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“I grew up in the crosshairs of the Israeli-Palestinian war in Gaza” and “the threat of terrorism has cast a long shadow on my life.” Even so, to impose “even more intensive vetting on the entire Muslim world would be dangerous and unconstitutional.” American Muslims “are proven to be peaceful contributors to our American economy and way of life,” and “moderate Muslims, like my friend and former colleague Rumana Ahmed, can help protect American lives and restore the original glow that once graced the face of Islam.”
Who is this who touts the “original glow” of Islam, lived in the shadow of terrorism, and grew up the crosshairs of the “Israeli-Palestinian war” in Gaza? It’s Ammar Campa-Najjar, writing in a February 25, 2017 commentary in The Hill, which bills him as “a Mexican-Palestinian American and former Obama campaign and administration official.” But there’s more to the man.
Ammar is the grandson of Muhammad Abu Yousef al-Najjar, mastermind of the Palestinian terrorists who abducted, tortured and murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics in 1972. Maybe that’s the “shadow” of terrorism he was talking about. Ammar is also the son of Palestinian Authority official Yasser Najjar. Ammar claims his father “migrated from the Middle East to America on a student visa,” met a Mexican-American lady named Abigail and raised a family in San Diego county, but there’s a problem here.
Back in 2003 Linda Gradstein of National Public Radio interviewed Yasser al-Najjar at his office in Gaza, where he served with the Palestinian Authority. Yasser was married, with four children but his wife and children were not named. After the Israelis killed Muhammad Abu Yousef al-Najjar, Yasser was a fugitive. Son Ammar has not documented Yasser’s move to the United States, or claims that he earned an MBA from San Diego State and started several clothing boutiques.
“I attended an Islamic school in San Diego as a child,” Ammar told The Hill. “The school was part of a mosque called Masjid Abu Bakr, where hundreds of people prayed and maintained strong relations with local elected and law enforcement officials. I knew of three men at that mosque, Khalid al-Mihdhar, Nawaf al-Hazmi and Hani Hanjour, who were issued visas. . . Those three men were among the 19 terrorist hijackers who carried out the September 11 attacks in 2001.” So maybe the relations with politicians and law enforcement were not that strong, and Ammar may have “known of” other terrorists in Gaza.
Why anybody would move there from San Diego, “America’s finest city,” is hard to fathom, but Ammar told the San Diego Union-Tribune he “lived in Gaza from ages 8 to 12.” Born in 1989, that would put Ammar’s Gaza stretch from 1997 to 2001, year of the 9/11 attack and “five years after President Bill Clinton got the Israelis and Palestinians to sign a peace agreement. Sadly, that peace didn’t last, and Gaza devolved into a war zone — the Second Intifada.” The former Obama official wasn’t done.
“As a proud Mexican Palestinian American, witnessing a U.S.-brokered peace collapse into a U.S.-funded war was an early lesson on how fragile things can be. I remember the first night of bombing, the entire city of Gaza had its electricity cut off, and I, my mom, stepmom, dad and younger brothers hid in the dark corner of a cold kitchen floor as Apache helicopters and F-16s leveled surrounding buildings and carpet-bombed the town for hours.”
Note the joint presence of “mom and stepmom.” Ammar has two mommies, and a daddy who allegedly “migrated to the USA on a student visa” but is also a Palestinian Authority official in Gaza. His own time in Gaza, Ammar told Rolling Stone, was “a very Obamaesque, Dreams of Your Father, situation.”
Despite attendance at an Islamic school that was part of a mosque, Ammar comes billed as a Christian. His mother is Catholic and as a teenager, “he spent time as a teenager living with a great-uncle who is a Catholic priest,” but the priest is not named or interviewed in the story. It’s not clear when, exactly, Ammar abandoned Islam but the story stuck. It was hardly the only example of deceptive behavior.
As La Prensa San Diego revealed, the Islamic student once went by the name Ammar Yasser Najjar, and only changed it to Ammar “Campa-Najjar” when he ran for Congress in 2018. Rolling Stone billed him as a “a rockstar Democratic candidate.” He ran as a progressive and lost to Duncan Hunter. In 2020, the son of Yasser Najjar styled himself as a moderate conservative and lost to Darrell Issa.
The congressional loser had never held public office or served on any local community board, commission, or civic group in the city of Chula Vista, near San Diego, where he ran for mayor in 2022. Despite more than 700 mail-in ballots with either non-matching or missing signatures, the Obama Democrat lost to Republican John McCann. In August, the former Obama White House official joined the U.S. Navy.
