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President Trump’s proposal that the Arab Muslim colonist population occupying parts of Gaza be resettled touched off outrage, complaints about ‘ethnic cleansing’ and ‘genocide’.
Those same complaints were entirely absent when Gaza’s Jewish population was forcibly resettled not once but twice, first during the War of Independence when Egypt invaded and seized control of Gaza (setting the stage for contemporary events as the Egyptian government partnered with the Muslim Brotherhood, which later became Hamas, to stage attacks from Gaza into Israel) and then by the Israeli government during its withdrawal from Gaza which turned over the territory to the Arab Muslim population in the hopes of peace.
Instead, the Arab Muslims selected Hamas and spent the succeeding years waging an endless war.
Politicians and the media approved of the ethnic cleansing of Jewish communities from Gaza.
Here’s how the AP cheerfully covered a synagogue burning by Hamas supporters.
Fireworks lit up the sky, Palestinian gunmen fired in the air in celebration and crowds set fire to the synagogue in the abandoned Morag settlement, closest to Palestinian towns. In another synagogue, gunmen climbed on the roof and waved flags of militant groups, including Hamas, shouting “Allah is great.”
“It is only the first step to more liberation … tomorrow we liberate all of Palestine,” Gaza resident Mohammed Khamish Habboush shouted into a mosque loudspeaker.
Early Monday, Palestinians started carrying off what was left in the debris in the settlements, including chairs, tables and shopping carts. In the former settlement of Netzarim, women ululated in celebration. Young men tore down electricity poles, grabbing the wires, and several people carried off window frames.”
The London Times lyrically described the scene as “Thousands of Palestinians swarmed into the forsaken settlements and youths set fire to synagogues and other symbols of the hated occupation.”
The same media that thought the forcible ‘resettlement’ of Jews from Gaza was fine can shut up about proposals to resettle Arab Muslims. The media and politicians don’t oppose resettlement and ethnic cleansing. They proved that already. They simply oppose applying it to Hamas supporters occupying Gaza.
Politicians and the media don’t oppose forcible resettlement. They just support Islamic terrorism.
I remember the subhuman Paleosimians destroyed Jewish built greenhouses and other infrastructure necessary for civilized living……then demanded the Jews come in and fix it all…….and continue to supply all utilities.
“Ethnic cleansing.” We all knew that retarded, reverse reality accusation was coming. But “genocide?” I should’ve seen that one coming, too. No wild accusation is too stupid and whacko for Psuedostinians and their allies in the Western left. Claims of genocide are even more of a steaming pile than calling the January 6th tourism an armed rebellion to overthrow the American government – an “insurrection.”
Three down votes? allahu suck balls, Hamas lovers.
Saudi arabia should take over jordan and syria and be greater arabia with arab workers in Saudi arabia instead of indian peons
All the gaza west bank folks that want can live an authentic arab muslim life there if they are so big on that rather than just being the negative to jews as they really are
As to Gaza who cares, sink it into the sea
Note how they destroy the existing infrastructure, for a return of pennies on the dollar, like metal thieves do in California, stripping copper wires, causing thousands in damage, to sell the copper for a few dollars.
How is resettling Arabs Muslims to their ancestral homelands genocide?
Yes. As far as I know, Gaza was invaded and settled by Egyptians when Egypt annexed it from Israel during the 1948 Israeli War of Independence. That war never should’ve occurred because the the British Mandate of the region called Palestine was legally ceded to the Jews by the British and the League of Nations but the Jew Haters in the British government reneged on the deal and broke their own laws by giving over half the land to the Hashemite tribe, which became Jordan. The Jews agreed to accept the cheat and tiny sliver of land which is Israel again after a couple thousand years or so but the islamopithecines and three of their armies invaded to wipe out the Jews in an orgy of genocide and plunder all that the Zionists had built there. Israel had to fight a War of Independence on its own land. They won and had to fight two more wars against invading islamopithecine armies to keep their country. And ever since 1948, the islamopithecine colonists of Gaza, Judea and Samaria have been waging a jihad terrorist war of genocide against dem Joos that the left hates so much.
Banish the islamopithecines to Egypt. The General who leads Egypt, Al Sisi, has offered moire than once to take them in the past. He’s a moderate who ousted the Moslem Brotherhood terrorists from power and took control for the good of his country, like Pinochet did in Chile.
