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A paid social media ad campaign launched this week by the David Horowitz Freedom Center is targeting pro-terror “Hamas Loyalist” professors at ten prestigious American universities who choose to promote the ideology of the genocidal terrorist cult, often in direct violation of university policy.
The professors targeted in the campaign not only defend Hamas’s brutality—the slaughter of over a thousand Jews, the rape and mutilation of women, the beheading of children—but outright celebrate it as a form of liberation that should be emulated across the globe.
Consider San Francisco State University professor Rabab Abdulhadi. On October 7th 2023, following Hamas’s massacre, mutilation, and rape of over 1200 innocent Israelis, and the taking of hundreds more as hostages, Professor Abdulhadi quote-tweeted Rep. Ilhan Omar—who has her own long record of anti-Semitism—not to agree with the Congresswoman’s remarks but to chastise her for condemning Hamas’s actions. Abdulhadi tweeted: “Seriously @IlhanMN? ‘Senseless’ #PalestineUnderAttack are merely defending themselves. Are you saying that #Palestinians should be exceptionalized from the right to defend themselves against colonial & racist violence? Check your facts! #FreePalestine #IsraeliCrimes.”
Cornell Professor Russell Rickford spoke at a pro-Hamas rally to extoll the virtues of the terrorist group. “Hamas has challenged the monopoly of violence,” Rickford said, adding that the Palestinians “were able to breathe for the first time in years” thanks to the bloody October 7th massacre.
“[I]t was exhilarating! It was exhilarating! It was energizing! And if they [Palestinians] weren’t exhilarated by this challenge to the monopoly of violence, by this shifting of the balance of power, then they would not be human. I was exhilarated!” Rickford concluded, expressing sheer joy at the extent of Hamas’s slaughter.
UC-Berkeley Professor and Students for Justice in Palestine co-founder Hatem Bazian lauded the massacre as a “transformation.” Speaking at a public rally on October 8, 2023, one day after Hamas militants murdered, raped, and mutilated over 1200 innocent Israeli Jews, Bazian was joyful.
“I wanted to contextualize what is taking place today in Palestine,” Bazian explained, stating “When the colonized take matters into their own hands…a new man is born” and jubilantly declaring “What is taking place today is a transformation.”
University of Wisconsin-Madison professor Samer Alatout tweeted his support for Hamas just days after October 7, writing, “Hamas fighters r precisely the kids & grandkids of those who were displaced from Palestine in 1948. They r the Palestinians if one comes to think of it. In refugee camps, they live legacies of that war and hold tight to the right of return (enshrined in international law).” While most leftist critics of Israel were attempting to draw a moral distinction between Hamas and the larger mass of Palestinian people, Alatout was doing precisely the opposite—and justifying the actions of Hamas.
These are only a sampling of the professors targeted by the Freedom Center’s social media ad campaign.
The Freedom Center’s social media blitz will place eye-catching graphics and posters exposing each professor’s celebration of Hamas’s barbarism directly into the Facebook and Instagram feeds of individuals with a connection to each campus.
Each post will also link to a detailed report documenting the professor’s comments and actions supporting Hamas.
The Freedom Center’s campaign will lay bare the blatant hypocrisy of these universities and their leaders, who claim to be horrified by anti-Semitism on campus yet hire and promote faculty members that promulgate that same Jew hatred and express loyalty to a terrorist cult.
See images from the Freedom Center’s social media campaign: HERE.
Thank you, Sara.
It would seem the DHS and the FBI would label all of them Domestic Terrorists.
A middle-aged woman with Jewish Voice for Peace was the leader of an encampment
last spring here at the University of NM. I pretended I supported them since I know their
language. She eventually said, “Hamas didn’t do enough.” I agreed so now I was “a friendly.”
I attended another protest at the UNM bookstore, a free speech and protest area, and right on the main street where they want visibility. This one was organized by ANSWER and The Party for Socialism and Liberation, who organize 100% of the protests along with Voices, The Revolutionary Communist Party, and the CPUSA. There is also the Student groups for Palestine, and there used to be the Muslim Student Association. SEVEN PROTESTERS admitted they supported Hamas but were not allowed to reveal that or openly support them. The protest started so I had to end the questioning.
JOSEPH MASSAD, the radical Columbia prof, was a student at UNM in the ’80s. Very radical then and worse now. I’ve known him when he was coming to meeting organized by the NM Peace Council whose leader was also head of the NM Marxist Educators for Socialist Action. They had other fronts that dealt with Central America. Why a Muslim fanatic came to Central American meetings is beyond me, but he could have come to LEARN FROM A MAN DIRECTLY CONNECTED TO THE KGB FRONT, THE WORLD PEACE COUNCIL! He is now going to teach a class on Zionism.
THE RECRUITING OF THE NEXT GENERATION OF RADICALS! Students who have a dream of what their career is going to be, but then they are sucked up by these groups, incited to hatred, then they change Majors thinking they’re going to change the world. Now they are screaming psychotics and their dream, AND THEIR PARENTS DREAM, GONE FOREVER! Now dyed hair, piercings, LGBTQ-WXYZ, professional protesters, BUMS but with a degree with STUDIES in the title! Most importantly…. DEMOCRATS!
