments for the descendants of slaves and colonized peoples, the “latest obsession of the radical left,” as The Hill puts it, are currently growing, as is the tab. For example, San Francisco is proposing paying $5 million to each black resident, along with a guaranteed income of $97,000 for 250 years, and a home for a dollar. California is proposing cash payments of up to $1.2 million at a cost of $800 billion–three times the state’s annual budget. Not to be left out of the bidding, the Feds are asking for $14 trillion. But sponsor Rep. Cori Bush claims that is nowhere near the $97 trillion owed to blacks for slavery and Jim Crow.
This combination of obsession and grift also has infected England. On the eve of his coronation, Charles III was served a statement from the “commonwealth indigenous leaders.” They called on the new king “to acknowledge the horrific impacts on and legacy of genocide and colonization,” and to “redistribute the wealth that underpins the crown back to the peoples from whom it was stolen.” Given the extent and duration of the British Empire, that tab will no doubt be astronomical.
The rationale for this prohibitively expensive largess is a crude, Orwellian politicized history of the sort the left is famous for. The current proposals are unlikely to happen, but they are nonetheless racist and divisive, a testimony to how badly we are teaching history and civics––despite how dangerous to the public weal such neglect can be.
In practical terms, these schemes have numerous problems. How will eligibility be determined? Will state and federal governments investigate the genealogy of every American to determine if their ancestors were slave-owners? And what about the multiple millions of descendants of immigrants, including ethnic Africans, who came after the Civil War? Just in California there are more than 15 million ethnic Hispanics guiltless of American slavery and Jim Crow segregation.
Other questions abound. Will foreign-born blacks or their descendants be eligible? How about mixed-race Americans? Will the payments be means-tested? Or will the programs rely on “systemic racism” rhetorical sleight-of-hand to avoid these complications? In that view, given that all blacks have suffered, and given that all so-called “white people,” no matter how poor, are born with “white privilege,” all people of pallor should pay. And since tax-revenues will be used to fund the payments, all ethnicities, with their own histories of oppression and injustice, will have to pay their fellow citizens who never suffered slavery.
More important, this fetishizing of American slavery as a unique evil willfully ignores the larger history of slavery. Most pertinent is the question raised by “Royal Watcher” Hilary Fordwich: who supplied the Africans that were sold? As my professor of black history at UCLA said, Europeans didn’t drop from helicopters to snatch up Africans from their homes. Africans and Arabs rounded up the inventory and sold them into slavery. The African king of Dahomey, one of the biggest suppliers of slaves for the Atlantic slave trade in the 17th and 18th centuries, supposedly said that “the slave trade has been the ruling principle of my people. It is the source of their glory and wealth. Their songs celebrate their victories and the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery.”
Indeed, as Ghanaian professor John Azumah points out, while an estimated 11 million Africans crossed the Atlantic, “a minimum of 28 million Africans were enslaved in the Muslim Middle East. Since at least 80% of those captured by the Muslim slave traders were calculated to have died before reaching the slave markets, it is believed that the death toll from 1,400 years of Arab and Muslim slave raids into Africa could have been as high as 112 million.” Since without the African and Muslim participation in the slave trade it most likely wouldn’t have grown into a global business, why aren’t their descendants responsible for reparations to their enslaved offspring?
The demand for reparations for colonialism is equally flawed by bad history. To hear the left and its current “woke” iteration, only the West, and especially the U.S., are guilty of colonialism. Yet one of the greatest and most successful colonial empires ever was created by Muslims starting in the 7th century A.D., eventually conquering and inhabiting the great Byzantine and Persian empires. Muslim armies at one point occupied and exploited two-thirds of the Roman Empire. And as Middle East historian Efraim Karsh writes, Muslim conquerors “acted in a typical imperialist fashion from the start, subjugating indigenous populations, colonizing their lands, and expropriating their wealth and resources.”
Even more shameless, leftists have never acknowledged or demand accountability from the communist Soviet Union for its colonial empire. When the Bolsheviks overthrew the tsarist’s regime in 1917, they kept the central Asian territories that the tsars had conquered and incorporated into the Russian empire. The communists perfumed these colonies as “Soviet Republics.” After World War II, their colonial empire was expanded by adding the eastern European nations that were occupied and exploited as virtual colonies of the USSR. They were rechristened as “Warsaw Pact nations.”
And unlike the West, neither Islam nor Russia decolonize by choice. Though driven from Europe, Islam still occupies North Africa, the Middle East, and Anatolia, once the possessions of the Roman and Byzantine Empires. And Russia’s central Asian colonies gained their independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union engineered by the West and lead by Ronald Reagan. These historical facts undercut the clichéd leftist arguments about the West’s “essential evil,” as philosopher Pascal Bruckner put it, of which “every Westerner is presumed guilty until proven innocent,” and which “must be relentlessly atoned for.” This malign sensibility is one of the driving forces behind reparations.
And not just for colonialism. The Soviet Union’s postwar influence on decolonization was extended by cultural Marxism to American minorities, who were characterized as “internal colonial subjects.” Hence the solidarity of American black nationalists with ex-colonial nations like Algeria in Africa and the Middle East; the legitimization of violent resistance like that employed in anti-colonial revolutions; and the rejection of the Civil Rights movements and its principle of non-violence that exploded in the Sixties in destructive urban riots, sowing the seeds of today’s dysfunctional, crumbling blue-state cities.
