[Order a copy of David Horowitz’s ‘Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last’: HERE.]
“These are the times that try men’s souls. The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country,” Thomas Paine wrote in 1776.
No American who loves our country can look at these past years without feeling that our souls have been tried. At conservative conferences and events there is an inescapable desire for a big picture sense of what we are up against and whether the fight can be won. And that is what David Horowitz offers in his latest book, “Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last”.
Since “Destructive Generation”, Horowitz has spent over three decades chronicling our national crisis in his books and few deny that we are living in the world that he had spent so long warning conservatives would come to pass if the totalitarian ambitions of the Left went unchecked.
“Final Battle” is a fitting title for a culture warrior whose message to conservatives, over and over again, was that they needed to learn to fight. This is a book that describes the fight and its missed opportunities, of those who fought and those who didn’t, and what the next phase, and perhaps the final phase, of the struggle for the country that he loves so much looks like.
Here, David Horowitz pulls no punches, writing, “the greatest existential threat to American democracy is the drive by the Democrat Party to create a one-party socialist state—a fascist state.” His message is clear, leftists have set out to dismantle “the system of checks and balances, which has been the bulwark of American democracy for over 240 years” and they are terrifyingly close to their goal of seizing complete power over every last man, woman and child.
“All these tyrannical ambitions are within reach for a party” with even the narrowest of majorities “in a country deeply divided on the issues of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Such is the awesome and terrifying power of an ideological zeal justified by planetary crises and mostly imagined social inequities,” he warns.
“Final Battle” lays out in broad strokes how the shackles are being on Americans. This is a book that boldly takes on election fraud, open borders, pandemic lockdowns, race riots and the humiliating defeat in Afghanistan not just as singular events, but as part of a larger plan.
A plan that is on the verge of coming to fruition and whose planned end is America’s end.
As “Final Battle” warns, the Left is moving to dismantle the constitutional order of the Electoral College, an independent judiciary and federalism, but above all else, the conviction that whatever our political differences may be, we are one single nation and share a single destiny.
Instead, Americans have been divided and pitted against each other by radicals. The ultimate aim of their politics of hate, as Horowitz writes, is to “set the nation on the path to a one-party state.” Demographic replacement and manufactured conflicts over identity politics are the engines for dividing and conquering America by destroying the spirit of her people.
The template, as “Final Battle” devastatingly describes, is California.
“California is now a one-party state in which Democrats control virtually all state executive offices,” David Horowitz writes, and it also has “the highest poverty rate in the country”, “the largest number of chronically homeless people in America” and “now holds the distinction of being the least-educated state”.
This state of perpetual misery and power, the extremes of poverty and wealth, division and degradation is the Democrat vision for the entire country. And for every single one of us.
That is what is at stake in the ‘final battle’ we will face..
The message is a familiar one though we have not heard it recently. In “The American Crisis”, Paine wrote, “By perseverance and fortitude we have the prospect of a glorious issue; by cowardice and submission, the sad choice of a variety of evils- a ravaged country- a depopulated city- habitations without safety, and slavery without hope.”
We can see the ravaged country all around us, the depopulated cities, the erosion of public safety as a fundamental duty of government, and the prospect of slavery to the leftist state.
This is what David Horowitz has been warning us about for over a generation. And it’s here.
The Left has clearly and unambiguously laid out its plans for a totalitarian state that will eliminate free speech and criminalize political dissent, that will control every detail of our lives from food to transportation to education, that will destroy our past and our nation.
The Democrats, even men who were portrayed as “moderates” like Joe Biden, have fully signed on to the agenda of packing the Supreme Court and the Senate, eliminating the filibuster, and federalizing control of elections around the country in order to rig them with ballot harvesting and fraudulent mail votes. They have racialized our politics, poisoned our dialogue and claim the authority to urgently crack down on political dissent using government agencies aimed at policing “misinformation”. This is not the final outcome of their plans, only the very beginning.
Armed with this agenda, the Constitution is only a few votes away, one election, from becoming a dead letter.
That is why this is truly the ‘final battle.’
The Left has solidified its control over the Democrats. With Senator Kyrsten Sinema declaring herself an independent and Senator Joe Manchin likely on the way out, there are few remaining dissenting voices in the party. There is no longer any meaningful debate over even the farthest extremes of an agenda that Biden and most Democrats found too extreme not that long ago.
