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The left has just suffered a series of staggering rebukes. Not only did their campaign to destroy Donald Trump and his movement fail spectacularly, but his second Inaugural Address was a forthright and comprehensive declaration of war against the policy agendas they have pursued for decades now. The establishment media, meanwhile, has likewise been rejected on a grand scale, with Elon Musk even proclaiming repeatedly that citizen journalists and news analysts on his X platform “are the media now.” That is likely why Musk became the target on Monday afternoon of the first leftist freakout of the new Trump administration: it seems that he gave a Nazi salute, and that reveals what this Make America Great Again business is all really about, now, doesn’t it?
A CNN talking head said: “It’s a salute. It was quick. I think our viewers are smart and they can take a look at that, but it certainly was, it’s not something that you typically see at American political rallies.” Rolling Stone was all over the big story, claiming that actual National Socialists were thrilled: “Right-Wing Extremists Are Abuzz Over Musk’s Straight-Arm Salute.”
The New Republic was in just-asking-questions mode: “Did Elon Musk Seriously Just Do a Nazi Salute at Trump’s Inauguration?” was their headline, but they were ready in the article itself to run with the insinuation: “During a speech at Capitol One Arena Monday following Donald Trump’s inauguration, Elon Musk appeared to deliver a Roman salute not once, but twice. The gesture is associated with Nazi Germany, and Musk was speaking triumphantly about Trump’s election victory when he made the salute.” The New York Times was a trifle more circumspect, going with “Elon Musk Ignites Online Speculation Over the Meaning of a Hand Gesture: Speaking at a celebratory rally in Washington, Mr. Musk twice extended his arm out with his palm facing down, drawing comparisons to the Nazi salute.”
The British leftist propaganda organs were likewise dead chuffed that Musk would (supposedly) drop the mask. “Elon Musk accused of giving ‘Nazi salute’ at Trump inauguration celebration,” crowed the Independent. Not to be outdone, the Guardian offered this: “Elon Musk appears to make back-to-back fascist salutes at inauguration rally.” The subheading was “Tech billionaire wades into controversy after shooting right arm on upwards diagonal during celebrations of Trump,” which is typical of the establishment media: it is routine procedure for them to target someone, stir up a controversy around him, and then claim that their target was the one who created the controversy.
And so it is this time. The full video shows clearly that Musk was not even coming close to making any gesture associated with National Socialism. He was expressing his gratitude to Trump’s supporters, saying: “And I just want to say thank you for making it happen. Thank you.” As the crowd cheered, Musk emphatically put his hand to his heart and then thrust it outward, as if to take the fullness of what was in his heart and give it to those who were present. Then he said: “My heart goes out to you.”
The media is misleading you. Elon Musk never did a Nazi salute. Watch the full video: He simply gestured and said, “Thank you, my heart goes out to you.” pic.twitter.com/e3vBaLoVqx
— DogeDesigner (@cb_doge) January 20, 2025
Now, media wonks whose knowledge of National Socialism is derived entirely from memes about the threat of Donald Trump clearly don’t know the fact, but that’s not actually how to make the Nazi salute. As one X user explained: “The Nazi salute does not involve placing the palm on the heart. You could conclude that Elon tried to do the Nazi salute and failed to do it properly. Or that he was excited, awkward, not thinking about how he looks, and trying to show his heart going out to the crowd.”
As the feeding frenzy progressed on Musk’s own X, a Dr. Waitman W. Beorn, who bills himself as a professor of “Holocaust & Genocide Studies,” wrote: “Hi! Holocaust historian here. Let me see if I can help. That wasn’t a ‘weird salute.’ It was a Hitler salute. Because Elon is a f**king Nazi. Hope that helps!” But his rebuke came quickly from another X user, who responded: “As a holocaust historian, you would know the Sieg Heil is done with the arm facing forward not off to the side, does not start with a hand on the heart, and involves holding the hand out straight, not cockeyed… But hey, details are irrelevant when you have someone to slander.”
And X influencer Dr. Eli David offered the best response of all with a collage of photos of Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Tim Walz, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Kamala Harris all making the same gesture that Musk just made, with the caption: “You don’t hate the media enough.”
Indeed. The Musk Nazi salute hysteria shows that despite the thoroughgoing rejection leftists have just suffered, they have learned nothing. They will continue their same tired propaganda lies throughout the second Trump administration. Be ready.
The Nazi style salute is a staple of rallies run by the Iranian regime. By projection it can be falsely claimed in everything from Superman flying to children raising their arms in school.