This malign dynamic has been documented by Mary Grabar in her essential study The Debunking of Howard Zinn, whose propagandistic screed A People’s History of the United States has been and remains hugely influential among American leftist educrats. In a recent article for American Greatness, Grabar tracks the influence of Soviet communism and its American franchise in the Civil Rights movement. The goal was to turn its more radical elements into a communist tool, from the urban riots in the Sixties to the Black Lives Matter hustlers today.
But the beginning of this influence can be seen in the Communist Party’s interference in the 1931 Scottsboro case involving eight young black men accused of raping white women. Recounting black conservative journalist George Schuyler’s contemporary reporting on the trial, Grabar writes,
“Schuyler saw that the Communist campaign was intended to propagandize against the American justice system for the purpose of fundraising and recruitment. And the longer the ‘boys’ stayed in prison, the better. In fact, it would be even better for the Communist cause if one or more of the prisoners died on the electric chair. Fortunately, this did not happen, but the ‘boys’ lingered in jail for years as the Communists wrested the case away from the NAACP and sabotaged their legal case, while stirring up violent protests across the globe.”
This modus operandi has survived and flourished all the way to the violent protests over the Michael Brown and George Floyd shootings, the latter igniting widespread looting, vandalism, arson, and assaults in the summer of 2020.
Finally, the idea of reparations paid for by the descendants of people who lived centuries ago, is a travesty of justice. It reflects primitive notions of justice that violate the equal protection under law guaranteed by the Constitution, as well as the ancient fundamental principle that, as Aeschylus put it, “the doer suffers” for his crimes.
In fact, some justifications of Southern slavery were predicated on the opposite principle. The moral rightness of enslaving Africans was found in the biblical story of Noah’s drunkenness in Genesis 9:20-23. Noah gets drunk on his own wine, and passes out naked in his tent. His son Ham looks at Noah’s nakedness and laughs at him, then tells his brother Shem and Japheth, who avert their eyes while covering their father. Noah curses Ham and his progeny: “a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren.”
Some exegetes see this verse as a Hebraic justification for the conquest of Canaan. But Americana slavocrats used it to justify the enslavement of Africans, reflecting the unjust primitive notion that the sins of the father and their punishment are transmitted to all their offspring.
Similarly, premodern anti-Semitism was justified by a biblical verse. In the account of Jesus’s trial before Pilate, the mob of Jews demanding his death overcome Pilate’s hesitation by shouting, “His blood be on us and on our children” (Matthew 27:25). There is no implication in the text that this acceptance of guilt applied to all Jews forever, instead of those particular Jews standing before Pilate.
So two of the great evils of history, anti-Semitism and race-based slavery, were predicated on a primitive notion of “justice”–– just as today’s reparations movement does.
But we know what it’s all really about––political power and money. All those billions in reparations will not go to changing the dysfunctions plaguing the black underclass, most resulting from welfare and other redistributive federal programs that have weakened the black family and black character, while privileged cognitive elite blacks gain leverage for more clout.
As usual, some “black lives matter” more than others.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks Bruce!
And all this happening while the national government is on the brink of default.
Also shows the deficiency of math education and economics education among certain populations.
THX 1138 says
“Facts don’t matter when you’re morally right.” – AOC
What morality is AOC referring to? The moral code of altruism and self-sacrifice which is the moral basis of religion and Marxism.
Since altruism and self-sacrifice are supernatural, mystical, magical thinking, primitive notions of morality, not based on the facts of reality, for the religionist like the Marxist facts don’t matter.
Jesus Christ wasn’t concerned with the facts of reality, he sacrificed himself for his delusional, supernatural, fantasy of eternal life in a supernatural utopia. The Marxist replaces that supernatural utopia with his mystical, future utopia, which never arrives, because it doesn’t exist.
Both altruist, fantasy, utopias lead to death and nothing more. Death is their ideal. Death is their goal.
Old Fogey says
Psalm 53:1 The fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt and their ways are vile; there is not one who does good.
THX 1138 says
Original Sin is a doctrine of passionate hatred against man and all of mankind. Against this Earth and the pursuit of happiness on Earth.
“So, let us ask some questions no one is asking. Why is it immoral to ascribe guilt to all Jews, but not immoral to ascribe guilt to all mankind? How can anyone know, without first considering our specific choices and actions, that you or I are guilty? How can you or I be responsible for the death of a man killed some two thousand years ago? To make any sense of the accusation, one must recognize that one is here dealing with, albeit in a more sophisticated form, the same collectivist mentality as the racist’s. For the anti-Semite, to be Jewish is to be evil. For the devout Christian, to be human is to be evil.” – “A Passion Against Man” – Onkar Ghate
“A Passion Against Man”
Kynarion Hellenis says
“Ayn Rand correctly identified the fact that morality ends where a gun begins.”
Morality does not begin OR end with a gun. Morality does not begin OR end with force.
Here is the Webster’s 1828 definition:
“The practice of the moral duties; virtue. We often admire the politeness of men whose morality we question.”
Morality springs from virtue and is a way and discipline of living. You admire the appearance of morality, the elegance and dress of 1940’s and 50’s moviestars. But that appearance has NOTHING to do with their personal virtue. I find it very interesting that that statement was contained in the 1828 definition as you had given it as an example. Look deeper than the appearance, THX.
