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Fox News intensified its spiral into irrelevance on Monday when it fired Tucker Carlson, the top-rated host on network television and a key figure of the resistance against the Leftist political and media establishment. On Wednesday, Carlson released a video explaining what happened. Without naming Fox, he explained what could possibly lead what is supposed to be a profit-making enterprise to cut off its chief source of profits.
Carlson began on an encouraging note: “One of the first things you realize when you step outside the noise for a few days is how many genuinely nice people there are in this country. Kind and decent people—people who really care about what’s true. And a bunch of hilarious people, also. A lot of those. It’s gotta be the majority of the population, even now. So that’s heartening.” Carlson didn’t say it directly, but this seemed to suggest that there are a lot of people out there who don’t buy the Left’s increasingly nonsensical view of the world, and refuse to be intimidated into silence. That would be heartening indeed.
That said, Carlson noted that the really important things that are happening in the U.S. today are going virtually unnoticed and undiscussed amid a general fascination with minutiae and trivia: “The other thing you notice when you take a little time off is how unbelievably stupid most of the debates you see on television are. They’re completely irrelevant. They mean nothing. In five years, we won’t even remember that we had them. Trust me, as someone who has participated. And then at the same time, and this is the amazing thing, the undeniably big topics, the ones that will define our future, get virtually no discussion at all. War. Civil liberties. Emerging science. Demographic change. Corporate power. Natural resources. When was the last time you heard a legitimate debate about any of those issues? It’s been a long time. Debates like that are not permitted in American media.”
Indeed they aren’t, and yet the country is being transformed before our eyes, with most people still not realizing exactly what is happening. Carlson suggested that this was by design: “Both political parties, and their donors, have reached consensus on what benefits them, and they actively collude to shut down any conversation about it. Suddenly, the United States looks very much like a one-party state. That’s a depressing realization, but it’s not permanent. Our current orthodoxies won’t last. They’re brain dead. Nobody actually believes them. Hardly anyone’s life is improved by them. This moment is too inherently ridiculous to continue. And so it won’t.”
Carlson still hadn’t mentioned Fox or his firing, but this was coming close. “Suddenly, the United States looks very much like a one-party state” carried the implication that Fox was falling into line with the rest of the establishment media, and silencing voices that spoke about the deeper and more important issues the nation faces today. As Carlson continued, this implication became stronger: “The people in charge know this; that’s why they’re hysterical and aggressive. They’re afraid. They’ve given up persuasion. They’re resorting to force. But it won’t work. When honest people say what’s true, calmly and without embarrassment, they become powerful. At the same time, the liars, who have been trying to silence them, shrink and they become weaker. That’s the iron law of the universe. True things prevail. Where can you still find Americans saying true things? There aren’t many places left, but there are some. And that’s enough. As long as you can hear the words, there is hope. See you soon.”
Fox has indeed begun to shrink and become weaker. Fox lost $800 million in market value after firing Carlson. If it continues to drift into becoming a pale copy of CNN or MSNBC, it will continue to hemorrhage viewers. Carlson, meanwhile, is being inundated with offers and will certainly make good on his promise to “see you soon.” While his firing at Fox was a setback for patriots and a victory for the Left, as he himself emphasized in his statement, the game isn’t over. The firing itself appears to have backfired. Carlson’s firing has awakened numerous people who were previously unaware of how much the media endeavors to control what we see and hear, so that we only think that thoughts that they consider permissible.
Tucker Carlson has been fighting against that effort for years, and will continue to do so. Fox, on the other hand, if it becomes just another establishment voice, will fade into oblivion.
rocco barbella says
Murdoch is a Leftist. They got to him. Murdoch did what he was told.
Will people wake up and take their heads out of their asses? I doubt it. When, or if they do, it’s going to be too late. You could argue it’s too late now. The Left is so emboldened they openly lie, cheat and steal and don’t even try to hide it anymore.
i Jeff Bargholz says
It wasn’t Murdoch who fired Carlson. It was that fake CEO twat, Suzanne Scott. You know, the dumb left-wing bitch who used to be Murdoch’s secretary. You can’t make a secretary into a CEO. It’s physically impossible. CEOs need to be capable of more than answering phones and taking dictation.
