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Here is a story that neatly encapsulates the threat that the West faces and the weakness of its response to that threat. In Germany, a vociferous critic of jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women and others, Michael Stürzenberger, was stabbed several months ago by a jihadi precisely because of his opposition to those evils. Now, a German court has added insult to injury, convicting Stürzenberger of “incitement to hatred” and fining him €3,600 ($3,800). So it has come to this: what the jihadi began, the German government is now continuing. What will be the effects of this on the freedom of speech in Germany? That’s obvious: if this continues, Germany is dead as a free society.
In Spiked Wednesday, the publication’s Germany correspondent Sabine Beppler-Spahl was generally sympathetic to Stürzenberger, but added a significant and telling caveat. She asserted that “there’s little doubt that Stürzenberger can be offensive. He claims that his criticism only applies to ‘political Islam’, calling it a threat to democracy and an ideology that oppresses women. But he has also compared parts of the Koran with Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf,’ and – while saying that not all Muslims are rapists – has talked of ‘thousands of women’ who have been sexually assaulted by Muslims from Northern Africa and Arabia.”
Here yet again we see how unpopular and unwelcome truths are stigmatized as “offensive” even among people who should know better; but does that make them any less true? Sabine Beppler-Spahl appears to be unaware of the fact that the Qur’an contains numerous passages (not just one or two) that are profoundly and disturbingly antisemitic.
The Jews in the Qur’an are called the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82). They are accused of hiding the truth and misleading people (2:109; 3:78); staging rebellion against the prophets and rejecting their guidance (2:55); being hypocritical (2:14, 2:44); giving preference to their own interests over the teachings of Muhammad (2:87); and being arrogant about their being Allah’s beloved people (5:18). They are depicted as slandering the true religion (Islam) (4:46); killing the prophets (2:61); being merciless and heartless (2:74); and never keeping their promises or fulfilling their words (2:100). Allah transforms the disobedient Jews into apes and pigs for breaking the Sabbath (2:63-65; 5:59-60; 7:166). They are under Allah’s curse (9:30), and Muslims should wage war against them and subjugate them under Islamic hegemony (9:29). And there is much more of this, making “Mein Kampf” look practically benign by comparison.
And as for “‘thousands of women’ who have been sexually assaulted by Muslims from Northern Africa and Arabia,” take just one British city as an example. The BBC reported in 2014 that “at least 1,400 children were subjected to appalling sexual exploitation in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013,” and British officials did nothing; they “described their nervousness about identifying the ethnic origins of perpetrators for fear of being thought as racist; others remembered clear direction from their managers not to do so.” Those perpetrators were largely Pakistani, not North African or Arab, but they shared with many North African and Arab rapists the same understanding of the Qur’an’s permission for the sexual abuse of infidel women (4:3, 4:24, 23:1-6, 33:50, 70:30).
The fact that even a friendly observer would think Stürzenberger had gone too far in making these statements is an indication of the depth of ignorance regarding this problem in Germany and all over Europe and North America. Even among patriots in the U.S., there are all too many who still wear rose-colored glasses regarding the teachings of the Qur’an, the likelihood of “moderate Muslims” saving the day, and so on. So it’s no wonder that the German government, when faced with the jihad stabbing of this critic of Islam, thought it best to clamp down on him, rather than try to ensure that the new arrivals to Germany shared Western values of pluralism, tolerance, and the respect for the freedom of speech.
“It is difficult to escape the impression,” writes Beppler-Spahl, “that he has been targeted by German political and media elites because of their fear of right-wing populism. That is, they fear his criticism of Islam will further fuel the rise of the populist right. After all, Stürzenberger gives voice to many Germans’ scepticism and rejection of mass migration from majority Muslim countries.” Indeed. And that’s ultimately what his legal persecution is all about.
Stürzenberger is not a politician and is not running for office, but in many ways, his legal woes resemble those of Donald Trump. Leftist elites have targeted both men on the flimsiest of charges, essentially for the crime of threatening their hegemony. If they prevail over either one, it could mean the end of their country as a free society. The stakes couldn’t be higher. And right now, it looks as if the German elites are succeeding in taking their country into darkness.
Mo de Profit says
FPM wouldn’t exist in Europe or Britain today.
Judith2 says
So much ignorance world wide. Than you Mr. Spencer for teaching the truth….Islamophobia is just plain common sense in the face of the most dangerous foe…wokeism is easily seen.. Islamism hides in ancient writings few people read or know or care to know. Just beat the messenger..
