This had effectively already happened back in May.
Two Manhattan federal jail guard officers accused of failing to keep watch over inmate Jeffrey Epstein the night he killed himself in 2019 have reached an agreement with prosecutors that will result in the dismissal of criminal charges they currently face if they comply with certain conditions.
As part of a deferred prosecution agreement revealed late Friday afternoon, the guards, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, will be kept under pre-trial supervision for six months.
And they must perform 100 hours of community service — “preferably in an area related to the criminal justice system,” prosecutors said in a court filing.
That time is now up and it’s the perfect time to release this information while everyone is focused on the meaningless Ghislaine Maxwell trial.
Noel and Thomas allegedly falsified government records and fell asleep on the job according to a November 2019 indictment.
Not a problem. Some people might go to jail for that sort of thing. But not here.
The Justice Department has yet to release any report regarding the timeframe leading up to Epstein’s suicide or days after.
But ABC News says not to worry. Jeffrey Epstein definitely killed himself.
Included in the records was an e-mail from an unnamed inmate who worked in the kitchen at MCC.
“Jeffrey Epstein definitely killed himself. Any conspiracy theories to the contrary are ridiculous,” this inmate wrote to the BOP. “He wanted to kill himself and seized the opportunity when it was available.”
Unnamed inmate certainly sounds like he works in the media.
Former Attorney General William Barr told The Associated Press shortly after the suicide that it was the “perfect storm of screw ups” that lead to his death.
Was Epstein’s ability to avoid being on sex offender lists in three states also a perfect storm of screw-ups? Was his massive fortune, whose origins are still unclear, a perfect storm of screw-ups? What about his original prison sentence complete with commuting privileges?
Notice how no one has been held accountable for any of that.
The sexual trafficking, egregious as that was, was never the real issue, it was Epstein’s magical ability to evade accountability at every level. Now the same seems to be true of his death.
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