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A 12-year-old Muslim girl in Evreux, France, made death threats to her teacher for his classroom discussion on Islam. More on this disturbing tale can be found here: “In Dreux, a student threatens to kill her teacher during a lesson on Islam,” translated from “À Dreux, une élève menace de mort son enseignante pendant un cours sur l’islam,” by Ambre Lepoivre, Le Figaro, October 3, 2023:
The student spread terror in her class. Last Friday, a 12-year-old girl made death threats against her teacher in a middle school in Dreux, in Eure-et-Loir, Le Figaro learned from police and judicial sources.
During a class devoted to Islam, the student said to his teacher: “If your lessons do not please the students, the same thing could happen to you as to him,” pointing to a photo of Samuel Paty. This history and geography teacher at a college in Conflans-Sainte-Honorine was beheaded in 2020 after showing caricatures of the Prophet Muhammad to his students.
According to our police source, the young girl repeated her remarks several times, claiming to be well aware that Samuel Paty had died “after explaining to his students things that they did not like about Islam.” Her classmates tried to make him aware of the seriousness of her words, in vain. Summoned by the teaching team at the end of the course, the teenager once again renewed her provocations.
Deeply shocked, the teacher went to the Dreux police station to file a complaint for “glorification of terrorism.” The next day, the student was questioned by the police.
This girl pupil, only 12 years old, has made a clear death threat to her teacher, alluding to the murder of schoolteacher Samuel Paty who was killed, she claimed not quite accurately, “after explaining things about Islam to his students that they did not like.” In fact, all Samuel Paty did, in a class on freedom of speech and expression, was to show his pupils one of the caricatures of Muhammad published in Charlie Hebdo.
What now will happen to this 12-year-old? She rejected the attempts of her classmates to dissuade her from making such threats. Indeed, when called in at the end of class not just by her teacher, but by the entire teaching staff, she was unrepentant and repeated her threatening remark. Clearly, she’s a menace. And behind her there may be others — her parents, her siblings — prepared to act on her complaints against an offending teacher who, she apparently claims, said unacceptable things about Islam.
What should happen to this menacing young lady? Perhaps her parents, no doubt the greatest influence on her, should. be called in to explain what they have been filling her mind with. Perhaps the imam at the mosque her family attends should also be summoned by the police for a talk on the content of his khutbas. And the 12-year-old herself, a menace to teachers, should be given one more chance to remain in the school, on condition that she ceases to make any threats. If she cannot comply, then she should be expelled from the school. The statutory minimum school leaving age in France is 16. She could be transferred to a school for disruptive pupils, where she would be under close supervision. And at 16, let her leave school for an apprenticeship, where she will be kept so busy learning a trade that she won’t have time to make trouble for the Infidels.
This twelve-year-girl is likely a migrant herself, or a child of migrants. This is the situation that mass migration has created in France today. Until the government of President Emmanuel Macron can be turned out of office, and a Le Pen-Zemmour coalition be voted in, do not expect any serious attempt to halt Muslim migration, to enforce deportation orders, and to use every carrot and stick, including ending welfare benefits for migrants during the first five years of their residence in France and instituting a work requirement instead, to persuade Muslims to return to their countries of origin.
This is France in 2023. And if neither Le Pen nor Zemmour, nor another of that ilk, is elected President in 2027, when Macron leaves office, then what? What will France be like in 2030? In 2040? You know the answer to that.
Time to start returning Muslims to their Place of Origin Return to Sender
Leslie says
In super small boxes.
Pisslam says
In tiny pieces..
Tex the Mockingbird says
Eety Teensy pieces
Kasandra says
So non-Muslims must nevertheless obey Muslim laws and customs or be murdered. Got it. That’s some “religion” you’ve got there little girl.
Leslie says
To be fair, Christians weren’t exactly warm and cuddly for a millennium or so. The difference is we learned to be more Christ-like as a general rule. The Muslim’s only prophet to look up to doesn’t exactly believe in turning the other cheek if you catch my meaning. 🤷
Kasandra says
And you know why Mohammad is Islam’s only prophet? It’s because he is, according to Islam, the best of all men and any deviation from the dictates of the Quran, the word of Allah conveyed through his prophet Mohammad, (e.g., by other prophets) is considered apostasy and is punishable by death. The difference between other religions and Islam is that other religions have moderated over the last two thousand years. Islam hasn’t moderated and, more importantly, cannot.
Beez says
It hasn’t moderated because it can’t change. It can’t change because Allah’s laws are immutable.
Ruckweiler says
Just curious if you know what year this is, now.
Beez says
When Christians behave badly, they’re not behaving as Christians. They’ll be held to account.
Richard G Johnston says
It’s the religion of peace. Say otherwise, they’ll kill you….
Atikva says
“What should happen to this menacing young lady?” First a double slap on the face of this aspiring jihadi and exclusion from the school; second, if her parents have the gall to protest, have them immediately deported. NB: ‘young lady’? Nah. Young harpy, maybe, but definitely not material for ladyship.
Algorithmic Analyst says
Just expel her immediately.
Ro Ma says
Strap a suicide bomb to her with a remote detonator, and ship her to Gaza.
Anne-Marie says
This young idiot-in-the-making, and her whole family, should be put on the first plane back to their sh*thole country. She’s 12 – obviously, she learned this demented attitude from her parents. Adios, haters!
AF-22 says
Absolutely, send all of the haters back where they are more comfortable with the culture!
Andrew Blackadder says
I mentioned recently to a young German guy who had been informing me of the wonderful things happening in his country and when I said to him that of all Five Major Religions in the World today there appears to be only Two that are standing on the street corners and telling me I am going to hell if I dont follow their belief system.
He asked me if I was an islamophobe… Go figure…
Beez says
To understand why Christian Germany is doomed, look up the late Horst Kasner. You’ll see why Merkel was the Manchurian Candidate.
hrwolfe says
I think people like GW thought it would help them evolve to First World status but the Obamas and Bidens are well aware that it’s changing the demographic here and how they expect to control them when they have full power and we see what they just did in Israel, they and their kids will not be of the first attacked.