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In the kabuki theater of hypocrisy, the current Pontiff in Rome, Francis, has turned his attention to conservative U.S. Catholics, accusing them and some bishops of “backwardness,” saying that they have replaced faith with… ideology.
The use of the word’ ideology’ by this, the most ideological of popes, is nothing less than confusing and contradictory.
In his book, “The Political Pope,” George Neumayr maps out how Francis has long alienated conservatives and delighted liberals with his harsh ideological views.
Consider for a moment how a conservative Catholic would want atheists and Muslims to convert to Christianity (or Catholicism).
Ah yes, but not Francis.
“It is true that the idea of conquest is inherent in the soul of Islam. However, it is also possible to interpret the objective in Matthew’s Gospel, where Jesus sends his disciples to all nations, in terms of the same conquest,” Francis told the French newspaper, La Croix in 2016.
Unlike any other pope in the history of the Roman Church, Francis commended the reading of the Qur’an when he stated, “Those that are Christian, with the Bible, and those that are Muslim, with the Quran. The faith that your parents instilled in you will always help you move on.”
Even more shocking is when this most ideological of popes stated:
“Our respect for true followers of Islam should lead us to avoid hateful generalizations, for authentic Islam and the proper reading of the Quran are opposed to every form of violence.”
Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch called this statement wrong and misleading “because it gives the Christians who are being persecuted by Muslims in Nigeria, in Egypt, in Syria, in Iraq and elsewhere no support.”
Francis’ views on Islam go to the heart of what makes him the most ideologically-driven pope in history.
Novus Ordo Watch, the website that “unmasks the modernist Vatican II Church,” recently reported that the Archbishop of Londrina, Brazil — appointed by Francis in 2017 — gave communion to a Muslim Sheik.
“…Make no mistake about it,” the Thomas More Law Center posited,
“not only is the Catholic Church the greatest defender against Islam throughout history, but the popes of the Catholic Church are the greatest leaders in bringing Christians of all denominations together to fight against the Islamists of each age and, when followed, to bring Christians to victory over the Muslims. That is also to say that what you see happening today with Pope Francis is not only anomaly but in direct contradiction—even against the very teachings—of the popes over the last 1400 years.”
Neumayr’s book makes it clear that Francis’ idea of evangelization is not about spreading the Gospel of Christ, but about “convincing Christians to embrace social justice.”
“Pope Francis,” writes Catholic-to-Orthodox convert Rod Dreher, “makes me realize that the good, if incomplete, work that John Paul II and Benedict XVI did to restore the Church after the violence of the [liberal] revolution stands to be undone. The ‘spirit of Pope Francis’ will replace the ‘spirit of Vatican II’ as the rationalization people will use to ignore the difficult teachings of the faith.”
Even avowed atheists like Bill Maher are noticing that there’s something ‘atheistic leaning’ about the current pontiff.
“I think the pope is an atheist,” Maher stated elatedly, explaining that Francis talks mainly about political liberalism rather than Catholic theology, and that this fact put him in mind of all the Catholic priests he’s met who are really not believers but atheists.
A Catholic priest friend once confided in me that a large number of his clergy friends have told him that they “really don’t believe in all the old stuff anymore,” meaning the Real Presence, the Mass, the power to forgive sins, miracles, the reality of hell or even the concept of an afterlife.
Perhaps these disbelieving priests are only partially to blame considering that their role model, Francis, also questions traditional concepts of hell.
Francis’ “novelties about hell,” [Neumayr’s phrase], compares roughly to those innocuous social media/Facebook posts announcing that it is “so-and-so’s” heavenly birthday.
It’s never a Purgatorial birthday or a Dante’s Inferno birthday, mind you, but always a ‘heavenly’ one, where everybody—Charles Manson, Joseph Stalin, Richard Speck and even Adolf Hitler—goes to heaven.
You never read on those same social media posts: “Pray for my grandmother who died 39 days ago,” a sentiment that at least leaves the final verdict to God — and that at least infers that prayers may work on grandmother’s behalf to get her to that “place” we all aspire to reach but that has now become so cheap and accessible, meaning something you don’t have to work to achieve but rather something handed to all of us equally, as if going there was rubber stamped as part of an equity program devised by the Biden administration.
But this isn’t what scripture says; it’s not what the Church teachers say, and it’s certainly not what the testimonies of many saints and mystics have revealed.
And it is not, if we were to count the many messages in both approved (and alleged) visitations of the Virgin Mary, what the Mother of God seems to be saying when she says things like,
“Pray, pray a great deal and make many sacrifices, for many souls go to hell because they have no one to make sacrifices and to pray for them,” (Fatima, August 1917).
