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In a year when the civilized world is stuck in a state of retreat, he is fighting back.
Under Biden’s leadership, America has been invaded by hordes of millions of migrants, and Europe continues to stagger under an endless wave of migration from the Muslim world. That’s why American and European cities are being torn apart by rioting mobs supporting Hamas.
But after Israel was invaded on Oct 7, it fought back. The men on the front lines are not the politicians or the generals, they’re among the 360,000 reservists activated in a nation with a Jewish population of 7 million who left behind their homes, families and jobs to go and fight.
The Israeli military was unprepared for both Oct 7 and a call-up of this size. The soldiers were fed, clothed, and equipped by the people. While the media reports on the fighting, the truly incredible unreported story is how civilian volunteers have become the supply and support (the ‘tooth-to-tail’) of the Israel Defense Forces or the IDF.
In a small country, volunteers have been bringing food every day, they have provided clothes, shipped in body armor and even showed up with washing machines on pickup trucks to do the laundry. Some civilian volunteers have been wounded and even killed while delivering food. Israeli housewives have formed the Baking Battalion to make cookies, a cooking school produces meals for the troops and restaurants operate free food trucks. Others have stepped in to harvest crops and run the shops of the reservists who have been called up to serve in Gaza.
When the government and the leaders failed, the ordinary Israeli stepped up.
Some armies call themselves the “people’s army”: IDF soldiers really are. They’ve gone into Gaza knowing that the country stands behind them, not as an ideal, but as an everyday reality. Israel is a small country and everyone knows someone who died, came under attack, is among the 200,000 who left their homes to be out of range of the terrorist attacks, or in the ranks of those who are fighting or who have already fallen in defense of their nation.
Israel today reminds me of New York City after September 11 where for a brief shining moment everyone except the worst leftists pulled together against a common enemy. That spirit may well pass in Israel as it did in America, but while it lasts, it is something to admire and emulate.
Islamist mobs rampage around Manhattan and our elites celebrate Hamas, but the Israelis woke up after one terrible day and decided that they wouldn’t take it anymore. They rejected the dogma that fighting doesn’t work and they went to war. And far more than their own country is riding on the outcome. Nation after nation has surrendered to the Jihad, appeased it, and accepted the lie that Islamic terrorists can’t be defeated and fighting back only radicalizes them.
America accepted Islamic terrorism as the new normal, now we’ve accepted Muslim mobs smashing up our cities as the new normal. What new horror will we accept next?
The Israeli soldier is in the field fighting against this corrosive mainstreaming of evil. He is at war not only with the reality of Islamic terror but the idea that we are defenseless against it. That is why we all have a stake in what happens thousands of miles away. Gaza is not a territory: it’s a state of mind. There are Gazas in the ‘no-go zones’ of England and France, forming in Michigan and emerging in New York City. It is not a question of whether our war will come, but when.
For now we can still pretend that a 7th century madman’s book doesn’t affect us.
American soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq all too often had to ask why they were there, no Israeli soldier in Gaza ever has to ask that question. Such questions end when the war comes home.
We’ve become used to wars that are abstractions, geopolitical policy decisions to change a regime or protect the international order, but that’s not what wars are like in Israel.
It’s a one hour drive from the hyper dense Tel Aviv metropolitan area to Kibbutz Be’eri where Islamic terrorists carried out some of the worst atrocities on Oct 7. The thousands of Jihadis, some on pickup trucks with mounted machine guns, had orders to keep going until they reached Tel Aviv. They didn’t get that far, but they did make it to Sderot, a town of 27,000 and they attacked Yad Mordechai just down the road from the city of Ashkelon.
It’s a six hour trip along Israel. On the narrowest points, it’s walkable. In wartime, there is no ‘over there’ in Israel, it’s all ‘over here’. IDF soldiers are not fighting for the international order or to nation build anything: they’re traveling hours to the north to protect their homes.
The Biden administration, the international community and the rest of the foreign policy ‘blob’ are obsessed with nation building in Gaza. They keep demanding a ‘day after’ plan from Israel. Conspiracy theorists claim that the lack of a ‘day after’ plan proves that Israel intends to expel all the Arab Muslim settlers from Gaza. The truth is that Israel doesn’t care about the same nation building nonsense that failed in every single Muslim country it’s been tried in 30 years.
