Germany Tried to Fight Jihad With ‘Knife-Free Zones’
“Knife-control” doesn’t work in a country full of terrorists.

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In August 2024, a Syrian Muslim refugee went on a stabbing spree during a “diversity festival” in the German city of Solingen. Three middle-aged Germans, two men and a woman, were stabbed to death by the ISIS terrorist.
And the German authorities quickly stepped in with a plan to fight the existence of knives.
“Knives have no place at public festivals, sporting events or other similar public events. That’s why we’re introducing a ban on knives,” Interior Minister Nancy Faeser vowed.
The ISIS mass stabbing in Solingen came after the previous Muslim mass stabbing attack at a Counter-Jihad rally condemning Islamic terrorism in Mannheim. The perpetrator was an Afghan Muslim refugee. The authorities and the media however blamed rising “knife violence.”
Interior Minister Faeser’s solution was to limit knife sizes from the legal limit of 5 inches to 2.3 inches. Germany already had some of the tightest ‘knife control’ laws in the world. Pocket knives over 1.5 inches had to be carried in “locked containers” in public and “stored safely within the home”. The new laws would however also limit the size of kitchen knives and other ‘work’ knives carried in public to 2 inches which would not even qualify as a paring knife.
Germany deployed not only ‘gun-free zones’, but ‘knife-free zones’ and ‘mace-free zones’. The mace-free zones also prevented German women from being able to defend themselves.
Police officers could inspect bags in public ‘knife-free zones’ to check if anyone had a knife.
Videos showed German police inspecting an elderly woman’s handbag at a Christmas market in December and confiscating her Swiss army knife before the next Islamic stabbing attack.
On New Year’s Eve, a Syrian Muslim man went on a stabbing spree. His solution to the ‘knife-control’ problem was simple. He just stole two knives from a nearby supermarket and then severely stabbed a 69-year-old man and attacked a younger man. A woman carrying mace that would be illegal in a ‘weapons-free zone’ finally drove the Syrian Muslim away.
Members of the public restrained him and the authorities claimed that he was “mentally ill”.
The German authorities had never considered the possibility that the next Muslim terrorist would simply bypass all their ‘knife-free zones’ and bans on carrying knives by stealing knives.
But it couldn’t have been too much of a surprise since in 2021, Abdirahman Jibril, a Somali refugee, went to a Woolworth’s, asked where the knives were, and then started stabbing people. He killed 3 people including an 82-year-old woman protecting a child, and a mother defending her little girl, while shouting, “Allahu Akbar.” The media blamed mental illness.
German authorities have spent years battling the problem of “knife violence” or “knife crime”. But Germany doesn’t have a problem with knives, no more than America has one with guns, its problem is that there is a class of perpetrators who assault people using guns and knives.
There’s no mystery over who those people are in Germany.
In 2021, an Afghan approached a German woman gardening in a park, pulled out a knife and began stabbing her because his Islamic beliefs led him to object to a woman working.
The authorities blamed “mental illness”.
In 2023, Berhan, a Turkish migrant, entered the Protestant School in Berlin, stabbing an 8-year-old girl in the throat and then stabbed a 7-year-old girl several times.
The Muslim man’s assault came after he and his “strictly religious family” threatened a non-Muslim woman whom he may have also stabbed for wanting to get an education.
The authorities blamed mental illness and declared that, “religious or political motive on the part of the perpetrator can probably be ruled out.
Earlier that year, Ibrahim, a ‘Palestinian’ refugee who also claimed to be Syrian, started stabbing people on a train, killing two teenagers, and wounding 7 others. The ‘Palestinian’ had 24 previous criminal charges against him in Germany including for sexual offenses.
The authorities blamed the ‘Palestinian’s “frustration” for his rampage.
In 2024 alone, Mohammad, an Afghan refugee stabbed a Ukrainian woman in the back while walking down the street, an Iranian man attacked police officers with a knife, an Afghan man went on a stabbing spree at a soccer party, a Syrian man rammed a van into a store and threatened people with a machete, a man waving a knife at a wine festival threatened, “I will bring you all to Allah”, and a Syrian man plotted to attack German soldiers with a machete,
And, if knives were wanting, a Syrian man attacked police with a broken glass bottle while shouting “Allahu Akbar.” No word on the motive or whether ‘glass-free zones’ are coming.
There’s no sign that Germany’s ‘knife-control’ laws, its efforts to ban knives over 2 inches or its knife patrols are accomplishing anything. Instead of going down, knife attacks are increasing. Knife attacks rose 9.7% in 2023 and they’re up 27% on trains and train stations after doubling the previous year. The rising knife attacks are not due to the existence of knives, but to the rising demographics of Germany’s Muslim population which is what’s really driving the violence.
Germany’s problem doesn’t lie with knives over 2 inches, but with a mass migration that brought a flood of Muslim migrants from Syria, Afghanistan, Somalia and other terror states to its shores. The New Year’s Eve attack shows that trying to ban knives doesn’t work. Not unless supermarkets are also banned from having knives on their premises. And that would make it rather difficult to slice fish, meat and fruits. But the German authorities are more likely to ban fresh food in supermarkets than they are to ban migrants from flooding into Germany.
Knives don’t kill people, Jihadists kill people. And denial about Islamic terrorism is deadly.