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President Biden avoids and keeps far away from our nation’s wide-open southern border, where 200,000 people from all over the world crossed illegally last month and every month since Biden took office almost 30 months ago. But his chief Democrat rival, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., went to the border town of Yuma, Arizona on June 6, and had some choice words for Biden’s failed policy.
“It was like a dystopian nightmare,” Kennedy said, “with all of these desperate people flooding across the wall, in a situation that clearly could have been prevented. People from all over the world, from Africa, from Uzbekistan, from Senegal, from Pakistan, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Nepal, Tibet, India, Bangladesh, Peru, Colombia, we saw all of these people, these hundreds and hundreds of people coming across.
“We’ve watched about 150 people come across in the last hour,” Kennedy continued. “Altogether, people have come across right here from 117 nations in the last couple of years. In 3 years, in total, 7 million people have come across the border illegally into our country.
“And from here, they’re put on these buses, and they’re brought to the border patrol station where they’re processed. After four or five days, they’re released on their own recognizance into our country, and most of them are never seen or heard from again.”
Where did all these millions of foreigners go after they were turned loose by the Biden administration? A clue is provided by a shocking new study from the Center for Immigration Studies, which finds that students from immigrant-led households comprise 23% of public school enrollment nationwide, and in many regions the proportion is more than 65%.
Thousands of miles away, New Hampshire public schools are harmed by the immigration deluge. Next door in Massachusetts, the percentage of public students who are in immigrant households has jumped 13 to 28% in the last 30 years.
There should not be any illegal fentanyl in New Hampshire, but gangs profiting from drugs and human smuggling distribute that deadly drug to every state. Choking off that deadly traffic is preeminent on the minds of New Hampshire voters who will soon screen the presidential candidates of both parties.
“This is not a good thing for our country,” Bobby Kennedy Jr. said after his first-hand, on-site inspection of the crisis at the border. “It is unsustainable.”
Liberals have been perplexed by how endless lawsuits and contrived indictments of Donald Trump have not slowed him down, or even made a dent in his popularity. The many reasons for Trump’s political invincibility include his unwavering commitment to America being for Americans, not foreigners.
Speaking in Columbus, Georgia, on June 10, Trump vowed that “I will immediately cancel every open-borders policy of the Biden Administration. I will use all necessary state, local, federal, and military resources to carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.”
“And to further deter illegal immigration,” Trump continued, “I will sign a Day One Executive Order ending automatic citizenship for children of illegal aliens.” Contrary to some uninformed pundits, the foolish policy of extending birthright citizenship to illegal aliens is not required by any law or court decision.
On Friday, the U.S. Supreme Court dropped the ball by declaring that they would not force President Biden to stop the illegal immigration that is overwhelming our states, institutions, and communities. With only Justice Alito dissenting, the Court ruled that the courts are powerless to order President Biden and his minions to obey the laws that require him to refuse entry, detain, and deport illegal migrants.
But then on Sunday, the people of Greece delivered the opposite verdict as they handed a landslide victory to the Trump-like candidate who has cracked down against illegal immigration there. His victory was by the largest margin in Greece in a half-century, and three new political parties even more conservative did well enough to win seats in its parliament.
Kyriakos Mitsotakis won by promising to extend a border fence to a region where many migrants are currently sneaking into Greece. A week earlier, voters in the traditionally liberal Finland elected what was described as “the most right-wing government ever … taking a hard line on … immigration.”
The previously immigrant-welcoming countries of Denmark and Sweden have also shifted sharply to the right on this issue in recent years. Denmark’s current policies include imprisonment of illegal aliens with solitary confinement and seizure of assets, in order to deter migrants from entering that small country illegally.
The worldwide populist uprising against open borders is a harbinger of our own presidential election next year. On this issue, Biden is hopelessly out of touch with the American people, and he is sure to be defeated by Trump, unless the effective campaigning by RFKJr causes Biden to withdraw first.
Biden just keeps drilling more holes on the bottom of his rowboat watch him sink even faster no matter what we See, Read or Hear from the M.S. Media Bottom Feeders
His logic in drilling those holes is to let the water out.
(*Biden is guilty of many things – intelligence has never been one of ’em.)
Since President Biden took office, the United States has allowed two million illegal aliens to enter and stay in this country each year.. By the end of his first term in office, the number will total around eight million illegal aliens living in America. Ask yourself, how many know the English language, how many have an adequate education to survive in America, how many have any skills at all to earn a living? How many will be on welfare for one or two generations? This is what Biden is doing to America. Then add all the crimes they will commit in this country.