“Today, in front of my family, friends, my grandmother in heaven and God, I stood aboard the USS Midway and swore an oath to preserve, protect and defend our nation as a commissioned United States Navy Officer,” Ammar told People Magazine, quoting Winston Churchill that as a reservist he was now “twice the citizen.”
The former Ammar Yasser Najjar claimed he first tried to join up at age 17, but as People’s Virginia Chamlee explained, “his mother refused to sign off on the decision, due to his father being away at the time.” In similar style, Ammar told Robin Abcarian of the Los Angeles Times that “he’d always wanted to serve in the military, and even tried to enlist at 17 before his mother put a stop to it.”
Neither journalist specified whether that was the mother or the step-mother Ammar previously mentioned. And no comment from Yasser Najjar, the Palestinian Authority official in Gaza who somehow migrated to the USA on a student visa.
“The military doesn’t have the luxury of getting into these cultural disputes trying to divide us,” the officer told Abcarian. “Where some people have seen my heritage, my background as a liability, the Navy says those are not liabilities, they are assets. A command of the Arab language, fluent in Spanish, having lived in the Middle East, my cultural competency gives us a strategic advantage. . . My Arabic is actually more fluent than my Spanish.”
Abcarian found Campa-Najjar to be somewhat “guarded” but accepted his contention that he was done with politics, “at least for now.” The columnist might cast a glance at his Wikipedia entry.
“Ammar Campa-Najjar is a United States naval officer,” it begins, as though he had graduated Annapolis and commanded a carrier. His father Yasser Najjar “was an important internal critic of Palestinian hardliners” and during his time in Gaza, “he attempted to counteract the rising influence of Hamas.” Grandfather Muhammad Abu Yousef al-Najjar “has been the subject of significant controversy,” and so on.
On Sunday, nearly a thousand pro-Hamas demonstrators gathered in San Diego, but if the newly minted naval officer showed up, he did not speak to reporters. At this writing, his former White House colleague Rumana Ahmed has also been on the quiet side.
“In 2011, I was hired, straight out of college, to work at the White House and eventually the National Security Council,” Ahmed told the Atlantic in 2017. In that role, Ahmed became senior adviser to Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, a big-time promoter of the Iran deal. That was an easy sell to reporters, Rhodes quipped, because they “literally know nothing.”
If that seems a stretch, check out the establishment media reporting on the man formerly known as Ammar Nasser Najjar. He’s the Palestinian Mexican-American with two mommies, who moved to Gaza. He’s the Islamic school student who became a Christian and seeks to restore “the original glow that once graced the face of Islam.”
The rockstar Democratic candidate is in the Navy now, and a Senate seat is up for grabs. As Donald Trump likes to say, we’ll have to see what happens.
Lethal says
“…a Christian who seeks to restore ‘the original glow that once graced the face of Islam.'”??????
Christianity is the opposite of Islam in every doctrine, so. how can a so-called Christian also be a Muslim? The Christian God is not the same entity as Allah.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
It’s the radical liberal abuse of language and logic.
The Eve of Battle says
++1 !! Right on all counts, especially the last point!
Sir Peter says
To try and emulate Christ will make you a better person. To emulate Islam’s prophet will make you a monster.
Mo de Profit says
Taqqia is probably spelled wrong but he seems pretty good at it.
He will make a perfect leftist elite politician just like Obama, Trudeau and Tony Bliar.
The Muslims are infiltrating our institutions, time to reduce the power of them.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
The nation as originally founded, based on its original values, has ran its course and lost its way. Actually, it is the rather typical life of a civilization. There have been many throughout modern human history. But it is difficult to be completely objective. Too many voters just are not educated regarding who they elect and why.
Fred A. says
The quote in this article “American Muslims are proven to be peaceful contributors to our economy and way of Life” is not true. It is obvious the person making that statement has not done his research as to all the problems they have brought to America. He has forgotten to consider all the crimes they have committed in America. He has forgotten the intense effort by Muslims and their organizations to change American laws to conform to the Islamic religion. and force everyone who is not a Muslim to conform to the Islamic religion and customs of the Muslim countries they have come from in the past. I have read too many articles about Muslims living in America and what they have done, plus my personal interaction with a Muslim I work with at a company I worked for in the past.
I personally would never vote for a Muslim for political office because the Muslim individual, the religion, their way of life is not compatible to America. It is a mistake for America to allow Muslims to study at our universities, to reside here, and try to impose their way of life on the rest of us living here.
Just look at Europe, their large Muslim population, and what is happening there to see what will happen here, if the Muslim population becomes larger in America. Think what the impact will be when the Muslim population becomes 5% or 10% of the population here.