She’s a piece of shit and she’s destroying the most popular news network there is…….for now. Not for long. The day Brian Kilmeade hosted the show instead of Carlson, Fox was beaten in the ratings by CNN and even MSDNC! It wasn’t Kilmeade’s fault because he’s a talented and entertaining guy but he does what he’s told. He wants those paychecks, I guess. Carlson had loyal viewers. They don’t view FAUX anymore.
Eric Bolling now works at Newsmax. Ed Henry works for Real America’s Voice. Both have said on the air that they left Fox because of that dictatorial cunt, Suzanne Scott.
That’s all there is to it. I don’t need to talk to Carlson to know what happened. I’ve dealt with plenty of snatches like Scott in my life. Too many.
rocco barbella says
Murdoch couldn’t stop her?
BTW, Kilmeade is a POS himself. He used to have Chris Wallace, anti Trumper and Rino extraordinaire, on his radio show once a week. Kilmeade never challenged Wallace on the lies he’d spew on his radio show.
i Jeff Bargholz says
I’m sorry to read that.
And Murdoch allows Scott to run hog wild. And believe me, she is a sow.
Suzanne Derham says
You are so right about Kilmeade. He’s an imposter. He really lost me when he supported the lies about Jan. 6. along with many others on Fox. He and the others claim to be truth tellers but, in reality, they’re not. Truly a betrayal to their viewers. At least the left doesn’t pretend anymore.
sdfds says
hi gffd sdfsd sd
Michael Hunt says
Lmao snatches dude you’re clearly an incel.
Ugly Sid says
M. Hunt may be Kamala’s speech writer.
Note the concept development, the completeness of comprehension, the thoroughness of exposition.
Waclaw says
Clearly, inversion of reality must be your new hobby. LOL.
Susan Helke says
Your comment is really a shame. You could’ve made your point without all the misogynist name-calling. If Suzanne Scott had been a man, would you have called her “that dumb left-wing dick,” or “that dictatorial cock-sucker,” or some other disgusting reference to anatomy? Too bad; you are obviously as upset as I am about losing my inviolable appointment with Tucker five days a week at 8 p.m., but your descent into gutter-worthy name-calling put you right down there with the low IQ crowd.
Lynn says
I agree. Point well taken. And I don’t think Susan Scott had anything to do with it! So these nincompoop men as far as I’m concerned are incorrect. Do they really think she has any power? Ha! It was Murdoch and his sons. We all know the sons , McLaughlin in particular is as left wing as one cud get. Anyone with common sense knows it with the Murdoch’s that ousted Carlson. Not Susan Scott. Women r too smart to fire someone like Tucker! Actually if she had been really in charge!!?? She would hv fought those louses at Dominion and not settled! But Murdoch gave in. and sold his soul to the devil!! Them and to Pfizer!! And the deal was to get Tucker out. And silence him.
But good prevails over evil! And at the end? Ppl see through this!!
James Pouling says
Man, you are absolutely the best example of a misyongist maga fueled idiot ive seen in a while. You need real psychiatric help, that or a blow job, because you have royally fucked up your life buying into some Trumpian bullshit. i hope you get the help you need .
Viktori says
Really, I thought he was one of yours.
internalexile says
Genuinely creepy to see how it is now the “intelligence community,” the Dept. of Injustice, and Big Media that are truly running things, and that none of these people have ever been actually elected to do so. Democracy dies in darkness, indeed.
i Jeff Bargholz says
America is a republic.
David Ray says
He quoting the Washington Post’s slogan “Democracy Dies on Darkness”
Right now it’s being destroyed in broad daylight!
Kayster says
TSadly, this is so true!! They don’t even care that we see all of the evil and fraud, they do it anyway and give us peasants the finger.
Controse says
What is so hard about referring to our form of government using the word that exactly describes what it is rather than a word that exactly describes what it isn’t? The Washington Post has a motto: “Democracy Dies in Darkness.” Our response should be “So what? We live in a Republic.”
Waclaw says
Washinton Post’s woke democracy promotes mob rule. Fortunately, there are enough
of us, including Tucker, to expose their attempts.
Maha says
A failing Republic.
Waclaw says
Not for long. LOL.