They have their movement, they have their agenda and they have their party. We know all too well what the outcome will look like if they defeat America and come fully into their power.
“The desire to make things better is an impulse essential to our humanity. But taken beyond the limits of what is humanly possible, the same hope is transformed into a destructive passion, until it becomes a desire to annihilate whatever stands in the way of the beautiful idea,” Horowitz wrote in “Radicals: Portraits of a Destructive Passion” a decade ago.
Russia. China. Cuba. Cambodia. And so many of the other genocides and historical tragedies that have become the bywords for evil began when the Left lost any political check on its power to transform the world and had to grapple with the limitations of reality and human nature.
When speech, property and the family have been abolished and utopia hasn’t arrived, what will the men and women screaming hate in the streets now do? How many of us will they annihilate for the beautifully unworkable utopian ideas that, like snowflakes, melt when they touch people?
Elections have ceased to be contests of policy. They have become a rear guard struggle for the last shreds of freedom still left in a country where in the space of a few years the Biden administration radicalized the military censored social media, abolished marriage and gender, racialized the economy, sexualized education, plotted to pack the judiciary and the legislatures, to federalize elections, and is just getting started on the grander agenda it intends to impose.
In politics they say that every election is the last, but we are running out of elections and out of the right to have them. Fraud, tainted rules and rigging have poisoned the legitimacy of elections. That is why “Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last” is so crucial.
David Horowitz’s latest book is a compelling indictment of the abuses of these years that we have lived through and a call to action. “The present winter is worth an age, if rightly employed; but, if lost or neglected, the whole continent will partake of the evil,” Paine wrote.
In this winter, our American winter, we face either rebirth or doom. This will be the season that “if rightly employed” begins the rise of the nation to reclaim its heritage and its purpose. “Final Battle“ lays out the choice for us much the way that Paine did in “American Crisis”. The evils that we have experienced are here, along with the worse evils yet to come, the stakes in the final battle, and the battle plan for winning that fight and reclaiming the future of our country.
Spurwing Plover says
American needs to totally pull out of the United Nations and moved the whole lot to Moscow without America to push around time to Evict the UN and turn the facility into a Homeless Shelter
Mo de Profit says
Definitely, the root cause of the whole western world collapse is the UN. The organisation that claims to be helping the victims of this world, if they really wanted to help they would have their luxurious base in the poorest countries not the wealthiest.
They are based in NYC, London, Paris, Rome, Bali, Copenhagen (where they manage a worldwide condom supply chain!!) Geneva.
THX 1138 says
The root cause of the collapse of the Rational West is the collapse of Rational Philosophy. When men abandon reason faith and force are their only alternatives. Rediscovering and embracing reason is the only antidote for any form of unreason. Ayn Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism is that philosophy of reason that is the antidote for unreason.
“When men abandon reason, physical force becomes their only means of dealing with one another and of settling disagreements…. The present state of the world is not the proof of philosophy’s impotence, but the proof of philosophy’s power. It is philosophy that has brought men to this state—it is only philosophy that can lead them out.” – Ayn Rand
THX 1138 says
If the root cause of the collapse of the Rational West is the UN, then you must ask yourself what is the root cause of the UN? What ultimately makes the UN possible? Irrational ideas, irrational philosophy.
THX 1138 says
Marxism is an irrational philosophy pretending to be rational science. The useful idiots don’t realize it but the philosophers of Marxism do.
So why do the professional philosophers of altruism-collectivism-socialism like Pope Francis, John Rawles, and Peter Singer promote it? Ultimately because they hate the good for being the good, the independent individual for being independent, the rational for being the rational, the productive for being the productive, life on earth for being life on earth, the hatred of man for being man, the hatred of life for being life. They love death more than they love life.
Mo de Profit says
The original idea behind the UN was not irrational at all, what is irrational about reducing war and helping the victims of war?
I was completely rational, it was bought into being by objective rational people who believed that they could rationalise what was best for every member.
That is EXACTLY what the objectivists who believe in Rand’s philosophy would do too.
THX 1138 says
To Mo de Profit,
Now you are being damned disingenuous. We were not talking about any allegedly noble and objective original idea that began the U.N., if in fact that was originally the HONEST intention and not simply one more Globalist deception.
