On August 8, for the first time in U.S. history, the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided the residence of a former president, Donald J. Trump. That home invasion invites another first for America: a sudden and thorough search of FBI headquarters, with bureau bosses and their lawyers barred from the premises and from contact with anyone inside.
Under these conditions, a crack team of independent investigators, deploying the latest forensic and high-tech tools, could be turned loose on all FBI files and records. The first thing this team might uncover is recent FBI action in a high-profile whistleblower case. Back on February 21, 2020, Philip Haney, author of See Something Say Nothing: A Homeland Security Officer Exposes the Government’s Submission to Jihad was “found deceased” in Amador County, California, killed by a gunshot to the chest. Despite rumors, Haney’s death was not a suicide.
The Amador sheriff, “reached out to the Federal Bureau of Investigation to assist in analyzing documents, phone records, numerous thumb drives and a lap top that were recovered from the scene and Mr. Haney’s RV. Those items and numerous other pieces of evidence, were turned over to the FBI. The FBI has performed a forensic examination of these items. We expect to receive these reports within the next few weeks.” More than two years later, there is no news on Haney’s thumb drives, documents and laptop in FBI custody.
With the evasive Christopher Wray removed from the J. Edgar Hoover FBI Building, independent investigators could retrieve this material and possibly develop leads in the Haney homicide case. Somebody had motive, means, and opportunity. As Rod Steiger said in In the Heat of the Night, “we have the body, which is dead.” If investigators establish that the FBI destroyed or altered evidence, that would make for an obstruction of justice case against those responsible, and any FBI bosses who signed off on it.
As the “Russiagate” campaign against candidate and President Trump confirmed, the FBI fabricates evidence, alters evidence, and declines to recommend prosecution for clear violations of federal law, such as Hillary Clinton’s retention of classified material on an unsecured server, destruction of subpoenaed emails, and deliberate destruction of electronic devices. Yet from James Comey on down, not a single member of the FBI suffered a criminal prosecution.
The bureau knew about Omar Mateen but in 2016 the FBI failed to prevent the Islamic State supporter from murdering 49 people at the Pulse nightclub in Orlando. In 2015, the FBI failed to prevent Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik from murdering 14 people at a holiday party in San Bernardino, California. The FBI played no role in the takedown of the Islamic terrorists, accomplished by San Bernardino police with no loss of innocent life.
An independent investigation could establish whether the failure to stop the mass murders was simple incompetence. On the other hand, it could be the result of official policy that looks the other way at Islamic terrorism and targets patriotic Americans out to preserve their constitutional rights.
Back in 2009, the FBI picked up on communications between U.S. Army psychiatrist Maj. Nidal Hasan and al-Qaeda terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki. As Lessons from Fort Hood notes, the Washington office of the FBI did not assess Hasan “to be involved in terrorist activities.” As it turned out, he was.
On November 5, 2009, at Fort Hood, Texas, Hasan murdered 13 unarmed American soldiers, including Pvt. Francheska Velez, who was pregnant, and wounded more than 30 others. With access to all FBI records, independent investigators could reveal which FBI official called off the investigation of Hasan, a high-profile supporter of Osama bin-Laden.
The investigators could establish whether anyone in the FBI was disciplined, demoted, or fired over this deadly failure. It might also emerge whether politicians played any role, which could possibly lead to criminal charges, lawsuits and so forth.
The FBI is charged with counterintelligence and under J. Edgar Hoover the bureau did a decent job infiltrating the Communist Party USA. The FBI compiled a huge file on CPUSA member Frank Marshall Davis, an African American Stalinist who devoted most of his life to defense of an all-white Soviet dictatorship. Davis, who died in 1987, found his way onto the FBI’s security index, so it’s not out of line to classify him a Soviet agent.
Scholars such as Paul Kengor (The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis: the Untold Story of Barack Obama’s Mentor); David Garrow, (Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama); and filmmakers such as Joel Gilbert (Dreams from My Real Father) all spotted Davis as “Frank” in the 1995 Dreams from My Father. As Garrow noted, the book was a novel, not an autobiography or memoir, and the author was a “composite character.”
When the Dreams author ran for the U.S. Senate and president of the United States, did anybody in the FBI pick up on the Communist Frank? An independent investigation could provide answers to this important question.
In 2008, the composite character set out to achieve the fundamental transformation of the United States, already a top-heavy welfare state. In the composite character’s transformation, the outgoing president picks his successor and deploys the FBI and DOJ against the opposition. In this fundamental transformation, now on full display, the FBI acts as the American KGB, performing “special tasks” for the party in power.