When the madman across the street just butchered your family, you don’t plan out a rehab program or discuss his prison sentence while exchanging fire with him. That sort of madness is reserved for international foreign policy experts with no clue or skin in the game. The same goes for the obsession with “proportionate responses” or “winning the hearts and minds” of Hamas.
Instead of the nonsense that wasted so many of our lives, Israel is focused on winning the war.
Buried in the CNN and MSNBC reports, which are virtually indistinguishable from Al Jazeera’s Hamas propaganda barrage of bombing videos, is the fact that Israeli soldiers accomplished what the Biden administration’s military experts believed was impossible in record time.
Secretary of Defense Austin had urged Israelis to use his fight against ISIS in the Iraqi city of Mosul as a model. The fighting in Mosul took 9 months and led to over 1,000 casualties among the anti-ISIS coalition. Two weeks after the beginning of ground operations, Israel was in the heart of Gaza City. Now, IDF leaders say they’re close to having operational control over the north.
As of now, 164 IDF soldiers have fallen in the fighting against over 8,000 Hamas terrorists. Those approximate, but improve on, the casualty rates of American forces fighting against ISIS (then known as Al Qaeda in Iraq) and Iranian militias during the peak of the 2007 ‘Surge’. But the Israelis don’t have any Muslim allied forces fighting alongside them in urban battles.
Oct 7 heavily damaged the myth of the IDF, but the myth was always based on a misconception of what the Israel Defense Forces are. The IDF has its origins in groups of volunteer guards who were trained by Major General Orde Wingate, a devout Christian Zionist highly unpopular within the British military, in the unconventional doctrines that he would apply in WWII. The IDF is excellent at offensive operations, but poor at defensive ones except when individual soldiers launch desperate last stands of the kind that helped turn the tide in a few crucial battles.
The strength of the IDF has never been in its generals, though like the U.S. military it had some capable old school celebrity generals, now long gone, but in the character of the average fighting man. Strategy and leadership are crucial, but the IDF was built on the resilience of the ordinary soldier. Nations don’t make peoples and generals don’t make armies: it’s people who make nations and armies. That’s as true in Israel as it is in America.
Unlike the Islamic Jihadists they are battling, IDF soldiers don’t go to war fueled by meth or promises of 72 virgins, they go knowing that the lives of their friends and families depend on them. The politicians and the generals may fail them, but they do what needs to be done.
In Gaza now, they make beds among the rubble, put in earplugs and try to sleep while bombs and bullets shatter the night, and then, when it is time, they rise and fight. They are not superhuman or infallible: only ordinary men who know what is at stake. But they don’t know everything that is at stake. They see only their homes and the children they said goodbye to.
What they don’t see is a thousand year Jihad, the rafts bringing invaders to Europe and planes carrying them to America. They see only their small corner of the sky and earth to protect, but they are fighting a small battle that will shape the outcome of the greater civilizational war.
That is why the IDF soldier is Front Page Magazine’s ‘Man of the Year’. In a year of defeatism, he is still fighting. Even though all the experts say he should stop, he does not give up.
Those of us who see the big picture are often prone to despair, but the Israelis never look at big pictures. Israelis, unlike American Jews, have little interest in the big questions because, also unlike American Jews, they are religious in a mostly matter-of-fact way. When they look in the mirror, they don’t see insecurity, they see a fallible human being and when they look at the sky, they don’t see existential questions, they see G-d. That is why they have hope, not woke.
These are important because they not only encourage us to hope, but tell us how.
The IDF soldier is the reflection of a nation that has learned to live in the face of impossible threats by focusing on what needs to be done today. That lack of vision is a weakness, but it is also a strength. We too can turn from worrying about tomorrow and ask what we can do today.
The ordinary Israeli is in the field, or making cookies, washing khaki clothes and harvesting crops. He does not think about the unlikelihood that a nation of millions can survive the hatred of over a billion fanatics who believe that their only path to paradise is through genocide. He or she does what needs to be done, without despair or rage, but with the inner strength of purpose.
Israel is a nation at war with our enemies. The Islamists and leftists, the professional racists and deranged woke armies march through the streets of our cities calling for Israel’s destruction. It is not only a physical war, but a spiritual war, a cultural war and a moral war. It is a war that encompasses all of us, our homes, our families and our futures, but at the moment only one group of men is fighting that war, not just with words or elections, but with bullets.