Ayn Rand is not the source of perfection, moral or otherwise. Her life condemner her morals on several rather famous occasions. This does NOT mean she or her teachings are without value.
THX 1138 says
Who’s God? God and Jesus Christ are two separate ideas. The Jews reject the idea that Jesus is God and so do the Muslims.
The New Testament says the Jews asked the Romans to execute Jesus of Nazareth precisely for his heretical, blasphemous, claim that he was God.
Torquemada and John List were Christians and committed evil atrocities in the name of Christianity. By “evil” I mean evil defined by a rational standard in their religious thinking they were doing good by a Christian standard.
Kynarion Hellenis says
The Christian itch won’t go away. It is foundational and definitional for you. To be defined by hate is a miserable thing. You even admit your preference for WASP culture — and so you are a parasite, unable or unwilling to see the foundations that give rise to it as you celebrate its demise.
I gave up on you when you refused the standard dictionary definition for a word forming the foundation of your religious belief: Reason. You insisted upon defining “reason” as “man’s mind.” You do not understand the absolutely terrifying implications of this insistence. You refuse the incontrovertible fact that reason is a mere tool men use in the service of good or evil.
I still pray for you, THX. Your intense hatred does not put you beyond hope. Indifference is much worse than hate and you are not that.
But you are unaware of your deeply stupid and irrational foundation which requires a false assumption you desperately defend: that everything GOOD and MORAL is produced by your little god of man’s mind and its wretched apostle Ayn Rand.
Are you intelligent enough, brave enough to grapple with ugly truths and adjust your thinking?
If you are right and I am wrong, you will be able to RATIONALLY counter the arguments made in this Prager U video. I will publicly apologize for antagonizing you if you can do that. Go ahead. Make me eat crow, THX.
Old Fogey says
Since you asked, and despite your unwillingness to learn, but for the benefit of other readers, the whole Jewish Bible (what Christians call the Old Testament) is a foretelling of Jesus of Nazareth, true man and true God, present with God the Father at the beginning and from both of whom proceeds the Holy Spirit. In the Jewish Bible, God speaks in the plural, and many Jews believed the messiah would be God with us.
The Caliph of Damascus commissioned the writing of the Quran to underpin the successful conquest of the Mediterranean rim by Arabs after that conquest. There are no contemporaneous records of Islam during the conquest, and there is no verification of the existence of the prophet of Allah.
No figure in antiquity is more and more independently verified by historical documents than Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus lived to fulfill the Mosaic law and to win freedom from sin and eternal life for those who have faith in him, and to proclaim triumph over sin to the righteous who had passed before His death on the cross.
The only way to the Father is through the Son. Solely by faith in Him will your sins be pardoned. All have sinned, except Jesus, and all will sin. Those who claim Christ’s righteousness will stand blameless before the Father on the day of judgment.
Have a blessed day.
Intrepid says
You have no idea who or what God is. So you really should stop pontificating and showing us how ignorant and prejudiced you.
But I guess when an itch itches, you just have to keep scratching it don’t you.
One would think after three years of insulting Christians and Jews one get the hint. Obviously with your narcissistic personality disorder in full flower, you are too addled to notice it.
THX 1138 says
To Kynarion Hellenis:
I do admire the old and now eroded WASP cultural standard personified by such Hollywood stars as Cary Grant, Katherine Hepburn, Sidney Poitier, and Diahann Caroll. What I admire is a culture of politeness, respect for the rights of others, stoic emotional reticence, good manners, articulate use of language, elegance in dress and bearing. But those qualities are not the product of Protestant Christianity. If anything they are the product of the influence of the philosophy of pagan Stoicism on the West. The Stoics counseled reason above emotion, what are dignity and elegance but the use of reason to channel emotions into their proper place and intensity?
The Japanese and the Chinese have high etiquette cultures too, those cultures are not Christian nor Stoic. Good manners can emerge in a culture despite not being Christian or ever having heard of Stoic philosophy.
THX 1138 says
To Kynarion Hellenis #2:
Reason IS man’s mind, reason is his mental, intellectual, faculty and capacity. His consciousness, awareness, and perception of reality. Reason begins with the evidence of reality provided by man’s five senses. Reason is both a faculty and a process, a CHOSEN process. Reason is VOLITIONAL, it is not automatic. At any point in the process of choosing to reason a man can choose to evade all the facts of reality, all the facts of the situation.
In his video Dennis Prager uses evasion of the full context of all the facts of the situational examples he uses to demonstrate that reason is defective and flawed. He NEVER explicitly and precisely defines what reason and logic are, he NEVER defines them. But nevertheless he proceeds to equate the evasion of reality as a valid instance of reasoning. If a student evades the fact that he needs to learn Calculus in order to become an engineer and cheats his way to an A in Calculus he has not achieved his goal of learning Calculus, that is not an instance of rationality, but an instance of evading the facts of reality, it is an instance of irrationality, not reason. Because he can never become an engineer without that mastery of calculus. Sooner or later his evasion of reality will catch up to him, his ignorance of Calculus will be obvious when he tries to design a bridge, if he ever gets that far, which he won’t.
THX 1138 says
To Kynarion Hellenis #3,
Ayn Rand correctly identified the fact that morality ends where a gun begins. There can be no rational or irrational choices under a Nazi dictatorship. Reason and morality depend on free will, on the freedom to think AND to act on the conclusions of your thinking.
A Nazi dictatorship is an emergency that needs to be stopped so that men can regain the freedom to be able to be moral.