Hell has fallen out of fashion because it has come to be associated with firebrand evangelicals and with who ‘regular’ people call fanatics who obsess with religion “inappropriately.”
Hell has become, as Jean-Paul Sartre proclaimed, “other people.”
If one looks at Catholicism today, one can say with certainty that the most fervent Catholics are those Catholics in the conservative ideological camp.
These also tend to be Catholics with a special devotion to the Virgin Mary and her multiple apparitions and manifestations at Lourdes, La Salette, Fatima, Garabandal, and Akita, Japan.
These manifestations also come with messages that clearly contradict the rhetoric of Pope Francis.
The messages talk about hell in an unambiguous way.
The Fatima message, for instance, contains a clause stating that most people who go to hell go there because of the sins of the flesh, the opposite of what Francis recently suggested while visiting his Jesuit friends in Portugal, where he commented that too much attention is paid to “sins below the waist.”
The pope saying one thing, the Queen of Heaven saying another — how’s that for an existential morass.
And yet this clearly suggests that if Francis wants his fantasy of a Synodal Church to come true, he must first do all he can to devalue, demote, or somehow make less important any message from the Virgin Mary that contradicts his globalist ‘enlightened’ theology.
The way to do this is by casting aspersions on Marian apparitions by any means possible, especially by emphasizing that personal revelations travel a sketchy path from heaven to earth, filtering as they do through the biases or lack of reporting abilities of the receiver—think of a secret being whispered down the lane and how it twists into a pretzel of lies by the time it reaches the last human ear.
The cry for less emphasis on Mariology has been heard in Catholic liberal circles since the 1960s when the Jesuit magazine, America, began running articles on Vatican II and on the need to “tone down” on what the preacher to the (Francis) papal household, Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, terms Mariology’s “non-stop factory of new titles, new devotions, often in polemic against Protestants…”
By placing less of an emphasis on Mariology, and then having that devaluation take hold among the faithful — that’s when the new theology of Francis will take off.
But that knot is not giving way; instead, devotion to the Virgin Mary in much of the Catholic world is solidifying into something tighter and greater than Francis. And it’s all coming from the laity.
Francis may scribble away in ‘Amoris Laetitia’ that, “The way of the Church is not to condemn anyone forever,” but nearly every Church-approved Virgin Mary message stands in direct contradiction to this thought.
All of which brings me back to my priest friend who told me that he does not believe in the visions of Fatima because of the horrible visions of hell the Virgin allowed the three Shepard children to witness.
That horrific vision apparently so terrified the children that they let out screams. Mercifully, the glimpse into that inferno was short, but even its shortness was too long for my friend.
“There’s no way the Mother of God would ever do this to children,” my friend commented. “It’s cruel. “
Here we have a good priest — who is a fan of Francis, I might add — saying that Fatima is suspect and perhaps demonic, something not to be believed.
All Marian apparitions are, at their core, conservative. All speak of sin and repentance, of bishops and priests falling away from the faith, of churches being sacked, of apostasy and theological confusion.
This is why Francis and his minions will eventually lose the war, and why in the end, the heart known as ‘Immaculate’ will triumph.
THX 1138 says
Will Protestants, being heretics, from the true Catholic Church of Christ go to Hell too?
Will lifelong, married, atheists who treated their spouses and children with utmost caring love go to Hell simply for not being conservative Roman Catholics like you?
How about the Jews? Judaism by definition rejects the divinity of Jesus of Nazareth and the New Testament, are they going to Hell too for not being Roman Catholics that worship the Virgin Mary?
Mark Dunn says
Those are all legitimate questions, and answer is three time no. People choose eternal separation from God by rejecting the free gift of salvation. No Church decides who goes to Hell. (When I was a youngster I tried to speak my school teachers into Hell, it never worked out for me.) Catholicism and Protestantism are flawed because they are man made institutions. The only God give religion was Judaism, up until the day of Pentecost.
The Catholic Church is founded by Jesus the True God, True Man consubstantial with the father. At your judgement God will take your life from the moment of conception till your death and render verdict. You will be asked, “Do you repent.” God is merciful, His unfathomable love is enough for your salvation. Because he loves us so much, He has given us free will. We must ask for forgiveness in order to receive salvation. We must strive for Heaven in every day works and deeds, and not wait to test God’s great Mercy at our last hour.