Their fight gives us hope. Their fight shows us how to fight. Their fight shows us the future.
Excellent work Daniel.
“ Even though all the experts say he should stop, he does not give up.”
I’m tired of listening to experts claiming that Israel is targeting women and children, they seem unable to see that cowardly islamic Hamas are the ones putting their children in danger. They are too cowardly to come out and fight the brave Israeli men they hide behind children.
They are not unable. They are compromised liars. I am tired of people pretending that these malicious, dangerous, poisonous Jewhaters are anything but what they show themselves to be.
The events of Oct 7 and since have been bringing out the Jew-haters on the Right (the ones on the Left were already visible.) See “Ron Grant” below.
“Just the facts,Bud.” Hamas hasn’t killed 7000 children in Gaza. FPM’s heros, the IDF killed them. Let’s be clear, here, Hamas killed 1000 plus Jewish civilians, and IDF killed 7,000 children in Gaza,and counting. Just sayin’.
Just saying… BS and boring BS at that. Wake up, Pallywood has been debunked a long time ago.
Your paranoia rant on Muslim migrants reminds reminds me of an earlier time in Canadian history when Jews were not welcomed. I recall the story of the SS St.Louis,when a passenger ship with hundreds of German Jews seeking sanctuary in America and Canada was turned back,and while most found safety in the UK and Europe,I believe over a hundred were killed in the Death Camps. I think one of our Political Leaders said of Jews, “One is Too many.” The problem with demonizing any People,Nation,Group,or Community is that next time it could be you and yours,not just them and theirs.
Current Muslim migrants don’t need any help to demonize themselves, they are very capable of making themselves hated at the drop of a hat. How about the Squad who have infiltraded our Congress, for instance?
America is a Judao-Christian country. We worship the same God taken from the same bible. Our interpretations are different.
In history everyone believed the Mesiah was coming. Many embraced Jesus Christ as the Messiah. Christianity was born. The Orthodox of the Old Testament accept Jesus as a prophet but believe the Messiah is still to come. There is no way that Islam and Judeu-Christianity can live compatibly. Islam which teaches only world domination , Honor killings.. Women allowed no property rights and the privilege of covering their faces in public for life.
Islam is not just a religion but a ruling way of life. Western religion is the guiding light, often ignored, of civilization.
Brilliant article. The IDF soldier absolutely deserves this honor. My son, who lives in Jerusalem, compared the response to October 7 in Israel to what he imagined it was like in America after Pearl Harbor. In short, everybody chipped in, everybody supported the soldiers. God bless them! They truly do fight our fight.
Yes, there’s an Israeli mother whose son was accidentally killed by the IDF and she personally blessed the soldiers and said she doesn’t blame them.
This magnificent article says it all as the Israeli grunts are fighting the Nazis of out times while their sympathizers attempt to paralyze our mass transit and take over our cultural and educational institutions
If any chickenshit Hamas suporter tries to block my truck, they’ll find they’ll have made a serious miscalculation.
shouting death to America and death to Israel is not a 1st Amendment right – it’s a threat.
If you stop and put it in high gear you can do a brody on their heads.
I served in the IDF in the early 70s and the in the US Army in the late 70s to mid 80s. At the time two similar armies were fairly similar. The people were totally different.
In Israel whenever on leave people would go out looking for soldiers to adopt and bring home for dinner. Instant families were created and celebrated. We knew what we were fighting for.
In America we were spit upon, scammed, denigrated and barred from most places. We were fighting for an ideal that didn’t exist, because the people hated us and thought us stupid for volunteering for lousy pay, being treated worse than convicted criminals and sent to miserable places.
I hope Israel never becomes like America
Not all America is like you described; just the indoctrinated, dumb half. (Hillary supporters spit on honor guards during the convention in 2008 & street cops after she lost in 2016.)
Trump once surprised a serviceman and put him on a 1st class flight. (Once, after the first Gulf War, a cabbie took me to a restaurant near L.A. When I attempted to pay, he informed me someone had already paid him.)
The Communist Party USA and the Soviet KGB teamed up during Vietnam to start the peace movement under the KGB’s World Peace Council. They recruited millions, started the drug culture hippies, “U.S. OUT OF VIETNAM!” so the Communists coud take it over.
