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Jamie Glazov, author of the WND Books’ hit “United in Hate,” has launched a new video presentation that spotlights issues that people need to know.
“Why are we doing this?” Glazov said of his “FrontPage Close-Up,” which has premiered with an interview with Philippe Karsenty, a French media analyst. “Well, we are simply taking my interviews and symposiums to video now, it’s the new era, and we want the passion of our guests and the truth they have to bring to our terror and culture war to be brought to life…”
In “United in Hate,” Glazov takes headon the issue of tyrants, dictators and terrorists, and why leftists always seem to sympathize with them.
His critically acclaimed book published by WND Books describes the unholy alliance between murderous jihadists and people like Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Ted Turner and Noam Chomsky. He uses the leftists own words to reveal their agenda of death.
It earned unqualified praise from those including Ben Furman, the FBI’s former counterterrorism chief; President Reagan’s assistant defense secretary Richard Perle; and Reagan’s national security adviser Robert C. McFarlane.
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