Maybe John Fetterman, who makes Joe Biden look like Socrates, is really sharp in ways we ordinary mortals have not yet grasped. Way back in 1979, Peter Sellers starred in the movie Being There, a black comedy about a dull-witted gardener whose simple, direct statements about trivial matters are taken as clever and wise aphorisms, catapulting him to fame and power. I thought of that movie Tuesday night right in the opening moments of the debate between Fetterman and Mehmet Oz, when Fetterman started off with: “Hi. Goodnight, everybody.” That could be the epitaph for our republic as a whole, as politicians of the quality of Biden and Fetterman become increasingly common, but the entire debate underscored a question that few people, if any, are asking: why is John Fetterman still running for the Senate?
The whole country and, indeed, the whole world now knows that the man is suffering from severe cognitive damage. He has trouble following simple things that are said to him and even more trouble formulating coherent responses. Yet today, while conservatives emphasize his obvious unfitness to be a United States senator or, indeed, to hold pretty much any job at all, the loyal Leftist propagandists on The View and other water carriers for the Democrats are clutching their pearls at Oz supposedly “bullying” Fetterman by treating him as if we were a serious candidate whose positions warranted scrutiny. Piers Morgan and others are calling upon Fetterman to withdraw, but there is no indication from the Fetterman camp that a withdrawal is even being considered.
There are several possibilities as to why not. One is that Gisele Fetterman is a veritable Lady Macbeth who wants fame and power so much that she is willing to sacrifice her husband’s health to get it. Maybe she even thinks that if he becomes completely incapacitated, she will be chosen to take his place, as Old Joe Biden hinted when he told her that she was going to be a “great, great lady in the Senate.”
There is another possibility as well: maybe Fetterman’s cognitive difficulties don’t bother the Democrats at all. In fact, John Fetterman may be the Democrats’ dream candidate. The Senate, after all, long ago stopped being a place of great debates, where lawmakers were titans of oratory and actually sought to convince their colleagues of the correctness of their position. That sort of thing went out with Henry Clay and Daniel Webster. Nowadays there are a few senators who don’t always vote the party line, of course, but Lisa Murkowski and Susan Collins and Mitt Romney and Joe Manchin appear to be more likely to be swayed by the appropriate combination of carrots and sticks rather than by persuasive rhetoric. What’s more, they are outliers. The party leaders don’t want people around who are liable to defect to the other camp, as similar as the two camps are today. They want good party people who will vote the way the leadership wants and not cause a lot of trouble.
In other words, John Fetterman doesn’t have to be able to speak. He doesn’t have to be able to understand arguments. He doesn’t even have to be able to form coherent thoughts. What John Fetterman has to be able to do is move, breathe, show up, and vote the way Chuck Schumer tells him to vote. That’s all. The Democrats haven’t pressured Fetterman to withdraw because they’re likely salivating at the prospect of having a man like him in the Senate: a reliable vote, a compliant party man, not someone who is even capable of stepping out of line and going off the reservation.
That’s why John Fetterman isn’t withdrawing from the race and, despite his disastrous performance Tuesday evening, could still win it. Those who vote for him aren’t voting for an eloquent spinner of aphorisms or someone who will find just the right words to turn back the Republicans’ arguments and dash all their hopes. They just want Fetterman in the Senate because he will be another vote for the Democrats’ agenda on each and every matter that ever comes before that once-august body without any exceptions whatsoever. If the Democrats could find a way to keep him voting after shuffling off this mortal coil, he would remain in the Senate even after death. For the Left, John Fetterman’s glaringly obvious impairment is not a bug, it’s a feature.
You’re right. The Dirtbagocrats in Congress want to get their clutches on Igor Fetterstein the same way Alzheimer Joe’s handlers want to keep their clutches on him. They’re both perfect meat puppets except for the fact that both are dying. Not that the ghouls in the D-Bag party care about their lives, just so long as they can use them for as many years as possible.
And Dirtbagocrat voters all know that Bidumb and Fetterstein are brain damaged retards and many or most of them don’t care. Seriously. Only a lowlife or retard could support the Dirtbagocrat party at this point. It’s repulsive and proof positive that America is DONE. As if the Jihad Squad and quite a few other members of Congress who would be un-electable in an educated or even rational society weren’t proof enough. Corrie Bush and Adam Kinziger? Are you kidding me? People actually voted for those creatures. We’re done.