Under any kind of dictatorship the freedom to think and act is paralyzed by the gangsters with the guns, prisons, torture chambers, concentration camps, and gas chambers.
In such a situation men can sneak in kindness, benevolence, charity, compassion, saving a life, when or if they can, but such benevolence cannot be properly defined as moral or immoral, rational or irrational. Reason and moral action require freedom and liberty.
Kynarion Hellenis says
You did not watch the video. You thought I posted this:
Dennis Prager never uses “evasion” or expresses “that reason is defective and flawed.”
Prager says reason is a tool, and it can be employed in the pursuit of good or evil. You deny this obvious truth and claim that “evil is irrational.” This is because ALL good, for you resides in “reason” which you define as “man’s mind.” THX, this is deeply stupid. Why can you not see it?
But I was not posting that Prager U video. It does not feature Dennis Prager but Peter Kreeft. I doubt you will watch. If you do, I doubt it can separate you from your false presuppositions. I predict you will fight with the classic tactics of the weak: misrepresentation and special word meanings like “reason is man’s mind.”
I predict you will continue to scratch the hateful Christian itch. You will defend your house of cards no matter how desperate and unreasonable. God help you THX. Yours is a pitiful estate glaringly obvious to anyone who can think.
THX 1138 says
To Kynarion Hellenis #4:
Kynarion I apologize, you are correct I did not view this new video because I mistakenly assumed that once again you were directing me to the Prager video. I have just seen this Kreeft video.
The source of morality is not anything or anyone supernatural. The “source” of an objective, rational, morality is LIFE, human life, the requirements of sustaining and maintaining human life on Earth. “Natural” rights are just that, natural, not supernatural. Natural rights, natural morality, are derived from man’s rational nature and his requirements for flourishing, achieving his natural happiness on Earth. There’s nothing supernatural about that.
Reason is man’s tool of knowledge with this tool man discovers that the STANDARD of judging what is good or evil is man’s life, man’s life as man, the rational being. The being who survives by production, by innovation, by discovery, by science, by ever more sophisticated technology. Man has no instincts for survival like the other animals, everything he needs to survive must be discovered and produced by his reasoning mind.
A man can choose to live at a subhuman level at the level of a predator, looter, gangster, thug, parasite, conman, fraudster, but in order to do so he is depending on the men who choose to live as men, by production and trade, without the men who choose to live as men, the predator, parasite, or fraud perishes.
Kynarion Hellenis says
“Reason IS man’s mind, reason is his mental, intellectual, faculty and capacity.”
If reason were defined as “man’s mind,” then it would have almost limitless variation. Some minds are capable of reason. Other minds have no capacity for it. No mind is capable of perfect reason in the assessment of all reality unless reality is less than capacity of mind potential.
Point: Your definition is fatally flawed.
However, your responses show the first mention of “reason” as a tool. This was once vehemently denied by you. You also apologized to me, and that, also is some progress towards humility – and absolutely essential part of human intelligence.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Part 1 of 2:
““Natural” rights are just that, natural, not supernatural. Natural rights, natural morality, are derived from man’s rational nature and his requirements for flourishing, achieving his natural happiness on Earth. There’s nothing supernatural about that.”
THX, you did not, as I challenged you to do, respond to any of the arguments given by Dr. Kreeft. Your only attempt was to regurgitate your previous assertions of reason being man’s mind and the source of morality. Kreeft’s point was that reason, while a powerful tool, could not be the source of morality. Reason can be used to murder with greater power and efficiency–an undeniable evil vitiating its use as a stand-in for “morality.”
Conversely, saving the life of a stranger (example of gentiles hiding Jews) is definitely a moral excellence, but NOT rational or reasonable. Is it not good, virtuous and MORAL to save the life of another? It may not be reasonable, but it is moral. Therefore reason is NOT morality.
You have made progress, THX. If you can understand that reason is not a mind, but a tool, and further, can be employed for good or for evil, then you will not betray your beloved Ayn Rand or magically become a hated Christian. But you will have a stronger grasp upon reality and rid yourself of some of the cultish stupidity to which you are in thrall.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Part 2 of 2:
““Natural” rights are just that, natural, not supernatural. Natural rights, natural morality, are derived from man’s rational nature and his requirements for flourishing, achieving his natural happiness on Earth. There’s nothing supernatural about that.”
Your words above say morality is natural, derived from man’s nature and required for achieving happiness.
If morality is natural, then it happens naturally and is not the result of learning, effort or discipline. Observation of reality and reason should teach you that morality is not natural. It is NOT denied from man’s nature. If it were, we would not need tirelessly to inculcate these things in our children. If it were, we would not need laws to curb the natural inclinations of humanity to injure one another intentionally and unintentionally in the pursuit of their own flourishing.
If reason / morality is necessary to achieve flourishing and happiness, then how do you explain the immoral flourishing of drug cartels? Are not drug cartel bosses motivated by their own happiness and “good”? Would they listen to the argument that their actions make them unhappy because they are immoral / irrational?
Morality is different from reason or logic. It is not natural, but can be expressed in natural ways. It does NOT change with the times as the ways of flourishing change.
Intrepid says
Still scratching that itch, aren’t you. Hope it doesn’t get infected but it looks the rot has obviously gone to your brain.
As always the article is not about you, altruism and self-sacrifice, supernatural, mystical, magical thinking, primitive notions of morality and Christ. It is about paying off blacks to vote Democrat.