Michael Myerson went to Vietnam in 1963 as part of the U.S. Communist Youth League where they honored as being a Nephew to Ho Chi Minh. When the war started, who do you think he and the CPUSA sided with?
SPIT ON SOLDIERS AND CALLED THEM BABY-KILLERS. (My two brothers went to Vietnam and came back, but our hippie sister, still the same, spit on my oldest brother and called him a baby killer. He confronted her about it a few years ago during Thanksgiving. She denied it, he insisted, but he held it in for decades. Then during a probate hearing, she said she didn’t want to be around a baby killer since he might kill her. Strange that she went to a wedding of his adopted daughter only months before. The judge reprimanded her, and my brother was the angriest I had ever seen him.)
In 1979, Myerson started the official U.S. Peace Council directed by the CPUSA. They teamed up with the KGB again to take over Central America with Daniel Ortega still ruling Nicaragua and who arrests all political opponents and now arresting Bishops and Priests. Sound familiar?
They again recruited millions and today those recruits are our teachers, professors, Hollywood, MSM, Big Tech, city/state/national leaders, and filled Congress with many hiding in the Communist closet, but many not even hiding it anymore but using Socialist to not scare people.
The KGB’s proudest moment is when their main recruit became President Barack Obama, who then surrounded himself with the same recruits who he then appointed to head departments that conspired in a coup attempt against a sitting President and still used to go after a former President.
Because of a mix up with my brother he wasn’t able to pick me up at the airport on my first leave in 1966 from the Marines.. No problem , I caught a cab for the 10 mile ride home. The cabbie just made a little small talk but when we reached my house he jumped out grabbed my duffle bag from the trunk and wouldn’t take a penny. I was dumb founded. Today almost 60 years later it still makes me teary eyed.
God bless you, sir, and thank you for your service. That’s a beautiful memory you shared.
G-d bless you, sir, and thank you for your service to the United States and Israel. I’m an American patriot and a Christian Zionist. I love my country dearly, but my heart breaks when I think of the values America was founded upon, in comparison to the republic in name only we are becoming. May G-d continue to richly bless and keep His Chosen People, the Jewish State of Israel, and the Israel Defense Forces!
My family adopted lone soldiers over the years, mainly from the US or the UK, as we are English speaking. It just made the new arrivals a bit more comfortable. The kids loved having real live soldiers as guests for Shabbat dinner..
Mac. I will never hate you. And most don’t. Except for the hippies. A minority.
Thank you for your service, IDF and USA,
About ten years ago, TWO IDF SOLDIERS, MALE AND FEMALE, came to the University of New Mexico, total departments are Leftists, to give a speech and sure enough, the protesters came to do a MIC-CHECK like they did to Nonie Darwish when she came here. (The Left claims to be for International Women’s Day but they disrupted a Woman who was telling of her abuse as a Muslim in Egypt and what she saw with how Women were treated. “MIC-CHECK!”)
The IDF soldiers started off with a video of a Gazan Human Rights group in Gaza, never thought there would be one, which showed two clips: One was a seven-year-old Gazan who was armed wearing a bullet necklace. The voice: “He is now a legal armed combatant.” He was shooting at the IDF so they killed him. ON VIDEO: A NYT reporter went up the the child, removed his gun and necklace, and then took photos. Voice: “He took the photos to put in headlines that Israel is killing children.”
The second one was Hamas entering homes and dragging out people they suspected of aiding Israel. They beat them in the street and as they were laying there, they poured gasoline and set them on fire. ON VIDEO, NOT PROPAGANDA.
The IDF soldiers went through the whole hour without any protests. WHY? How could the protesters dispute real video evidence? The speech ended, no word at all from them.
RARE YES, but it’s possible. Two weeks after Darwish spoke, the same woman activist, who had gone to Gaza the summer before, was the leader of a protest, with bullhorn, at UNM for International Women’s Day. I walked up to her and said that she should have stayed at the Darwish speech since she spoke of the abuse of MUSLIM WOMEN, Honor Killings, whipping in public squares and streets, not allowed to go to school, etc.. She left since I exposed her. (Audience members threw them out, one was sued with the help of the ACLU, who is always there to make sure the protesters Right to Loot, burn down cities, ambush and kill Police, is not Infringed Upon. One person with a skateboard, brought to events to be used as a weapon, trashed the hallway and display case, some walls, and even with video proof of the protesters, the UNM PD did nothing.)