Babylon Bee put out a picture of the Village People doing a double salute 😂
As usual the news is incapable of giving us un-bias news (The so called nazis salute was him describing going to Mars Idiots) Why are continually creating a Hate environment/ It will be years before the DEI imbecilic lopsided bias staffing die’s out.
What matters is what’s in his heart. And Elon Musk’s heart is that of a racist anti-semite.
Only God knows what is in each person’s heart. You a mere human have no clue…
Well, slammin’ sammy….we know what is in your heart.
Keep racking up those downvotes you Jew hating idiot.
Sorry chump, your pitiful statement is no slamdunk.
You mean, like all these students supporting Hamas and Kamala Harris?
Excellent point.
You’ll have to excuse the dumbass. He didn’t learn much in his “studies” classes, except how display his ignorance & pronouns.
Thank you slamjunk. Y0u continue to be our shining example of pointless rebuttals, which seem to be the only kind we get here.
You show me one post of his that is either racist or antiSemitic.
slamdunk says:..: You are mercifully free from the ravages of intelligence… Get a life why dont ya…
Quote: “And X influencer Dr. Eli David offered the best response of all with a collage of photos of Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Tim Walz, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Kamala Harris all making the same gesture that Musk just made, with the caption: “You don’t hate the media enough.””
How can anyone with a soul hate the media with the hatred they deserve without losing their soul?
G-d help the media; otherwise they will have a long ‘vaca’ in the land of insufficient light.
It’s all out of Alinsky:
RULE 8: “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.” Keep trying new things to keep the opposition off balance. As the opposition masters one approach, hit them from the flank with something new. (Attack, attack, attack from all sides, never giving the reeling organization a chance to rest, regroup, recover and re-strategize.)
When you know their tired tactics, it all becomes clear and obvious.
B. Hussein & Hillary were joined at the hip with that amoral douchbag.
Alinsky was an atheist, yet gave tribute to Satan (“1st rebel who at least gain his own kingdom”) in the forward of his book.
Hillary wrote her graduation thesis on the scheming prick.
Mark Levin busted burocrats boxing that book for distribution to public universities (while in Reagan administration).
So, it’s no surprise that colleges crank out impassioned fools like Kamala by the bushel.
Considering how much leftists hate Jews (and unconvincingly emit castrati shrieks of “We’re not antisemitic, we’re ‘Anti-Zionist’!”) and love today’s would be Nazis (Iran, Hamas, Hezbollah, Greta Thunberg), if they really thought Elon Musk gave a Nazi Salute they’d be hailing (or is it heiling?) him.
Who was worse and which one is still present? Nazis or Communists?
Leading protests for decades now, are COMMUNISTS. The Communist Party USA had thousands of fronts during Vietnam when they teamed up with the SOVIET KGB’S, WORLD PEACE COUNCIL! “Peace as a weapon of War!” The Peacemakers aided the Communist takeover of S.E. Asia and the slaughter of MILLIONS!
Then in the ’80s, the CPUSA, and their U.S. Peace Council, directly tied to the KGB, had affiliates in every state and major university. They, and the Democrats, helped install, and then protected, COMMUNIST SANDINISTA DANIEL ORTEGA, who still rules Nicaragua, puts all his family in Cabinet positions, and who arrests ALL political opponents “as a threat to our Democracy!” (Why does that sound familiar?)
“NO CONTRA AID!” These peacemakers were then aiding the Communist FMLN rebels in El Salvador! “El Salvador is Spanish for Vietnam!” They aided a Communist rebel group in Guatemala too. (I spoke to Oscar Arias on the Larry King talk show and asked him why he left out these American Communist groups out of his Peace Plan? “They are insignificant and small.” HUH??? I then spoke to El Salvador’s pro-U.S. President, Alfredo Cristiani, and informed him of American groups aiding CISPES, and others, in the attempt to overthrow his government. The next week, he imposed a travel ban on all Americans entering the FMLN Zonas de Controlidad.)
FAST FORWARD: The CPUSA/fronts, A.N.S.W.E.R., The Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Revolutionary Communist Party, the smaller Democratic Socialists of America… ARE OPENLY PROMOTING COMMUNISM… OOPS… SOCIALISM! Communism is like the N-Word. (Even DH hates when I mention it, including when he was interviewed on our local radio promoting a book.) I focus on COMMUNISTS and their recruitment efforts which is gaining MILLIONS of new followers even though a vast percentage of them have no idea who the leaders are. (The Albuquerque leader of ANSWER and The Party for Socialism and Liberation, a public group, meaning not hiding it, is Joel Marcos Gallegos, a hardcore radical, on FB, “Marxist-Leninist”! Now his groups are supporting Hamas. Look at their signs nationally too!)