May God bless you.
sumsrent says
Yes… the C’lics of the satanic catholic fake church have to perform good deeds throughout their lives… in hopes to obtain salvation… never knowing if they’ve done enough good deeds…
Otherwise they get sent to the fake Purgatory… to serve out their prison sentence. Meanwhile… they can hope others will pray them out of prison… or perform Indulgences to earn them out of Purgatory prison…
All of it is a satanic joke!
Likewise… satanic worshiping muslims also never know if they perform enough good deeds to they can obtain their fake Paradise…
What’s the difference in cathlolics and muslims? <<< Nothing!
Tell us GLORIAMARIA BEATRIZ TABLER… how do you know if you've performed enough good deeds today? Does a person who gives $10k to your fake church earn 3 days of good deeds? More? And can take a rest for a while?
How do you tabulate what a good deed/Indulgence is worth?
Not a wonder the satanic catholic fake church has been so rich! People are duped into thinking they can buy their salvation through the satanic catholic fake church!
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Well, sir. You smell of anger and distrust. I hope you were not mistreated by the church like i was. Humility is a high value worth achieving for a variety of reasons.
First, the church today is NOT the church of antiquity. Possibly, the Russian Orthodox is closer to that of Saint Peter. Today, i am sorry to say, the church is a business run by men and women. Oh yes, today’s church receives government tax benefits. But actually, by the standard of antiquity, it does not merit such treatment. It is a business. The vatican is a governmental institution judging by pope Pancho’s behavior and the behavior of many. Why heck, churches now accept fed gov tax dollars to assist with the invasion here by illegal aliens invited by a corrupt Administration. However, after all this poor history and behavior, there is more to reality than most perceive. I have seen them personally. I KNOW it exists. They exist OUTSIDE of the church today. Once as a very poor little girl, barefoot and wearing rags, I greeted a catholic father who had pulled up to park at a curb. He gave me a look i remember still. It was a look of disdain and asko, surely for being in such poverty. But even at 10 yo I understood he was not a man of faith, rather he was a businessman. I have not entered a church since that day and will never do so. Again, i argue, there is more to reality than most perceive. They are there.
sumsrent says
No one obtains salvation by asking for forgiveness…
Salvation is given to those who accept Christ Jesus as their Savior!
Additionally; by saying “God Bless you” means nothing! Especially since the god you worship is the fake god allah… who can’t bless anything!
allah… the fake god has no powers! It doesn’t exist! It only exists in the minds of those who are duped…
Baal = Hubal = allah… <<< The same fake god with a new name.
Get this… by saying "God Bless you"… doesn't make you special… humble… or more perfect… no more than a muslim saying it.
No one wants to be blessed by the satanic fake god called allah!
Denounce the satanic catholic fake church, which was built upon lies!
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Thank you, Gloriamaría Beatriz Tabler. Estoy agradecida.
You are on to something, for sure.
Matt C. says
Mr. Dunn, the first part of your last sentence is correct, but you need to move seven chapters to the right. See Acts 5:31. The fall of Israel took place in Acts 7. The parenthetical dispensation of grace began in Acts 9 upon the conversion of Saul.
sumsrent says
Dispensationalism is part of the ‘Paul is Savior’ doctrines of the devil.. a cult…
Richard Hassett says
First and foremost , It there an actual GOD.. ??????
Yes HE exists, look around and realize , humanity has always been driven to destroy themselves. NO questioning on that.
SO God has told us all who HE is and what HE expects. accept or reject HIM.
Then live as you have chosen and accept the consequences, DECIDE..
All arguments are rubbish other than self justification..
Some one said “The TRUTH will set you free” Jesus did.
Mark Dunn says
I recently saw a video, of Richard Dawkins speculating on whether there is an afterlife or not. Mr Dawkins said we just can’t know one way or another. He also said something like ‘ there is no reason to think my consciousness well exists after the body expires.’ I’ll concede the first point, we can’t prove there is an afterlife, but we believe because script tells us it is so. The second point is far interesting. Have you ever had a sleepless night? Have you ever laid awake wishing you had done things differently? Maybe you where rude to someone, or didn’t right a wrong, when it was in your power to do so. Now think of that sleepless night, times infinity, that is what I imagine He’ll will be like, and I inferred it from reading the Bible.
THX 1138 says
Mark Dunn, if our individual consciousness survives bodily death and enters some super-consciousness, energy, virtual reality dimension it does not follow that that dimension is the Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or any other religion’s description of that dimension.
I have a huge fascination with the Near Death Experience and have read as much as possible about it. There truly are some very uncanny and believable testimonies of leaving the body, witnessing conversations, incidents, etc., while allegedly clinically dead. What do these experiences actually mean? I don’t know, it would be quite a wondrous experience if personal consciousness is eternal. But a more relevant point is that 99% of the NDE testimonies describe an after-life experience that is very different from the one described by the Abrahamic religions.
