Sorry Democrats. Your #WaronWomen has been canceled.
Before you send out your party’s deranged leader to accuse Scott Walker of metaphorically beating up women while lecturing Republicans on how they “lost women”, you might want to check your dearly beloved leader’s approval ratings.
Women surveyed said they disapprove of Obama by a 50 percent to 44 percent margin — nearing an all-time low in the poll. It’s almost the reverse of the 55 percent to 44 percent breakdown for Obama among female voters in 2012, according to exit polls.
His approval rating among women has slipped four percentage points from a year ago and 16 points since his second inaugural in January 2013, when his approval was 60 percent among the group.
Interestingly enough, as I pointed out in an article this week, young single white women are now more likely to oppose ObamaCare than young single white men.
ObamaCare’s rate hikes have not helped. Nor has the employment situation. But there’s also a growing sense that Obama is a bad manager.
Margie Omero, Newhouse’s Democratic partner in conducting the focus groups, agreed, noting that the women had also cited crime in their communities and unrest after the police shooting of an unarmed 18-year-old in Ferguson, Mo.
“It was more pronounced than concerns about the economic downturn,” Omero said. “There was a lot more concern about crime and international unrest than we’ve seen in the past.”
The two pollsters wrote in a memo summarizing their findings from the focus groups: “Regardless of their 2012 vote, moms’ opinions of Obama have dulled. At best, some feel sorry for him.”
Obama was supposed to be take care of things, but he no longer is. The Rahm idea that a crisis is an opportunity was more effective when Obama could blame the crisis on his predecessor. Midway through Term 2 that is no longer possible.
National insecurity now comes down to Obama.
Obama set off Ferguson to improve minority turnout in the midterm election, but instead it’s damaging him among core voter groups because it adds to the sense that things are falling apart.
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