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There’s a fine art to congressional trolling. Okay maybe not that fine since AOC can do it, but there’s still an art to it. Rep. Maxwell Alejandro Frost, who can’t stop talking about how he’s the first Gen Z member of Congress, is really bad at it.
Rep. Maxwell Frost (D-Fla.) challenged his Republican colleagues to introduce a bill that removes the Statue of Liberty because of their stances on immigration at the southern border.
Frost, a first-term legislator, read part of the poem “The New Colossus,” which was cast and mounted on to the lower level of the Statue of Liberty as a message to immigrants arriving at Ellis Island in the 1800s.
Frost said immigrants deserve better than what they are being offered.
“Don’t welcome them if you plan to reject them. If you keep pushing your bigoted H.R. 2 bill, then also pass this bill. I’ve taken the liberty of drafting it for you,” Frost said, holding up a piece of paper. “It removes the Statue of Liberty, our largest symbol that tells people to come here.”
“This is who you are, removing the fabric of America. So, I want to know which Republican, who supports and voted for H.R.2, will introduce this bill,” he continued. “If you’re gonna support H.R.2 and these bigoted measures, the least you can do is not be a damn liar.”
This is sad on so many levels.
Rep. Frost is a college dropout who promised to finish his college degree while in Congress which is apparently a part-time job for him. The Statue of Liberty was sent as a gift by French liberals and the move had nothing to do with encouraging immigrants.
“The New Colossus” was written by Emma Lazarus in order to auction off to help raise funds for the Statue of Liberty. (Frost is a hypocrite for embracing her poem considering she was a Zionist.) It was not the official theme for the Statue. Well after her death, the poem was added as a plaque to the statue.
If there was a poem that inspired the Statue of Liberty, it was Stella from Victor Hugo.
I am coming. Arise, virtue, courage, faith!
Thinkers, wits, climb to the tower, sentinels!
Eyelids open, light up eyes,
Earth, move the furrow, live, awake noise,
Get up, you who are sleeping! because the one who follows me,
The one who sends me ahead first,
It is the angel Liberty, this is the giant Light!
This sort of rhapsody over liberty was not unusual in certain circles. It obviously informs our founding documents. And liberty is the thing that leftists hate.
If anyone wants to abolish liberty, it’s Rep. Frost and his leftist movement.
It’s like saying Jesus was a homeless palestinian, and even supposedly Catholic priests are saying that these days. Hearing dems/leftists speak comes with a mental soundtrack. “Don’t know much about history. Don’t know much about biology…”
Maxwell Alejandro Frost reminds me of a friend of mine back in the 80s. We were at a party he invited me to, and after he said something stupid, a middle-aged black woman responded with, “That’s what I like about you and your narrow ass Geno, you’re young, dumb, and full of come.” It took all I had not to laugh at my friend, and embarrass him further.
The left engages in negative eugenics, keeping the best educated and most intelligent from producing offspring.
That’s a huge problem with our society. The responsible aren’t having children, but the irresponsible are.
In college I worked as a carpenter’s apprentice to earn my way. My mentor was an older Yugoslavian dude. Throughout my time with him he taught me little tidbits. One saying he taught me (unfortunately beer and time keeps me from remembering it in Yugoslavian) translated in English was “If stupidity were painful, there would be people screaming night and day.”
I think we have found one of those people.
Talking to the average gen Zer makes me appreciate being old myself and, seemingly, Rep Frost is VERY average. They’re not encumbered in the slightest by facts getting in the way of their ignorance. It has been my assumption that Participation Trophy Syndrome has been at least partially responsible for this behavior, with woke classrooms, bad parenting and their prescriptions making up the difference.
I watched a hilarious video Wednesday of two Gen Z lesbians trying to jump off a car battery for the first time during the country’s recent cold snap. When they weren’t screaming at each other in frustration, one would be crying while the other consoled. That’s of course before they crossed poles. “Aaaa!!! Which one’s the negative pole?!! What’s an engine block?!!”
That would be you, sweetheart.
Couldn’t find it, sounds funny.
Seems obvious that Rep Frost done fell off the back on the turnip truck – the only reason the Statue of Liberty became a symbol for immigrants is the fact the ships went by Liberty Island where the statue is located before getting to Ellis Island – so the immigrants knew they were close when they saw the statue.
If an immigrant’s papers were in order and they were in reasonably good health, the Ellis Island inspection process lasted 3 to 5 hours. The inspections took place in the Registry Room (Great Hall) where doctors would briefly scan every individual for obvious physical ailments
The ship’s manifest log, initially filled out at the ship’s port of departure, contained the immigrant’s name and answers to about 30 questions. This document was then used by the legal inspectors at Ellis Island to cross-examine during the legal inspection. Contrary to popular belief, interpreters of all major languages were employed at Ellis Island, making the process efficient and ensuring that records were accurate.
After World War I, U.S. embassies were established in countries all over the world. The necessary paperwork and medical inspections were completed at the consulate, quickly replacing the Ellis Island inspection process. Which is now a national park
How many of the Illegal Immigrants were processed like that?
Frost with his Walnut Brain shows us that he id a Globalists most likely because he a is a total idiot
With morons like Frost and AOC getting elected to Congress,
what possibly could go wrong in America ?
Since AOC people have quit telling Blond Jokes
Maxwell Alejandro Frost is a typical leftist ignorant fool.
It won’t matter if he receives a college diploma, he will always be dumb and uneducated..
What worries me the most is that there’s more where he came from. Defective products of a defective education system trying to make laws based on poems off of bronze plaques. It’s lunacy that makes the Bizarro world look perfectly normal by comparison.
Yeah – the other part missed by the progs using Lady Liberty as their rallying cry is that the poem they hang their hat on says, “.. yearning to breathe free.”
OK – those who want to breathe free and NOT be encumbered with all the FREE stuff WE give THEM, can stay.
Anyone with a hand out – GO HOME. welfare, education, food, snap, housing…. GTFO. You don’t fit the poem.
Frost was using sarcasm to ridicule the GOP. There was no intent to dismantle the Statue of Liberty.
Eight members of Congress have no college degrees.
Lauren Boebert didn’t finish high school.
Boebert dropped out of high school during her senior year in 2004 when she had a baby; she earned a GED certificate in 2020, a month before her first election primary. It took four tries to pass the GED test.