We were talking about the actual Globalist-Collectivist history of the actual U.N. not it’s pretentions and smokescreens.
“When an institution reaches the degree of corruption, brazen cynicism and dishonor demonstrated by the U.N. in its shameful history, to discuss it at length is to imply that its members and supporters may possibly be making an innocent error about its nature—which is no longer possible. There is no margin for error about a monstrosity that was created for the alleged purpose of preventing wars by uniting the world against any aggressor, but proceeded to unite it against any victim of aggression.” – Ayn Rand
Mo de Profit says
All large government institutions do the same thing because they are spending other people’s money.
I know that you claim nobody needs to actually define what is rational and reasonable but it is a 100% inevitability that a government body NEEDS to be set up to determine what is rational and reasonable.
To claim anything else is as extreme as saying that selfishness is a virtue and Christianity is still suffering from the dark ages with self sacrifice as it’s base.
THX 1138 says
To Mo de Profit,
“I know that you claim nobody needs to actually define what is rational and reasonable…”
That’s enough. End of discussion. I’ve had enough of your blatant dishonesty, I never claimed any such thing. You’re one severely DISHONEST individual.
Boyd Nelson says
Putin is a “want to be”. He wants Russia to become USSR. If the nations and people in Europe don`t wake up, then they will have to deal with what Putin’s goals are. the people of the US should not have to send so much of our tax dollars to stop Putin. The Europe nations will have do their part with money and artillery to stop Putin!! The cost of this war should not be placed upon the US workers. My ancestors when though the crimes of years ago. And now it is happening again.
Lightbringer says
Mogadishu would be a beautiful place for them to have their headquarters. I hear it’s lovely this time of year.
David Ray says
That has my vote! 🍻👍
Although we’d have to be sure it’s moved to the Mogadishu shithole that’s in Somalia; NOT the “Little Mogadishu” shithole that was brought here to Minnesota (which gave us the unthankful bitch Olhan Omar.)
CharlieSeattle says
Somalis by the thousands were smuggled in by Bush and Obama at the meat packers and farmers request and littered throughout the Midwest!!
The figures were highest during the middle years of the George W. Bush administration, with 13,331 Somali refugees admitted in FY 2004, 10,405 in FY 2005 and 10,357 in FY 2006.
The numbers declined towards the end of the Bush presidency, dropping to 6,969 in FY 2007 and to 2,523 in FY 2008.
The early years of the Obama administration saw the numbers fairly stable – 4,189 in FY 2009, 4,884 in FY 2010, and down to 3,161 in FY 2011, then back up to 4,911 in FY 2012.
The numbers then began picking up again. In FY 2013, 7,608 arrived, in FY 2014, 9,000 were admitted, and in FY 2015 the figure was 8,858. With a fortnight to go, FY 2016 so far has seen 8,619 Somali refugees admitted.
Barry Spinello says
Some photo artist at FrontPage should take the image of the tank in Tiannemen Square and replace the student facing the tank with photoshopped Laureen Boebert facing the tank – that is the heroic stand being taken now.
I have not heard one word from Keven McCarthy that he would be anything but a go along to get along Rino.
Stand firm you patriots, unless and until Kevin gives a speech on the floor outlining exactly and unequivocally what he will do to “clean the swamp” – Namely: borders, budget, hearings, drilling, clean bills, reduce Govt, even review and debate for term limits. — “This is what I am for” he must loudly proclaim “and what I will push for, and Congressman and the people can hold me to these words” Until and unless he says that — PUSH, PUSH, FIGHT, FIGHT.
David Ray says
Gotta love it when Boebert quipped “It’s OK. She’s not wearing a backpack.” to the security officer when she & Ilhan Omar got into an elevator together.
(The thankless bitch had a meltdown over that joke because it resonated too close to the truth.)
Mo de Profit says
I watched Cohen’s Dictator again last night which is hilarious at times, but the speech he gives to the UN about a dictatorship allowing rigged elections and wealth distribution, which was an obvious political message, was too close to the truth today.
Onzeur Trante says
The last “election” was in 2020 and the final battle is already underway. The Left has managed to undermine every institution in the country and people are losing faith in their government. It’s what they call “winning” today.
Cat says
Is it ok to say stolen election and election fraud here yet?