In any case, and this is extremely important to understand, the focus of Objectivism is not fighting against religion. Atheism for Objectivism is a minor point. The crucial and most important focus of Objectivism is the validation of reason as man’s only tool of knowledge AND just as crucially important how can man and mankind, using reason, achieve happiness, peace, prosperity, freedom, liberty, and flourishing here on earth.
We are here on earth, right now, as we speak, we are not in any afterlife, we are here in life. This life MATTERS and it matters crucially and vitally. How can we make the best of it? How can we achieve happiness instead of misery, here and now, in this life? That is the central focus of Objectivism.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Very good points, sir/ma’am.
Another fascinating phenomenon is verified testimony of young children describing scenes of past lives of someone they do not know now and here. Such has been verified also for being correct historically.
I myself have seen Jesus Cristo and Mariasantísima. Apparently, they came to advise me of my brother’s passing that night. It was completely unexpected, unanticipated, a real scare. The next day i tried to figure out the meaning, until a neighbor lady called the next afternoon to tell me my brother had passed. Other similar phenomenon have occurred to me also. There is more to our reality than most are able to perceive. It is true, i swear.
sumsrent says
Rather… you’re into satanic activities!!!
And yet… the idiots here upvote you because they can’t see… or hear… how demonic you are! <<< Our society is doomed!
You say you haven't been to a church since you were 10 yrs old… and confess that you practice satanic Taoism…
Get this Luz Maria… Christ Jesus is Lord!!!
THX 1138 says
Mark Dunn, regarding your second point, you are mixing apples and oranges.
I would have no problem being punished for my actual sins. I suffer pangs of regret and remorse, and depression, on a daily and nightly basis for my transgressions. For my sins of omission and my sins of commission. For those actual sins I would eagerly and gladly pay anything to take them back, to relive my life over again, to repair them.
But to be sent Hell for eternity simply for being an atheist, and nothing else, is a moral monstrosity and injustice. A mortal sin itself. For an omnipotent, omniscient, loving, forgiving, personal God, that died on a cross for murderers and rapists; a doubting mind, deserves nothing more than a gentle, tolerant, amused chuckle.
There are good, loving, gentle, kind, peaceful people in the world who are neither Christians nor Jews, that’s a fact. Why should they be sent to Eternal Damnation simply for not being a Christian or a Jew. That makes absolutely no moral sense.
“Every artist wishes to be believed in, but he is not angry with those who will not accept the communication he offers. God is not so reasonable. He craves so urgently to be believed in that you might think he needed your belief in order to reassure himself of his existence. He promises rewards to those who believe in him and threatens with horrible punishment those who do not. For my part I cannot believe in a God who is angry with me because I do not believe in him. I cannot believe in a God who is less tolerant than I. I cannot believe in a God who has neither humour nor common sense. Plutarch long ago put the matter succinctly. ‘I would much rather’, he writes, ‘have men say of me that there never was a Plutarch, nor is now, than to say that Plutarch is a man inconstant, fickle, easily moved to anger, revengeful for trifling provocations, and vexed at small things.’ – Somerset Maugham
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Mr. Dawkins errs.
I have seen Mariasantísima and her Son.
They came completely unexpectedly to inform me of my brother’s passing. I tried to run from Her and managed to escape only to be called the following day by my brother’s neighbor to tell me of his passing. It was not the first time i have had such experiences. There have been many.
I have seen souls. They came to ask me to give a message to their most loved mothers. Again, completely unexpected and completely unanticipated. I have seen souls of animals too. How do I know it is a soul? I know because they appear super unnaturally clean, it is a cleanliness not of this world. They shine of cleanliness. It is most remarkable and true.
There is more to our reality than we think we know. As a former Sec of Defense said, ‘we don’t know what we do not know.” I have seen them; I know that much at least.
sumsrent says
Sounds like you delve in demonic spirits…
Why do I say that?
King Saul used a sorcerer to conjure up Samuel from the dead… where the Holy Scriptures say Samuel was asleep…
Thus… the fact stands… you are NOT seeing spirits!
Folks… the satanic catholic fake church toys around with seances and other evil acts including ouija boards… <<< Totally satanic!
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
Oh contrare.
I sometimes see almas. I do. That you do not believe it means you do not believe it, period. Reality is far more than many perceive. Even now PhDs in physics are “starting” to come to the realization that our laws of physics, and therefore, our reality, is incomplete and do not explain our limited reality. Modern humans are comically over arrogant and dangerously, sophomorically self-centered.
sumsrent says
Luz Maria…
You’ve even professed that you haven’t been to a church since you were 10 yrs old…
Thus… what you are imagining is demonic!