The Psuedostinians will never go willingly because they’re psychotically and fanatically obsessed with the genocide and plunder of the Jews. Israel could force them out though, especially with President Trump’s support. The Jew haters in the UN, Western Europe, the Commonwealth countries, China and of course many of the Islamic countries (not all) would stomp their feet and gnash their teeth but there wouldn’t be a damned thing they could do about it.
I looked it up and the origin of the word “Gaza” is the Hebrew word “Azzah.” It doesn’t belong to rabble of Arabs, Circassians, et Al and never has. It’s been conquered and traded hands so many times it isn’t funny but it belongs to Israel now by legitimate and civilized law. No fake ethnic group has any legitimate claim to it and they need to get the boot.
arabian if they admit to being arabs
It is perhaps due to the Jewish people’s deep roots in Gaza that despite having been expelled from the Strip seven times over the past 2,000 years, they always sought to return. In 61 CE, the Romans evicted the Jews from Gaza, as did the Crusaders, Napoleon, the Ottoman Turks, the British Army in 1929, and the Egyptians in 1948.
And then, in 2005, Israel’s own government joined the ignominious list of those who sought to bring about an end to the Jewish presence in Gaza when it uprooted Gush Katif and other Jewish communities in the area.
As this brief historical outline demonstrates, Gaza’s Jewish history has been one of triumph and tragedy, exile and return, mirroring that of the Jewish people as a whole. But however far-fetched it might sound right now, the dream of a Jewish Gaza has not been quashed. Gaza is not only part of Jewish history, it is also linked with our destiny.
In his commentary on Genesis 26:23, the medieval French Rabbi David Kimhi, who lived 800 years ago and is known as the Radak, presciently wrote that the Jewish people would not hold on to Gaza without controversy or strife, but that eventually, in the messianic era, the strip of land would entirely be ours.
May it happen speedily and in our days.
Great comment. If only more people knew the real History of Gaza/Azzah, particularly Westerners who should already know it but mostly don’t.
I hope President Trump and Netanyahu really do send the Psuedostinians to Egypt so Israel can use that part of its country constructively. They’ve been discussing that option for two days now. Boy, I wish I were in the room to hear their conversations.
Netanyahu was actually smiling during the two press conferences with Trump I watched yesterday. He was happy. Usually when I see him he’s required by circumstances to be deadly serious throughout his appearance.
P.M. Netanyahu is still in Washington. He’s been there three days now. He met with Republican Congressional leaders today. He isn’t going to meet with Dirtbagocrats because he’s too smart to walk into a room and be attacked with calumny just so those creatures can prance and preen for the cameras.
He seems to be in a very good mood. Happy even. He and Trump have four years to excise the Psuedostinian tumor. That should be plenty of time.
Four days and counting. “Bibi,” as Big Don calls him, met with Mike Johnson today and seems to be having a good time.
All of what was Judea should be part of Israel. How can there be ethnic cleansing for an ethnicity that has never existed. There never has been a Palestine, so, there never has been Palestinian people.
There’s never been a “West Bank,” either. And islamopithecine Arabs outside of Arabia are all former conquerors and now the ones in Gaza, Judea, Samaria, Western Europe, the Commonwealth countries and America are demographic invaders intent on conquest through breeding, like the rats they are.
Arab nations created the problem by invading in 1948 to prevent both the establishment of a a Jewish and an Arab state. They seized territory illegally. Egypt took Gaza. Jordan took Judea, Samaria, and half of Jerusalem. Jews were removed from those places. Arabs were kept there with permanent refugee status for the purpose akin to hungry dogs waiting to be unleashed against Israel. Terrorist attacks and wars against Israel continued. The Arabs who did not flee Israel in 1948 have been treated as citizens in Israel.
The Arabs in Gaza will never be forcibly resettled. The Israelis are too nice to do it and the Arabs are too armed and unruly to submit to it.
Maybe. President Trump seems dead set on it and I’ve never seen Netanyahu look so hopeful. And Israel could cut all the utilities to Azzah and blockade it from land sea – and President Trump would back the IDF up. Besides, who care if a bunch of them are killed? All the scumbags who would hate dem Joos if they were to do that already hate them now.