NAZIS OR COMMUNISTS? Now the Communists are like the Nazis and want the elimination of Jews. WORD!
A communist by any other name reeks of misery just the same.
I’ve also noticed they prefer to switch out “communism” for “progressive”, “democratic socialist”, etc
An exception to avoiding the label “communist☭” are the cosseted low-lifes given tenure in collage.
Ann Coulter chronicled dozens of professors more deserving of a prison cell than a lectern.
Such coddling emboldens a few to proudly wear that title of “Marxist Leninist”,
Tenure affords ’em a safe pulpit (at least for now.)
Look at all the hundreds of pictures of SUPERMAN FLYING THROUGH THE AIR WITH HIS ARM EXTENDED – now, was he also a Nazi?
The collage of photos by X influencer Dr. Eli David is priceless… You would think that this would shame leftists enough to drop all their nazi hysteria, but I’m afraid that they are shameless… and it will not.
Liberals and Liberal Democrats are still trying to fit the Round Peg into the Square Hole their getting so peranoid about just about everything and besides the Commies killed more then the Nazis ever did Mouse-E-Dung was far worse then Hitler when it came to Mass Murder
If the left want’s to waste their effort on this, great. It’s a big part of why they lost the election. The longer it takes them to figure that out, the better.
For the next four years, conservatives should constantly post pictures of Democrats doing this same gesture next to a picture of Hitler doing it.
The word “ridiculous” is insufficient to explain this nonsense. Now you can’t extend your arm and hand at a certain angle without being called a Nazi?
The leftist eye is perversely fine tuned to see and hear things that are just not there. Ironically, they never see or hear these things when it comes from one of their own. Point that out to them and the response is the invocation of more things that never happened. Is there a better example of close-mindedness? People with this mindset should never be allowed to control anything. It would result in a world “Through the Looking Glass”.
I was hailing a taxi in NYC – was that a nutzie salute? No fing way – I’m born Hebrew I am not about to give a fing nutzie salute – there is a difference between a hail and a heil.
Pounding the chest from the heart and then a sweeping hail is a natural human reflexive emotion. Simians do the same thing. Pound the chest and a sweeping hail — Knights of yore would do this to their leader before and after a battle – this has been in all the knight and gladiator movies ever made.
Standing in my living room watching President Trump in his rallies to inauguration I felt compelled to stand and pound my chest and a sweeping hail. This means you are my leader, solidarity from the heart.
nazi heil was the military salute and the vox populi went along with it –
Waving hello or bye bye is reflexive human behavior as the hail.
“And X influencer Dr. Eli David offered the best response of all with a collage of photos of Chuck Schumer, Barack Obama, Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren, Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Tim Walz, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Kamala Harris all making the same gesture that Musk just made, . . . ”
Actually, Musk’s gesture – beginning with his hand placed over his heart – was NOT quite the same as the other gestures. It was LESS comparable to a Nazi salute than theirs, and Musk explained it on the spot: “My heart goes out to you.” As for Dr. Waitman Beorn, he has no shame. he should be fired from whatever rathole he works in.
The leftists need to spend more time with their shrink,
Elon Musk just paid for and put his own rocket into space if that’s not going to excite you enough to jump around excitedly ” I don’t know what would” …
Maby, I’ve got all this wrong, the leftists are learning how to genuine clowns …
Someone out there in social media did put an end to the nonsense by juxtaposing photos of AOC and Hillary making the same “hand gesture.” Yeah, the Left is desperate and losing it. Who knew?
It’s just a matter of time before the Left accuses Musk of saying “There were very fine people on both sides”
It’s fascinating how outraged the left is when people including the ADL say Elon Musk was not making a Nazi salute. They want us all to believe Trump and his cohorts are Nazis and they are infuriated when anyone challenges their hatred. You can see AOC ranting here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4pFEz4UdII
Sadly there are leftists Jews who share AOC’s outrage. Judi Roderen the editor of the Forward sent out an email expressing her outrage. It is amazing that someone with Judi’s hatred of Trump and Israel (she accuses Israel of genocide) is the editor of a Jewish magazine. The reason, it’s a leftist Jewish magazine.