Perhaps you should go to a liberal site, because it is the idiot dems, atheists all, who are practicing bribery, and stop badgering us who are already against reparations.
You never really read the room correctly, do you.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Another thing that bugs me, is that the article is about economics, and we never get to discuss the practical economics because of all the philosophical nonsense about altruism. I have been thinking about all the things that could go wrong after a default, but I just this afternoon realized a whole new class of problems that could occur. For example, many people are dependent on various government programs, what happens if those programs are no longer being funded? Food stamps, housing subsidies, etc. If the organizations providing those services aren’t being paid, what happens to the little guys? If no medicare, what happens if one has a medical emergency and calls 911?
The morons talking about reparations don’t realize that instead of reparations, they are on the verge of losing all the welfare support they have been collecting all their lives. Dreaming of reparations, but ending up in the gutter.
Kynarion Hellenis says
I think the people dependent upon government services will experience much the same stress that Negroes experienced after emancipation and the Civil War. Maybe worse. Every source acknowledges the deaths of hundreds of thousands of these former slaves. One book estimates one million of the four million Negro slaves died of starvation and disease after emancipation.
But slaves knew how to work and the modern welfare class does not. I do not know how to adjust for things like antibiotics or the future availability of health care – which might also collapse.
But, the major indicators would certainly point to disaster. God help us.
ron says
IQ wise, blacks, as a whole, are 30% dumber than whites. That is why they can’t compete and must use muscle and violence to get what they want.
Kynarion Hellenis says
IQ isn’t everything and it misses a lot of talent that translates into societal success.
Although IQ is terribly important, it cannot evaluate the worth of each individual person. I think we do a disservice to many people of all races when we emphasize IQ to the exclusion of character traits like resourcefulness, honesty, discipline, loyalty, etc. etc.
And we need everybody to have civilization. Work is good and should be treated with respect and dignity. Your trash man is essential in society. The work he does is good and we do well to acknowledge that and treat him with the dignity and pay he deserves. Some of these guys go on to form their own companies, and create jobs and independence for others like themselves.
Lethal says
I’ll bet that most of the blacks in the USA would not want to return to their ancestors countries as those countries are primitive in comparison to the USA.
Mike says
But don’t you get it, those countries are primitive and backwards because of western slavery and colonization. We looted them of human and material capital. We raped their natural resources. We are wealthy and they are poor because of the horrific crimes we committed on them.
Of course I’m being sarcastic, but this exactly what many leftists believe and are selling today. This is the mindset we have to fight against.
Hardball History says
In other words Wakanda is the culture that supposedly would have been had primitive blacks invented ever the wheel.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Vibranium. Love that word and the gesticulations of the little “genius” girl working with it.
shempus says
bs. it was their own brethren who captured them and offered and sold them to the Europeans. First slave owners were BLACK.
Kynarion Hellenis says
And the last slave owners are black, yellow and brown. Still are.
Those evil white people CAUSED those dusky people to maintain slavery.
Kynarion Hellenis says
The reparations argument is so easily countered in MANY ways. But the foundation should be something like this: Go back to your ancestral lands or stay here and shut up.
The only “reparations” should be loss of citizenship (because we are an awful country, don’t cha no) and a free ticket to wherever they want to go. Maybe 2 or 3 months of living expenses.
CowboyUp says
Repatriation, not reparations, is my motto as well.
Mo de Profit says
Free money to spend on cannabis and burgers.
It will be back in the hands of the elite soon enough.
Algorithmic Analyst says
That’s a good one Mo. The abstract thinking ability to visualize the money flow is lacking in many people.
Hardball1Alpha says
It’s like the Left has found the perfect organized crime tool; A “self-feeding extortion loop”….
But instead of a Vito Corleone=type protection racket for the purpose of business domination, this tool is for the purpose of business and institutional destruction,… and servile citizens will shovel BILLIONS of your money into this machine.
Every aspect of government, every corporation, every organization will be subject to relentless guilt trips, social media shaming and threats of urban violence,… as they know you’re too weak to complain about it, much less fight against it.
It’s a mix of psychological warfare, brute strength and legal Jiu=Jitsu, a concoction we’re all being forced to swallow.
TRex says
Something like that came to mind while reading this article. The reparations pushers know these massive payouts will never be made. It looks to me like just another ploy to sow racial division and, thereby, societal breakdown. How will all those blacks react when the announcement is made that reparations for historical crimes will not be coming forth? In fact, just the proposal itself is extremely divisive, not to mention intoxicating if one stands in line for a payout. It’s almost inevitable that violence will erupt sooner or later. And that, I fear, is the true objective of the reparations scam.
Herbert Haemmer says
You are 100% correct!
And then, let’s not forget, what’s happening now is all about “control of the people – and money”!
Covid-19 was a test run, and it worked as the Elites had planned. Watch out for the next one!
The forthcoming one will be the real thing: The continuation of the depopulation of this planet, as proposed by no other than your favorite Microsoft founder Bill Gates and the head of the WEF Klaus Schwab.
I am glad I am “in the autumn of my years” (Frank Sinatra) because I’d hate to experience and live through what’s coming down the pipeline.
Joseph T Major says
Boris Johnson, the former British Prime Minister, is an American (born in NYC in 1964) descendant of slavery (a Circassan slave woman bought by his great-grandfather). Why isn’t he being considered?