ONew Irene says
I write about the 2020 election fraud in many of my posts because I am a CPA and have followed many reports of various types of fraud that have been reported on The Gateway Pundit which is a reputable site.
The reason there is no reporting on it is because of left wing “nothing to see here” media, spineless judges, and RINOs squashing evidence to get rid of Trump. The fraud was MASSIVE. MASSIVE. MASSIVE.
Dan Foster says
Claiming expertise in one field obviously doesn’t make you an expert in another field. You then site The Gateway Pundit as a source that is a known fraud which makes you look much worse.
internalexile says
Leftist “progressivism” has always been a secular, messianic, substitute religion for people who would otherwise reject utterly anything smacking of traditional religious ideas. We are trying to perfect mankind, and how dare you stand in the way of this glorious people’s effort. We are then justified in annihilating you. 100,000,000 gone in the 20th century, from what I continue to read.
THX 1138 says
Christianity prepared the way for Marxism. And Marxism is preparing the way back to religion and a religious theocracy. That theocracy will be Muslim or Christian. Depending on who kills who after they kill the Marxists.
Is that what the religious conservatives on the Right, the religious conservatives who are more truly in love with life on earth, liberty on earth, and the pursuit of personal happiness on earth, than the after-life Utopia promised by religion, really want? The inexorable philosophical progression from Christian theocracy to Marxist totalitarianism and then back to a religious theocracy?
The Christian conservatives on the Left, like Pope Francis, understand fully well that philosophical and inexorable progression. The Christian conservatives on the Left know that what matters crucially are the fundamentals of a philosophy. Marxism and religion share those fundamentals. Yes, it is true, Marxism is a false religion, or more exactly religion pretending to be secular science. Its philosophical fundamentals are mystical supernaturalism (Almighty Society as a disembodied supernatural organism to be obeyed and submitted to), faith in the edicts of its priesthod (the Czars, the elite bureaucrats, Anthony Fauci), altruism and self-sacrifice for Almighty Society, and collectivism.
Sword of the Spirit says
The present is a but a split second flash in time. The next life is forever as far as we know.
THX 1138 says
“Now there is one word—a single word—which can blast the morality of altruism out of existence and which it cannot withstand—the word: “Why?” Why must man live for the sake of others? Why must he be a sacrificial animal? Why is that the good? There is no earthly reason for it—and, ladies and gentlemen, in the whole history of philosophy no EARTHLY reason has ever been given.
It is only MYSTICISM that can permit moralists to get away with it. It was mysticism, the unearthly, the supernatural, the irrational that has always been called upon to justify it—or, to be exact, to escape the necessity of justification. One does not justify the irrational, one just takes it on faith. What most moralists—and few of their victims—realize is that reason and altruism are incompatible.” – Ayn Rand
ONew Irene says
Christianity didn’t start Marxism. Karl Marx started Marxism. Marxists are the architects of anti-family and anti-religion and class warfare. The first of it actually surfaced with the French Revolution.
THX 1138 says
I didn’t say Christianity directly started Marxism, I said Christianity PREPARED the way, prepared the ground, introduced and prepared the Western mind, to the philosohical fundamentals for Marxism.
Marxism got its philosophical fundamentals from Judeo-Christianity. Marx began as a Christian, in essence he secularized Christianity. Ejecting Yahweh as the supernatural, almighty, organism to be sacrificed to, worshipped, submitted to, obeyed, and replaced him with Almighty Society.
“Christianity prepared the ground. It paved the way for modern totalitarianism by entrenching three fundamentals in the Western mind: in metaphysics, the worship of the supernatural; in epistemology, the reliance on faith; as a consequence, in ethics, the reverence for self-sacrifice.” – Leonard Peikoff
Anne says
There is a definite fossil record of a Great Flood, it’s an immense sign of nature that actually happened, (to the fact that God has judged by water.) This should warn each man, woman, and child that just as God has kept His Word in the past concerning judgment, so He will keep HIs word in the future. 2 Peter 3 is a prophecy of the last days and we are seeing it fulfilled before our very eyes…. there is the Convergence of signs that point to the end of the age, Matthew 24:3. Let us, therefore, become more vigorous and bolder in witnessing for God, the God of Creation.