Why not Igor Fetterstein in the Senate? Most D-Bag voters are just as brain dead as he is.
I agree many voters are brain dead but the vote counters will make certain the undead brain votes don’t count.
What do you mean?
When the D fascists have the TWO TOP FAUX OFFICERS IN THE WH AS 100% DEAD BODY WALKING why not add the total inept FATTERMAN to that COLLECTION OF NUMB NUTS to male JOE and Kamala look GOOD !
I was going to post but you just hit it out of the park…!
Thanks! I wish we were wrong but America is in dire straits.
Fetterman will win the 3:00 AM vote count and be declared the most popular politician in Pennsylvania history who got the most votes ever in the “most secure election” in Pennsylvania history.
All the postal votes had been completed before the alleged debate. That’s why they didn’t wheel him out for months just like biden in his basement scared of catching a cold.
Thanks for bringing this up. Among non-leftists there’s too much guffawing at Biden’s and now Fetterman’s glaring deficits and too little analysis of the left’s strategy.
These are perfect Democrat candidates to do as they’re told, to be elected by overt vote fraud. It’s beyond an ‘emperors new clothes’ world. It’s a giant humiliation and thumb in the eye for the country we thought we lived in.
It’s to fundamentally transform America into a burning heap of looted garbage.
That transformation is already happening, if you ask me. I’m sure you’d agree. It’s more of a desecration and perversion, though.
This is an excellent analysis of why the Democrats are supporting Fetterman despite his inability to think on his feet and process questions
Sad, but most likely true. What other explanation could there be?
You are 100% correct- Democrats only want a stooge that will vote the party line 100% of the time. It’s like the pipefitters union boss who still hailed Joe Biden a hero who loves the working people as Biden was putting a whole lot of Union workers out of work with his edicts.
Of course the Union boss still had his power and money.
That’s it Kevin! Biden has done wonders for the Union, as for the Rank and File, “not so much” is an overstatement. Biden doesn’t represent the Union members who pay the due but those who collect them.
Not to mention 87,000 new government union members with their union bosses. Growing government grows someone’s bank accounts, it seems.
Yeah, worked tiredlessly getting murderers released from prison and to get marijuana legalized for medical purposes. No thanks.
When it’s now all about party affiliation and no longer about state representation, this is inevitable.
Repeal the 17th Amendment and restore our Founders’ vision for us.
I knew that the debate was all downhill when Fettermans first word out was Goodnight. This position is no different than any other job. He is not able to mentally do the job. Would you want Fetterman as your surgeon?lawyer? Accountant? Hope not.
Fetterman, like many in the Senate are the poster children for repeal of the 17th amendment.
I was going to post but you just hit it out of the park…!
They are accomplished. What has a Biden, Harris or the rest of the swamp type, career bureaucrats ever accomplished? Trump was an outstanding president because of his past accomplishments as a Chief Executive Officer. The President is the Chief Executive Officer of the United States. Trump was experienced.
You obviously have not taken the time to learn about the candidates. Please, do your country a favor and don’t vote.
Don’t be surprised if he gets elected! People today will feel sorrow for him and vote for him.
Good article Robert. I also thought of a movie when I saw Fetterman’s abortion of a debate, but the movie was Idiocracy. It’s about a world gone stupid.
I thought of “Frankenstein.”
Fetterman wants all Convicts released
Yep. And all drugs legalized. He’d probably hand out rocks and crack pipes to each murderer and child rapist as they walked out the prison gates. And set them up in luxurious refugee centers in prey rich residential neighborhoods.
MAGA Americans don’t vote for brain damaged retards who love criminals and hard drugs. WTF is wrong with you?
And he is probably big time Gun Control/Confiscation advocate like most all Democrats are
Space Aliens have invaded PA as Fetterman is obviously from the Klingon family.
A braindead puppet?
Yeah, because Raphael Warlord and Igor Fetterstein are such policy experts with their pro-crime, pro-drug, pro-racism, pro-retard and pro-insane policies.
It would have been useful to know that he’s had a stroke recently. Kind of fundamental to the story.
I just saw big Pro-Fetterman ad on TV yesterday with the usual load of Malarkey you can bet