TruthB Told says
America, Land of the Free & Home of the Brave is nothing but a tragic parody of itself now. It is now Land of the Sheep and Home of the Gutless, Yellow Cowards. If it were not true, we wouldn’t be in the situation we have now. The sacrifices made by true patriots since 1776 have been done so in pointless futility. I don’t know whom to be more disgusted with, those who are destroying this country , or those who are capable of stopping it & have elected to sit on their collective asses and let it happen.
Kayster says
Amen, they surely do not try to hide it anymore, it is in our face and we aren’t supposed to believe our lying eyes. I call it being very emboldened! How is everyone not screaming about what they are doing, very loudly?
i Jeff Bargholz says
I scream a lot, actually.
Mike B says
They control the elections where it matters. When elections become selections, the tyrants have nothing to fear. The obvious steal of the Lake-Hobbs race by Dems and the corrupt courts was painfully obvious but they didn’t care. People can “wake up” all they want, won’t make a bit of difference. If Newsmax gives Tucker a show, we can be sure DirectTV/Dish really will yank them.
Tug MJohnson says
What’s the post tense word for waking up lmao
Dude the election wasn’t stolen enough with that stupid Shit. You’re all incels on here and it’s cringy as hell.
This is why you’re all single Weebs
Ugly Sid says
Can you provide a version of your opinions in a standardized, intelligible English language format?
My background in hip, novel buzzwords is lacking.
NAHalkides says
So, my articulate friend, you believe the election wasn’t stolen? Remember first that the burden of proof is on the government to prove the elections it runs could not have been stolen, not on us to show exactly where and how they were stolen, which is impossible thanks to the secret ballot.
But if you’re claiming the election wasn’t stolen, that means you should be able to prove that:
1. All the signatures on the million of junk-mail ballots were verified, as well as the addresses.
2. That all phantom voters were removed from the rolls (people living in vacant lots, 100 people at one address, etc.).
3. The code in the tabulation machines has been examined by independent experts, and the machines were not programmed to switch votes from Trump to Biden (this happened). Also, the machines were not connected to the internet, which would have allowed them to be hacked.
4. All the junk-mail ballots that were stuffed, sometimes one person with a hundred ballots at an unsecured drop-off box (what a way to run an election!), were absolutely, positively 100% genuine votes.
Get back to us when you can prove all this. Until then, spare us your worthless opinions.
James pouling says
You are an idiot. You have never read a law book or the Constitution in your life its innocent till proven guilty, not the other way around . if you want to live in a country where you have to prove innocence first, then go back to Russia. but wait, youre already a putin cock sucker, arent you? that explains it putin hepped trump win 2016 and hes back!
i Jeff Bargholz says
I get laid every night, bitch. Do you? You’re the incel. You probably live with your mommy.
Waclaw says
Who do you live with? Is it one of your boyfriends? LOL.
i Jeff Bargholz says
Waclaw, you bitch. I live alone. chicks come to to me. Unlike you. Bitch. I guess it must suck to be a loser who can’t get laid. I can’t keep them away. I can send photos. Can you?
Of course not.
Carma says
Purposeful election interference a la Soros coming from the supposedly conservative Murdoch. This is treachery and planned to subvert information and inhibit open debate.
Çâşëğ says
Tucker is The Trump version of media landscape.. He marches on his own drum beat. He like Trump is uncontrollable. That’s why The Murdoch’s got rid of him. In other words FAUX NEWS is the propaganda arm of RINO establishment. It could never allowed Tucker to go against establishment narrative.
Old Fogey says
It’s worked out so well for CNN.
Walter Sieruk says
Tucker Carson was kicked out of FOX News because he spoke the truth.
In other words, the Fox News network caved in to the political powers of the left wing and and kicked Carson off that “news channel ” because be exposed the truth to the American public.
George Washington had, very wisely, declared, “If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led like sheep to the slaughter.”
Richard Terrell says
Carlson actually let his guest speak, following a question, a stark contrast to the blabbermouth hosts who followed him (Hannity and Ingraham).
Mark Dunn says
I despise Hannity, he has the persona of and not very bright or likeable Baptist preacher.
Mike says
At heart, Hannity is a good conservative, but I have noticed he is not very bright. Some of the logic he uses to justify his views is has holes big enough to drive a truck through.