THX 1138 says
“Instead, Americans have been divided and pitted against each other by radicals.”
It is time to stop the smearing and corruption of the concepts of radical and extremist. Is radical and extreme integrity, honesty, virtue, courage, skill, talent, productivity, intelligence, rationality, EVIL?
The Founding Fathers were radicals and extremists for freedom and liberty, is that evil? Only a radical and extreme revolution for freedom, liberty, and capitalism can hope to counter the radicals and extremists for totalitarian tyranny.
“The “neo-conservatives” are now trying to tell us that America was the product of “faith in revealed truths” and of uncritical respect for the traditions of the past (!).
It is certainly irrational to use the “new” as a standard of value, to believe that an idea or a policy is good merely because it is new. But it is much more preposterously irrational to use the “old” as a standard of value, to claim that an idea or a policy is good merely because it is ancient….
America was created by men who broke with all political traditions and who originated a system unprecedented in history, relying on nothing but the “unaided” power of their own intellect.” – Ayn Rand
Mo de Profit says
And the American trinity?
THX 1138 says
The American trinity? The American trinity is life on earth, liberty on earth, and the pursuit of happiness on earth, those are SECULAR and earthly values that have nothing to do with atoning for Original Sin, weeping, repenting, begging a God for forgiveness, or preparing the eternal soul for a supernatural after-life.
THX 1138 says
“The ultimate aim of their politics of hate, as Horowitz writes, is to “set the nation on the path to a one-party state.”
One must try and imagine what a two-party system as the Founding Fathers intended, would be like. In a society and culture where the dominant philosophy, the common sense philosophical currency of the vast majority of its citizens, is one of reason and a dedication to reason, there would exist a moral and intransigent conviction that man — every brain healthy man — is born with the capacity to be rational. And therefore every man’s freedom and liberty to think and act according to the conclusions of his rational thinking must be respected and left in peace. In such a society and culture every man would be left free of the initiation of force from others, and the government, by common sense and rational moral conviction.
Such a society would produce two parties identical in its philosophical and ideological fundamentals. In peace time these two identical parties, identical in their dedication to the fatcs of reality and reason, identical in philosophical fundamentals, would meet at most twice a year for a week each time, as a mere but necessary formality, or to resolve minor issues that come up every once in a while. The rest of the economy would be in the hands of private citizens pursuing their private interests, pursuing their personal, rational, happiness with no interference from the government….
THX 1138 says
In other words, a two party system is only an essentially superficial tool for the checks and balances of power in a free society, like the concept of states’ rights is. The crucial and fundamental tool is rational philosophy. But once the society has abandoned reason both parties will become more and more identical, but in the opposite dierction, two parties in name only, dedicated to tyranny. Like Mexico.
Anne-Marie says
I remember years ago, when I read 1984. At the time, I thought “What a far-fetched dystopian dark fantasy! Thank God humans are smarter than that!”.
And here we are. Lest some people are tempted to see Horowitz’s book Final Battle as a piece of scaremongering rag, they should really read 1984 (if they never have). The future of our society is scary, and we have the power NOW to veer off the collision course if we choose to do so.
I am in my late 60s and relieved that I won’t be around to see the demise of our civilization. For the years that I have left, I choose to see the beauty in this world, in spite of all the ugliness that is permeating our society.
THX 1138 says
Please read “Atlas Shrugged” as an antidote for “1984”. There is hope for America and the Rational West, it’s in “Atlas Shrugged”.
“In the history of mankind it is EARLIER than we think.” – Ayn Rand
Mo de Profit says
Only read Atlas Shrugged if you think a rapist bomber could be a hero because he’s selfish.
1984 was a work of genius by a man who was from a wealthy family but who deliberately made himself homeless and fought against fascists and wrote about his experiences. Unlike Rand who spent her life in a university.
THX 1138 says
Didn’t you tell me that after reading “Anthem” and “The Fountainhead”, both of which you failed to understand and have misrepresented here, you would not go on to read any other work by Ayn Rand?
Have you actually read all 1,100 pages of “Atlas Shrugged” and actually understood them?
After graduating from Petrograd State University with a degree in History and then one year studying Screen Arts Ayn Rand never again attended or taught at any university other than delivering speeches at a few unversities at the request of those universities. Something she was reluctant to do at first. Ayn Rand was not an Ivory Tower professor insulated from reality by tenure. She EARNED her income, independently, on her own, self-reliantly, on the Free Market, by offering her novels and philosophy in book form.
