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President-elect Donald Trump was sentenced on Friday for the 34 felonies he supposedly committed in falsifying business records, and he received an unconditional discharge, which means that Trump will serve time in prison, or be fined, or even be put on probation. His sentence is nothing, which is altogether fitting and proper, since the case was nothing, the alleged offenses were nothing, and the evidence against Trump was nothing. The case that was supposed to put the left’s Emmanuel Goldstein finally behind bars ended up petering out in a Manhattan courtroom with the intended target speaking forthrightly about what the whole charade was really all about.
The charges against Trump was nothing from the beginning. He was accused of offenses that are ordinarily classified as misdemeanors, but Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg elevated them to felonies on the dubious grounds that they constituted “election interference.” New York extended the statute of limitations on these particular crimes just so that Trump could be prosecuted. And what Trump was accused of doing, paying hush money to porn star Stormy Daniels, is common business practice: large corporations routinely pay settlements without acknowledging guilt, just to make a nagging problem go away.
The whole idea was to make sure that Trump wouldn’t be elected president again in 2024, and it didn’t work. On Friday, the whole thing petered out with the left having the victory of being able to crow that Trump is a “convicted felon,” but with the oddity of the fact that the sentence he received in itself constitutes a rebuke of that label. If he is so dangerous, such an outrageous scofflaw, why did he get sentenced to nothing at all?
After all, Assistant District Attorney Josh Steinglass said that there was “overwhelming evidence to support the jury’s verdict” and claimed that Trump “has caused enduring damage to public perception of the criminal justice system and has placed officers of the court in harm’s way.” Now step back and think about that for a minute. Here the court has a man who has been convicted of 34 felonies, and has damaged the public’s view of the criminal justice system, and has even endangered officers of the court. And his sentence is…nothing.
Does that add up? Of course it doesn’t. Steinglass’ exaggerated claims are just one of the many disproportionate aspects of this case. If Trump really did all that, he should have gotten some penalty. Instead, the plain fact is that the case failed in its objective, and now the rats are abandoning the sinking ship, while issuing statements about how they were right all along.
The upside for Trump is that now he can appeal and get the conviction overturned; in the meantime, on Friday, he held nothing back as he commented on the whole ridiculous affair. “This has been a very terrible experience,” Trump said via a virtual hookup. “I think it’s been a tremendous setback for New York and the New York court system.”
The president-elect noted the weakness of the case from the beginning: “This is a case that Alvin Bragg did not want to bring. He thought it was from what I read and from what I hear, inappropriately handled before he got there. And a gentleman from a law firm came in and acted as a district attorney. And that gentleman, from what I heard, was a criminal or almost criminal in what he did. It was very inappropriate. It was somebody involved with my political opponent.”
Trump added: “I think it’s an embarrassment to New York and New York has a lot of problems, but this is a great embarrassment.” Yes. It’s a great embarrassment not only to New York, but to the Democrat Party, the Biden regime, and the nation in general, as the United States took its first-ever steps toward becoming a banana republic in which rogue governments defeat their opponents not at the ballot box, but by bringing them up on bogus charges and imprisoning them.
“It’s been a political witch hunt,” Trump also said. “It was done to damage my reputation so that I’d lose the election. And obviously, that didn’t work. And the people of our country got to see this firsthand because they watched the case in your courtroom. They got to see this firsthand. And then they voted, and I won.”
Yes. And soon, all those who love justice will hope that this conviction will be seen for what it is and overturned, and one of the sorriest episodes in the history of our embattled republic will finally draw to a close.
To paraphrase T.S. Eliot:
This is the way the Dems end
Not with a bang, but a whimper.
Fingers crossed as the end of the Left’s power in the USA.
We know idiots like Rachel Maddow, and Joe and Micah, and the rest of the dead lib media will revel as long as they can in calling Trump a “convicted felon.”
We know that idiots like Jamie Raskin will try and sabotage anything Trump tries to do by invoking the “convicted felon” moniker.
And low fo Dem voter will be acting like beavis and butthead.
And it will get very old for about a week after inauguration.
And the left will look like the idiots that they truly are.
As the article details the claims of the Democrats as to Trumps danger to the republic, his crimes, etc. etc. were nothing more than lawfare.
