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As the death toll mounts in Israel, the murder apologists are busy spinning from Capitol Hill. The usual suspects, all Democrats, and most vocally the cabal of violence, racism, insurgency, and statist oppression everywhere — the squad. Representatives AOC, Ilhan Omar, and Rashida Tlaib have busied themselves by describing the wanton acts of Hamas kidnapping, brutalization, and slaughter as justifiable reactions to Israeli “occupation” and “apartheid” policies aimed at Palestinians.
Hamas was founded in 1987 and is headquartered in Gaza. Its list of founders is a who’s who of murder, corruption, and terrorism. Hamas has been a blight since its inception, and has been the recipient of Iranian largess since its ignominious birth. As Donald Trump predicted in August, Iran would utilize Biden’s six billion dollar ransom payment to action terrorism globally. Hamas lobbyists in Washington have attempted to deflect inquiries into the truth by stating the obvious, that the six billion dollars extorted from the Biden administration is held in a closely policed fund, designated for humanitarian use.
But, anyone familiar with a checking account knows how simple it is to reallocate money for other purposes when a windfall occurs. The Iranian president and political representative of stone age Mohammedanism said just that in a recent interview. “This money belongs to the Islamic Republic of Iran…we will…decide to spend it wherever we need it…humanitarian means whatever the Iranian public needs…the needs of the Iranian people will be decided by the Iranian government.”
The Biden administration has turned the Middle East, not to mention Eastern Europe, into a raging dumpster fire. Every Democrat should hang their head in shame. Every citizen who voted for Joe Biden should be profoundly embarrassed by their stupidity and complicity in brining about the tragedy that has unfolded as the direct consequence of Joe Biden’s inept, nay, buffoonish foreign policy decisions.
Today’s notion of political Palestine is the creation of the late, international terrorist Yasser Arafat, then Chairman of the PLO. And, after the signing of the Oslo Accords in 1993, portions of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip were placed under a provisional, semi-presidential government. In reality, the Palestinians have been pawns and a support system for terrorist organizations like Hamas. Gaza is a base of operations, strategically nested within a civilian population, providing convenient body bunkers made of flesh and bone for cowardly Hamas butchers — completely outmatched by the Israeli Defense Forces.
Hamas, Hezbollah, and other militant groups are simply political action arms of the greatest state sponsor of terrorism on earth — Iran. To argue that point is beyond banal. Only someone as dim as Representative Tlaib would even attempt it.
Israel’s claim to most of the Levant region is practically as old as civilization itself. A nation could have no higher mandate, no more impeccable claim to any geographical location. The Palestinians are interlopers in a land whose title was bequeathed by God Himself. Moses’ successor, Joshua, received this command, “Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and all this people, unto the land which I do give to them, even to the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you, as I said unto Moses. From the wilderness and this Lebanon even unto the great river, the river Euphrates, all the land of the Hittites, and unto the great sea toward the going down of the sun, shall be your coast.” (Joshua 1:2-4)
Long before that day, for reasons known only to God, He chose Abraham to be the father of a people whose purpose was to represent Him on earth, to be the light of His truth to the world, and to be the locus of His presence in the tabernacle and later in Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. The Old Testament is a record of human frailty and of God’s grace as He demonstrated His unfathomable capacity for mercy, guiding an often rebellious people throughout a troubled history resulting from cycles of obedience, blessing, and disobedience.
Millennia have passed as God has demonstrated through Israel how He has fashioned salvation from failure, and provided a Redeemer for a people lost to the pursuit of their own righteousness. Despite their flaws, characteristic of all humanity, those who would position themselves as enemies of God’s people would do well to remember Zechariah’s warning, “For thus saith the LORD of hosts…he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.” (Zechariah 2:8)
Every effort designed to diminish or destroy Israel is doomed to failure, and will ultimately be subject to God’s inescapable wrath and retribution. Hamas will fall, and its proponents in our own government and abroad will give a precise accounting for everything done and said in support of its atrocities, whether in public or in secret. There will be a reckoning as Johnny Cash said so well, “you can run on for a long time…Sooner or later God’ll cut you down.”
