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[Make sure to read Robert Spencer’s contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]
The proceedings against Donald Trump in Georgia will continue, and that is a massive defeat for what remains of America as a free republic.
All of the cases against Trump are, or should be, an outrage not just to Trump supporters, but to everyone who still values America as a society that allows for loyal opposition and cherishes the right to dissent. Georgia would easily be the worst if the others weren’t so bad as well. The prosecution claims that Trump led a “criminal racketeering enterprise” whose members” knowingly and willfully joined a conspiracy to unlawfully change the outcome” of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia. If successful, the case would certainly harm Trump’s chances of reentering the White House, which is its purpose, but would also criminalize the questioning of any election from now on. That could well be the idea.
Amid all this, the melodrama of Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis and her boy toy, special prosecutor Nathan Wade, is just a sideshow, although the case against Willis has revealed once again America’s two-tier justice system. Willis is gleefully and openly corrupt, squandering public money to carry on with Wade and knowing that all she has to do if the heat on her gets too high is charge her opponents with racism, and all will be well.
This tired and insulting ploy has worked yet again. Fox News reported Friday that Fulton County Superior Court Judge Scott McAfee ruled preposterously that the defendants in the Trump case, who had filed a motion to dismiss based on Willis’ corrupt dalliances, had “failed to meet their burden of proving that the District Attorney acquired an actual conflict of interest in this case through her personal relationship and recurring travels with her lead prosecutor.”
If this wasn’t a conflict of interest, what is? McAfee had to engage in quite a lot of legal gymnastics to arrive at this conclusion, and he proved himself to be nimble indeed. He detailed some of the evidence of Willis’ corruption: “Between October 2022 and May 2023, the District Attorney and Wade traveled together on four occasions that resulted in documentable expenses. The first included an extended trip in October 2022 to Miami and Aruba and a cruise. Wade initially covered expenses for the October 2022 trip totaling approximately $5,223. In December 2022, the two flew to Miami for another cruise for which the District Attorney paid $1,394 for plane tickets, while Wade purchased passage for the cruise along with other vacation-related expenses totalling approximately $3,684.”
And so on and on. McAfee demonstrated that Willis and Wade were living high, and that “on total, Defendants point to an aggregate documented benefit of, at most, approximately $12,000 to $15,000 in the District Attorney’s favor,” but claimed that this wasn’t evidence of corruption, because “these expenditures were not meant as gifts and not designed to benefit the District Attorney. Both testified that the District Attorney regularly reimbursed Wade in cash.” How do we know that Willis reimbursed Wade in cash? Because she said she did.
McAfee did then make a small move toward giving this circus the appearance of rectitude: “However, the established record now highlights a significant appearance of impropriety that infects the current structure of the prosecution team – an appearance that must be removed through the State’s selection of one of two options”: Willis could fire Wade, or withdraw from the case.
Wade then resigned, and so that was that. The appearance of impropriety has been avoided, and now Willis, the impartial and justice-minded district attorney, is free to pursue her bogus case against Trump to its conclusion, which the noble DA has every reason to believe will be the destruction of Trump’s presidential hopes and the further blackening of his reputation.
This is America in the run-up to the 2024 election: eye-wateringly corrupt prosecutors get the blessing from politicized judges to continue to pursue legal persecution and harassment of a politician who are out of favor with the political and media elites. But as Trump has often pointed out, it’s not him they’re ultimately after, it’s us. The legal persecution of Donald Trump is just a blueprint for what the left has in store for the rest of America.
When absolutely unqualified mutants such as Fani Willis (I hate ugly fat broads with tiny and saggy tits) Leticia James (a typically angry and ugly lesbian) And fat pukes like Alvin Bragg are awarded powerful government positions which they of course abuse, you know America is lost……AND WE GAVE IT AWAY.
Use affirmative-action to fill positions; get affirmative-action results.
(The current VP and press secretary demonstrate that incompetence and low I.Q. don’t impede high placement in the DNC)
Regarding Fani Willis: One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. There’s no accounting for saggy tits.