LuzMaria Rodriguez says
Heard an interview with a high official of Poland the other day. Most interesting. No, not even one muslim, is allowed in to that country. Therefore, he said, they have had no violence, no rapes, no killing via machete, etc. Other European nations succumbed to the suicidal logic of the left, allowed too many inside, now suffer violence, etc. American politicians are actually not strong and will probably follow Europe’s path. Just look at Michigan and the Squad if one wants to determine whether that Poland politician is correct. Oh, he is.
Hardball1Alpha says
My Dad, a career WW2, Korea and Vietnam fighter pilot is doing barrel rolls in his grave (in San Diego)
Born and raised in La Jolla, I joined the Navy to get out of San Diego, only to be stationed there…doing two overseas tours during Operation Earnest Will 1989, then Operations Desert Shield, Desert Storm and the Defense of the Kurdish Peoples. in ’91, finishing my Navy service in 1993 as an Instructor.
Being extremely territorial of my home town, just a year before 9-11, I was admitted to the VA Hospital in La Jolla after having a PTSD meltdown…. primarily driven by my inability to deal with all the kooks, wannabe gang members and foreign thugs that had invaded the beach areas during my 10 years in the Navy.
Bar fights, street fights and all sorts of other mental battles made family and friends openly say… “the Navy brainwashed you”…. when in reality, they trained me in multi-spectrum threat analysis, a realm of learning that slammed into my contemporaries’ idyllically insulated lives in beautiful So Cal
How could a skateboard riding sunburned beach rat know about such ugly and obscure things as omni-directional warfare or the convergence of international terrorism and drug trafficking cartels?
Nearly 25 years later, all of my “paranoid” fears are showing themselves on the major news channels, and across the Internet… and my disgust runs to visions of my father’s grave, along with all other National Cemeteries being desecrated by the ingrates and legions of ignorami our Gov’t schools and the Left have cranked-out.
As the famous bumper sticker in the Veteran community says…. “For those who fought for it, Freedom has a flavor the protected will never know”
If so, then it’s time for the “protected” to get a wake up call before the woke wake them up with a 10/7 nightmare.
Re-imagining how many columns come after the “5th column”…
cedar9 says
The double , triple, quadruple islamic deceit on full display. This filth only works on people like W Bush. Unfortunately Bush has multiple layers of cucks that promote this evil all through our our nations systems of governance, academia finance and corporate. Yes, like President Trump says “we’ll have to see what happens”.
Tmcgoe says
Mexican- Palestinian moslem who worked for the Democrat communist party now in our navy… what could possibly go wrong?
Justin Swingle says
“The Wahhabis finance thousands of madrassahs throughout the world where young boys are brainwashed into becoming fanatical foot-soldiers for the petrodollar-flush Saudis and other emirs of the Persian Gulf.” AMIL IMANI
Koran 2:191 “s lay the unbelievers wherever you find them”
Koran 3:21 “Muslims must not take the infidels as friends”
Koran 5:33 “Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam”
Koran 8:12 “Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran”
Koran 8:60 ” Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels”
Koran 8:65 “The unbelievers are stupid, urge all Muslims to fight them”
Koran 9:5 “When the opportunity arises, k ill the infidels wherever you find them”
Koran 9:123 “Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood”
Koran 22:19 “Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water, melt their skin and bellies”
Koran 47:4 “Do not hanker for peace with the infidels, behead them when you catch them”.
RS says
Yes, Jihad is their way of life! That says it all.
Justin Swingle says
YEAH, MUSLIMS ARE MERELY MISUNDERSTOOD AND BAD-MOUTHED BY MEANIES. And then they go kill and rape across the globe.
Sexual chaos in the Arab world drives some of its grotesque violence
By Jerold Levoritz
During the attack on Israel, a member of Hamas grabs a Jewish girl. He lies down on top of her, comes to orgasm, stands up, and shoots her. What kind of sadistic twists were already present in his head that allowed the softness of sexual relations to be entwined with the violence of murder?
jcr says
…It is Islamic Sickness toward others…
Your local YMCA (“C” for Christian) supports these Non-Christian infidels.
Atikva says
Other victims of jihadis rapists had even a worse death, they were burned alive after being raped. Some others were so savagely raped that their pelvis got fractured. And there is even worse done to a pregnant mother and her baby, so don’t ever try to talk to me again about the fate of the ‘poor palestinians’, I don’t care a fig anymore about this non-existing people, the product of a myth concocted by the KGB in 1967.
Sir Peter says
Cross out “the power of” and I’ll agree with you