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Around here, we’re still haunted by the ghosts of COVID past. The playground has a big warning sign that tells parents not to keep the kids there for more than 30 minutes, to wash their hands, don’t feed them, to make sure they wear masks and… maintain a 6-foot distance from other kids. (Good luck with that.)
At the pharmacy, the old ‘feet’ stickers on the floor mark what was supposed to be the old 6 foot personal DMZ.
Obviously no one (or hardly anyone) abides by these rules anymore and the whole thing feels a bit unreal, like a strange movie we saw or an odd dream we had, and yet millions lived under this totalitarian system. (It’s as if we had a year where we were suddenly living in the USSR and then the whole thing fell apart like a Cold War at hyperspeed.)
Where did that 6-foot social distancing thing even come from? Apparently, like so much else, the Department of Trust the Science just made it up.
Trust Fauci.
Dr. Anthony Fauci said in congressional testimony that he reviewed no scientific evidence behind the specific recommendations for masking children or maintaining 6-foot social distancing before advocating these policies during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.
When asked about social distancing recommendations that were implemented in businesses and schools during the early stages of the pandemic, Fauci said he did not recall where the precise number of 6 feet came from.
“It just sort of appeared,” Fauci said in his interview. “I don’t recall, like, a discussion of whether it should be 5 or 6 or whatever.”
Fauci also said that he had not seen any scientific study supporting the measurement, noting that such a study would be “very difficult” to do with accuracy and scientific rigor.
The Science Squad would make stuff up to suit the needs of the moment. Much like masking which Fauci was against before he was for.
The 6 feet rule was just something that sounded good to tell the proles.
Fauci, much as people hate him, was a symptom. The problem is that a whole lot of public health and D.C. works this way. As does a sizable chunk of public-facing medical science. Tell people something that sounds authoritative to get to do what you really want them to do. The goal is to get people to stay apart so tell them to wear masks and follow some arbitrary measure of social distancing while acting like there’s science behind it.
And there never was.
The wizard behind the curtain was always a humbug. In the face of mass panic, little big men like Fauci would throw their weight around while exploiting that panic. They claimed to embody science when all they embodied was power.
Algorithmic Analyst says
“Obviously no one (or hardly anyone) abides by these rules anymore”
An evolution of our society in response to all the government rules. Then there is the issue of which rules are enforced and selective enforcement.
Anyway what I wanted to say is how easy it is to make false accusations and how many people are prone to do it.
Even worse is how easy it is to make false statements.
The world is a mix of truth and falsity, have to constantly discriminate to avoid falling for bad advice and falsity.
Reminded me just now of the 1970s paid propaganda portraying Fidel Castro’s Cuba as an island paradise. So easy for young leftists to believe it.
Mickorn says
For what nefarious purpose do you think Fauci and “a sizable chunk of public-facing medical science” wanted “to get people to stay apart”? What did the Woke Chinese Islamist Trans Pedophiles think they were going to achieve by forcing people to stay 6 feet apart from each other? If that was the totalitarians’ goal, why was that not the goal before 2020 or after 2022? Do you even care if you make sense, Daniel?
Intrepid says
Oh Micky Micky Micky. Trying to be sarcastic does not make what Fauci said go away. No doubt you are still self enforcing Fauci’s 6 foot rule.
Fauci said he made it up. NIH had no idea how to fight GF Covid that Fauci had paid for so he had to appear like he was actually doing something.
Per Western Journal:
“Fauci admitted there was no scientific basis for the rigid 6-foot social distancing rule he rabidly pushed during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The bombshell admission came to light on Friday when Republican Rep. Brad Wenstrup of Ohio — the chairman of the House select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic — released transcripts of Fauci’s two-day congressional testimony from January.
During the closed-door deposition, Fauci admitted he essentially made up the 6-foot rule and it was not based on scientific research.”
It must truly suck to be as stupid as you.
Algorithmic Analyst says
My reaction now is how comic the 6 foot apart circles are 🙂
Jeff Bargholz says
I remember when I first encountered those six feet mandates. Some dumb bitch told me not to be so close to her because I was behind her in a useless line at a Safeway supermarket, I blew up and almost punched her out. I don’t hit chicks but I was so furious I almost did.
You can only push a guy so far and that Wuhahn scamdemic pushed us to the limit.
And I notice the lefties try as hard as possible not to mention it now that it’s over. As if they weren’t the ones who shoved it down our throats.
AL says
So Mickorn crawled from under a rock. you are not that stupid, You are not that brainwashed. What is left? Gaslighting
Gaslighting only works if people are gullible, you have power or society is polite and suffers charlatans.
Mickorn is no lion. It is a hyena.
Jeff Bargholz says
I know I want you to stay at least six feet away from me.
NYgal says
Well, they succeeded in changing the voting rules and rigging the election, didn’t they?
Rick Tiefer says
What a Scam!!!The Sheep Will believe anything?Just because some tells you something doesn’t make it true.Documentation always beats conversation!Next time some tells you something that does not sound correct?Ask them a question how do you know that?And Usually 9 out 10 times they can’t answer the question.Question authority’!It was Just a test to see how we would react to the high command and to disrupt the Elections but more importantly to set the people up for more nefarious and evil plans.It will not work!
NYgal says
We seldom question our doctors because we don’t have required knowledge to do so. The danger that Fauci and his crew had created is that now we don’t know who to trust anymore. We had seen our doctors, in whose knowledge and ability we had trusted, fail right before our eyes, leaving us with no place to turn to.
Rocco says
No kidding. Without any formal medical training I knew the 6ft rule was utter BS and made up in the spot . “You gotta do something !!”