U 4got 2 list 1 other thing they have in common…
This is merely another reason why the USA has became a parody of the final decade of the USSR but instead of Brezhnev, Andropov and Chernenko, they have President Joe Biden, while the MSM have mysteriously morphed into ” Pravda”, and the DOJ are now ”Soviet Justice”, while the FBI have became a lightweight version of the murderous NKVD ! If you are familiar with the history of the soviet union, then that’s the key to understand what’s going on today as they are reading from a similar blueprint and using a similar criminal mode of operation of the end justifies the means
You may well ask how and why did this happen ? Well it happened because much of our leadership class became seduced by the utopianism and pragmatism of Globalism ; just look upon it as communism’s bastard stepchild, a latter day version of it, where the nation state withers away and is replaced by a universalist government
The Communists tried to create a new man ”Homo Sovieticus” whereas now the ideal man is Homo Globalist
“And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666” (Revelation 13:15-18).
Two tier injustice at work.
The pro-criminal/terrorist get to stay to prosecute the good.
Douglas Mackey and Daniel Penny (among many others) prove your point.
“CONSPIRACY?” The real Conspiracy was when Obama placed his Cabal of Communists, to head departments, that were recruited by the CPUSA AND KGB in the ’60s-’80s that aided and abetted the Vietcong and the takeover of Central America whose Communist Sandinista Daniel Ortega, installed and protected by the Democratic Party, like they do to all Communist (D)icators, and who arrests all opponents “as a threat to our Democracy!” THEY ALL CONSPIRED in a Coup attempts a sitting President and now arresting the former President and all political opponents “as a threat to our Democracy!”
HAS ANY OF THE 51 FORMER INTELLIGENCE AGENTS COME FORWARD TO CLAIM THEY WERE DUPED INTO SIGNING INTO A CONSPIRACY AGAINST THE SITTING PRESIDENT? (Caps are me screaming!) Has anyone come forward too against Hillary’s, don’t leave out Bill because he’s really the one most bitter at Trump and still wants revenge, FAKE DOSSIER and Russian Collusion?
Now add the AG’s and DA’s to the Conspirators, directed by the White House and Biden! SANE PEOPLE will see that this is wrong but there are more BRAINWASHED PEOPLE who are easily taken in by the Democrats BRIBE$4VOTES PROGRAM! That includes so-called educated college graduates hoping their loan are forgiven as FJB is doing that little by little. Even Republican students, and their parents, will vote for that since it directly affects them! MILLIONS OF VOTERS right there! “FREE FREE FREE BUT YOU MUST VOTE FOR ME ME ME!”
The judge is a so called ‘Republican’ who I have read donated to Fani Willis’s campaign (and yet he did not recuse himself from ruling in this case). The New York Times, always a faithful servant of the left wing, noted that this ruling was the best Willis could possibly expect. The judge is up for reelection and quite possibly desperate to defend his government paycheck and potential fat pension, apparently let Willis off the hook to pick up votes from those ‘of color’. If I were a Republican in his district, hell would freeze over before I would vote for him. I guess I would simply not vote. But maybe his legal groveling to Willis will have the effect she wants and she will be able to follow through with her attempted legal lynching of Trump.
I never doubted for a second that the judge would fail to do justice in the case. Although his truly atrocious ruling is based to a great extent on the fact that he feared losing his upcoming election and having to go back to working for a living , I am convinced that it was primarily based on fear. Fear of angering the black majority in Fulton County. He would have issued the same ruling even if he didn’t face an opponent in the next election
He certainly sounds like a Golden Boy based on his background. But he proved himdelf a coward. A moral coward who utterly failed his fundamental obligations because he was afraid of displeasing people
I can only hope that he loses his election
Of course she gets to stay. You don’t expect a corrupt Judge, who used to be Fanni’s employee, would commit INTEGRITY do you?
Look at that picture of Fatty Willis – an arrogant cocky look on her face as she sits there in court with her dress on backwards – see the zipper on the front when it belongs on the bag – typical commie lib fool.
You shouldn’t say that I believe she’s a half breed.
Oh well.
Can this travesty of a verdict be appealed?
It is being appealed, as we speak.
Fat Fani, should be DISBARRED.. Forthwith
Fulton Co, GA is a joke to all of America. They are leading the charge into the 3rd world shit hole.