And everyone who upvotes your comments are stupid idiots.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
The incident with the “Father” arriving and parking in the large, shiny black limousine and giving me such a condescending look of “asco” affected me attending those type of churches. But it did not stop me from going with my Nana to religious meetings in various homes in the city in which i was born and raised. That businessman made me super conscious of my own poverty only. It made me think that a truly religious person should see beyond someone barefoot and wearing rags. Actually, i practice Taoism more than others. I also see almas and have taken a message from a young boy who was 12 when he was killed, ran over deliberately on the sidewalk by a car and drug on the street, and then hung in a tree. Chula Vista CA in 2000. His mother suffered profoundly for over a year. I seldom thought about them until one night that dreamover a year later. He asked me to give his message to his mother so she might stop crying. I told her elder sister and she and the other sisters visited to tell her. It helped, they said. There are so many things. But, I know because I witnessed the phenomenon. I do not use drugs, do not drink, do not smoke, only live a natural good life.
There is more to life than what our mere five senses perceive. We should try to stop being sophomoric, wise fools who think we know everything, and try to really learn. Animals have almas too. I have seen some. They radiate of a cleanliness not of this earth.
It is true, i swear.
Luz Maria Rodriguez says
We perceive our reality with our five senses.
Are you able to sense infrared?
Are you able to hear sound beyond what humans are capable of hearing? Are you able to hear bats’ sound guiding them in night flight?
Can your olfactory sense detect better and beyond that of a mere dog?
We modern humans perceive our universe with a quite limited five senses. When also our minds are limited and closed, we are stuck in that place of five limited senses.
PhDs in physics across the globe are just now coming to realize our current understanding of physics is grossly incomplete and does not adequately explain many phenomenon observed in the universe. E.g., consider what David Fravor and Ryan Graves observed and experienced.
I have seen almas, the alma of dogs. E.g., before she passed, i visited my sister a couple times a year in the country of our births and youth. Her dog and i got along really well. I always brought it doggie cookies. She slept by the side of my bed when i visited my sister. One time, the night before my flight to visit me sister, i had a dream of getting up and seeing that dog on my back patio. There is a large green belt behind our house. In the dream, i opened the curtain to the glass sliding door and saw my sister’s dog seated there facing out toward the green belt. When I opened the curtain, the dog turned its head to look at me but kept seated. Then it arose, kept its head turned to me, and started walking away towards the green belt wooded area. As it walked away it started to fade away. It also glowed of cleanliness, a cleanliness not of this earth. That dream seemed to odd. We tried to figure out what it meant but could not. Later that morning, i flew to visit my sister. Arriving at her house, i did not see her dog. So i asked her where it was. She said, “oh, it died last night. I had someone put its body in the garbage. I saw that dog’s alma in my dream the night before learning it had died.
sumsrent says
Luz Maria… YOU are a quack! Delving in demonic activities!
Intrepid says
It’s not a matter of which church you belong to. It’s matter concerning what kind of Christian you are. but you would know that because, (1) you aren’t a Christian, (2) it’s not for you to bring up who’s going to hell and who isn’t.
You are such an ego maniac you somehow think you can make the determination because of your over-weening Messiah complex.
It is for God to make that determination. Not priests and Rabbis. And certainly not you. That said, it’s pretty clear where you are going………you are going nowhere.
THX 1138 says
Who the hell are you to speak for God? God is beyond man’s puny mind to comprehend. God is beyond reason, and all you have is reason. God is beyond man’s five natural senses to perceive. God is mysterious, he works in mysterious ways. So you need to shut up about God. Arrogant, ignorant, puny, evil creature born of Original Sin!
No puny man can say what God is or what he is not, what he wills, or what he does not will. Silence is the only true answer for the mystery of God. Be silent!
You’re an evil, depraved, creature by virtue of Original Sin, with a defective reasoning mind, shut up about God, and humble yourself!
Faith? Faith in what? An ancient book written by men? Men who also only had their puny reasoning minds? Men who were also born of Original Sin? Even they could not be certain that God spoke to them for all they had were their defective, puny, minds that could deceive them at every moment!
A true Christian is like Saint Anthony of Egypt (all other Christians are arrogant phonies) who accepted what a worthless sinner he was, who accepted the mystery of God and the necessary silence about God and escaped to the desert and lived in humble penance as an ascetic on top of a stone pillar for the rest of his life!
