The FBI is a threat to our civil liberties, at least with the current crop of HQ executives at the helm. Coupled with a Department of Justice, led by a Democrat party apparatchik, there has hardly been a time when the liberties enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution have endured such a subversive attack.
U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland is a coward. You can see it in his soft, watery eyes. He simply does the bidding of his addled master, targeting the little guy — the most at-risk among us. Garland stands with his baton extended toward school board moms and January 6th attendees while a legion of his DOJ and FBI storm troops usher from the darkened denizens of the Hoover Building, backed by his cadre of Assistant U.S. Attorneys General.
What many people do not understand is the FBI and DOJ work hand-in-glove. The FBI collects information and builds a case, while DOJ brings prosecution. Consequently, the FBI Director, Christopher Wray, is lorded over by the U.S. Attorney General, his immediate boss. A courageous FBI Director would balk at Garland’s fascism, but Director Wray has made no attempt to protest.
So, there is no calumny perpetrated by the FBI that does not have its inception within the halls of DOJ, and there is no DOJ cabal that isn’t given birth within the Oval Office. Every executive power devolves from the Chief Executive, the President. Or, from whoever is filling the role of puppeteer these days. As President Truman said, “the buck stops here.”
Under such a dysfunctional regime, the responsibility to speak out devolves to those courageous souls with fractional power and with everything to lose. Several FBI whistleblowers have made their voices heard in recent weeks, but none as thoughtfully or as professionally as Special Agent Steve Friend — a messenger worthy of the message.
Friend recently gave an exclusive interview to Dan Bongino and discussed his personal experience when convicted by conscience to speak out about violations of FBI policy, and the FBI’s posture regarding the January 6th investigation. Friend, in contradistinction to others, conducted himself in an entirely professional manner. He focused his comments on the critical issues, highlighting the problems and not his personality. Clearly, Friend isn’t about personal aggrandizement, he’s part of the quiet professional cadre. You hear it in his measured words, his precision with language, and in his avoidance of ad hominem attacks on private individuals within the FBI — which only serve ego and divert attention from the critical message.
Friend isn’t disgruntled, a broken toy, or a performance problem, he’s persuaded by conscience and therein lies a world of difference. He’s someone to be taken seriously, not a clown show enjoying his five minutes of fame. Friend needs to be heard, because what he says rings with sincerity. It’s not just enough to get the message out there, it has to be carried by serious individuals; otherwise, the adversary will have a jolly time conflating the issues with buffoonery.
Some may object that Trump was hardly the perfect messenger and that his coarse personality detracted from the Make America Great Again message. However, the critical difference is this: Trump’s bombast was effective, welled up from a pure intention, and rallied thinking people to his message.
He’s an invective savant and a virtuoso at striking the delicate balance between humor and vitriol. There are, perhaps, a handful of people with that kind of talent — who truly understand their audience. And, what’s effective for a political figure with a lifetime of experience, making deals and creating empires, doesn’t suit a neophyte with an axe to grind — it’s about as effective as a blind man juggling nitroglycerin.
But, Friend is no neophyte and he doesn’t seem to be motivated by a stale grudge. His eyes are clear and his purpose is sharp and clean. Friend claims the FBI disseminated January 6th leads nation-wide to create the appearance of a ubiquitous white supremacist threat. He claims he was suspended without pay for bringing his concerns to FBI management and for refusing to participate in SWAT operations against individuals charged with misdemeanor offenses.
Friend told Just the News, “We took an oath, before our family and our friends and the Lord Almighty, and we are supposed to be people of integrity.” This is the kind of person you want out front on issues so critical to the future of the American Republic. Friend also objects to being listed as a case agent on January 6th matters that he did not personally investigate. Friend rightly believes this to be in contradiction to FBI DIOG rules — the FBI bible on investigative practices and procedures. He also expressed concerns surrounding the overuse of FBI SWAT in January 6th investigations, and the potential for an unnecessary escalation in use of force.
All of these concerns are valid. No sane person wants another Ruby Ridge. And, the FBI must be held accountable for infractions of its own policy, certainly for its disregard for the civil rights of those on the Republican side of the isle — who espouse the MAGA perspective.
The FBI tradition is honored by people like Steve Friend, and he deserves the support of the retired FBI agent community, as well as currently employed special agents.
The FBI is broken, but it can be fixed. Calls to abolish the FBI are simply misguided. What would replace it? The U.S. Marine Corps has issues, but wouldn’t it be foolish to argue for its abolition? At the FBI and DOJ the head is corrupt. Rejuvenate the head of the beast and the body will heal. In November, we have an opportunity to move in the right direction. Simply put, AG Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray must go.
My answer: No. Abolish it.
Yes, let’s not try to rehabilitate something that fouled itself so throughly.
We wouldn’t want a rebuilt Nazi Germany, just with new leadership, would we? ( hopefully they haven’t done this).
Correct, Floyd. Among the 18 enumerated powers given the Federal government by the US Constitution, none authorizes a national/Federal police force. For those FBI agents who wish to stay employed by the US gov’t, transfer them to the border patrol where they might actually stop real criminals, and while we’re at it, send the 87,000 new IRS agents down there along with them.