Old Fogey says
Because he is such a prat.
Jeff Bargholz says
The fat racist in the photo above with the hair that looks like a pile of snakes has a nice rack. I’d like to do her. Fat girls need loving, too.
Intrepid says
C’mon Jeff. Show a modicum of class, at least. Plenty of fat white women out there, but I wouldn’t be doing them either.
Old Fogey says
Chacun à son goût.
Algorithmic Analyst says
How do they keep that ratty hair clean? Watch out for head lice 🙂
Vic says
My first response was visceral but i realized that people like you who can only think with your dick need prayer. So i’ll commit to saying a prayer for you. Salvation is the only remedy for debased lowlifes like yourself.
Mark Dunn says
Social justice is a perversion of Biblical justice. ‘The sins of the fathers shall not be visited upon the children,’ unless the children/descendents hail from Europe.
THX 1138 says
What nonsense are you talking about? The evil doctrine of Original Sin forthrightly, adamantly, unequivocally, proclaims that all of mankind is born morally depraved, deplorable, and evil for the sin of the disobedience of our mythological parents — Adam and Eve.
Social Justice begins with the Bible. All mankind is guilty for someone else’s sin and all mankind must pay for it.
Old Fogey says
There is none so blind as he who will not see. Your sin is yours alone. Your sinful nature is born of Adam’s fall, but you do not bear Adam’s guilt. What is called social justice is not in any way related to your sin or the sin of others. Social justice is an appeal to the conscience of individuals to engage in group action. But group action is not a Biblical virtue.
There is no sin in saying “I have taken nothing from you and I am not responsible for your shortcomings.” There is virtue in the fruits of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Christ commands us to care for the widow and the orphan and to visit the prisoner. He demonstrates in the story of the good Samaritan that individual action to help victims is virtuous.
Voluntary association to help others may indeed produce virtuous outcomes, but compulsory action through taxation, ordinance, or direct compulsion embodies no virtue whatsoever.
THX 1138 says
Then I’m free not to be a Christian and your God won’t send me to his torture chamber of Hell and leave me alone to pursue my personal happiness, that’s good to know.
There is no compulsion or threat of compulsion in your God right? I’m free from your God’s compulsion or threat of compulsion to pursue my rationally chosen values regardless of your God, right?
Old Fogey says
God invites you to choose between eternal life in joy and eternal death in the lake of fire. You are free to choose. But you would be wise to choose life.
Intrepid says
Yeah you are free. We all have choices. Jesus said “no one comes to the Father except through me.” Make the wrong choice and you will not be free to “pursue your rationally chosen values”
You will think and spew that arrogance until you are called to answer to God for your endless mocking of him. God most certainly will send you to his torture chamber of Hell because you refuse to accept Christ as your savior. It’s really not a hard choice. But you are too prideful and arrogant to see it.
You will then realize how badly you screwed up. And you will be thinking “what was it all for.” Yeah you are free….to join the rest of the arrogant atheists and leftists.
But hey, you will finally be joining your buddies Ayn, Lenny, Johnny List and Torquemada where they have been sent. Bring light clothing. And enjoy your eternal stay.
Intrepid says
All mankind includes you, derp. And you will pay and pay and pay.
Mark Dunn says
I was quoting the Tora, you dope.
Mark Dunn says
Torah or Old Testament do understand THX, there is a lot you don’t know.
CowboyUp says
Collectivists believe in collective guilt and collective punishment. Reminds me of a book, “And baby makes three,” about a Vietnamese family that was sent to a reeduction camp after the fall of South Vietnam.
THX 1138 says
“So two of the great evils of history, anti-Semitism and race-based slavery, were predicated on a primitive notion of “justice”–– just as today’s reparations movement does.”
Yes, they were predicated on the primitive, irrational, “so-called “moral” notions of the Judeo-Christian Bible. The thoroughly primitive and irrational, so-called “moral” notion of the collectivist doctrine of Original Sin. This thoroughly primitive, absurd, irrational Judeo-Christian “value” is now being applied to all white people in perpetuity just as Judeo-Christianity applies this moral absurdity too all of mankind in perpetuity.
Judaism prepared the ground for Christianity and both prepared the ground for Islam and Marxism.
As Objectivist philosopher Leonard Peikoff points out, “On every account, the conclusion is the same: Communism is not a new, rational philosophy; it is a tired, slavishly imitative heir of religion.”
“Religion versus America” – Leonard Peikoff
Intrepid says
Still pushing the blabberings of that old fossil, aren’t you. Still giving us homework assignments as well. I guess I will get a big fat “F” in your class that I never signed up for.
I’m still waiting for your imaginary theocracy to happen.
Your purpose in life is really all about insulting and mocking people, isn’t it. Do you feel an itch coming along?
Such a small minded little person.
THX 1138 says
But if I point out the flaws, lies, and evils in Islam would you call it insulting and mocking people? Would you call me a small minded, little person? If I point out the flaws, lies, and evils in Marxism would you call it insulting and mocking people? Would you call me a small minded, little person?
Ah, but if I point out the flaws, lies, and evils of Christianity, then it becomes to you insulting and mocking people. A glaring double standard.
The Muslims also claim that any criticism of Islam is actually insulting and mocking people and anyone who criticizes Islam should be forced to shut up or be killed.
The Christian theocracy, the Christian Dark Ages and Middle Ages, and beyond, all the way to the American Puritans, did happen, it lasted more than a thousand years.
