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Here’s another good reason not to plunk down $126,584 (that’s the total for four years of tuition unless it goes up between now and 2027) to send your kid to Rutgers. Long considered to be one of America’s premier universities, the beloved alma mater of Mr. Magoo is now a sinkhole of woke indoctrination, with academic standards sinking lower than Old Joe Biden’s ethics. A professor at Rutgers Law School has lied openly in an academic paper and has refused to back down, knowing that she will face no consequences from an administration that is as corrupt and compromised as she is.
In this, of course, Rutgers is like virtually every other university in America today. First, there was the remarkable public self-immolation of the presidents of Harvard, MIT, and the University of Pennsylvania during a congressional hearing; then Harvard’s president, Claudine Gay, was forced to resign after her repeated plagiarism was revealed, although she claimed that her resignation was due to “personal attacks and threats fueled by racial animus,” and many in the academic establishment and elsewhere bought her nonsense.
These incidents, however, were just the latest and highest-profile manifestations of an intellectual and spiritual rot that is everywhere. One small example of it came in a recent pseudo-scholarly study from Rutgers University Law School’s Center for Security, Race, and Rights, entitled “Presumptively Antisemitic: Islamophobic Tropes In the Palestine–Israel Discourse.”
This “study” is 65 pages of Marxist agitprop, woke psychobabble, and pure fantasy, all thrown together in a thick propaganda stew that’s designed to show “how race and racism infect foreign policy and the treatment of minority communities who espouse unpopular views or dissent from the political orthodoxy, including the defense of human rights for all.” If the authors of this twaddle, Mitchell Plitnick, President of ReThinking Foreign Policy, and Sahar Aziz, Distinguished Professor of Law and Executive Director of the Center for Security, Race and Rights at Rutgers Law School, were remotely honest, they would say that “race and racism” affect the treatment of minority communities by getting them coddled, treated with kid gloves, and accorded all manner of special perks.
They aren’t honest, however, and so they paint a gloomy and wholly fictional picture of how support for Israel and opposition to the people who perpetrated and applauded the Oct. 7 Hamas massacres is all driven by racism and “Islamophobia.” In attempting to make this case, Aziz and Plitnick invoke the left’s old bogeyman of the “Islamophobia industry,” a supposedly massively well-funded (they play fast and loose with the numbers here) cabal of hatemongers who spend all their time vilifying Islam and Muslims because it’s so darn lucrative and gets you fame and influence as well pots of money.
This is a 180-degree inversion of the truth; in fact, those who have spoken truthfully since 9/11 about the motivating ideology behind jihad terrorism have been smeared, defamed, vilified, marginalized, deplatformed, demonetized, and threatened (as well as on occasion actually physically attacked). But Aziz and Plitnick need their villain group to fill out their portrait of Muslims in the U.S. as victims of hatred, harassment, and discrimination, and so they fasten on, among others, me. After their falsehoods about the amounts of money “Islamophobic” groups receive, they add: “Some of these groups work directly with the Israeli government or in the United States to vilify Palestinians. One example is Jihad Watch, a project headed by Robert Spencer, a man who explicitly states his goal of fomenting hatred of Muslims.”
Now, hold on there! In fact, I have never stated, implicitly or explicitly, that my goal is “fomenting hatred of Muslims.” I have never stated this because it isn’t true, and that isn’t my goal. My goal is to elucidate the teachings and practice of Islam accurately, as the nature of those teachings and practice have become a matter of pressing importance for numerous foreign and domestic policies.
But Aziz and Plitnick go on to adduce what is apparently my explicit statement about fomenting hatred: “In his 2017 memoir, Spencer wrote, ‘There are, in short, very good reasons to be an Islamophobe, that is, to be concerned about Islam for the devastation that it brings into the lives of human beings both Muslim and non-Muslim.’”
Does that say anything close to anything about fomenting hatred? I was discussing the term “Islamophobe,” and saying that if it was “Islamophobic” to note that Islam sanctions misogyny, antisemitism, violence against unbelievers, and the like, there were very good reasons to be “Islamophobic.” The idea that criticizing an ideology is equivalent to hating those who hold it is either incredibly stupid or nakedly dishonest. Since Aziz and Plitnick are academics, I’m leaning toward dishonest, but ya never know.