J.J. Sefton says
The second descent in a century – will this time be a charm
Intrepid says
What is wrong with the citizens of Germany, France and England? It appears they are surrendering to the Jihad. They have nothing to fight back with and the governments are corrupted and are filled with EU squishes.
One of the reasons that Muslim scumbags in the U.S. are less brazen are the 100 million gun owners. But the Muslims are importing their illegal guns, probably from Turkey.
Every Muslim a terrorist. Every Mosque a weapons cache.
Rob A says
“What is wrong with the citizens of Germany, France and England?”
That’s an easy answer: The males in those countries have all been taught to think and act like females and to avoid fighting and to cower in fear of every Abdullah, Mohammed and Hamza muslim bully that comes along so as not to piss them off.
Bottom line: Germany, France and England are now Islamic countries. There aren’t enough “men” with a pair of balls left in those countries willing to stand up and fight those muslims bastards and take their countries back.
The strong survive and thrive, the weak perish (or are enslaved.) That’s the way of the world and it’s never going to change. It’s no more complicated than that.
Madame DeFarge says
The question of “how long” is the most important one. How long before the populace stands up? Why do these “Christian” Europeons easily succumb to this type of thing? It is surely all over Western Europe but not for Eastern Europe yet.
Having primitives run your life is frightening. Why do we stand for it? Seeing Mr. Penny suffer is a nasty indicator. Allowing primitives to run governments is asking for trouble. Do the wealthy who pay for this feel they would be exempt from these pogroms? Many questions arise but no answers until your front door bursts open.
Snowfrog says
The more these nations respond in fear, the greater their capacity for fear. These immigrants (Muslims) want to slowly take control of these countries and unless they are stopped they will succeed. They use violence and exploit the naive leaders by intimidation. The most serious problem is that they have the courts on their side. The solution is reinforcing nationalism. Perhaps Trump will teach them how to protect the customs and values of their citizens.
David Ray says
No wonder the upstanding Romeike family fled Germany.
They applied for asylum here, but the Jug-eared Barry administration sprang into action.
Eric Holder weighed the Romeikes & aggressively pursued deportation.
Their perceived character flaws being as follows . . .
The Romeike family was in tact, law abiding, well educated, spoke English, worked hard, highly intelligent, friendly, took no welfare, protestant Christian, home-schoolers, and most damning – white.
So of course B. Hussein wanted them gone & spent massive taxpayer dollars to make it happen. (Sleepy Joe signed off on their deportation a year ago.)
Steve Kardas says
“You will endure the stabbings and any one who complains will be punished .”
BLSinSC says
Hitler would be proud! It appears that Hitler’s affection for muslims still rules Germany! I do hope that PRESIDENT TRUMP and Defense Secretary Hegseth take a long, hard look (well maybe not too long) at Germany’s abuse of their citizens and informs them that they either stop the insanity or we will remove EVERY SINGLE ONE of our Military Assets and Support! Why should US TAXPAYERS’ hard earned money to go support such an oppressive state?? Like some great thinker once said “Let them hate us for free”!
AND, when we bring those Men and Women HOME they can help secure OUR BORDERS and PROTECT US CITIZENS!!
David Ray says
Hear, hear! 🍻🍻🍻 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
Lionel says
And Jews are pushing for exactly the same with “Anti Semitism”. Pot calling kettle black as they say. Or, Dldo as I say, not as I do.
Gabrielle says
Please explain your comment or is this just your antisemitic BS?
Lionel says
Just look at your response, in light of laws being pushed here and in Europe, making “anti-semetism” and even “holocaust denial” iilegal and punishable with fines and even incarceration. And please enlighten us as to why one and not the other should be squashed like a bug.
Justin Swingle says
ACROSS EUROPE and now AMERICA, the Islamists demonstrate they hate FREE SPEECH. Actually, they hate freedom period!
I find it perplexing that so many millions would subjugate themselves to Muslim fascism so easily.
Sheeple to the slaughter???
Matt says
Where I live, in what was once considered to be a part of the so called “Bible Belt, there is a relatively new ” Islamic Community Center,” a big building on sprawling property. Not long ago, the avenue the ICC is located was called “God’s lane,” referring to the God of the Bible. The presence of any Christianity here where I live has diminished quite a bit.