Ally says
Will people who make and bow down to graven images go to hell seeing as how it breaks the second commandment ? These apparitions, so called, are clearly not of God since they encourage idolatry.
Let me also add that islam is an accepted way to God under Roman Catholic theology. In the vatican II document ‘Lumen Gentium’ islam is stated to be part of God’s plan.
Evangelical Christianity, so far from being heresy, is the only true religion as it is scriptural.
James says
We have the testimony of Jesus Christ as transmitted to his Apostles and written in the New Testament. He told us very explicitly therein that we must “eat His flesh and drink His blood” in order to have eternal life. So anyone who believes that Jesus is God and who ignores that command should be worried, no?
Matt C. says
No. They need not worry. The gospel is 1 Cor. 15:1-4. Folks need only believe that. Another thing: “He told us…” The Lord in His earthly ministry didn’t tell “us” anything. He was addressing, exclusively, the “little flock,” the nation within a nation. Israel. He was to be made, “manifest to Israel.” Israel were to be, and will be, that “kingdom of priest’s” who will go to the Gentiles, as Moses and Peter made clear. That’s God’s program with Israel. That program was interrupted though, upon the conversion of Saul in Acts 9. God’s program with Israel is in abeyance. Since Paul, God is doing something different; He’s forming the body of Christ. God has two purposes. One with Israel and one with the church the body of Christ. His purpose with Israel involves the repossession of the earth. His purpose with the body of Christ involves the repossession of the heaven’s. His purpose with the body of Christ had been a “secret.” See Eph. 3:1-9. All the Bible is for us, but not all the Bible is written to “us” or is about us. Your apostle, James, our apostle, is Paul. Your personal mail, our mail, is Paul’s epistles. We must rightly divide the word of truth, II Tim. 2:15. As far as the Lord’s table, it’s a remembrance. The food is not His blood or His flesh.
sumsrent says
Here we witness more of the ‘Paul is Savior’ doctrines of the devil…
These beliefs include… that Jesus only came for the Jews… and that it was Paul who was given the idea of the Rapture… where Jesus was ignorant of the Rapture…
Whereas it is Paul who tells Jesus to Rapture the Believers… <<< Pure Quackery!
Be very careful people… of who you listen to…
Matt C. says
Where did anyone say, ‘Paul is savior?’ The Lord Jesus did in fact come for Israel’s sake. Romans 15:8 says He “…was a minister of the Circumcision…” In John 4, the Lord said “…salvation is of the Jews.” In Matthew 15, the Lord said He was, “…not sent but unto the the lost sheep of the house of Israel. In Matthew 10, He to told His disciples to not go to the Gentiles. Did God have in mind to go to the Gentiles? Yes, but through Israel, after they were redeemed first. However, that program was paused in Acts 9. The Lord revealed His secret to Paul concerning the “dispensation of the grace of God,” Eph. 3. Paul is everyone’s apostle, Rom. 11:13. Everyone needs to get very acquainted with what Paul said in 1 Tim. 1:16. It was in him “first” the Lord would “shew forth all longsuffering, for a pattern to them which should hereafter believe on Him to life everlasting.”
sumsrent says
Anyone that is a Dispensationalist has a warped understanding of God’s Holy Word.
Dispensationalists are cult members… members of the ‘Paul is Savior’ doctrines of the devil…
Dispensation means management… NOT time periods or era’s…
Dispensationalists believe Jesus was too stupid to know about the Rapture… even though Christ Jesus clearly stated what was going to happen in Matthew 24:29-31…
Whereas the ‘Paul is Savior’ cult believes Paul was given secrets that Jesus didn’t know! The Jesus who was with God in the beginning… <<< The 'Paul is Savior' cult is pure quackery!!!
Thus… Dispensationalists elevate Paul as their savior! Where it was Paul who had to tell Jesus when to come for the Rapture… <<< Paul is super great… aye?
Dispensationalism is tied into the false Pre-Trib Rapture… <<< All lies!!! Lies of the devil…
You need learn your Bible!
Matt C. says
The context of Matt. 24:29_31 is the coming of the Lord at the end of “…Jacob’s trouble,” and He uses His angels to save the remnant, the “little flock,” from destruction. It’s not the rapture. Romans 11:26: “…so all Israel shall be saved…There shall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness from Jacob.”
sumsrent says
Matt C…
29 Immediately AFTER the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken:
***It says AFTER the Tribulation… not a 3rd time either… and this is the Day of the lord!
30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.
*** Notice everyone sees Him… not some secret ‘Paul is Savior’ Rapture!
31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.