The point here, however, is much bigger than me: it’s that these people can lie with impunity and know nothing will happen because they’re in an environment where their intellectual critics are so demonized that virtually anything they say about them is acceptable. My attorney wrote to them demanding a public retraction, but they ignored his letter because they know they can. They aren’t marginalized; they have all the power. Rutgers won’t do anything; after all, it would be “Islamophobic” to take any action against Sahar Aziz.
It was just another day in the decay of America’s universities. Conscienceless liars and far-left apparatchiks such as Aziz and Plitnick are in charge everywhere. Mr. Magoo was proud of having gone to Rutgers (class of 1928, when it was cheaper and more honest), but there is no reason for such pride anymore. Don’t give them a dime.
Jeff Bargholz says
Am I the only only one who notices all of those broads in the photo above are hideous? I can’t even tell if the second thing from the left with the Beatles hairdo is male or female. It’s like the Dirtbagocrat National Convention with hijabs.
The only thing uglier than a “woke” female is a Moslem one. They all seem to look like those Paleosimian hags in body-bag burkas who raise their hands and trill out of their huge shnozzes over whatever jihadist terrorist hovel is flattened by the Israelis that day.
I may never get it up again.
Ron Kelmell says
America has lost her way. Having surrendered her moral plumb line and lsot her spiritual compas, our country is now adrift. Subject to the wind and tide of misguided WOKE anti American claptrap, there remains nothing but the rocky shoreline of reality.
It’s all very sad, very very sad.
Hugh Jass says
Amen. It’s sad. And there’s no better example of what you say than people considering voting for a con man and insurrectionist.
Mike says
You are right! No one in their right mind would vote for Biden or anyone on the left.
commonsense says
Jass: What sources do you read or watch for information? I’d really like to know.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
That dude has been in the Oval Office over three years now and the scene has worsened every single day since he slid onto that chair. How symbolic that he messed his pants while visiting the Vatican. Proud r u.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
The ship’s rudder has been lost and we are approaching the rocks.
The media and political elites removed the only person with the strength to be a rudder.
Steven Peters says
Entering a private university 58 years ago, it was readily apparent to me that truth was a stranger tomthe faculty.
Mo de Profit says
Islamic cowardly Hamas are fomenting hatred of Muslims, as are the leftist apologists who refuse to acknowledge that some, not all, Muslims rape little boys and girls because their ideal man did the same.
Richard Johnston says
It’s peaceful. Say otherwise and they’ll try to kill ya’.
Just ordered a copy of Satanic Verses, How sick is it? Cat Stevens, aka Yusuf Islam” supported the fatwa against Rushdie.
Over at American Thinker there is an excellent essay “The Truth about 10/7.” Anyone who claims to have put in the effort to learn about Islam–I did after Muslim terrorists attacked the U.S. on 9-11–who is surprised by violence committed by Muslims should contact me about a leprechaun and unicorn I am selling.
Onzeur Trante says
Yes, that essay is a must read. Judging from the photo above, Muslims on campus are getting all the attention even though they are a (dangerous) minority. Islam is the plague that will undo our society. Academia is OK with that and all the other rot they throw in our faces.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Actually, schools and colleges here are mostly lost. Before long foreign exchange students will go elsewhere for real scholarship.
Matt Tarango says
Luz Maria Rodriguez – I find it odd that hasn’t happened long ago.
World@70 says
I was a great fan of Cat back in the day. He was a wonderful singer and song writer with a great future. Then he converted to Islam, put down his guitar and didn’t pick it up again for 20 years. A lesson in how to waste a life, courtesy of The Religion of Peace.
trapper says
“Peace” to a Jihadi is when the infidel is dead.
Eva says
Not even then. They could take us all out, and it wouldn’t be enough for them. They are addicted to it.
After that, they’d carry on killing each other.
Intrepid says
What’s Happening to America’s Universities?
Easy. When you have the Leftist existence of the university, and the current alliance with Islam, one can expect nothing else than the endless lying that goes on everyday. Lying is in their blood and psyche. It always has been.
College age kids are basically idiots and college is where they go to have their leftism confirmed. Fortunately most white kids outgrow leftism when faced with the reality of having to work for a living. And of course there the white boys who go to the stupid rallies to meet girls and to “get some”. It was the same with the 1960s and 70s anti-war rallies. Lots of very earnest girls….basically a target rich environment.
They all have the same facial expressions like those stone heads in South America nobody looks happy
Angel Jacob says
“Those who claim to be “marginalized” have all the power – and use it ruthlessly.”