THE CONSTANT news headlines today blames the IDF with the MSM only showing bombings. They never show the tunnels in schools and hospitals, foreign aid stolen by Hamas and stockpiled, and October 7, is rarely mentioned. By doing this, the world is now against Israel and siding with terrorists!
I saw on TV news what looked like a mining car putting along on tracks in a Hamas tunnel.
Magnificent soldiers.
Thank you Daniel, on this Shabbat I hope Jews will remember to say the prayer for Israeli soldiers, He Who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — may He bless the fighters of the Israel Defense Forces, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our God, from the border of the Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the Great Sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea.
May the Almighty cause the enemies who rise up against us to be struck down before them. May the Holy One, Blessed is He, preserve and rescue our fighters from every trouble and distress and from every plague and illness, and may He send blessing and success in their every endeavor.
May He lead our enemies under our soldiers’ sway and may He grant them salvation and crown them with victory. And may there be fulfilled for them the verse: For it is the Lord your God, Who goes with you to battle your enemies for you to save you.
The IDF reservists definitely deserve praise for leaving their private lives to defend their country. As you know, a huge proportion of young Americans claim they wouldn’t fight to defend America, which sickens me. I guess they would just lie down and die or attempt to join the enemy. They don’t deserve to live here.
In defense of American forces against Al-Qaeda/ISIS, the rules of engagement they were forced to fight under hindered them greatly.
The R of E was bad when Bush was in office, but when B. Hussein took over, they became suicidal.
The Jug-eared Barry version of R of E are what got so many of Seal Team Six killed.
(They could’ve easily taken out the 2 jihadists, but they were allowed to return with rockets & shoot the chopper down.)
Let our soldiers fight. ROE? There should be none.
If you threaten me, I’ll use lethal force. That is what LE does. Cops don’t call the city attorney before returning fire.
Whoever down voted me sucks haram dicks.
There are vile trolls everywhere. I take down votes as a sign that shook their worldview
That is a great choice for sure. God bless the IDF and Israel ( The Apple Of God’s Eye ). My Man-Of-The-Year is Donald J. Trump. A single man that has given all, risked all, endured all, for the good of all Americans, and really for all people of all nations. He didn’t have to do it at all. Yet he has laid it down and is fighting…. GOD BLESS DONALD TRUMP !!!
High on my list are also Mike Johnson and Clarence Thomas for Man of the Year.
Well said! Israel and the IDF are a shining example to the civilized world.
The IDF soldier has become the new ‘Minuteman’ for the world. Much needed now.
These brave IDF soldiers are on the front lines at one of the worst times in Israel’s history. God give them the courage and stamina to fight a maniacle enemy that is raging and out of control.
I am a huge fan of Daniel’s writing and opinion for years. This article brought so many emotions out from crying to anger to inspiration. This is an amazing message. Am Yisrael Chai!
Thank you so much
America and US citizens must recognize that Islam itself is our enemy, and must be crushed.
Not only Iran and Hamas are the enemy. So is the Saudi Royal Family and Turkey and Iraq and Pakistan and Syria and Jordan and Lebanon … as well as most, if not all, Islamic countries and cultures and societies.
Depraved, psychopathic, murderous, morally corrupt Islam has been a scourge on humanity for 1400 years.
Enough already.
A fine, impassioned and eloquent article by Daniel. I wish it had wider distribution
People are still too comfortable in their fantasy bubbles to realise that the IDF stands between them and eventual enslavement by Islam. It is not apparent to most that Islam is using the heinous October assault against Israel as a rallying signal to consolidate its well advanced infiltration of most western countries. Many countries such as France and the UK are now at Stage 3 of Islamisation: OPEN WAR WITH LEADERSHIP & CULTURE. The rot started with Immigration Jihad which is Stage 1. In the US, Immigration Jihad, aided and abetted by the Democrats under the toxic presidency of Joe Biden is curtrently an unstoppable juggernaught in the US. The ‘writing on the wall’ is evidently hidden in plain sight. Those widespread pro-Palestinian marches and demonstrations should be a warning. Unfortunately the warning goes unheeded by most who naively portray Israel as the enemy and Muslims as the victims.