*** As Paul says… this is the LAST Trumpet!
Paul also says… in 2 Thessalonians 2:3… His coming won’t occur until the Antichrist is revealed. And that happens at the mid-point of the Tribulation at the Abomination of Desolation.
Dispensationalists are Quacks! Duped by the “Paul is Savior’ doctrines of the devil…
Matt C. says
Now to him that is of power to stablish you according to MY GOSPEL, and the preaching of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of the mystery, which was kept secret since the world began, Rom. 16:25.
For I speak to you Gentiles, inasmuch as I AM the apostle of the Gentiles, I magnify mine office: Rom. 11:13
Wherefore I beseech you, be ye followers of ME. 1 Cor. 4:16
Like Moses was God’s man to Israel, Paul is God’s man to the body of Christ. Better pay attention to him.
sumsrent says
I believe in everything Paul has written in God’s Holy Word…
I don’t believe in the man-made Pauline Doctrines of the devil… or in the man-made Dispensationalism…
If YOU were paying attention to what Paul has said… YOU would denounce the ‘Paul is Savior’ doctrines of the devil. <<< Period! <<< Exclamation point…
Remember this… Paul clearly said… His coming won't occur until after the Antichrist is revealed… <<< That alone tosses the Pre-Trib Rapture out the window.
Also make note: After the Tribulation… comes God's Wrath… where in IIPeter chapter 3, it says… the world will melt… there won't be any survivors, as in the days of Noah.
There isn't "3 comings"… there is only the one… AFTER the Tribulation… The Last & Seventh Trumpet… The Day of the Lord…
Father John Matthew Duffy says
Our Lord told His Apostles that “the world will pass away but My Word will not pass away”. As Jesus Christ is God, He knew the future. He said about the confusion at the end of the age ; “Many false prophets will rise in My Name”. Our Lord also cautioned against those who would attempt to annul even a single word of Sacred Scripture. Christ also prophesied ; “When the Son of Man returns will He find faith on earth ?”.
And will Christ find faith in His Church when He returns ???
Prophesying about the future, Christ knew that Modernist Jesuits would pervert His Gospel and lead souls astray. For this reason, Jesus said what He meant – and meant what He said ; “Anything else is from the evil one”.
That is, if Jesus did not think His Gospel was clear enough, He would have preached in more countries and in more languages and would have given more examples by way of parable.
But our Lord did not, as what He said in the Gospels suffices.
To make the way straight for the coming of Christ, St. John the Baptist told souls to repent of sin and believe in Jesus Christ to save their souls. To make the way straight for the coming of Antichrist, the False Prophet tells souls that they do not need to repent of sin to receive absolution and that belief in Jesus Christ is not necessary for salvation.
Peter has been replaced by Judas, the Apostles have been replaced by the Sanhedrin – and the apostate masses play the part of the angry mob who cry out for the crucifixion of Christ anew.
Despite the present rebellion, the Gospel is still the Eternal Word. There is no hegelian process that can synthesize a “new religion”.
Regarding our friends from other faiths, we prayerfully commend them to our Lord. And we continue to evangelize them as Christ taught us. The Church has always taught that the highest expression of Spiritual Charity is to evangelize the world, correct error and to charitably admonish sinners – as this work is for the salvation of souls.
Pope Francis’ attempt to create a “new religion” is blasphemy, as it infers that the Holy Spirit has not been available to the Church until now.
sumsrent says
The entire satanic catholic fake church perverts the Holy Gospel!!!
How so?
The satanic catholic fake church teaches that they must perform good deeds in order to obtain Salvation. <<< That is NOT the Gospel of Salvation!
Denounce the satanic catholic fake church… which also teaches to worship the fake god allah of satanic islam…
Mark Dunn says
Thanks, I’m very ignorant concerning Catholicism, I know a little more now.
THX 1138 says
The actual, crucial, focus of the American Revolution, American Constitution, and the American way of life, is life on earth, liberty on earth, and the personal pursuit of happiness on earth, in this life.
It sure ain’t the supernatural after-life of Roman Catholicism.
The Constitution and the Bill of Rights make no mention of any God, Christianity, the Virgin Mary, a supernatural after-life, or any Pope, but it sure does mention Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness here on earth.
Why should it be surprising that so many modern Catholics and modern Protestants are secretly agnostic or atheist? Or are Cafeteria Christians, selectively believing only the most rational aspects of Christianity and reject the most irrational aspects? Or interpreting the Gospels not literally but in the most rational way? This was true of Christians even in Christian theocracies, but they had to stay in the closet about their doubts or be burned at the stake.