That’s a classic pure psychopathic strategy.
Psychopaths make people feel sorry for them, and they gain full control over them.
All the filthy trash liars should be treated like trash, they should be shown their place. IGNORE all their complaints, and make it known why they deserve to be treated like trash.
Let the truth and the facts win over their lies and manipulations.
Any problem has a solution, and that’s the solution to the islamic invaders problem.
Scott Norris says
They already indoctrinated generations into WOKE-ism, rage & hate, racism, the use of violence as a social and/or political tool, transgenderism, Socialism, Marxism, and now ‘minor attracted persons’ are gaining their own pedestal in the public forum. Welcome to the ‘new’ America where freedom of speech is whatever doesn’t offend their sensibilities, which isn’t much.
Domenic Pepe says
Depraved and psychopathic and murderous and lying Islamic lunatics have been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
American universities and colleges, led by the “intelligentsia,” have gone berserk, just like Islam.
History and human psychology teach that there is only one successful way to deal with this kind of social and political pathology …
crush it utterly and finally.
Ed Snider says
Shouldn’t Muslims be hated, though? People whose theology demands the murder of non-believers? It would seem that hate is an essential requirement for dealing with them practically. On the other hand I’ve got a good deal of affection for many Arabs, Persians, Pakistanis, etc. Ain’t the same thing.
Domenic Pepe says
Islam == Depravity + psychopathy + murder + perversion + deception + universal evil + hate + total
ignorance + delusions.
TRex says
The twerps from Rutgers want “phobia” (fear of) to be seen as hatred. A typical leftist ploy is to pervert the true meaning of words. The a-holes who read their crap will never make the connection. If an “expert” from Rutgers says phobia means fear then that’s what it is. The ill-educated, public school graduates are grist for their mill.
JustPassingThru says
And thanks to Bush and Obama people go to college regardless of credit or financial ability due to government funding of college. Then many of the students, who have no business being in college, get worthless high school type degrees which make them unemployable. Being unemployable they default on the student loans and the loan is paid by uncle sugar big gov. with no retribution to the college. This endless cash flow allows colleges to fatten up by constantly increasing tuition due to the endless cash flow by student who shouldn’t be in college. Reverse the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act and allow students to discharge student loans via personal bankruptcy after 10 years out of college, stop uncle sugar from financing any student who get accepted to college and make colleges liable for students’ loans due to false advertising and granting of useless degrees liberal arts.
jcr says
Wisconsin. My FIL, full blown and PROUD Mexican. Korea USMC Vet. He took pride in is home and neighborhood (60yrs, still counting). Palestinians (Muslim) purchased the home next to him. ALL useless. Loud, non-integrating; they tore the home apart. He tried to work with them. They didn’t care. The house and cars were an eyesore. Of course they (relief) moved out. And left the mess. Oh, I neglected to mention, they cheered 9-11. I heard them.
Maybe Plitnick and Aziz would like to try them on as neighbors. You know. Diversity and all of its joys.
Take your DEI (actually DIE) and enjoy it. I prefer to live near persons, ethnicity and race are irrelevant, who share and endorse my common middle class USA values.
Our college culture is a mess. Even the late 70’s. After 90 credits, I left. A sociology class finished it for me. The instructor looked like Charlie Manson (no joke), and the girls wore “Question Authority” buttons. When he found out I wanted to be a cop, he buried my grade. 4.0 to fighting for a C.
I left and went to tech school for Police Science. I was awarded with a very sucessful 34yr LE career.
steven l says
Plagiarism, a badge of honor for any one on the left!
Should Obama’s writing be investigated for plagiarism?
Matt Tarango says
steven – According to some, that can’t be done since Obama never went to college here. And if he did, it’s all sealed.
Andrew Blackadder says
Old Joe and Kackling Kamala have been in the Oval Office since 2016 and two Wars are now raging.
Donald J. Trump said… ”We must get out of these endless Wars”.
The Left and morons like Niel Young who sing about peace call Trump THE most dangerous man in America today and around the World…
WTF am I missing here.
I have noticed that most of the ”females” of The Left all appear rather unhappy, miserable faces and many are down right ugly, fat and foul mouthed with tattoos to match whereas many real women of The Right all appear rather smart when they speak and have a sense of worth and style and many like Kari Lake in Arizona down right beautiful and smart as well as stylish.