No wonder America is becoming a Third World country. So you Americans go ahead and vote for him again for another four years. Allow another eight or nine million illegal aliens to live here and that will be on top of the 17 million already living here before Biden was elected. The grand total could come to 33 to 34 million by 2028 and that does not include all the children they will give birth to during that time period.
Just think we are paying a six figure salary to 535 elected officials in the Congress to do this to us every year. Neither the Republican or Democratic Party really cares about what they are doing to America. Its all about politics and money.
America is becoming an unfit place to live and raise a family. Add in all the other political, economic, criminal, racial, and social problems we have and it is obvious America will not survive because of all the turmoil coming our way. Every day articles are written about all the problems in America and it never ends.
Just as people are leaving New York and California to live somewhere else, don’t be surprised to see Americans move to other countries to get away from the problems in America.
The cosseted idiots that voted for *Braindead Biden, did so with the understanding that those 3rd-world illegals would be dumped in OUR neighborhoods; not THEIR posh enclaves such as Martha’s Vineyard or Malibu.
You’re right about the enormous crime elements coming in, but *Biden’s base doesn’t mind it.
If that celebrated women-beater, George Floyd, had survived his 2nd overdose, he’d be euphoric over the huge drop in fentanyl prices (over 300%).
Sleazy Joe’s complicity has record amounts of fentanyl flooding in – courtesy of the CCP 🇨🇳 & Mexican cartel.
(Nice to know China’s investment in Biden is paying such huge dividends [sarc].)
The main reason so many voted for Biden was because he promised more free money with another stimulus package. When he was campaigning he stated he wanted to bring millions of new people to America and the American people were not listening. He promised to undo everything Trump had accomplish regarding immigration. Biden did just that in January 2021.
Now that legalized discrimination has been shot down by the SC, there are going to be a whole lot of high school graduates looking for a job instead of spending the next four years running up debt for a useless degree. They’re gonna need a job and it won’t be of the white collar type.(Given the current state of pubic education, that’s a given.) The trades have always been a good place for young graduates to start a career, myself included. Then around the late ’80’s I noticed a whole lot of non-whites shingling houses, pouring sidewalks, hanging drywall, painting, landscaping and doing every kind of job a kid like me would have taken right out of school. So now that we already have more like the 38 million you expect in the next five years, (it’s been 11 million for 40 years) where are all the young Americans going to find a job? If you are a homeowner or business owner you should refuse to employ any of these illegals in any type of service.
Don’t you realise what’s happened? They’ve managed to have killed, prior to their birth, some 80 millions of Americans. That’s why they want the illegal foreign invaders. to replace the ones killed in the womb. They will be far more manageable and controllable and purchasable than most of the ones they’ve killed.
I find it “interesting” that the numbers match so well…..
There are already 40 million criminal invader foreigners in America. It is an occupation army. Our government has betrayed us totally.
TRump or any other REP will not win next year as the radical dems have found a reliable way to rig elections … They rigged the 2022 governors race in Arizona in the face of a migrant invasion of that state , and they’ll do the same in 2024 IT’S OVER , and the sooner folks face up to it the better
The best case scenario to avoid a civil war is that the US and the EU go bankrupt and then red states secede like Soviet republics did after the collapse of Communism 1989-91
Red STates will need to form a separate country and leave the blue states to degenerate into the Third World
The brazen fraud that took place in Arizona was surreal farce. It was so bewilderingly shameless as to bend credulity; actually lending it for material in several SNL skits.
Needless to say, GOP leadership didn’t give a rat’s ass.
They are confident ; if they can rig that election, they will definitely rig the 2024
We are in a race between going bankrupt and triggering WW3 with the Russians
The GOP don’t want Keri lake anymore than they want Trump
“Flood at the Border Sinks Biden”
More like floats Biden after each of the 200,00o cast a ballot for him. Twice. Or more.
Which is the ultimate goal.
Trump (or any other Republican) a sure winner in the 2024 election vs. Biden? What’s being planned by Republicans to stave off the Democrats’ plans to once again resort to massive election fraud, which cost Trump the election in 2020?
The apparatus of 2020 remains intact.
We are Trotsky’s head. Our election vulnerability is Stalin’s ice ax.
That subversive, Un- American impostor “president “ Joe Biden got into the White House Oval Office and ruined everything and likewise wrecked all the good that President Trump had accomplished.