He may for example have a just conservative position on a given issue, But he’ll give the stupidest reason why he stands where he does.
Jon Jacobs says
I knew there was a problem back in the days of “Hannity and Combs.” Hannity let Combs get away unchallenged with the most obvious leftist lies.
Waclaw says
I expect some of his presentations are intentionally kept simple for many undecided morons.
He is making things more palatable for them. Somebody needs to work in that sector. LOL.
roberta says
Hannity sucks. Nonstop repeating the same old stuff. He cant seem to do a show without having Karl Rove, the supposed ”Architect” there to comment as an ”Expert” on something or another.
Karl Rove sucks also, so he has found a good home with Hannity.
Semaphore says
Hannity is nothing but a carnival barker – same product, same pitch, same guests, same psudo-conservative snake oil. No depth.
Kayster says
Why a Baptist preacher? I am Baptist and our former pastor was great.
Walter Sieruk says
Many months before the most recent Tucker exposé , in a Fox Nation ep 82 Tucker Carlson interviewed in investigative journalist Julie Kelly about the so called “insurrection” which occurred on January 6th 2021.
In this interview she explained that ”The Biden regime is turn against Americans on the political right.
Those pro-Trump American patriots in Washington DC that day had been ruthlessly denied their basic decent human rights and their US Constitutional rights .
Even to the most vicious malicious murderous extremes possible.
As one young woman, Ashli Babbitt , was shot through a closed door and her was unarmed and non –violent. The other young woman Rosanne Boyland, was beaten by them and chased in a nearby tunnel by them and murder by them. This is North Korea or America. ?
For some people vicious actions of the Capital “police” by how they harmed Rosanne Boyland so terrible that she because unconscious and they attempted to revive her but the Capital police stopped them “ Are they that Capital police of America ?
This wicked murderous behavior is more fitting for the Capital police of Communist China.
Kelly speculated that the awful abuse against peaceful American citizens on “January 6th was an excuse to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights. “ Sadly she might be right, after all, there is an old saying that “Evil is always looking for an excuse.”
David Ray says
Also . . .
Kevin Greeson was the 1st killed by the DC Stasi that day.
He was in the middle of a well behaved, complacent crowd when for fun, the DC cops started firing on the J6 patriots – unprovoked.
A pellet from a “sting” bomb slammed Greeson in the eye, inducing a heart attack.
Wanda Richardson says
Horrors, didnt know about that poor man’s death, too!
Wanda Richardson says
Yes, and i won’t forget anytime soon, that the old nasty, wicked hag, Nancy “Madame” Pukelosi, orchestrated the WHOLE thing……with the help of “a few good friends”………..
rightrightright says
There is report that Fox plan to keep Tucker on his contract while gagging him, until the 2024 election is done. A truly leftoid tactic.
Mike says
Sounds a little conspiratorial. I hope thats not true!
Wanda Richardson says
You know what they say about conspiracies……………
Onzeur Trante says
That isn’t surprising. Tucker would likely take them to court and spin his wheels taking legal action while still under a” no compete” clause. Either way he’s silenced — and that is their objective.
CowboyUp says
That’s what Megyn Kelly is saying. It makes sense, in a sick underhanded way. I wonder how long Carlson has left on his contract? I bet they keep him sidelined until it runs out, not just until the 2024 election. They’ve apparently got the money to burn.
If I watched Fox, I’d be boycotting them, but I don’t watch them anyway. I just laugh at leftists that tell me I get all my news from Fox.
Wallace says
Tucker should “Identify” as someone else and start doing podcasts
Wanda Richardson says
TrumpBlack says
What an appropriate title: suicide.
This is akin to a suicide bombing, they are blowing themselves up to blow up MAGA.
The Uniparty is preparing to rig the election like never before. They’re arranging their pieces on the chessboard to steal 2024.
THIS was coordinated with the White House, and CNN, they are moving their pieces.
This is war.
Anyone from now on who has even remotely shown curiousity over the 2020 election results will be sidelined.
This is about Trump 2024 and not about Tucker, or Fox, or anything else. This time they are beginning early.
The steal us on.
Expect the social media giants to apply the squeeze on dissenting voices.
Expect the whole media establishment to speak with one voice from now on.