As the “sentence” shows.
The behavior of the Left is contemptable.
But he will appeal, and from what I have learned, it seems his appeal will be granted. This, of course, is as it should be. The entire saga was a classic case of political persecution.
Donald Trump was prosecuted because he accidentally slipped on a wad of Bill Clinton’s jism.
Lawfare is indeed a very slippery slope …
If you are Monica Lewinsky, it is a very sloppy slurp …
New York has seen great farces but the greatest I ever did see what on January 10 of 2025 when a Judge passed
a sham sentence on a man a hundred times better than he.
“Woke” New York Democ-rats have trashed the rule of law. That bell can’t be un-rung. There was no jail time for President Trump because incarceration would have triggered DJT’s immediate federal court-ordered release pending the outcome of his certain appeal of the trial court’s “fairness.” That is to say, relief via a federal Habeas Corpus Writ for unconstitutional detention due to the unjust denial of an appeal bond in a case where a successful appeal is probable would surely have been granted. The Supreme Court’s refusal to stay the Jan. 10, 2025 sentencing took cognizance of the state appellate court’s ability (not its inclination) to correct the lawfare injustice in the normal course of state criminal appeals procedure. The final state appellate court outcome is, itself, reviewable by the Supreme Court. What lies beyond the rule of law is the rule of the jungle. For a taste of what that means, take a ride on a New York City subway.
I thought precedent was important in law. Stare Decisis or something like that. Everyone with common sense or experience knows that such payments are normal practice.
Law is such a b****h. Goes back to Rome and Byzantium or whatever. Practical justice combined with political bias and corruption. What a trip.
The new precedent set violates federal law. Federal election law is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Election Commission for civil cases and the Department of Justice for criminal cases. Yet, this case was at the state level. This was done to use election law to charge a felony to reactivate state misdemeanor charges with expired statutes of limitations that were not worth charging until Trump was running. That also elevated the charges to felonies. All this was without a valid case since non-disclosure agreements are legal. Expenses paid to attorneys, which were an issue, for the NDA are legal for candidates if they would have been paid by non-candidates.
Now that Trump has been reelected, they are all afraid of what he might do to them, so they are all trying to appease him. That’s why the judge cancelled the sentence.
If a sentence had been imposed, the Supreme Court would have been more interested in hearing this case.
Yeah, and it would have happened in short order. I’m starting to feel like we’re watching a TV series and have to wait on the next episode to see what happens.
For all this I would like to see Judge Merchan Alive Bragg Jack Smith George Soros and all those involved in their Witch Hunt all be Investigated and charged with Treason
“Show me the man and I will show you the crime.”
– Lavrentiy Beria
Show me the politician and I will show you the slime.
If he’s guilty then he is a convicted felon. Is it appropriate for the president of the United States to be a convicted felon?
The globalist world order considers the views of Tommy Robinson to be irrelevant because he is a convicted felon, even though his treatment is nothing more than lawfare too.
9 days left.
The trope surrounding this case from anti-Trumpers is that no one is above the law. OK – well if that holds true, when can we expect the arrests of the criminally negligent parties responsible in California for the fire damage, billions in financial losses and the deaths of people who succumbed to the fires?
“draw to a close”?? HARDLY! This should be the BEGINNING! First up will be his APPEAL and then the BIG ONE as he goes after those who UNJUSTLY brought this crap to a US Courtroom! BUT, he shouldn’t pursue it in his capacity as PRESIDENT, but as the PRIVATE CITIZEN that he was when this travesty of justice began and then ended as a NOTHING other than an organized ordeal to keep him trapped in a courtroom during the prime Campaign season! That didn’t work either so now it should be a CIVIL SUIT against Bragg, Mechan, his DAUGHTER, and various other “unknown co-conspirators”! DISCOVERY should be enlightening and should result in a HUGE settlement and then some REAL CRIMINAL proceedings! That old saying about when you shoot at the KING – DON’T MISS should be a phrase that makes the DEMOcrats shiver!!
Slight typo, but I think everyone here is smart enough to get what Robert Spencer meant. In the first sentence, it says, “…Trump will serve time in prison…” Obviously, it should read, “…Trump will NOT serve time in prison…”