Secure strong borders was a great achievement of President Trump. The tragic reality is that also very dangerous
Furthermore, President Trump understands the need for a good strong US/Mexican border control, likewise he cares. In contrast Biden doesn’t care at all the safety of the American people and is probably is intentionally attempting to harm America. Those porous borders are really an invitation jihad operatives for Iran and jihadists of Hezbollah and Hamas as well as jihadists of al Qaeda and ISIS to enter the United States an inflect mass murder , destruction and mayhem upon the US.
In conclusion, Joe Biden and those who uphold him in power and dangerous treacherous subversive villains of the must horrendous sort that there can possibly be.
there is a single word that applies perfectly to this situation. It begins with the letter “T” and sounds a whole lot like “reason”.
FedGov are, amongst only a few other tasks, straitly charged with “repelling foreign invasions”. It is a sworn duty the faiure of which to faithfully discharge is grounds for impeachment, and the wilful deliberate refuale to deal with this issue is tantamount to treason.
An invasion is an act of war, failure to repel one when mounted against us is giving aid and comfort to the invading enemies. The “T” word again.
The ancient Greek Philosopher, Plato, did have a good valid point when he had written “The measure of a man is what he does with power.”
When applying that wise statement to Joe Biden, his “measure” is more than lacking, it’s outright terrible.
Those jihadists of ISIS , al Qaeda and most recently the Taliban are entering in the United States to inflect mas murder on the American people because of President pretender Biden
Biden with his wrecking as in ruining the safety and security of the US citizens by his destroying the US/Mexican secure and safe borders.
It’s really no surprise at all that Taliban jihadist are now entering America through porous US/Americans borders since that “No secure border policy” of Joe Biden and his leftist’s political comrades are totally disaster for many reasons.
It was discovered that twenty – three Muslim terrorists just captured crossing the Mexican/US border that really be a wakeup call. Before that, a jihadist who was captured who had originally come from Saudi Arabia, earlier yet; two Iranian jihad operatives had also been captured, and now the Taliban.
Therefore, there is a great need for a good for a good border control system with a strong tall wall that’s patrolled by armed American military soldiers who may be allowed to use their guns if they deem it necessary. Along with a good filtering system to let in to the United States only good decent hard working people with visas and not and not jihadists as of ISIS and Al Qaeda and gangsters as those of MS-13.
In result of Biden’s porous borders policy will that he will have the blood of many good, decent American citizens across the United States on his wicked vile hands.
The harm President Imposter Biden is doing to America by his “open door” policy or better termed “No border policy” is totally despicable”.
Since Biden entered the White House and is sitting in the Oval Office and he has now reversed all the good former President Trump did by his secure border policy .For when Biden stopped the construction and even destroyed some of the wall of the US/Mexican border wall. Now there is has been and is now drastic increase in many heinous and vile crime and also a sharp rise in the drug trafficking.
It’s very obvious that bogus president Biden is taking American down fast and should be impeached. The only reason that socialist Biden shouldn’t be removed from Office is because he would then be replaced by Communist, Kamala Harris.
That a falsehood speaking and possibly irrational character Kamala Harris is, as when she says that the US/Mexican border is “secure and under control.” That terrible woman is, indeed, very irrational and must have serious cognition problems if she really believes that outlandishly absurd fool statement she said.
Furthermore, if VP Harris, by any means, by hook or by crook,, actually does become the next US President then I’m glad that I’m no longer a young man and I’m also very sorry for the children of this country.
The New World Order of diversity isn’t looking so wonderful. Who would have imagined that the Western World would be celebrating every aberration imaginable and open borders. It seems the politicians would have the agenda that will benefit them, at the expense of the country, And, that the majority of them prefer complete government control and care less about the will of the people, about freedom, or about liberty.
Leftists (democrats) engineered and FACILITATED this attack on U.S. sovereignty, national security, and economic stability. They willfully and eagerly proceeded with this orchestrated this overwhelming invasion from foreign countries, as a means to overwhelm the nations resources and the court system. It is nothing short of traitorous and evil.
Front Page Magazine: Please check out whether Gregg Abbott is part of the World Economic Forum. The governors may be cooperating with the New World Order, instead of doing their duty to keep their constituents safe.
It is stunning that more than two years after Biden’s installation and hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants later, NO ONE in Congress takes the border invasion seriously. Nothing of real substance has been done. Yes, there has been much talk, but zilch accomplished, whether it’s impeachment proceedings (for what that’s worth), wall building, border states taking responsibility, and so on. We will rue the day in the not too distant future.
And if any of us go down to the border to protect our country we will be thrown in prison.