Expect brutal crackdowns on election workers in important districts.
I hope Republicans and the entire MAGA establishment realizes this is war.
Waclaw says
Soros and others will handsomely reward Fox to help endure the dip.
I hope it turns out to be a hilarious waste of money.
Cicero says
Blackrock owns 59.M shares of Dominion. Blackrock owns 47.5 M shares of Fox. Blackrock sued itself and fired Tucker Carlson as part of that lawsuit. Figured it out yet?
Grayeagle says
That was a ploy to give Dominion credibility, and to guarantee their machines will be continued to used for 2024 for that election’s steal. Sue yourself, and then pay yourself back, and solidify a rigged election. Pretty slick!
Horace Yo says
They will only have official Democrat leftist and Rino credibility not real credibility . They will however have 7oo+ million dollars to fund the dictatorship.. Everybody can believe that. Nobody in Soviet Russia believed anything the communists said but the communists ran show trials and ruined or slaughtered all the visible dissidents as a constant threat over the heads of everybody and had total power for 70 years and have been extending it and bringing it here..
Beez says
Yep. It’s a hostile takeover,
Wanda Richardson says
Oh, yes, we are in a quiet communist takeover of America………no doubt! Lets just hope we can hold on to our 2nd Amendment………..because, like every dictator before, Xoe Xiden is coming for ’em!
Kynarion Hellenis says
Historically, the end of free speech is often followed by killing.
I think we might be working up to it.
Kynarion Hellenis says
Historically, the death of free speech is often followed by killing dissenters. We might be working up to it.
thomas warwick says
It is said with much glee on the Right that firing Tucker will cost Murdock a lot of money. Guess what? Murdock doesn’t care. He’s willing to take the hit into the billion$ because he knows that after a few years, Fox will recover all it’s losses. People in the country have very short memories. Sad.
Waclaw says
Assuming Fox can ever recover the popularity it enjoyed.
It is a big question mark; the time to ridicule the TDS maniacs boosted Fox in the past.
Onzeur Trante says
Next Fox will ramp up a smear campaign against Tucker, much like the smear campaigns The Left started against Trump.One might be tempted to say that Fox isn’t after Tucker, it’s after its viewers — to paraphrase what Trump said years ago about the Democrats. Fox has now cleared the way to become a major cog in the “re-elect” (read: re-install) Biden media machine: Orange Man Bad meet Tuca Man Bad. You’ll hear it first on Fox.
Steven Brizel says
Take a look here at a number of very plausible theories as to why Tucker was fired by FOX despi\te his huge popuiarity and audience.
Bob says
I expected Tucker to be arrested and/or killed (Tucker CArlson did not commit suicide). I guess they let him off easy.
Wanda Richardson says
Perish the thought!
Kasandra says
Fox’s ratings from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. are down 35-45% since firing Tucker. Good idea there firing the main reason you have primetime viewers. Must have gone to the same business schools as the person who thought it would be a good idea to have Dylan Mulvaney as the face of Bud Light.
Terence Gain says
Business Insider says Fox has lost 3% of value. Conservatives who like to get their news from TV have no place else to go. Fox has some excellent military veterans of unquestionable character..
I don’t believe Carlson would have been fired without good cause. I await the rest of the story on Carlson
Kayster says
I have only been watching Newsmax for sometime now.
Wanda Richardson says
Bah…….to you! Ignoramus!
Sword of the Spirit says
Threatened by the Wash. D.C . DemoCrap mafia. That’s why.
James A Denney says
Mr. Spencer, your love for the terror of the false Orthodox Russia which you apparently fantasise as the world’s saviour from islam in your support of Carlson the Yellow Journalist, you are horribly wrong.
Terence Gain says
Alleged free speech advocate Robert Spencer kicked me off Jihad Watch when I questioned whether he was supporting Ukraine. I made no accusations. I simply asked for proof.
Tucker Carlson is a disgrace.
I was a big fan of Carlson until he provided moronic battalion commander Douglas Macgregor with a platform to idiotically claim that Ukraine was a threat to Russia. And then, on the eve of Russia’s completely unjustified invasion of Ukraine, Carlson issued the 2nd stupidest statement of the 21st century when he moronically said “nobody cares if Russia invades Ukraine”.
