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Transgender Cult Replacing True Religion

Progressive clergy Vs. Trump on immutable biological reality.

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Mariann Budde, the ultra-progressive Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Washington, D.C., demeaned the interfaith inauguration prayer service that was held on the day after the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 47th president of the United States. She turned the pulpit at the Washington National Cathedral into a pathetic political-style attempt to shame President Trump, who was sitting in the front pew of the church with Vice President J.D. Vance and their families. Ms. Budde used her sermon at the inaugural prayer service, which is meant to unite the country, to engage in reckless fearmongering. This progressive bishop was continuing a pattern that she set during President Trump’s first term when she accused the president of “espousing positions antithetical to the Bible.”

One of Bishop Budde’s complaints had to do with President Trump’s executive order declaring that “my Administration will defend women’s rights and protect freedom of conscience by using clear and accurate language and policies that recognize women are biologically female, and men are biologically male. It is the policy of the United States to recognize two sexes, male and female. These sexes are not changeable and are grounded in fundamental and incontrovertible reality.”

Evidently, President Trump’s concern for biological females being confronted with biological men who “self-identify as women and gain access to intimate single-sex spaces and activities designed for women” was simply too much for Bishop Budde to bear. She is also opposed to President Trump’s efforts to curtail transgender transition medical treatments for minors, which he has referred to as “child sexual mutilation.”

“In the name of our God,” Bishop Budde pontificated at the Washington National Cathedral service, “I ask you to have mercy upon the people in our county who are scared now. There are gay, lesbian, and transgender children…who fear for their lives.”

In truth, President Trump is espousing a position consistent with the Bible when he seeks to protect children who are confused about their gender identity from prematurely undergoing potentially irreversible chemical or surgical gender transition treatments. These children are vulnerable to peer pressure, social media, and the undue influence of progressive educators, doctors, and parents. They are at risk of making a life-altering mistake that could haunt them for the rest of their lives.

True “mercy” is keeping susceptible children from making such a horrible mistake by shielding them from the ill effects of hormonal interference and genital mutilation. Not the phony “mercy” and “compassion” mouthed by progressive ideologues like Bishop Budde.

Bishop Butte is far from alone in misusing religion to advance the left-wing progressive cult of transgenderism.

The Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) is the principal organization of Reform rabbis in the United States as well as Canada. Rabbi Hara Person, CCAR’s chief executive, calls herself “a progressive religious voice.” Under Rabbi Person’s leadership, CCAR issued a statement denouncing President Trump’s executive order mandating that the U.S. government only recognize two immutable sexes that are determined at birth.

“This executive order goes against our religious beliefs and values. For millennia, Judaism has recognized multiple genders,” the CCAR falsely proclaimed. “Gender diversity is woven into the narrative of creation: God created the first human being as male and female, i.e., nonbinary.”

CCAR has distorted what is said about male and female in the Torah – the Five Books of Moses.

CCAR cites out of context Genesis 1:27, which states that God created “male and female.”  Genesis 2 makes clear that “male and female” are two distinct human beings, not a single “nonbinary” human being as CCAR would have us believe.

Genesis 2:7, for example, states that “Adonai, God, formed a person from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, so that he became a living being.” Genesis 2:22 describes how God separately “made a woman-person” and “brought her to the man-person.”

Deuteronomy 22:5 dispels any misconception that the Torah approves of gender fluidity: “A woman is not to wear men’s clothing, and a man is not to put on women’s clothing, for whoever does these things is detestable to Adonai your God.”

The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), representing more than 2,500 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in American public policy, condemned CCAR’s misuse of Jewish religious text to rationalize its progressive ideology. The CJV noted that the Talmud – rabbinical commentary on the Torah – “addresses various biological aberrations but there is no source in Judaism for the modern notion of ‘nonbinary’ genders dependent upon the beliefs of victims of gender dysphoria.”

Just as Bishop Butte abused her religious position to advance the pro-transgenderism cult, the CCAR rabbis did the same with their twisted interpretation of what the Jewish faith requires of religious Jews.

“It is revealing that the CCAR declares that Reform Jews are ‘religiously obligated’ to accept a person’s ‘gender identity,’” the CJV observed. “According to the CCAR, Reform Jews are not religiously obligated to observe the Sabbath, keep kosher or follow particularistic Jewish law in any other area. But, the CCAR intones, they are religiously obligated to observe progressive doctrine. It could hardly be more clear that the CCAR does not follow Judaism but rather progressivism, and all pretenses to the former are null and void.”

If CCAR wants to promulgate a set of secular ethical principles that recognize and respect multiple genders, that is CCAR’s prerogative. However, CCAR is verging on heresy in claiming that “multiple genders” and “gender diversity” are “woven into the narrative of creation” that the Torah describes.

President Trump and his administration are not threatening transgender individuals, and most especially they are not threatening transgender children. Quite the opposite. They are seeking to protect children who are confused about their gender identity from the potentially adverse life-altering consequences of risky transgender transition medical procedures.

At the same time, the Trump administration is trying to protect the vast number of biological girls from being forced to compete athletically against the tiny minority of biological boys who claim to be girls. Not only is such competition on an uneven playing field unfair since biological boys – no matter what gender they identify with – are physiologically stronger in general than biological girls. Allowing biological boys to compete against biological girls also carries the risk of physically endangering biological girls. And permitting biological boys to use biological girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms invades biological girls’ privacy and exposes them to male sexual predators. These are very real concerns, as past incidents have tragically demonstrated.

In sum, issuing executive orders that are intended to clearly reinforce the scientific biological fact of two distinct sexes – male and female – does not outlaw the social construct of transgender identity or take away the right of transgender adults to express their own chosen identities. But this should not mean that transgender people must be provided with special privileges which would infringe on other people’s rights and would overturn America’s long-established law, language, traditions, and values.