A religious Dark Age will happen again when men abandon reason.
Intrepid says
Except you never point out the flaws and lies of Islam to any great extent except when you lump them in with Christianity and Judaism. First because think it gives you cover. Secondly you are actually afraid that you will go too far. So you take the cowards way out.
The atrocities of Islam are happening in real time on a daily basis. They actually do go out and kill people. That’s why you pussy foot around the subject. Man up and go after them like you go after Christians you little P.O.S. You don’t have the stones for that.
And you are an atheist Leftist and, as we all know, they are down with Islam.
With Christianity it’s easy to be the faux tough guy and point out stuff that happened 800-150 years ago. It’s easy to go after Christians, Jews and Judeo-Christianity because you are basically a coward. And you know that your silly little faux Christian Dark Age is not happening now. So you know there is no price to be physically paid for it.
Still waiting on that religious dark age Lenny keeps predicting. We live in a dark age now. It’s called progressive socialism.
Objectivists are such small minded girly men.
Mark Dunn says
The THX show sucks.
Old Fogey says
I think America is owed reparations from all the descendants of those who chose not to accept the offer of relocation to Liberia when it was first made.
Angel Jacob says
This is grand theft, perhaps one of the largest thefts in history.
1- The reparations has been already paid. Many people died fighting to free the slaves. And the welfare system has been paying endlessly.
2- Unqualified Free Loader mentality people have gotten into government positions out of proportion. And instead of serving the whole nation and upholding the constitution, all they care about is getting more free stuff, and on top of that they want to get away with their crimes.
Old Fogey says
Entertaining fiction. Thanks for the chuckle this morning.
And we were told the UN would help solve the national problems peaceful looks like the UN has one again failed its job
Algorithmic Analyst says
I happened to look up the assassination of UN Secretary General Dag Hammarskjold recently. Until that event the UN had some facade of morality.
David Ray says
“White Cargo. The Forgotten History of Britain’s White Slaves”
by Don Jordan
*White Gold” documents islam selling whites as slaves. The slaves were castrated & worked to death, so guess reparations won’t be petitioned for.
And what about blacks who were descendants of slave OWNERS? Will they be paying, or receiving? (There were 100s of ’em, especially in Louisiana.)
Kynarion Hellenis says
As long as we believe the lie that only blacks suffered from slavery, then we can’t just say, “SHUT UP.” To even entertain the idea of reparations is a colossal blunder.
Slavery has been a part of human history, in every race, tribe, tongue on the planet. Christianity ALONE is responsible for its elimination in the west and its censure, if not erasure, in the rest of the world.
If any person reads the Slave Narratives (available online), you can see the gamut of human experience while a slave. MANY ex-slaves wished they were still with and serving their masters, whom they loved, because they became part of the family and were assured of food, clothing and care.
The Bible makes provision for a slave to remain with his master, because he LOVES him. See Deut. 15: 12 – 17.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Thanks David. If I remember right, England neglected her navy in the early 1600s, which allowed Arab slavers to run wild, raiding the coasts of Europe up to Iceland, and capturing white slaves. Millions I think.
arnold ahlert says
More than 360,000 dead Union soldiers, affirmative action, government set-asides for minority-owned businesses, disparate impact, the acceptance of lower test scores for college admissions and civil service jobs based solely on race, the $23 trillion spent on alleviating poverty since 1965, and the enormous costs associated with 13% of the population committing more than 50% of the nation’s murders and robberies are more than enough reparations.
Verneoz says
“…the Feds are asking for $14 trillion. But sponsor Rep. Cori Bush claims that is nowhere near the $97 trillion owed to blacks for slavery and Jim Crow.” Not one cent of US taxpayer funds should be spent on this fallacy. It is unwarranted and is nothing but a rip-off based upon lies & deception. Since it was the Democrats who owned all US slaves and instituted the Jim Crow laws…only registered Democrats should pay with THEIR MONEY!
Thomas Hulting says
Do ANY of these people know from which African country they originated? I think that a BETTER solution than reparations would simply be to RETURN each of them to their country of origin, perhaps with a stipend of dollars in their pocket.
Algorithmic Analyst says
West Africa mainly.
The Captain says
“Since without the African and Muslim participation in the slave trade it most likely wouldn’t have grown into a global business, why aren’t their descendants responsible for reparations…”
Same reason China and India aren’t held to the same standard as the West when it comes to paying the climate change grift…leftist double standards.
Samuel The Lamanite says
Who is going to pay for the genetic testing and genealogy research? Democrats who donate to democrat politicians will be expecting money from doing those services. Or is there going to be any? Is the slavery limited to the continental United States? What if someone’s ancestors were slaves in another country? Every single person alive has at least one ancestor who was a slave so does that mean everyone will get some coin?
Time f or them to demand Reparations from the DNC after all it was the Democrats who owned all those slaves
Onzeur Trante says
Reparations: a fad, a trend, or a phenomenon in the making?
Old Fogey says
If you thought homosexual and polyamorous marriages were a fad, if you thought cross-dressing males in female locker and toilet rooms were a fad, and if you thought providing free transport, accommodations, and health care to foreign invaders was a fad, then feel free to think “reparations” are a fad.
Steven Brizel says
Mr. Thornton hits the nail on the head -“All those billions in reparations will not go to changing the dysfunctions plaguing the black underclass, most resulting from welfare and other redistributive federal programs that have weakened the black family and black character, while privileged cognitive elite blacks gain leverage for more clout.”
