The facts at hand presumably speak for themselves, but a trifle more vulgarly, I suspect, than facts even usually do. The German-language news outlet Bild reported Monday that “the almost blind and handicapped ex-cook Helmut K. († 50) from Kaufbeuren made an appointment on the gay dating platform ‘Planet Romeo’ on March 14th at 4.30pm with the username wandalalaland.’” Then “at 9:01 p.m., the heavy metal fan was tied up and gagged in his bedroom, which is above the popular escape room ‘Countdown,” and was “gagged so hard that he choked on his dentures.” Helmut K. ultimately died, and “the man whom prosecutor Andreas Slach suspects to be behind ‘wandalalaland’ is now sitting in the dock at the Kempten Regional Court.” The perpetrator is a Muslim migrant who once won praise as a “model refugee.”
The 29-year-old Karam A., according to Bild, “has lived as a model refugee in Kaufbeuren since 2015, but is said to have killed people in his home country of Syria, according to investigators.” Why was he let in to Germany if he had been known to have killed people in Syria, and if this was not known, why wasn’t he deported when it was discovered? Bild doesn’t bother to take up such questions.
It does report, however, that the death of Helmut K. was the result of careful planning. “Together with Hazem K. († 21), A. is said to have forged the murder plot that cost the life of Helmut K., who was in need of care and had a heart condition. Hazem K. knew from the neighborhood that the early retiree was hoarding 8,000 euros in cash in his apartment.” It was Karam’s friend Hazem who “developed the idea for the robbery with a fake account. During the police interrogation, he confessed to everything, incriminated his accomplice Karam A. seriously, but then hanged himself in his cell in August.”
Karam puts all the blame on Hazem: “He screwed the police, religion and his lawyer.” Religion? What does his religion have to do with this? Were Hazem and Karam plotting to murder a homosexual because of Sharia’s death penalty on such activity? He doesn’t explain, and Bild once again doesn’t ask; it is more interested in Karam’s flair for melodrama: “Theatrically he tried to convince the judge of his innocence: ‘Ladies and gentlemen, there are many things in life that are unbelievable, so that’s not impossible.’ Judge Christoph Schwiebacher ended this bizarre performance: ‘Don’t tell any more stories, stop the show!’”
One of the most commonly repeated elements of the Leftist/Islamic supremacist rap sheet against me, supposedly establishing that I am an “anti-Muslim extremist,” is that I said that there was no reliable way to distinguish between peaceful Muslims and jihadists, and no distinction between the two in Muslim communities. This statement doesn’t mean that all Muslims are terrorists; it means that peaceful Muslims aren’t separating themselves from the terrorists.
And that is demonstrably true. All too many jihadis have operated freely in American mosques without being put out. After a Muslim who supported the Islamic State shot a police officer in Philadelphia, the local mosque leaders initially denied knowing him, but then it turned out they were lying, and the jihadi attended the mosque frequently. The same thing happened after jihadis attacked our free speech event in Garland, Texas: the mosque they attended in Phoenix denied knowing them, but it turned out they were regular members.
In a similar vein, this Karam A. was hailed as a “model refugee” for his success in assimilating into German society. But it seems as if he still carried within him some of the attitudes and assumptions created by a culture of violence that mandates the execution of homosexuals.
Yet no one could have predicted that this would happen, as there is, here again, no reliable way to distinguish between peaceful Muslims and violent ones. Instead of heaping abuse upon those who point this out, genuinely peaceful Muslims should be working hard to establish such a distinction, in Germany and elsewhere, because of course no one would dream of actually doing something so radical as seriously vetting the migrants.
Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books, including the New York Times bestsellers The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades) and The Truth About Muhammad. His latest book is Rating America’s Presidents: An America-First Look at Who Is Best, Who Is Overrated, and Who Was An Absolute Disaster. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.
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