If loudly announcing that you’re running makes you a “front runner”, then the 2020 Dem field has a dozen front runners already.
But that doesn’t stop the Los Angeles Times from running a fake news article touting Senator Kamala Harris as a front runner.
“Kamala Harris emerges as a 2020 front-runner, but is that a good thing?” is a typical media headline in that it assumes facts not in evidence and then jumps to the next hot take as a way of making it seem that the thing it’s assuming must be true.
Problem is that Harris tends to poll in the single digits. And even in this clown car primary, that doesn’t make you a front runner.
What makes Kamala a front runner?
Even before Kamala Harris’ campaign launch in Oakland on Sunday, her nascent 2020 bid had already hit full gallop — a star turn on “Good Morning America,” a self-reported seven-figure fundraising milestone, a friendly reception in a key primary state.
With that fast start, Harris has stoked a perception that she is not just an elite candidate, but among the Democratic front-runners
Appearing on GMA makes you a front runner?
Harris has raised a bunch of money, largely on the perception that she is a front runner. If the perception that you’re a front runner among a few donors makes you a front runner, then why bother with polls? That was the Hillary attitude.
About the only interesting thing here is how many media pieces on the 2020 candidates read either like hit pieces or press releases. Take these fawning descriptions of Harris’ rally.
“Harris’ political celebrity was evident at Sunday’s sun-kissed rally in downtown Oakland… “We are at an inflection point in the history of our world,” Harris said, overlooking a multiethnic sea of listeners from the steps of Oakland’s City Hall.”
This reads like a press release, not a news story. And that’s what it is.
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