The international program for the demonization of Israel known as Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is on the march. It’s the spearhead of the campaign to delegitimize the state of Israel and soften it up for annihilation. And right there to counter their pernicious influence is the David Horowitz Freedom Center (DHFC), distributing its hard-hitting pamphlets and launching educational events on campuses all across the United States.
IAW is an annual series of events held in cities and on campuses across the globe. It aims “to educate people about the nature of Israel” – by which it means to spread disinformation and propaganda – “and to build Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaigns” in order to delegitimize it. They demand full equality for Arab citizens of Israel (who already have it), an end to what they falsely call the occupation and colonization of all Arab lands, dismantling of the security wall that protects Israelis from Palestinian terrorist attacks, and the Palestinian right of return, which would essentially mean the end of Jews in Israel. IAW’s speakers, conferences, rallies, workshops, panel discussions, film screenings, protests, even “flash mobs” will help hammer home their monstrous lies about Israel.
To fight back with the truth, the DHFC is providing intellectual ammunition to pro-Israel and pro-freedom student leaders on campus in the form of its pamphlets, speakers such as David Horowitz, Raymond Ibrahim, Nonie Darwish, and David Meir-Levi, and free screenings of films such as Iranium, about the threat of a nuclear Iran, and The Case for Israel: Democracy’s Outpost, a defense of the Middle East’s only liberal democracy.
Among the pamphlets being distributed by the DHFC are Daniel Greenfield’s “Muslim Hate Groups on Campus,” which documents the radical origins and violent objectives of the main Muslim student organizations on our nation’s campuses, such as the MSA and Students for Justice in Palestine; “Stolen History” by David Meir-Levi, about the faux-history of the Palestinians created to delegitimize Israel; and David Horowitz and Robert Spencer’s “Islamophobia: Thought Crime of the Totalitarian Future,” which traces the U.N. campaign to criminalize defamation of religion (read: Islam), and exposes its role in the Muslim Brotherhood’s campaign to destroy Western civilization from within. All of those pamphlets are absolutely essential primers of the global struggle against religious intolerance and totalitarianism.
In addition to the pamphlets, the Freedom Center will be rolling out the Wall of Truth on as many campuses as possible (fifteen so far, including Penn State, UNC-Chapel Hill, UCLA, Arizona State and the University of New Mexico). The Wall of Truth is a ready-response tool for pro-Israel students to combat the myths of the anti-Semitic “Israeli Apartheid Walls” and other anti-Israel activities, such as checkpoints and “die-ins.” It’s an eight-foot-square banner shipped to student leaders free of charge that describes and demolishes ten of the biggest myths told by the unholy alliance of the Muslim Hate Groups and the anti-Israel Leftist organizations.
The Wall of Truth dispels common myths about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict by pointing out, for example, that it is Jews, not Arabs, that have an ongoing historical connection to the land; that it is Israel seeking peace, not the Palestinians; that it is Muslim countries practicing apartheid, not Israel; that it is the Palestinians who are eager to commit genocide against Israeli citizens, not the other way around; and that the Palestinian refugee problem was not created by Israel but by Arab regimes as a weapon against the Jews. The Freedom Center clarifies these truths and more that are too often willfully ignored in the media and our universities.
The Freedom Center also plans to hold conferences on both the East and West coasts featuring panels on Islamic sexual apartheid and Islamic religious apartheid, panels manned by dynamic speakers who have personally experienced the intolerance of Islamic supremacism.
When Israeli Apartheid Week gets underway, the Freedom Center will be there on the front lines of the campuses combating the lies and Jew-hatred.
Freedom Center pamphlets now available on Kindle: Click here.
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