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In Germany, eight Muslims who gang-raped and assaulted a 15-year-old German girl have been given suspended sentences. More on this travesty of justice can be found here: “Shock: After 15-year-old German girl gang raped by 9 men, only 1 sent to prison,” by John Cody, Remix News, November 29, 2023:
Eight gang rapists have been set free to walk the streets of Germany despite being convicted of a heinous and violent rape of a 15-year-old girl, with the case drawing outrage in a country known for its lax policy towards migrant rapists. The Hamburg regional juvenile court gave its guilty verdict Tuesday; however, only one convicted rapist, an Iranian migrant, was sentenced to two years and nine months in juvenile detention despite DNA evidence being found on the victim from all nine men.
The case dates back to 2020, when the crowd robbed a drunk female student in Hamburg city park, raped her repeatedly, and then filmed the whole incident.
All the defendants, who are between 19 and 23, received suspended sentences, except for the one Iranian, which means none of the others will serve any jail time. Media reports indicate that eight of the nine rapists had migration backgrounds, with the convicted rapists coming from Egypt, Kuwait, Iran, Armenia, and Afghanistan.
The court determined that the 15-year-old victim, who was heavily intoxicated, was dragged into a bush in the park in September 2020. Four of the convicted men raped her, and then stole her cell phone and wallet. Then, two others sexually abused the woman. However, it did not end there, with three others then moving in to sexually abuse the young girl.
Traces of semen were found from all the men on the victim.
The light suspended sentences were handed out despite none of the men showing any remorse during the trial, according to Bild newspaper, which sat in during the proceedings. One perpetrator was described as nearly falling asleep during the trial.
Not only was there no remorse shown by any of the defendants, but the whole business seemed to bore them. One was even seen nodding off during the trial. Knowing how lenient German courts have been with migrant criminals, they may well have believed that they would be given very light sentences — and they were right.
The migrants’ lawyers argued that the men were operating with high testosterone levels as an excuse behind the gang rape.
The Iranian who was sent to juvenile detention responded during the trial: “What man doesn’t want that?”…
How proud those nine Muslims were of their exploits videotaping one another as they took turns raping or otherwise sexually assaulting the 15-year-old German girl.
Why were eight of the defendants — all but the youngest one, whose age made him eligible for juvenile detention — all of whom had been found guilty either of rape or of sexual assault, nonetheless received suspended sentences? Four of them had been convicted of rape, as well as of having stolen her wallet and cell phone. What conceivable reason was there for suspending their sentences? Or those for the five other Muslims who had not raped her but had abused her sexually?
Could it be that there so many Muslim malefactors, committing so many crimes, and their trials taking so long and costing so much money — this one lasted 68 days and had 96 witnesses — that the courts in Germany are simply overwhelmed with dealing with them, and lack space in prisons to accommodate them? Or is it simply that the German judge’s leniency reflects her subliminal sense that these Muslims are savages, behaving as savages will, and she thinks it is too much to expect them to behave as non-Muslims do?
If the AfD wins the next election, its first order of business should be to restore the five-year residency requirement for German citizenship. Second, it must undo Angela Merkel’s madness and put a halt to Muslim migration. Third, it should provide the police with sufficient resources to round up and deport illegal migrants. Fourth, it should limit welfare benefits to migrants who have resided in the country, gainfully employed, for five years. Fifth, Muslims who have been convicted of a crime should, after serving their sentences, be stripped of their citizenship (if they have it), and be deported back to their countries of origin. That would be a start.
Germany does Muslim Privilege. Israel sends the IDF.
Germany castrated their men after WW2…
That has been shown to be a mistake
They won’t even protect their children/sisters/mothers
No need to castrate the judge in this case. She has no BaLLS. Literally and figuratively
Things might start to change when these idiot judges’ daughters get raped – maybe.
After World War Two?
So what there they up to then?
When will people finally get angry enough to stop the insanity?
“ Then, two others sexually abused the woman.”
Not a woman a CHILD. In the UK a nineteen year old boy having consensual sex with a fifteen year old will end up with a criminal record but not muslim rapists.
As for Germany and the rest of Europe not paying benefits to savages illegally residing in their countries they are all signed up to the UN human rights rules and they are therefore obligated to provide benefits.
Defund the UN now!
Obligated? A sovereign nation with backbone should tell the UN to pound sand anytime following that dictators’ club’s rules produces negative consequences for that nation’s citizens. There was a time when Turks and Arabs were considered temporary workers that could be booted from European countries at will. Oh for those days to return!!!
Those days will only return once the UN is gone for good.
That balls thing has a lot to do with it. it is a euphemism for courage which is sadly lacking world wide.
Hanging them with pigskin ropes while very medieval would have been more appropriate.
Of course, they show no remorse as they see infidel rape as their right.
By the time the west finds a backbone there will simply be too many of them and not just due to immigration but to an illegal 90% male birth rate (rampant gender abortion).
I despair as this is why Rome collapsed: their leaders were too smug, and the people became too soft and used to comfort and unwilling to do what was necessary.
Alternatively, they could have been deported to an Islamic country, along with a proclamationt they’re all gay…..
If that happened in the US, where there is a 1st Amendment right to practice your faith, charges would have been brought against the girl for complaining about the muslims religious rights to rape the infidel.
It’s in the koran.
Western culture has become a godless and revolting cesspool.
Hopefully the opportunity to kill the Muslim and the Leftist will soon be here.
Hopefully I’ll still be alive when the opportunity presents itself.