Nevertheless, Islam, the Vatican, many other’s, will be shocked when the exiled Lord Jesus Christ returns after the conclusion of this dispensation of grace. They will be shocked because the King, God in the flesh, is a Jew, and His home, His capitol, will be in Jerusalem in Israel. All Gentiles, all nations, all heathen, will be subject to Him and His nation. The clothing men will grasp so they can be led to God of the earth will be the clothing of a Jew:
Zechariah 8:23 “Thus saith the LORD of hosts; In those days it shall come to pass, that ten men shall take hold out of all languages of the nations, even shall take hold of the skirt of him that is a Jew, saying, We will go with you: for we have heard that God is with you.”
This controversy goes back to Ishmael. Abraham was attempting to bring about the glorious promises his way, in the so called strength of his flesh. God was not having that. The son, the promise, would come via a miracle. The barren Sarah would give birth.
Jan Recktenwald says
We can NEVER give up our guns. Even those who choose to stab us for whatever reason hold back if they think we might have a gun. It is protection against an enemy or a run-a-way, out of control government.
Gabrielle says
The ignorance of Western European countries about the religion of Islam, its purported founder, and the Koranic diatribes against both Jews and others, all of whom are considered Infidels is terrifying.
All involved in government and any other public services should have required schooling about Islam. Perhaps these woefully uninformed countries should order books by Robert Spencer as they are an educational tour de force on this subject.,
That Western Europe is falling under Islamic preference, rapidly enabling the often violent dissolution of their citizens’ rights by actively placating these violent Islamic religionists is paving the road toward complete self-destruction. Islamists, who adamantly seek the destruction of ALL Western, Judeo-Christian values, are singing loudly as they facilitate each country’s descent into Sharia law and ultimately Islamic dhimmitude. Dhimmitude is the status of all non Muslims. They are considered 2nd-class citizens and required to pay a special jizyah tax levied for all non-Muslims living under Sharia law.
Under the opaque veil of multiculturalism, Islamists have used the precept of “victimhood status for minorities” to infiltrate countries with their mostly ancient, tribal attitudes toward infidels which gives them, via the Koran, freedoms to engage in deceit, duplicities, violence both in general and also sexual violence against women. Their ultimate goal is in establishing a worldwide Islamic Caliphate.
What Western Europe, America and the remainder of the world, including those wealthy facilitators pursing their New World Order, better face is that the power brokers of Islam via their madrassas and Imams and those Middle Eastern countries funding terrorism are coming for you!! And when they reach your door, you will either say the Shahada (statement of accepting the Islamic faith), be murdered or hauled off as captives living in enslaved dhimmitude under Sharia law. ANY FREEDOMS YOU ONCE HAD WILL BE GONE and you will only find solace for what you have ignorantly allowed to be completely destroyed in the deepest memories within your heart and soul.
Mike B says
Not just Germany but all of Western Europe has found a way to re=establish tyranny and Nazism through their welcome invasion of Islam into a once civilized, free territory. It’s exactly what they wanted.
Don Kosky says
Death to Islam, A vile and pagan belief system spawned from Satan himself.
Sword of The Spirit says
And yet, last I heard, white Germans are STILL voting into office, the white Left-Wing-Nuts that are bringing in the Islamists, feeding the Islamists, paying the Islamists, and protecting the Islamists.
Should we have empathy? Should we have sympathy for the white Germans? The Germans have shown in WW1, WW2, and now that they love Islamists and are crazy as pet babboons.
Siddi Nasrani says
The Germans have been brain washed by Marxism since that Stasi Agent, Angela Merkel came into power, she opened the flood gates to let the illegal Islamists into Germany. And now they are demanding
Sharia Law in Germany. They reckon by the year 2035 Germany will become Islamic.
Spurwing Plover says
Anyone who thinks Islam is the Religion of Peace has Sawdust for Brains
JohnJay says
When I saw the headline, I thought for a second i was reading the Babylon bee. What’s the point of satire when news is crazier than you could make up.
Andrew Blackadder says
He pays a Fine for insulting the religion of the guy who stabbed him as the guy did so in the name of his religion… WTF is wrong with this story as its kind like beating the woman that was raped by five low life muslims in Kabul and yet this is what Germany does today while muslims around the world laugh in the faces of Western men as they see them all as weak willed men and who could blame them for that thought.