Jeff Carlson at Epoch Times has another huge article based on congressional testimony by some key DOJ and FBI players.
I’m just going to zoom in on the Steele part.
In the days following the firing of FBI Director James Comey by President Donald Trump, the FBI, under Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe, sought to re-engage with former MI6 spy and author of the Steele dossier, Christopher Steele.
Christopher Steele was hired indirectly by the Clinton campaign to manufacture the Russia conspiracy theory. The theory was likely created by a slimy Clinton ratf___ ing associate. The same ratf___er who tried to smear Dan Quayle as a drug user.
The Clinton conspiracy theory was injected into the DOJ and FBI by Steele and various other figures, including Bruce Ohr, whose wife worked for Fusion GPS, the same firm that had hired Steele to smear Trump, and who then passed it on to her husband.
The FBI broke its ties to Steele for violating protocol. But under McCabe, a Clinton crony, the FBI tried to get back into the Steele business.
All this shows just how thoroughly rotten and untrustworthy the FBI and DOJ had become.
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