With that attitude , hope you have at least 1 tool to protect your home & fam ….
I don’t think we will have any choice in the matter of the arrival of some kind of civil conflict, no matter what our attitudes about violence.
The religious and philosophical bases for western civilization and Dar Al Islam will always be in direct conflict. Compromise sounds nice, but in the long run it will never really be possible.
All those Muslim punk rapists have learned is that grabbing German
infidel girls and women – dragging them somewhere and raping them
aligns with their Islamic teachings. Because legal punishment in
Germany for their behavior is very lenient, even non-existent – a kind of
justification for their right as Muslims to help themselves to what they
perceive as wanton, too scantily-dressed Western women.
German women should not expect the Courts to come to their aid
because they are an entrenched part of the Globalist political system.
The same system in which Angela Merkel played such a prominent
part as does Joe Biden in the United States – with his wide-open
border welcome to unvetted Muslims (like those punks in Germany)
and to any other dregs of humanity.
If the AFD in Germany wins the next election, they may indeed start
to turn back the Islamic and other tyranny now engulfing Germany
and the rest of the West – as would President Trump if re-elected –
but the fight will be vicious and freedom’s last stance. The Globalists
want that digital control over individual lives and under a one-world
government so bad, they will do anything to get it. The non-protection
of raped German women in their own country – and of American
women yet to come in theirs – is just one of their many ‘anythings’.
Dubliners have got this figured out. The Law is on the side of the “Asian” rapists in Europe. Nothing has changed since Rotherham.. Vigilante ain’t much, but at this point, it is all the average European has got.
Lest diversity be the bigger victim, right?
No room in the rainbow for whiteness either. Rape it right out of them.
The filth that was mainstreamed in Rotterhan, UK (and surrounding “No Go” zones) is one of the most colossally under-reported mass crimes of a generation.
A peaceful protestor will, without doubt, be arrested outside an abortion clinic. A muslin rapists might be . . . and if so, odds are in his favor he won’t see jail time.
WTF is wrong with this picture!?
AND the GERMAN PEOPLE probably had to PAY for that scum bunch’s defense! A SANE person would think “well, at least they’re going to be DEPORTED”! Yeah!! The LEFT somehow thinks that when the muslims take over that they will be “part of the gang” – they will be, but they’ll be guests of honor at homotossings off buildings, gang rapes and initiations into concubine life, and some just the run of the mill beheadings! Keep doing what you are doing and when the DECENT people rise up and say “ENOUGH” and start to fight back, don’t be surprised when they consider YOU to be an enemy as well!
German men habe lost their moxie and can no longer protect their women.
Is it now open season on German women?
Juvenile court for 19 to 23 year old men??? Was this correctly translated? It could be that the juvenile court, if is true that the proceedings occurred in juvenile court, has different sentencing guidelines.
Open Borders means Sape and Crime this is why we oppose open Borders
Any normal father or uncle or brother would get a bunch of his buddies together and go ‘learn’ the scumbags some manners. He might not ever be able to walk again, or use his hands, or see, or take a pee, but he’ll know he did something very wrong.
Or, like Muslims often do to French Jews, they could entice the young men to a party on the 18th floor of a hotel and simply push them off, one by one. Either way works for me.
That poor child. At 15 to be abused so cruelly and then to have the courts say it doesn’t matter? She has been shown she has zero value as anything but a sex toy, to put it mildly. And it’s out there on the internet. People exist who find her nightmare to be entertaining and even worse, erotic. I shudder to think of the irreparable damage this has done to her on every conceivable level. I weep for this girl and honestly, I feel like throwing up just reading this story.
How far have we fallen that we are allowing our children to be destroyed so casually?
” Now boys, wait a reasonable time before you do it again “
It’s not rape; it’s dating. Who are we to judge?
The father of that poor young lady needs to hunt down every last one of these animals. And deliver justice… True justice.
Deport them after serving life in prison
I was thinking more along castration followed up by lining the pricks up against a wall.
Lots of tools for the days ahead.
After 9-11, I took CAIR up on its offer of a free koran. After reading it and many books about Islam, it is easy to understand such outrageous criminal behavior. From the “You-Could-Not-Make-This-Sh**-up Department, the footnote explanation about the passage pertaining to the permissibility of a man hitting his wife, the only disagreement is about the severity of the hitting. “Scholars disagree with some suggesting the hitting is to be symbolic, as with a toothbrush.”
Thanks CAIR!
And btw she was a child, not a woman
Divsersity is a road to Ruin
A suspended sentence? Does that mean they were hanged?
Before WW II these Muslim gang Rapists would have met the Headlands Axe and the Hooded Headsman
That’s all these depraved scums deserve… to be hanged by the gonads!
… so rape is now legal in Germany …
… for Muslims …
Look for native (white) German men to face serious rape charges for being in the presence of a woman without body cam …
… cause that’s how it already works here in many parts of the USA …
After the war, the United States destroyed Germany by controlling all the major institutions in Germany including the educational system. But things are going to change as the real German people start supporting the AfD German political party. Next year could be a game changer for the German people.
If the AfD wins next year, that Germany would consider leaving the EU and NATO as well. Tell the United States military to leave Germany. Then remove all the Muslims and Africans from Germany. After that, they will finally be back to being the Germany they should be in the 21st century. Also, put certain people on trial for treason for causing these problems, in the first place.
Did the girl survive that night? I’ve been looking for mention of whether or not she died, chillingly have found nothing to confirm either way.