THX 1138 says
The so called “Rapist Bomber”? That is what the haters of Ayn Rand call Howard Roark, the hero of “The Fountainhead”. He does not appear in “Atlas Shrugged”. As Ayn Rand said “If Howard Roark raped Dominique Francon it was by engraved invitation”. But Leftist, Feminist, Snowflakes, and eunuchs, refuse to understand that a woman can send unmistakeable signals that she wants a man to overpower her, dominate her, and devour her. It takes an acutely intelligent and acutely aware heterosexual man, perfectly comfortable in his heterosexuality and masculinity, to read a woman’s feminine signals. That’s “rape by engraved invitation”, but that scares you doesn’t it?
“Dominique Francon: Ayn Rand’s Profoundly Misunderstood Heroine” – Andrew Bernstein
Mo de Profit says
Ok so I got the name of the book wrong. Doesn’t change the fact that her hero was a rapist selfish bomber.
Lightbringer says
You’re thinking of The Fountainhead. Atlas Shrugged. doesn’t have a rapist bomber as its protagonist.
THX 1138 says
“The desire to make things better is an impulse essential to our humanity. But taken beyond the limits of what is humanly possible, the same hope is transformed into a destructive passion, until it becomes a desire to annihilate whatever stands in the way of the beautiful idea,” Horowitz wrote in “Radicals: Portraits of a Destructive Passion” a decade ago.”
Altruism is NOT a beautiful idea, it is an EVIL and IRRATIONAL idea. Until mankind discovers that fact it will keep pursuing altruism as a beautiful idea. The only way to implement altruism politically is some variant of COLLECTIVISM, i.e., socialism, fascism, communism, Nazism, theocracy.
“Socialism is the doctrine that man has no right to exist for his own sake, that his life and his work do not belong to him, but belong to society, that the only justification of his existence is his service to society, and that society may dispose of him in any way it pleases for the sake of whatever it deems to be its own tribal, collective good….
THX 1138 says
The social system based on and consonant with the altruist morality—with the code of self-sacrifice—is socialism, in all or any of its variants: fascism, Nazism, communism. All of them treat man as a sacrificial animal to be immolated for the benefit of the group, the tribe, the society, the state. Soviet Russia is the ultimate result, the final product, the full, consistent embodiment of the altruist morality in practice; it represents the only way that that morality can ever be practiced.” – Ayn Rand
JIM says
The Democrat party reminds me of the old SED which ran East Germany. There is less and less difference in the behavior and the way they talk. They seem to be clawing their way to the top by chanting the mantras of racism, sexism, Islamophobia, bigotry, transphobia, homophobia, and all sorts of evil motives. They cherish the values of the anointed to the expense of freedom of debate and speech. At one time, in the sixties, they were for free speech and equality. Now they are for woke speech and equity. Discrimination for privileged minorities and the nourishment of resentments and try to fragment the people in a mob of discontented identity groups.
Dave Huff says
With the continual cheating by the left, how does voting harder help?
THX 1138 says
The franchise to vote or the conviction that stealing an election is morally right are the results of moral-philosophical convictions.
I don’t know how many on the Left are actually amoral or immoral but the ones on the Left that make it possible for the amorals and the immorals to operate with impunity are the ones who believe in the end justify the means, the ones who are convinced in the allegedly beautiful idea of altruism and self-sacrifice. The ones who believe that they really are moral when they are actually pursuing evil and opening the door for evil.
“The majority of those who are loosely identified by the term “liberals” are afraid to let themselves discover that what they advocate is statism. They do not want to accept the full meaning of their goal; they want to keep all the advantages and effects of capitalism, while destroying the cause, and they want to establish statism without its necessary effects. They do not want to know or to admit that they are the champions of dictatorship and slavery.” – Ayn Rand
Moc says
We are not a democracy
Sword of the Spirit says
Except the LORD build the house, They labour in vain that build it: Except the LORD keep the city, The watchman waketh but in vain. – Psalm 127:1
Who saved the Russians from becoming communist? Who saved the Venezuelans? Who kept the Cubans from becoming communist? Who kept the Vietnamese rom becoming communist? Who kept the Chinese from becoming communist?