So, according to this cretin, nobody cares if tens of thousands of innocent Ukrainians are maimed and killed because of Russian imperialism. And then Carlson smeared Zelensky claiming, without proof, that he was corrupt. (If Zelensky was corrupt he would have taken the money and run rather than put his life on the line for his country). All of this crap from Carlson, a guy who claims he is a Christian, was enough crap for me.
Unbelievably, 34 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union, we have a wing of the Republican Party cheering for Russian imperialism. The predicted collapse of FoxNews by the Tucker Carlson wingnuts is nonsense. According to Business Insider Fox lost 3% of its value. It will soon recover this loss as it replaces the despicable phony Carlson with the smarter and very decent Brian Kilmeade.
Wanda Richardson says
Okay, youre on the record for standing with the marxists in Hollywood, like Sean Penn who kissed the pukey feet of the fake Zelensky, along with all the marxist democrats and Rinos in our gov’t, giving away billions of dollars of our tax money for starting and continuing a proxy war with Russia, that no one with 2 brain cells to rub together asked for! For what? Virtue signaling? Meanwhile we have no money to secure our porous border and other serious needs here in America…………all the while depleting our military hardware and ammo, now! There are no Putin supporters here……….but many on here know that Zelensky is taking us, for the sucker Biden is,…………and running away with billions! Dude, get real……..Ukraine has long been known as a Kleptocracy………and one of, if not THE most corrupt country in Eastern Europe! Zelensky is working for the World Economic Forum to help bring American hegemony, to an end! Congratulations, sucker……….you fell for it!
Walter says
Hard to believe you could be so out of touch with so many facts. Do some true research and look for truth.
Dawn says
Could it be that both Russian homeland furor of Putin AND Zelensky’s defense of Ukraine but propping up corruption there while claiming to stand for people – that both are corrupt. We need to have Trump’s posture of strength to thwart would be power grabbers. So unfortunate that biden’s weak posture ‘invited’ Russian invasion which needed a counter. It’s all sad. I don’t know if Trump is God-fearing enough, but the Left is absolutely on a train full steam to world totalitarianism – al while feigning ‘democracy, democracy’ – Ha!!
Gordon says
Large corporations, including the media, no longer care if their policies or actions affect profits. They no longer answer to shareholders. They answer to Blackrock and are in the same club with the WEF. They look forward to implementation of Agenda 2030, when private ownership, free speech, freedom of assembly, association and movement are things of the past. Their own positions of wealth and privilege will be unassailable. The outcome is still in doubt, but I believe they are effing around and will soon find out.
John says
I love my China Girl….just you shut your mouth
Una Salus says
The fact that there are nice people only makes it more tragic.
Fox does not see its future with Tucker and Bongino. Fox has been an establishment voice for much longer than people have been paying attention. They might want to pay attention to where Trump is headed also if they don’t like being surprised.
Wanda Richardson says
True that……Trump is defending the rights of Disney in Florida, now……………wow, hes going to defend the trans-mutilation and sexualization of kids…..just to get over on Desantis……….cannot have my vote, and make no mistake………he wont this time! If we cant stand up against this trans-terrorism against our children………..and i believe this is a hill, that conservatives must die on………….then America deserves to fall!
Robert Hagedorn says
His home is One America News.
Una Salus says
According to the Great Leader this is just very unfortunate but not much can be done about it.
Actually, much could be done if he’d start running his big mouth when we actually need him to do that. Because Fox is really hitched to Trump like Trump is now hitched to the establishment he rebranded.
Una Salus says
His big mouth incoherence which is good for little more than coming up with new titles like Crooked Biden. The novelty is not new any more.
Kayster says
But they ARE tremendously crooked, that is being proven daily but nbody does anything because the left owns the DOJ and the FBI and many DAs. I am not stupid, I watched a video where Biden was on stage with two other men bragging about getting the Ukraine prosecutor of the company that Hunter sat on their board (with no experience in what that company producted!) fired and withholding aid from the Ukraine if they didn’t fire the special prosecutor and it worked!
Steven Brizel says This article sets forth someunfortunately very plausible theories and pretexts as to why Tucker was fired by Fox-Tucker will be back with his audience-it is only a matter of where ,when and who
Una Salus says
Every time you see him he’s got something to say that says nothing outside of the circus.