“We have to do something ? Ok, how about make people stand at a 6ft distance to protect from the virus!?”
aristotle cam says
Pretty much like the way our congress and senate work!
anamb says
And, before you know it, the next pandemic will land on the world’s populace like a sumo wrestler. For those of us who believe in the Lord and are saved by His precious blood, we need to be steeped in His word and equipped in mind and spirit to combat the ever-growing evils of our day (guaranteed to worsen). We need to learn to successfully operate even in the darkest and gloomiest of times, serving as precious salt and light for those who are lost, as God’s infinite power is made perfect in weakness. For those who do not yet know the Lord, I implore you to get right with God, especially because the world is predicted to worsen more and more with time. Trust me, God is the only thing that can get you through nonsensical and chaotic times like these, including a new pandemic that is just short of being guaranteed to arrive within the next few years.
April Parkhouse says
Amen! And the 6-foot rule didn’t come out of nowhere. It has Masonic/occult significance. In rituals adherents stand 6 feet apart. 6 feet = 6 feet under.
Beez says
Evil Masons,” an old Catholic obsession. The demons that be today aren’t Shriners.
Steven Kardas says
This was all about ballot fraud and nothing to do about science. The 6 foot distancing scam was part of the strategy to instill fear and hysteria in the citizens that being next to people meant death by covid. The instilling of this fear and hysteria was necessary to convince the public that going to a polling place to vote and being among others meant death. Thus. the leftist encouraged mail in “voting” which was used to flood the election with fraud ballots……..all for biden. Mission accomplished.
MuggsSpongedice says
the smug cocky Faux-chi burn in hell along with Briben and the swamp demonic ilk that has intentionally destroyed USA and the free world and has fomented hate, racism, antisemitism and funded the Ukraine debacle, intentionally sloppy withdrawal from Afghanistan and leaving $85 billion dollars of high tech military equipment that was used in Israel on 10-7-2023 and the money launderers and war profiteers and the relentless persecution and prosecution of President Trump!!!!
Spirit of TJ says
Science is settled. Some claim they also represent science, or that they even are science. Thus, science becomes but a declarative statement. Thus, science becomes but a form of medieval-style metaphysics.
Yet true science is always tentative. Why? Because science is always subject to uncertainty, limits of knowledge, and new discovery. Science is also a structured method of inquiry based on Inference to the Best Explanation-IBE.
Finally, let us keep in mind that Isaac Newton was in awe of what he did not know.
They went a made a a movie about this phony and no one watched it someone wrote a Kids Book about him with the stupid liberal type illustration it wasn’t aa best seller and now this scan artists wants to admit he isa a total Fraud which he is
RB says
I knew it was a deception very early on! I deeply believe that the virus was deliberately made and deliberately let loose! I only wore their deadly mask a few times, namely, at my annual VA appointment, and the veterinarian because these were absolutely pushed and mandated to be seen!
I even had a self appointed citizen,a man, come up within a couple of feet of me very early in the morning at a grocery store questioning me on why I don’t have a mask on, I blew up on him and he got out of dodge.
He waited for me outside and got really irate – I stood my ground and went about my business. I then seen him start in on a woman walking to her car with no mask, she cursed him out in words I didn’t know existence. I Ireingaged him in defense of the woman and he violently speed off…
Sad day when elements of our own government are turning people against one another by their propaganda campaign!
Thank the Lord God that by His grace…my eyes are fixed on HIM!
A very late prophetic hour people!
Repent and believe on Jesus Christ NOW…the great tribulation is not far off ( read the book of Revelation)…
RB in metro Atlanta USA 🇺🇸
RS says
We lost so millions of people, relatives, friends, and populations because of Covid and the vaccines, the lies, and the lockdowns. Fauci was ordered not to use Gain of Function and he did it anyway.
anamb says
I think the most sadistic part of it all was being unable to see ill/dying family members who were in the hospital or hospice. I watched my grandmother slowly dying through a window, unable to go inside and unable to hold her hand. She was no longer conscious by that point, and I wanted to hold her hand more time before she went (to no avail). I cannot emphasize how much we all wanted to be with her before she passed, which was barred by COVID restrictions. The only way we could communicate with her was by holding the nurse’s phone to her ear. The way she smiled in her sleep while we told her how much we loved her, though, was the most precious thing I had ever seen. She was such a strong Christian and was gabbing on to the medical staff about her relationship with the Lord until she fell asleep and stayed that way ’til her departure. It was so cool to see.
Linda Carter says
Why isn’t Falsie, Fauci, being tried for murder?
Domenic Pepe says
Criminal Fauci Mass Murderer. …….
Algorithmic Analyst says
Nuremberg Trials
Domenic Pepe says
Fauci and his wife, both worked for the US Federal government.
In retirement, both together are taking in almost one million dollars per year in retirement.
That does not include their fully paid health coverage.
What a disgrace that the US taxpayers are paying anything to these leeches.
It is an outrage … especiall y because Faici is a mass murderer of more than a million US citizens
because of his ” gain of function ” COVID policy and research decisions.
Fauci should be arrested, put on trial, convicted and .imprisoned for life on Devil’s Island
for all his COVID murders
Lois Hooks says
I don’t know about Fauci and Covid but all this todo about masks and distancing and cleanliness is ridiculous. Anyone with a bit of brain power knows you keep your distance from anyone ill with anything contagious, clean your hands and if YOU are the sick one, have some respect for those around you by wearing a mask. Its not rocket science.
Looking Up says
It’s telling to me that of all the distances they could have arbitrarily picked, they chose 6 – the number of man. “The number 6 and its meaning are related to man and human weakness, the evils of the devil and the manifestation of sin,” (
Kate says
My heart just breaks when I think of all the frightened people, young and old, that could not have their loved ones at their side when they were sick or dying.