Answer to all those questions – No one. Because God allowed it to happen. He did not stop it. Didn’t intervene.
THX 1138 says
Well then, in that case, let us get off our knees, stand up as men, and stop depending on praying to a mysterious God who works in mysterious ways. While this mysterious God makes up his mysterious mind let us men take responsibility for living.
If what you say is true, then it is rational to stop depending on your mysterious God.
The only rational course of action is to live by the maxim, God helps those who help themselves and God destroys those who destroy themselves.
Mo de Profit says
That’s how I understand how God works precisely and Rand’s outdated definition of altruism is the reason why she will never be taken seriously. She also never had children and therefore thinks selfishness is a virtue.
THX 1138 says
Ayn Rand did not define altruism, Jesus Christ, Immanuel Kant and their follower Auguste Comte did.
Altruism does not mean choosing to be charitable, kind, generous, or helping others when you can and to the extent that you can without harming your self. Rational people can be charitable, kind, generous, and help others without harming themselves.
Altruism means you have a lifelong, UNCHOSEN, duty to sacrifice everything you have for others. It means you have an unchosen duty to serve others all of your life and if you have to die for strangers and enemies you should and you must. You are your brother’s keeper.
THX 1138 says
Having children, at least today in the modern, Western, industrialized countries, is a CHOICE. It should be a CHOSEN value the potential parent chooses as a SELFISH value because raising a child offers that potential parent a self-interested, rational joy and rational happiness.
Any child who’s parent tells him “I sacrificed my happiness to have you, I sacrificed my life to raise you, I gave up my goals because of you!” would feel crushed and insulted and has the right to walk away and become independent from that toxic, altruist, self-sacrificing, monster as soon as possible.
Intrepid says
Stand up as men? I doubt if you could stand up at all with all of your mealy mouthed lotus flower logic you spew all the time.
I wonder what happens when you misplace one of your note cards, especially the one about “Christianity prepared the way for Marxism and Marxism will prepare the way for the theocracy” Or is it all organized in your computer database where you can call it up on a moment’s notice. God help us when you actually get some new material.
If there is a theocracy in our future it will happen violently, as happens with all revolutions. Are you ready to get your hands dirty or is that a little too real for you?
Anne says
Nations that reject God, and become vicious will fall….historical events prove it. Psalm 33:12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance.
Cat says
And should there be limits on comments here as there should be term limits in congress?
THX 1138 says
What good would term limits do? In the last years of the collapse of Rome there were 25 Caesars in 25 years. A one year term limit per Caesar, did that stop the collapse?
When a government has become a government of crooks, because the voters are voting for the redistribution of loot, a term limit on theft isn’t going to stop the theft.
“We are not a capitalist system any longer: we are a mixed economy, i.e., a mixture of capitalism and statism, of freedom and controls. A mixed economy is a country in the process of disintegration, a civil war of pressure-groups looting and devouring one another.” – Ayn Rand
Intrepid says
You are assuming that all of the crooks think alike. You could always run for office instead of tut-tutting and tsk-tsking around like you always do.
You may be the biggest do nothing commenter on this comment board……always criticizing, always whining, yet accomplishing nothing.
THX 1138 says
You’re right not all crooks think alike. Some crooks are honestly crooked, they can admit they’re crooks and they don’t give a damn that they’re crooks.
But the Judeo-Christian altruists, like George W. Bush and your Lutheran Church, will evade the fact that they are acting like a thug and a thief with their “FAITH-BASED INITIATIVES”.
The Judeo-Christian altruist thief uses the moral code of altruism and sacrifice to rationalize and evade that they are thieves and destroyers.
Mo de Profit says
The Judeo-Christians are what we today call altruistic, not what Rand’s outdated definition was which we today would call self-sacrificial which I understand the bible speaks against sacrificing ourselves because god sent his only son so we wouldn’t have to.
Intrepid says
“The Judeo-Christian altruist thief”…… yes, doing horrible things like helping the homeless, the drug addicted etc.
Maybe you should vote in the people who will stop the liberal grift, but since your only answer is to expend hot air from your lotus blossom, I don’t expect much will change
I’m waiting for your great solution to fix the cities from the effects of the atheist Leftists who run them. I’m waiting for your great solution to stop the illegal alien invasion.