Una Salus says
Big Mouth doesn’t want to debate though.
Una Salus says
We need to be ahead not behind and whining.
Una Salus says
That’s Reagan makes Trump look like yesterday’s news.
Una Salus says
Because this isn’t a game. This isn’t some clown show.
Una Salus says
Una Salus says
First you win the argument then you win the election so o your own party can assassinate you. Every retard knows that.
Una Salus says
Now, I understand that Trump thinks he is going to skip beheading part but the problem is he didn’t win the argument yet.
Berceuse says
What’s missing in Mr. Spencer’s praise of Tucker Carlson is the whole reason behind his firing: He went on the air and broadcast slanderous and defamatory claims knowing fully well they weren’t true. His behavior was as unethical and unprofessional as it gets for a journalist. As much as I despise the Dominion company, they had proof in hand of actual malice sufficient to satisfy any court with regard to a slander judgment.
Una Salus says
Yea, no. The whole reason that Tucker went so whole Budwesier on Trump is that Trump is Budweiser but few people realizised how Budweiser he is.
11bravo says
That is all true. However – and here it comes. How many other networks or Journolists have done the same thing with out anyone getting fired? No excuses, just the facts – enter Sandman and Rittenhouse. They are not done suieng yet. Anyone fired you can think of.
The anti-democrat corruption stories that are just not given airtime/exposure are manifold. Firing Tucker was NOT “necessary,” so why was it done? $64 question.
Anne says
Roger Ailes created a Good-Real -News- organization many years ago, but the liberals have destroyed that too. Amazing how they oust their best and most talented people to please the New World Order and the Deep State. Bill O’Reilly, Megyn Kelly, Dan Bongino, Eric Bolling, Ed Henry, and Tucker were all good hosts, the problem for them is that they were honest journalists, if you can call that a problem! It’s more like an inconvenience to the deceivers and suppressors of truth who are upside down on everything. Bye Bye to ratings and credibility….hope it was worth it.
George Mallory says
Bill O”Reilly and Ed Henry were convincingly accused of sexual violations. Dan Bongino could not help himself from calling socialism-leaning Dems “communists” which is idiotic, Tucker fell in love with his self=-constructed image of a truth-teller but embraced unfounded suggestions that Ukraine was irredeemably corrupt over against a largely innocent Russia. He had few conservatives on his side.
August West says
I suspect Fox thinks that the 8 pm Eastern time slot on Fox News is the #1 rated time slot. They probably think that any person that they put into that slot will have the #1 rated show.
thomas warwick says
You may be right. Fox announced yesterday (5/1) that the Murdochs will fill that time slot with an affirmative action hire.
truebearing says
Tucker was getting bigger than Fox, or any other single news source. He appealed to Republicans, Independents, Democrats and even some leftists. He continually disrupted the momentum of the Fascists, Republican or Democrat, by laughing at them after exposing their scams, collusion, lies, etc. He strained their carefully crafted lies through satirical common sense, and he was always for the individual…the little guys…the citizens. He may have been forced out for speaking unvarnished truth but the damage has been done. A lot of Americans watched Tucker and they trust him, so they won’t soon forget what they have learned. And if they’ve learned nothing else, they have witnessed the essentiality of courage. May those seeds of courage grow like never before.
Kit_Jefferson says
Murdock cut off that which he felt offended him but in so doing quickly discovered that it didn’t really profit him monetarily – just his emotional satisfaction; which is as fleeting as the wind.
Una Salus says
Murdoch is gone. Faux News now belongs to sons who are gone. They don’t care. They already own you. They already own Trump’s presidential aspirations.
John says
Thank You Fox News…for Hiring Tucker Carlson
Una Salus says
The Conservatariot finally got the Fox News they deserve. Also they got the Trump they deserve.
They refuse to see why they’re held in contempt in Washington. They’re held in contempt because they’re so easily manipulated.
If they stopped being so easily manipulated they wouldn’t get the attention they crave.
Una Salus says
All they had to do was hold Trump to account but they couldn’t even do that. Maybe they can blame the media?