At the great risk of being redundant, President Trump does not have a course personality. Yikes! Still repeating leftwing slogans after all this time.?
Mr. Nantz, enough already! President Trump is a New Yorker. I guess you’ve never been there nor met the 45th president face to face as many of us New Yorkers have. .
Better research next time, please.
Did anything Trump ever said or tweeted compare to Biden calling America citizens who support MAGA “extremists” who want to destroy democracy and “semi-fascists”? Er, I don’t think so.
Excellent point!
When that insecure fool declared MAGA/patriots as right-wing extremists, it resulted in me hanging my “Texans for Trump” flag outside my house along side my Betsy Ross colors.
If/when the FBI is restructured, only conservative patriots need reapply for their jobs.
However, when weasels like Strzok can lie under oath, and be rewarded by the FBI with full compassion including back pay and legal fees, it might be time to scap what is now acting more like the NKVD.
I’m a New Yorker involved in Construction industry and met Preindustrial Trump in 84 and 85 at construction industry events . Great man . A New Yorker to the bone! Had NJ Generals season tix and saw Hershel play – great football player. N Yorkers are different. Aggressive tough but most can be counted on to ptotyouf back
Who will replace the FBI? The Marshalls Service. Eliminate the FBI HQ proper (fire everyone in the Hoover building and do not allow them back into federal service), and move the field offices under the Marshalls. Then ‘re-charter the Marshalls as the lead federal law enforcement agency.
Shutting down the FBI also removes stormtroopers from DOJ, leaving it without enforcers.
Interesting idea.
The U.S. Marshals Service is the oldest law enforcement service in the country created in 1789.
When will that happen? Never. You think Jobama is going to fire his goons? bwahahaha …
The FBI was founded by a cross dressing Tranny and his boy friend Clyde. Tear it down and start again!
Special Agent Steve Friend for FBI Director under the Trump second term !
That horrible Joe Biden willingly allows those who a far more intelligent than him in their insidious and manipulative ways to control the now politically correct corrupted FBI that has been thoroughly influenced and infiltrated by those active in the Red/Green alliance to come down hard on Conservatives.
Biden going so far as to slanderously label them as “extremists” and White supremacists” All the while ignoring and eve supporting the real extremist as those violent and murderous Marxist hooligans of Antifa and BLM.
The Biden regime now uses the FBI as it’s tool to come down hard in persecution of that average American patriot citizen,
For that treasonous treacherous villain, “president” pretender Biden has cause and will continue cause tremendous harm.
Furthermore, as declared before and worth declaring again. Which is that “Joe Biden is an affront to the Presidency of the United States and a disgrace to the US Constitution as well as a catastrophe for America and a disaster for the American people.”
Joe is a low
Life scum as well as criminal!
The FBI is no longer the grand all American patriotic law enforcement institution to it once was in the past. Now it’s only been influenced thoroughly infiltrated and corrupted and infected by the politically correct insidious and sinister activists of the Red/Green alliance and now the FBI is their tool as well as the stooge organization acting for Nancy Pelosi and the others of the “power elate” un-American subversives as her.
The tragedy might be that America has reached the end of her being a Republic. With the now corrupted FBI with its abuse of its power as observed that it took a sinister part in the insidious set up against the patriots on January 6, 2021 and the later FBI harassment of American Patriots who attended that January 6th rally and the Biden gulag for tyrant Joe’s political prisoners from the day of 1/6/22 and now the FBI raid invasion of residents of Donald Trump, along which many awful other event sines that have occurred since Biden took Office on 1/20/21 those are omens that are overwhelming that United States is come to the very end of her Republic. This is indeed, very tragic and sad.
With the infected and thoroughly infiltrated leftist FBI and considering all the terrible harm Joe Biden has done to the United States is still doing and will continue to do is so very horrendously terrible that the damage might be irreversible. I really hope I’m wrong.
President imposter Joe Biden is leading America to ruin. The terrible harm that Biden is doing to the USA might even be irreversible. As Abraham Lincoln had said, “You can’t unscramble eggs.”
What Joe Biden did by having the corrupted Red /Green alliance infiltrated FBI to invade the home of Donald Trump is an action of a tyrant.
Related this is that since Biden sitting in the Oval Office of the White House, he had said that any President who gets things done by executive orders and not popular consensus is a dictator. A dictator and tyrant Joe Biden, truly, is.
Apparently, of officials in power in the Federal Bureau of Investigation have never read or don’t really believe in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. This is because the Biden/ Harris / Pelosi regime had the FBI conduct an old time like Soviet type invasion of the home of Donald Trump in a raid of political harassment.
What a terrible abuse of Federal power, which was not what, the FBI was originally designed to be used for.
Therefore, maybe the now corrupted FBI thoroughly infiltrated, horrible far -left wing with Red/Green that corruption is so ingrained in that formerly good federal organization the damage done to it might be completely irreversible. As beyond repair and reform.
They. don’t. care. >:-D
Biden has made the FBI into his own personal S.S. goons to turn loose an anyone he feelings is a a a threat to his leadership this isn’t J. Edgar Hoovers FBI anymore