Those tasks include arrests without trial, holding people in solitary confinement; confiscation of cell phones, as in the case of Rep. Scott Perry; denial of bail, and raiding the residence of former president Donald Trump. A full and independent investigation could shed light on these special operations. That will require help from those in the FBI who still show fidelity to the truth, along with the bravery and integrity to reveal it.
Such persons need full immunity and protection from reprisal. As the Philip Haney case shows, government whistleblowers can be found deceased in Amador County, California, killed by a gunshot to the chest. The people have a right to know what happened to this brave man.
The families of those killed at Fort Hood have a right to know who called off the investigation of Nidal Hasan. The loved ones of the San Bernardino and Orlando victims have a right to know why the FBI failed to stop terrorists before they could murder so many innocents.
These revelations will require the fundamental transformation of the United States of America into a nation where nobody is above the law, not even the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
Remove these spam scum.
They are gutless leftist trolls too scared to actually make a real comment
If anyone from FPM is monitoring the user experience, images do not show on Safari but they do on Chrome, I don’t trust gulag so prefer safari.
Hello-can you please try clearing your cache? Please let me know if that clears up the issue.
More projection from the dumbest guy on this comment board.
What we MIGHT FIND??? And somehow learned speculation is ALL we have to read since the hard work of actual investigative reporting is a completely lost art. When you know NOTHING, it is usually wise to say nothing.
The FBI is well past its sell-by date
It will definitely reveal that Mueller, Comey and Wray, along with the rest of the higher ups, are traitors. And maybe you too.
Nothing will happen … the left has seized control of pretty much everything government, media, education, etc. who will prosecute? Who would even be allowed to prosecute?
Whilst we all tended the energy, food supply, and keeping the ‘wheels of industry’ turning, the left stole our freedoms and prosperity ….
Bush made FBI American conservative persecuting Stasi 21 years ago with Herr Mueller.
All should be fired!
The FBI also knew about the 9/11 terrorists. An instructor at the Flight School reported that they wanted to learn how to fly, did not want to learn how to land.
A guy with “tea baggers” in his name is always projecting his predilection for perverted gay sex onto others. Every time.
Apparently, of officials in power in the Federal Bureau of Investigation have never read or don’t really believe in the Fourteenth Amendment of the United States Constitution. This is because the Biden/ Harris / Pelosi regime had the FBI conduct an old time like Soviet type invasion of the home of Donald Trump in a raid of political harassment.
What a terrible abuse of Federal power, which was not what, the FBI was originally designed to be used for.
Therefore, maybe the now corrupted FBI thoroughly infiltrated, horrible far -left wing with Red/Green that corruption is so ingrained in that formerly good federal organization the damage done to it might be completely irreversible. As beyond repair and reform.
As Abraham Lincoln has, so wisely, said “You can’t unscramble eggs.”
That horrible Joe Biden willingly allows those who a far more intelligent than him in their insidious and manipulative ways to control the now politically correct corrupted FBI that has been thoroughly influenced and infiltrated by those active in the Red/Green alliance to come down hard on Conservatives who are the political opponents of the far left. As seen in the good Conservative leader, Donald Trump.
It’s only a matter of time before the Biden regime also uses the FBI as it’s tool to come down hard in persecution of that average American patriot citizen,
For that treasonous treacherous villain, “president” pretender Biden has cause and will continue cause tremendous harm.
Furthermore, as declared before and worth declaring again. Which is that “Joe Biden is an affront to the Presidency of the United States and a disgrace to the US Constitution as well as a catastrophe for America and a disaster for the American people.”
What Joe Biden did by having the corrupted Red /Green alliance infiltrated FBI to invade the home of Donald Trump is an action of a tyrant.
Related this is that since Biden sitting in the Oval Office of the White House, he had said that any President who gets things done by executive orders and not popular consensus is a dictator. A dictator and tyrant Joe Biden, truly, is.
The Federal Bureau of Investigation was once a good decent all American law and order institution.
Now it’s been terribly corrupt by subversive influence of such Socialists ,Communist pro -Sharia characters as Nancy Pelosi and that overseas villain ,George Soros ,and likewise the FBI ,as seen in that invasion /raid that the FBI is now a tool organization of Kamala Harris with their comrades of the Red/Green alliance.
