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What’s Milley’s position on wokeness in the military? Depends on which week you ask.
Gen. Mark Milley pushed back on claims from Republicans that the military is “woke” and as a result not prepared to take on modern threats, saying he’s “not even sure what that word truly means.”
Really? Let’s ask him last month.
“There’s clearly a recruiting challenge ongoing and you saw numbers. And the Army is particularly challenged to meet its numbers.
So why is that? I think there’s a lot of reasons. There’s never a single causal factor. So anyone who out there is saying that this is the reason, I would challenge them on that…
I think another contributing factor is clearly this perception of quote, “wokeness,” and I personally think that it’s overstated. There are things that are done in the military that certainly, you know, raise that as an issue, but the actual facts suggests that it’s much less significant than perhaps the perception is.”
“I’ll use drag queen shows as an example. That’s been out there. I don’t agree with drag queen shows being on military bases. I don’t think that’s appropriate. And neither does Secretary Austin. So Secretary Austin put a stop to it. How many times it happened? It happened a few. That’s true. Probably shouldn’t happen. But it did. But to say that that is, you know, somehow the entire military went woke because a handful of drag queen shows that shouldn’t happen to begin with, I think is an overstatement.”
A handful of drag shows? How about the fact that the Biden brass have decided to get into a Mexican standoff with Sen. Tuberville to protect abortion in the military?
Or pushing critical race theory in the military?
“I’ve read Mao Zedong. I’ve read Karl Marx. I’ve read Lenin. That doesn’t make me a communist. So what is wrong with understanding — having some situational understanding about the country for which we are here to defend?” Milley said. “And I personally find it offensive that we are accusing the United States military, our general officers, our commissioned, noncommissioned officers of being, quote, ‘woke’ or something else, because we’re studying some theories that are out there.”
Theories that are out there. Like the drag shows.
Gen. Milley’s disingenuous routine wore thin a long time ago. He knows exactly what people are objecting to and instead of addressing it, he’s playing dumb. Of all the things we don’t need, beyond a woke brass, is a dumb brass. Milley is quite familiar with the politicization of the military because of where he is in the food chain, and instead of defending it, he’s asking like anyone who mentions it is reciting conspiracy theories.
This routine plays well in the media, it doesn’t play well in the military or in America.
As long as a tinpot dictator and his “fall in line” woke generals are in charge, the US military will continue to fall headlong into the abyss, leaving national security to the patriot on Elm Street. The proof of this is in the recruitment numbers, with bad economic times historically being good for recruiting…until Biden.
What this retarded administration fails to understand is, since going all volunteer military, it’s primarily been a “family affair”, with multiple generations of recruits coming from the same families. Most of us were born into the service, proudly serving like our fathers, uncles and grandfathers did before us. My father passed many years ago, but if service age came up for me now, I’d be able to hear him as plainly as if he were standing next to me: “Hold.”
And hold they will…
We need guys like you and your father.
Milley is not playing dumb-he is dumb. He wouldn’t be there otherwise, it’s a total puppet government of unprincipled, malleable dumbasses.
I disagree. He is playing dumb. There’s no way in hell he believes the crap he talks about. He could not possibly believe that diversity, inclusion, and all that makes the military stronger or more effective in the defense of this country.
He should have resigned rather than tell Jobana’s lies about sex, gender and whatever. He should be arrested and charged with treason, insubordination, sedition, and conspiracy. On conviction, he should be sentenced to life imprisonment, stripped of rank and forfeiture of all pay and benefits.
You’re absolutely correct. If he had any brains at all he would have done what I did, and peeled off that uniform like a dirty shirt and left it behind him while some sanity and self-respect were still intact. Anyone over the rank of O-5 in today’s military must have severe mental defects, as well as defective social skills.
Whoever down voted that comment is a dumbass.
Milley is a Princeton U. grad, has been around the block, yet take a close look at him. Note the “I am a tough guy!” vibes, then look at those bags under his eyes and that belly pushing farther out. Conflict within is my guess. He carries around this personal notion that he is an intellectual, when in fact I suspect he may rate as a quasi-intellectual, lacking in wisdom for sure!
He needs a clown outfit, not a re-design of the World War II uniform to hide his incompetence!
I attended OCS with a number of candidates from Ivy League universities, including Princeton. Admittedly, this was over forty years ago, but they were some of the dumbest people I’ve ever met. Sure, they could do calculus, but they couldn’t find their way around the block in full daylight and had no idea that schools had long been integrated in the South, and that yes, we Southerners did wear shoes and have electric power and telephones. Thank God I never had to deploy to a war with any of them.
He needs an orange jump suit.
Possibly an accomplished medium can be engaged to contact General Patton on the other side to come and torment Milley in his dreams every night until he goes insane from the nightmare’s and commits suicide.
That would be nice…..for humanity.
Why would any SecDef spend one minute on this garbage? Does it contribute to combat effectiveness, readiness, unit cohesion, recruitment, or anything positive in his wheelhouse? No. It is inherently divisive and wastes valuable time and resources. I’m sure our enemies take note of this. We will pay dearly for this insanity.
You are reciting conspiracy theories. You do it better than most, but it’s still what you do.
If comparing the discrepancies between what dem creatures say yesterday and today, and quoting them on the screwed up and revealing things they say and do, is “reciting conspiracy theories,” then dems and their creatures are engaging in conspiracies. Thanks, but we already knew that.
Speaking of conspiracy theories, did you see the video of Wanda Geter-Pataky (Vice Chairwoman of the Democratic Town Clerk-what a job title, lol), and her employee stuffing stacks of ballots into the absentee drop box in the democrat Mayoral primary in Bridgeport, Connecticut? Democrat challenger John Gomes is not amused and has filed suit, lol.
Remind me again, how many times do the dems have to get caught before it’s no longer a theory? Or should we just start assuming it’s fact, as soon as dems call something a conspiracy theory?
Some conspiracies are real. Go ahead, tell us that no conspiracy is ever real. Tell us they’re all just conspiracy theories.