Looks like your only solutions is to sit around and whine about Judeo-Christian altruists, but not really do anything, because that might require effort.
Dr.Ernesto says
Yes, we are one election away from losing our Republic, and that election was in 1988, when we gave it to the CIA.
Robert McClain says
John Adams said “Our Constitution is written for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” The United States used to be a nation with a majority of people, regardless of race and ethnicity, believed in God and lived accordingly. We were constrained from evil by conscience and by laws written and enforced to punish evil. Romans 13 showed us that government was instituted to protect the rights of people and we weren’t to fear them.
Today, government punishes the righteous and rewards evil. De Tocqueville is credited with the statement that America is great because America is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, America will cease to be great.
The only way to save this republic is found in 2 Chronicles 7:14.
THX 1138 says
Please explain rationally, precisely, and OBJECTIVELY what does it mean to be moral? Why should a man be moral? What is the standard of a rational and objective moral code? And why does it have to depend on a belief in a God?
Why can’t an atheist be moral? Which God is God? Is it Yahweh, Jehovah, Allah, which one? How can we talk to this God so that all of us know objectively that we’re talking to the same God and objectively know what he defines as the moral?
There’s a huge problem with Judeo-Christianity, it is based on supernatural mysticism, a supernatural world beyond man’s natural senses to perceive, and therefore beyond man’s reasoning mind to understand. This supernatural God allegedly existing in a supernatural dimension can only be taken on faith and that’s a huge and deadly problem.
Mo de Profit says
How did man’s mind get to be rational and reasonable and creative when no other thing in the entire world is? How does your rational objectivists explain that?
THX 1138 says
What makes you think that human consciousness, which we know exists and can prove it exists, requires a mysterious and unknowable supernatural consciousness to create it?
You prove nothing at all by claiming that a human consciousness did not evolve naturally but was created by a super-consciousness somehow existing in a supernatural dimension no one can see or prove to exist.
Who created the supernatural, super-consciousness, you call God? Will you say no one and nothing created God he is eternal? Well then, why can’t matter and energy be eternal without a God creating them?
David Ray says
Good post.
(Thanks for the heads up on Chronicles.)
willfull knowledge says
The left could not have taken over without the cooperation of our republican “represetantives”
THX 1138 says
Thank you for saying it!
When a stalker is trying to kill you (the Democrat-Commies) and you hire a bodyguard to protect you and kill the stalker (the Republican-RINO Party) and the bodyguard helps the stalker to kill you, it is the bodyguard who is morally lower than the stalker.
“Precisely because of their pretense, the conservatives are morally lower than the liberals; they are farther removed from reality — and, therefore, they are more harmful in practice. Since they purport to be fighting “big government”, they are the main source of political confusion in the public mind; they give people the illusion of an electoral alternative without the fact. Thus the statist drift proceeds unchecked and unchallenged.
Historically, from the Sherman Act to Herbert Hoover to the Bush Administration, it is the conservatives, not the Leftists, who have always been the major destroyers of the United States.” – Leonard Peikoff
Fred says
A very good article. Several more issues should also be considered. One is for the United States to withdraw from the United Nations and NATO. Second, to bring immigration from the Third World to an end. Term limit for Senators and members of the House of Representatives. I prefer a maximum of 12 years. An amendment to the Constitution that the Federal Budget must be balanced each year. No more borrowing money. Last, no more sending troops overseas without the consent of the American people. This should also be added to the Constitution as an amendment.
Steven Brizel says
We need a similar book on how this is happening not just in California but in Illinois New York and and in all Democratic ruled states
Anne says
America and the world have been transformed by secularism. This New Age movement is anti-God, and very unbiblical, and without a conscience. We have a Creator that is all knowing, all caring, and omnipresent, (I AM THAT I AM,) all powerful, and nations rejected him for this insane world order. “People need the word of God that has the power to change hearts and lives for eternity. ” The secularists don’t believe that there was a great flood. They believe the world will go on forever, but in Matthew 24:37, 39 Jesus uses the event of Noah’s flood as a warning that God is going to come back and judge the earth again, but next time he will use fire. Sinful man does not want to admit he is in rebellion against God or stand before the God of Creation and give an account for his actions.