Una Salus says
Trump says that when he’s elected he will do the “right thing”. On Amnesty I’m assuming. Assuming he’s elected. Then these people who blame Reagan for amnesty will move onto other talking points. Do you see where this is headed?
There are quite a few assumptions there. But I think they’re safe. Stay safe y’all.
Una Salus says
That’s why Washington and the media hold people in contempt. They don’t hold them in contempt for any moral qualities they might or might not possess.
Una Salus says
Then we have Michael Knowles who under the sterling leadership of Jeremy Boring has turned into the clickbait hero he now is.
Una Salus says
Even if he has something good to say it really doesn’t matter because it’s eclipsed by an endless stream of advertisements, public health announcements and a lack of Youtube misinformation advisory warnings.
George Mallory says
Spencer and Tucker are wrong. We have nothing like a single party system. Look at the border and abortion and the budget. Tucker invested in some pretty extreme positions on Ukraine, J6, Russia and recently China. It is one thing to ask difficult questions but to repeatedly claim without data that the FBI instigated J6, To cozy up to Kanye West and Roseanne Barr with fawning adoration was disgraceful. Tucker is a decent man but he badly needs mentors and challengers to some of his beliefs. Fox was unwilling to carry the liability of continuing to employ him, Then there is the issue of advertising supporters, largely confined to the snake oil salesman, Mike Lindell.
David says
FNC made a profoundly stupid business decision. But no summary of Tucker Carlson’s activities as host of his show over the last few years would be complete, without recalling the role that he played in publicly urging then President Trump NOT to strike the Iranian nuclear sites back in December 2020, following the killing of Soleimani. At the time, Steve Bannon deemed Tucker to be “Trump’s most influential foreign policy advisor.” Well, if that is so, then his time at FNC should be looked upon with at least some level of contempt by those for whom the war on Islamofascism, once deemed central to this website, is important. If Steve Bannon is right, then Tucker Carlson personally helped ensure that Israel remains in grave danger. And if that is so, then I say, good riddance to his show.
Jon Jacobs says
To the original article rather than any one post: When Fox caved to the Dominion lawsuit, I knew it was over. They had to get rid of the remaining courageous voice. I wouldn’t be surprised if getting rid of Tucker Carlson was a condition of the settlement.
UncleJuniorSoprano says
I cancelled my Fox Nation subscription the morning I heard that Tucker Carlson was fired, & I won’t return.
Liz Diamond says
Dear Tucker I loved 😍 to watch your show here in Australia. I really believe you were exposing the evil in this world. Please keep going.
Anne says
We all faced the facts now…..these actions by Fox are about the destruction of free speech and truth. They must silence the messenger of TRUTH to pull off their AGENDA.
William Roberts says
Tucker Carlson is an unprincipled liar. It’s easy to find out if you don’t put your brain in neutral and just accept everything he says. He’s lied about Ukraine, it’s president and also lied about Putin. Even after the facts came out about the myth of bio labs in Ukraine , he persisted in pushing the Kremlin propaganda. Tucker Carlson, and others like Marjorie Taylor Greene have betrayed the memory and legacy of Ronald Reagan, William F. Buckley Jr. and Rush Limbaugh. I remember the good old days when Republicans knew who our enemies were. I can show numerous examples of his lies. He is dangerous and a threat to true conservatism.
Steve Fryer says
‘Fox Commits Suicide’ That title say’s it all. The Uniparty is here to stay. Welcome to the United Kingdom of America.
11bravo says
We may be witnessing the beginning of the silencing (censoring) of MAGA voices prior to the 2024 election. Our intelligence community has colluded with big tech and big media already – as we found out – so, you will see it continue right in front of our faces in full view. This is how brazen the left (Neo-American Communists) have become.
They think NOW is their moment to take down America – so they have no problem lying and cheating right in front of us. What are you/we going to do about it? They are hoping nothing! Like good little sheep.
Carma says
This began years ago with the promised “fundamental change” of Obama. As ominous as it sound, voters put him in office and it’s been treachery by the Deep State ever since.
Pete says
One of the top spreader of fake news and a moron, about time he’s gone. Don’t think there is a network left he can go to. Hopefully he’s gone the way of the dodo. You Americans have become the laughing stock of the world, right with my country as we have an entitled PM