Good synopsis Daniel! Only criticism is you gave exclusive credit to male
IDF soldiers and neglected to mention the brave female IDF tank team that killed over 30 Hamas terrorists on 10/7/23 stopping them from attacking a nearby Kibbutz.
A movie is now being made about them. Am Israel Chai!
Brilliant and beautiful. I am a Christian, but I bowed down and prayed after reading this to my God, the Lord God of Israel, and that He will protect my brothers fighting the Jihadists in Gaza and the Galilee.
Beautiful, stirring article. The IDF soldiers are fighting not only for their
country but for the rest of the civilized world. God bless the soldiers and
people of Israel.
My pet peeve lately are Republicans who lump together money for Ukraine and Israel. Ukraine is a bottomless hole of corruption and bad faith. Israel is the very seed-bed of our Judeo-Christian culture, morality and the very West itself. Damn right Israel is a ‘special case’. 8 million Jews in a state the size of New Jersey in a sea of hundreds of millions of Muslims calling for their annihilation.
The fact that the Islamic world, its society, culture, and ruling class and religious leaders have not been able to, or willing to put an end to their own depravity, lunacy, psychopathology, and violent murderous behavior toward Israel and Jews, is proof positive that they have no intention to ever correct this sickness and insanity that, after 1400 years is still displayed in the Koran and sharia law and all contemporary Islamic writing and discourse and teaching..
I believe that if the Islamic ruling class ever comes to the conclusion that they can actually destroy Israel and Jews with “acceptable” losses, they will in fact attempt to do it.
That being the case, then it is absolutely necessary that the Islamic world be de-Islamified, just as the Germans were de-nazified and the Japanese were de-militarized after their defeat in WW2.
I cannot envisage that the Islamic world will, or even can, accomplish this task from within.
The fundamental mindset of the Islamic world, culture, society, law and religion is one of depravity and psychopathology at its root.
That so much of the world’s fossil fuel energy resources are in the hands of a truly mentally depraved Islamic worldview and culture and society is a serious danger to all of civilization.
Until it is stopped, Islam will be a curse and a scourge on all of humanity, not the Jews alone.
Like a prayer, your words soar above the rest.
With all our heart,
all our mind and all our strength, Israel battles 24/7 the world’s wickedness.
This has been the never ending moral battle of Israel against an immoral world, since Abraham asked God if there were good people in Sodom and Gomorrah.
It’s been our never ending existential battle against myriads of Jew haters, who are obsessed with completing the Holocaust that the end of WWII stopped prematurely.
Since the miraculous sprouting and blooming of the modern state of Israel, it’s been our never ending battle against the lie – and the world knows it’s a lie – that, all the land that God sets aside eternally for the nation of Israel is concocted to be Arab land.
Please God, may we never lose the spirit that unites us and strengthens all of Israel in love, faith, hope and purpose.
This is, beyond any doubt, the finest article I’ve read in many moons. I am not embarrassed to admit that I was moved to tears at one point. Would that that spirit be seen here in this nation. We must not hold our breath.
I am reminded of the deranged Howard Beale and his “”I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore” declaration. I am still waiting for more here to begin shouting this as well. Even if millions wake up some morning and begin shouting it, would our current administration ever care? I have my doubts. And the millions of new ‘imported voters’ flooding in across our southern border, how many of them would fight for the country? These millions are only interested in securing their place at the American udder before the middle class is milked dry. Patriotism and loyalty? I think not.
People who don’t see Israel as the lone, current shining light in the darkness are already defeated or simply have nothing of value to fight for. It is not a stretch to say that America and the West are at a crossroad. Without light darkness cannot be defeated. We need to keep a candle in the window and at every opportunity raise our voices shouting “I’m as mad as hell and I’m not going to take this anymore!” until they listen. And yes, time is of the essence.
inevitably, Israel’s fight is America’s fight. Both countries are hated by barbarians because they hate what we stand for…. Freedom. America’s open borders make her subject to the same kind of attacks on a bigger scale.
As an Israeli, it is very heartening to read such commentary. It is just as you say; life goes on and we all do as we must. There is nowhere else for us. The prickly side to our National personality hasn’t changed, but an understanding is there that we are all we have. A very simple example was my shopping at a grocery store. The lines were long, and it was very slow going at the checkouts. The raucous, anger of a similar situation before the war is gone. In its place is cooperation, some laughter, and helpfulness.
Thank you very much for your words.
Maale Adumim