To corruption of the FBI by the insidious sinister forces .just mentioned above, is so extensive that reform would be able to straighten that now crooked institution.
Therefore, that means that the FBI can no longer be numbered or counted as all American organization engaging in the right actions for the Republic of the United States and the security and safety of the American citizens.
Such horrendous as this is a reflection of the Wisdom found in the Bible. Which reads, “What is crooked cannot be made straight, and what is lacking cannot be numbered.” Ecclesiastes 1:15. [N.K.J.V.]
Remember the FSB warned the FBI about the Tsarnaev brother (Boston Bomber), reporting Tsarnaev was currently in Russia visiting with his parents, and hanging out with suspected Chechen terrorists.
The Tsarnaev’s family had previously gained entry to the U.S. by claiming religious persecution as Muslims. The family received green cards.
Even though they feared being persecuted in Russia, the parents moved back to Russia, and now the son is visiting. This should have set off an alarm that the Tsarnaev’s had obtained there US immigration status through felony fraud.
Instead of blocking the return of the Tsarnaev son from returning, they instead decided to allow his return. T
The FBI approached the two brothers to see if they might be interested in being assets/informants. The brothers declined, and the FBI dropped the effort.
Instead of pursuing visa fraud charges, the family were left alone. The brothers soon after carried out their bombing.
Another Vince Foster?
Mr No tea baggers is mercifully free from the ravages of intelligence as he cannot see the Forest because the Trees are in his way.
Sad ass wee soy boy….
Go run off to your safe space and have a cry because I called you a moron.
The B. Hussein administration was warned twice about the Tsarnaev brothers before they bombed the Boston marathon.
The FBI asked the two scumbags if they intended jihad/terrorism (having visited Chechnyan terrorist training camps twice). They said “No”; and with that, the FBI wrapped it up and called it a day. Jug-eared Barry assured us that that was the FBI “doing their job”.
Two things of note:
¹ the Tsarnaev pricks made good use of their welfare checks, and ² the FBI only concerns itself with social media when patriots attend protest rallies. (Tsarnaevs & San Bernardino killers had splashed their ill intent all over the internet.)
The Federal Bureau of Investigation isn’t anymore the grand institution it had one been in times past.
That illegal FBI raid on the home of Donald Trump was in direct violation of the fourteenth amendment of the US Constitution.
Now the FBI has been completely contaminated corrupted and infected by traitorous subversives who are insidiously involved in and with evil and madness of the Communist- Islamic alliance. Which is also known as the “Red /Green alliance.”
Those Marxist leaders of Antifa and BLM matter now have a say and influence the FBI.
The FBI founders and agents of would be shocked and horrified at how once great American government organization has degraded and caved into the powers of wickedness.
Regarding January 6, 2021, it was discovered in the FBI working with the operatives Antifa in inciting mayhem and creation situations of entrapment in that despicable set up against the pro-Trump American patriots at the rally on 01/6/21 at Washington DC.
After that day new terrible men of the FBI have even gone after and invaded the homes by force and with false charges have falsely arrested some of those patriots had peaceful taken part in the march and rally in 1/6/21 in this nation’s capital. Those patriots form January 6, 2021, and afterward unjustly arrested are now incarcerated and the Biden gulag. In Federal prison, Biden’s gulag, the patriots are denied their US constitutional rights and basis human rights, they are kept in small dark moldy cells, beaten severely by the leftists’ guards and given little food to eat and very poor-quality food at that. They are true political prisoners of the Biden regime.
Those good American patriots are treated just like the Chinese political prisoners of Communist China. It’s no wonder that Biden admires Red China so much that he has established polices that greatly favor that oppressive tyranny of mainland China.
Biden is showing his own tyrannical Red mindset by having the FBI comply the Communist State police of China, along with its cruel brutal political prisoner system. What a hideous tyrant Biden is regardless of how much he fakes being “all American.”
The FBI /Biden atrocities new even reach to the harassment and perception of concerned Conservative parents who peacefully attend and PTA meeting and local community board meetings.
This Biden /FBI has even dared to commit that affront of classified those good conscientious parents as “domestic terrorists” That’s terribly slanderous and outrageous of the FBI to do so.
Meanwhile the actual, real, domestic terrorists who make up those two dangerous violent, vicious malicious lawless destructive and even murderous Marxist organizations Antifa and BLM aren’t put under investigation, arrested, and imprisoned, as they should be.
The days of the just and righteous days the of FBI are gone, This both sad and tragic.