It should be noted that the question of acceptance of reparations in Israel from post war West Germany was a major political issue at the time, but no survivor of the Holocaust will tell you that reparations restored that which was lost as a result of the Nazis
Walter Sieruk says
All the wasted time that some Black people do complaining about not getting any reparations for something they didn’t suffer but some of their grandfathers who had been slaves had suffered. Come on to far too late for their grandparents to get reparations, they were the ones who deserved some money payback. Not their grandchildren.
What all those modern complainers need to do and should do is look to many of the modern Chinese Americans who also had their grandfathers terribly mistreated and abused by given the worse and most dangerous jobs with little pay in the construction of the Pacific Railroad.
Likewise, their grandfathers had been given the very worse difficult backbreaking dangerous jobs in the mines of the Western States. In the city of San, Francisco during much of the 1800’s the Chinese hand been limited to life, or exist, in the ghettos of that city.
The point is that no one hears the Chinese alive today complaining about the awful treatment of the grandparents. .One of the. Reasons for this is that they are too busy in working to establish or have now established a entrepreneurship of an business. For just complaining about long past wrongs is a complete waste of time and effort the can be put in and investment in a business.
The Black people may look to the Chinese of America and a role model for how to get ahead in life.
Greebo says
The blacks complaining about having to live in the US because their ancestors were enslaved should trade places with the thousands of blacks risking their lives to immigrate here.
John David Liebling says
How about tax reparations for all the innocent good people who funded affirmative action programs over the last 50 years. Slavery ended over 160 years ago. All the people who were harmed by Jim Crow laws died long ago. You want billions or trillions??? How many billions have been spent on programs which do not work. As soon as those who want repatriations vote for the republican party, they will discover their lives and the lives of their children are now better.
Semaphore says
Good point. No other minority group in the US has had more done for their benefit than African Americans. There was the Civil Rights Act, Voting Rights Act, Fair Housing laws, Affirmative Action, school busing, enterprise zones, their own entertainment channel, their own history month, two national holidays in their honor. And what have we received in return? Chicago, for starters…
Robert of Prague says
Mega-kudos, Bruce for a factual & hard-hitting piece. That took some cajones! Appreciated your mention of the USSR slavery & imperialism. Our family’s been fighting the infernal Red-brown scum & thugs for over 100 years – we have the scars & the graves.
Have come to the US legally from Zurich in 1982 & lived on the Upper West Side then. As a jazz aficionado wanted to visit some of the famous clubs in Harlem. A black cop chewed me out, are you crazy?! As a whitey you won’t come out alive! Could see the garbage, burned out cars, dilapidated buildings & gave up.
A memo to the race hustlers, welfare queens & inner city hoodlums including the fibbing author (lose that fake red hair, you ain’t Irish!) of the agitprop junk 1619, et al. Some of our ancestors were serfs (slaves) to the aristocrats. Our family & me were slaves to the bloodthirsty Soviets! They killed five of my buddies for pranks in 1968! I don’t owe you a red cent! Cappish!
iggie says
You forgot to mention the Barbary pirates and white slavery.–research-suggests-white-slavery-was-much-more-common-than-previously-believed/
End PC says
In fact : “The number of whites who were enslaved in North Africa by the Barbary pirates exceeded the number of Africans enslaved in the United States and in the American colonies before that put together.” – Thomas Sowell
Practically all nations practiced slavery in the past. But ending slavery was something only white people did. No other race tried. Reparations for slavery from American Whites today is a scam. Blacks are lucky to be here, and the only reason Whites are targeted for giving reparation is because everyone knows that only Whites are chump enough to even consider it.
DC says
Nelson Mandela……..the ANC……….Communism!……….Winnie Mandela and the Necklace……………COMING TO AMERICA!
White farmers are gonna be in big trouble when South Africa comes to the US!
Old Fogey says
Do you suppose that there is actually $14 trillion to be extracted from the folks Cori Bush claims to represent to compensate Americans for the harm members of that population has inflicted on Americans? But, maybe that’s not what she meant.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Yes, that is what they think. Which is part of the problem.
Greebo says
This is counter 2 the US system of justice where all R= under laws passed by our representatives & must be proven guilty before we R punished.The US system is CRUCIAL 2 a healthy nation where everyone can support their government as it won’t make any group 2nd class 2 B exploited by others.It uses the power of government 2 FORCE innocent people 2 pay money 2 people they didn’t harm.It’s intended 2 destroy the US Justice system & replace it with “THEIR” demockracy & Social Justice system, where mobs decides who’s guilty of what they accuse him of & R entitled 2 destroy him( AKA a Lynch mob type system favored by Democrats & useful for those who rule by manipulating the emotions of the masses)
CowboyUp says
Reagan checked soviet expansion, made them try to keep up with our military build up, and collapsed their economy. He got the Saudis to open the spigots, and dropped the price of oil and NG, which the soviets’ economy depended on for hard currency. Our economy boomed, and theirs collapsed. He saw their weakness when he started getting his intel briefings during the election, and exploited it. The left, and quite a few on the right laughed at him when he said the last sad chapters of the soviet empire were being written. But Reagan was right.
Chernobyl was a reactor design the US outlawed in the 50s, for safety concerns. The soviet union never gave a damn about lives, or safety.