The David Horowitz Freedom Center today announced a new campaign targeting so-called “sanctuary campuses” which violate federal immigration law and endanger American citizens. The campaign will kick-off with a speech by editor and conservative activist Milo Yiannopoulos at UC-Berkeley on February 1st. The Center is calling on President Trump to withdraw federal grants from so-called Sanctuary schools and on the Department of Justice to prosecute university officials, beginning with former Department of Homeland Security head and UC President Janet Napolitano.
Since the U.S. presidential election in November, nearly 30 campuses have declared their defiance of federal immigration law as “sanctuary campuses.” More schools now are considering adopting this status as a result of an “escalation campaign” by student groups opposing the presidency of Donald Trump, and in particular his efforts to secure America’s borders and deport criminals who have entered the country illegally.
The Freedom Center’s campaign featuring Milo Yiannopoulos will bring public attention and pressure to bear on university administrators who have shown disloyalty and contempt for both federal immigration law and the rule of law itself in appeasing radical immigration activists’ demands for sanctuary campuses. The campaign will be launched at UC Berkeley on February 1, with a call to prosecute UC president Janet Napolitano and Berkeley chancellor Nicholas Dirks.
“The so-called ‘sanctuary movement’ is a concerted effort by left-wing administrations in major cities to thwart the purposes of the Patriot Act, undermine federal immigration law, and cripple the efforts of the Department of Homeland security to protect American citizens from terrorist threats,” said David Horowitz, founder and CEO of the Freedom Center. “Thanks to the efforts of leftwing activists and administrators, this seditious movement has now spread to our colleges and universities.”
Among the campuses which have declared themselves “sanctuaries” for illegal immigrants is Columbia University whose provost John Coatsworth recently stated, “The University will neither allow immigration officials on our campus without a warrant nor share information on the immigration status of students…” and the University of California system whose president Janet Napolitano has prohibited campus police from cooperating with federal immigration officials and has awarded $5 million to enhance access to funding and other aid for the hundreds of illegal immigrants now attending UC schools.
The Freedom Center will call for a withdrawal of federal grants from universities that embrace this seditious principle. It will also call for the prosecution of those administrators, like UC president Napolitano, who have put in place measures that prohibit campus authorities from cooperating with federal immigration officials and enforcing existing federal laws, and will press the case to legislators in the states where sanctuary campuses are located and particularly to those sitting on Higher Education committees.
This campaign will make its case through campus speeches and events, articles and pamphlets, and ads in campus papers arguing the case that “sanctuary campuses” are seditious and a threat to the security of Americans.
The Freedom Center’s strike against sanctuary campuses will also include a guerilla postering campaign during which activists will hang posters on targeted campuses featuring the names and likenesses of university administrators and identifying them as supporting sedition.
“This is a situation that cannot be allowed to stand,” declares Horowitz. “If the illegal immigrant’s first act on American soil is to break U.S. law, these university administrators are extending that lawlessness into society’s most important intellectual institutions. Our campaign will galvanize trustees, alumni and attorneys general to take action against these administrations which are thwarting American law and will also make this case to the American public whose taxes underwrite most of these institutions.”
The David Horowitz Freedom Center, founded in 1989, is a not-for-profit organization located in Sherman Oaks, California. The Center’s mission is to defend free societies like America and Israel, who are under attack by totalitarian forces both religious and secular, both domestic and foreign. More information on the Stop Sanctuary Campuses campaign may be found at
Contact: Elizabeth Ruiz
818-849-3470, ext. 202
[email protected]
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