“The three values that men held for centuries and which have now collapsed: are mysticism, collectivism, altruism. Mysticism — as a cultural power — died at the time of the Renaissance. Collectivism — as a political ideal — died in World War II. As to altruism — it has never been alive. It is the poison of death in the blood of Western civilization, and men survived it only to the extent to which they neither believed nor practiced it. But it has caught up with them — and that is the killer which they have now to face and defeat. That is the basic choice they have to make. If any civilization is to survive, it is the morality of altruism that men have to reject.
Some of you will recognize my next sentences. Yes, this is an age of moral crisis. Yes, you are bearing punishment for your evil. Your moral code has reached its climax, the blind alley at the end of its course. And if you wish to go on living, what you now need is not to return to morality, but to discover it.” – Ayn Rand, “Faith and Force: The Destroyers of the Modern World”
Intrepid says
Except to add my downvote there is nothing much to say to this repetitive pile of self indulgent bilge. We have seen some form of this blather at least 100 times over the years.
sumsrent says
The satanic catholic fake church… which was built upon lies…
Where in the Holy Bible does it say that Marian apparitions would be a sign of the end of the Age??? <<< It doesn't!
Where does it say that Marian apparitions would be messages from the One True Living God? <<< It doesn't!
Yes… Marian apparitions are evil, satanic and demonic!!!
Denounce the satanic catholic fake church… which teaches how they worship the fake god allah of satanic islam!
Mark Dunn says
Have you kept up with Protestant news lately? All the major denominations including the Baptist are going into heresy. We won’t even talk about the nondenominational Charismatics. I don’t think visions of Mary are Biblical, because they don’t point to Jesus. Mary’s visions seem to always say, do more, pray more, fast more and so on. All good things, but if a vision or dream doesn’t point to the Son, they are suspect, as I understand the scriptures.
Mark Dunn says
As for Mary’s visions of Hell. I have those anytime I have a sleepless night and think of the messes I’ve made. Then like the Psalmist (Or according to Joe Biden the “palmist”) I remember God’s salvation.
sumsrent says
Yes… I’m aware that many Protestant churches are also accepting the fake god allah as their god…
However; there are several denominations of Baptist’s… as well as several denominations of Lutheran’s… and so forth. Not every denomination of each are accepting of heresy… and are selective to which Apostles Creed they adhere too…
Yet… on the flip side… there is just one satanic catholic fake church… where they literally changed the wording on Ancient Christian Documents… from “Church of God” to “Universal”… <<< Where the Greek word catholic is derived from…
"Universal"… as in… accepting everything… including false god worship… including their so called Mass incorporating devil worship…
Of course… when we consider the Antichrist & False Prophet… we can easily see how the Poop will be the False Prophet…
Rae says
I was born & raised Catholic, but I do wonder if Pope Francis is. He’s the Pope of Woke. That being said, I am no longer a practicing Catholic—I have read the Bible for myself, & nowhere does it say to pray to Mary, but it does say this : (am paraphrasing) : there is no other name by which men can be saved but Jesus (Acts 4:12); that at the name of Jesus every knee will bow & every tongue confess He is Lord. (Phil. 2:9-11) Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth & the life; No man goes into the Father but by me.” (John 14:6) As for the Mary apparitions, Apostle Paul says in Gal. 1:8, “but though we or an angel from heaven preach any other gospel unto you, let him be accursed.” The Bible also tells us that it is appointed to man once to die, but after this, judgment (Heb. 9:7). Pray for your loved ones while they live!
Don’t misunderstand me—I know many Catholics who sincerely love the Lord, but in these things, it conflicts with what Jesus taught. Remember, He is Mary’s Savior too.
We are all now catching onto the fact that the Pope is a total fraud as authentic as a 3 Dollar Bill Satan’s Pope not Christs
Greg says
The “woke” Pope Francis proves that it is indeed possible to be more Catholic than the pope. From all appearances, Pope Francis is not even a Christian.
Bill Schnuelle says
If Francis was not so old he would be a good candidate for the False Prophet of Scripture….or is he?
George says
Francis was probably raised in the Liberation Theology of the 1980s Latin America which is just Marxism attached to Catholicism. Throw his homosexuality in too and you get the homosexual communist pope doing the work of the satan.
Andrew Blackadder says
Jesus was a Jew practicing Buddhism, unless you think he was making Tables and Chairs until the age of 30 when he woke up one day and declared… ” I knew there was something I meant to you”…
More and more people are leaving the Church and returning to God… Lenny Bruce.
The Vatican leaders and the islamic leaders are both of the evil in this World today.