More reasons to oppose the Indoctrination/Brainwashing taking place on the Campus and remove Radical Islam from America
Leftist revisionist history and Marxist/Islamist indoctrination in our university system is the leukemia of America’s body politic.
I was first exposed to the disease in 1970 when I returned to college at what is now the University of New Orleans.
The liberal arts curriculum was saturated with the above. When a professor told a class that our parents were fools, I told them “Suck wind, liar!”….in my mind.
If they weren’t hiding on a college campus, very few of university professors could earn an honest living in the private sector.
I am at a loss to understand why so many of our once-great universities don’t dismiss these terrorists and terrorist-advocating “professors,” tenured or not.
If you have one tenured Marxist in the Economics Department who teaches a single course claiming how great Marxism is, has been, and will be for the U.S. and the whole world, okay. Let that idiot make whatever idiotic, counterfactual claims he wants.
How about hiring, and giving tenure to, a professor (or even an Instructor, or Assistant Professorship) in the Geography Department who insisted the the world is flat, not round, and who insisted on calling Joshua Slocum’s “Sailing Alone Around the World” was a concocted, self-promoting “lie” because the World is actually flat?
Real science, and the search for Truth, is about seeking, and discovering, Truth and Reality. The most brilliant minds in the Middle Ages–when universities began–studied and debated Grammar and Church Doctrine.
In the 17th and 18th Centuries, they thoughtfully and intelligently discussed and debated the proper role of government and its role in and powers over, the lives of the people.
Today, they bicker, and lie about “gender” and defend the “rights” of terrorists who unabashedly and out loud call for our extermination and the replacement of our laws, Constitution, culture, and way of life with a tyrannical “religious” cult, and smear and slander us as “xenophobic,” “Islamophobic” “racists” if we don’t meekly submit to Sharia and their destruction of our own republic and civilization.
I raise a semaphore flag hoist to them, and to their collaborators here within our own walls: Golf, Foxtrot, Yankee!
These idiots are screaming about Hamass in Palestine as they dont even know that has never been a Country and that Hamass thugs came from Gaza and not Palestine.
Ya cant fix this kind of stupid.
Jewry’s finished; walk away. Monotheism is now just a cruel hoax.
Yeah man. Kill those Jews. After all, Jewelry is finished.
All college and universities at the very least they should not be able to demand that students take their social engineering classes in order to get a degree. This is where most of our society’s problems are starting, ground zero, for pushing domestic terrorists, self loathing, racism and hatred of their country, this country.
I also believe that there should be student loan repayment, going back for at least a decade, but not how the Democrats have been doing it. Students have been the victims of price fixing. College tuition is not based on costs, it’s based on what the banks, colleges and universities have made pacts on. These colleges and universities that have buried our children in debt should be making the loan repayments, not the American tax payer.
Good; expose and publicize all of the goose-stepping, genocidal, subversive and evil Islamofascists, Muslim supremacists and bigoted fanatics, and, their non-Muslim, useful idiot, Dhimmi-crat enablers, sympathizers, whitewashers and fellow travelers.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant.
These professors and their devotee students are useful idiots to the goals of Islam. All that was done on October 7th to the Israeli people by Hamas and cheered on by the residents of Gaza, is allowed by the Quran and their “infallible” prophet Mohammad who did similarly during his reign of terror in the 7th century.
These students aligned with this fail to recognize that even in their secularity they are infidels. While they are currently serving the tactical interests of Islam as it further infiltrates the west and as it further excoriates the tenants of our culture and freedoms, once securely embedded, they will take that power and turn it back on these liberals demanding fealty to nothing other than Islam. If resisted, as is being done in the UK and other European countries, Muslim rape gangs will take these same women and do to them what their Islamic religion allows them to do and that is to sadistically, sexually violate them. It is this most heinous form of terrorization they can use toward their goals of inflicting suffering and inculcating fear to obtain submission and then to impose Islamic Sharia law.
One wonders what these young people and their professors will do when the touted virtues of Islam come calling and they become the newest victims of Islamic no-go zones.
Wake up people!! It’s not just we Jews they want; no it’s ALSO YOU-Christian’s, Baha’i, Buddhists, Hindu, secularists, atheists. THEY WANT ALL OF HUMANITY UNDER ISLAMIC SHARIA LAW.
Think about it…humanity is under assault and the beast is Islam. Stop thinking that if the Jews are gone life will be paradise, no it’s Islamic hell that awaits you.
I attended a panel discussion on “The Role of Women in Islam” at Lehigh University in the mid-1980’s. One of the panelists was a Muslim woman from Turkey. One of the Muslim male panelist from Saudi Arabia could not have been more dismissive of her. He stated “Why should anyone listen to you when you’re not even covered.” Trigger warning: You could see her face!
Listeners were informed by the same man that the role of women was to raise children. When pressed by an audience member “what if a woman can’t have children?” the response was “then she should help other women raise their children.”
Here’s what you’ll find on any college’s Women’s Studies Board exposing the unequal treatment of women in Islamic Republics–>