Hamas’ attack on Israel over the weekend resulted in the greatest single casualty count since the Holocaust. Israel’s response should be devastating, Biblical in scale. And, America should provide its fullest support in accomplishing the eradication of Hamas. Unlike our proxy war in Ukraine, there is no room for equivocation. The full weight of American intelligence and military support should be mobilized to bolster the Middle East’s only democracy.
Elon Musk recently posted on X, “What will it take to beat hate?” In a word, Jesus. That’s the point of God’s relationship with Israel, the people from whom the Messiah has come. That has been God’s message to us from the very beginning — a child born of a virgin, foretold hundreds of years before the event by the prophet Isaiah. “Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end…” (Isaiah 9:6-7)
Kasandra says
Without regard to biblical history, the fact is that all the Gaza strip represents is the final position of the Egyptian army at the time of the 1949 Armistice. Israel had pushed the invading Egyptians out of all the rest of Israel’s territory Egypt had forcibly seized when it, together with other Arab counties, invaded Israel upon its declaration of its independence.
J.J. Sefton says
If it’s not a reckoning, it’s Armageddon.
Mark says
Gaza will always be Palestinian. And I say this as someone who supports Israel as long as revenge is not too brutal. As far as justifying your ignorant position with Scriptures, FUCK your “God” (which does not exist ) and fuck your Scriptures like Joshua. Who gives a shit what Joshua has to say ?
Pisslam says
Even a bitter sack of shit like Mark has to admit that the Bible, at its most elemental, is the history of the Jewish people in the land of Palestine. The Arabs have no claim to it, nothing but lies.
Tory says
What a pitifully ignorant coward. Sounds like you’ve made your life a hell of your own doing. Grow up.
TRex says
A great example of talking out both sides of your mouth. You have no convictions, you are a shit-disturber seeking attention by showing your hatred for Jews. “Not too brutal”? What a piece of work you are.
Mark says
I figured all these dumb responses to my post would appear. What is Israel going to : ethnically cleanse the Palestinians from Gaza and reoccupy it with Jewish people ? I don”t think so. That would make any Jewish government exactly like Hamas, who want to ethnically cleanse the Jews from Israel, which should not happen and will never happen because the Israeli army is too strong, and good for that.
And to reiterate: FUCK what any Scripture purporting to speak for ” God ” has to say about anything , whether it is the Koran, The Bible, the Talmud. or my cousin Shirley’s New age rantings. Only needy ignorant intellectual mediocrities beleive in “God”, and try to impose their “teachings” on others for their own good.
Stefan says
Palestine does not exist and never did and the so called “Palestinians” stole their name from the Jews just like they stole the land which was Jewish.
James says
During a two week trip to Italy, Theodor Herzl met with Pope St. Pius X in an effort to gain his support for the Zionist cause.
The Pope explained to Herzl, “We cannot give approval to this movement. We cannot prevent the Jews from going to Jerusalem – but we could never sanction it. The earth of Jerusalem, if it was not always holy, has been made holy by the life of Jesus Christ. I as head of the Church cannot possibly say otherwise. The Jews have not recognized our Lord; we therefore cannot recognize the Jewish people.”
Pope Pius X also told Herzl that if Jews settle in Palestine en masse that the Church would make sure that there were churches and priests there to baptize them.
Drew458 says
Pretty amazing level of arrogance back then from a Pope. Especially given the history of all the Crusades, all driven by the Papacy, which all eventually failed. But it would take many more decades before the Roman Catholic church gave up it’s “Christ killers” hatred, at least on paper. Funny thing about that, they never stopped to think that Jesus was Jewish, and most of the people around him were Jewish … and had He not been put to death (by the Romans!) then the whole Resurrection never would have happened, and the absolute foundation of the Christian church would not have existed.
fsy says
The answer to anyone who uses the tired phrase “open-air prison” in reference to Gaza is, “no, it’s an open-air military base; there are many superficial similarities between the two.”