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In Germany, a Syrian migrant tried to kill a snack bar employee, stabbing him in the neck. There was nothing unusual about that: there has been, during the last few years, a wave — a decuman — of murderous attacks by Muslim migrants throughout Europe. But this one was noted because the German police tried, yet again, to hide the criminal’s nationality from the public. More on this can be found here: “Germany: Police accused of hiding Syrian’s immigration status after he was arrested for stabbing a snack bar employee in the neck,” by John Cody, Remix News, September 15, 2023:
In the German city of Soest, a Syrian migrant is accused of stabbing a snack bar employee in the neck inside the Penny supermarket chain, causing life-threatening injuries that nearly severed a vital artery.
Police say that the suspect had already been banned from the supermarket chain, and when he entered the premises at 5:15 p.m. on Tuesday, a 42-year-old employee attempted to stop him.
Why was he banned from the entire supermarket chain? For shoplifting? For assaulting a shopgirl, or a female shopper? For shouting “Allahu akbar” in order to frighten the Infidels? All of these are perfectly plausible. In any case, he didn’t like being banned, and what better way to show he wasn’t going to take that ban lying down than to return to the store, armed with a knife, so that in case anyone tried to expel him, he could, as the Qur’an says, “smite at the neck” of that Infidel employee? Why should he, a Muslim, belonging to the “best of peoples,” have to take orders from an Infidel, who like all non-Muslims is “the most vile of created beings”?
Since the accused did not want to leave the snack bar, a scuffle broke out,” said police spokesman Marco Baffa-Scinelli, according to German newspaper Soester Anzeige.
The suspect, who lives in a nearby accommodation for migrants, pulled out a knife and stabbed the victim “abruptly in the neck,” according to the police report. The knife nearly hit the victim’s neck artery, creating a gaping wound that spouted blood across the supermarket.
The attacker fled the scene, but once police arrived, he reappeared, at which point he was arrested.
Why did he return so quickly to the scene of his stabbing attack? Perhaps he came to enjoy the sight of all that blood and gore. Perhaps he might even have caught sight of his victim lying dead. What fun!
Police were unable to interrogate the suspect due to a “language barrier.” The weapon involved in the attack has not yet been recovered.
The police, in their press release, did not publish the nationality or asylum status of the Syrian, instead simply stating that a Soester, which is the name given to local residents of the city, stabbed another local. Junge Freiheit newspaper accused the police of obscuring the attacker’s identity….
What the public has a right to know, most wants to know, and most needs to know, about the attacker, is his nationality and asylum status. And that information is exactly what the police withheld, describing him only as a “Soester” — that is, a resident of the city of Soest.
“North Rhine-Westphalia municipalities are handling more immigrants than they should under the Refugee Admission Act. Soest has a ‘fulfillment rate’ of 183 percent!” the party’s faction in North Rhine-Westphalia wrote on X, which according to the party, is the highest rate in the entire German state.
Although all of Germany is suffering from the huge apparently unstoppable influx of Muslim economic migrants, the city of Soest has been made to take in far more than its fair share of so-called “refugees.” And the anti-Muslim immigrant party, Alternative für Deutschland, has been holding rallies in Soest to protest this state of affairs.
Although knife attacks are now commonplace across Germany, with approximately 50 occurring every day, police and media outlets routinely obscure the nationality of attackers, which also applies to a wide variety of other serious crimes, including gang rape….
The German police have for years been hiding from the public the true scope of Muslim migrant crime, by trying to identify them in a way that obscures their true identity, as in this case, by providing only the city where the perpetrator resides, and remaining silent on his nationality and asylum status. Apparently the authorities have decided they don’t want to alarm or anger the public that, were it fully informed about the extent and type of Muslim criminality, would rise up and vote in the anti-Muslim immigrant AfD.
The police are aided and abetted in this effort to hide the truth by the German media, that with the single exception of the mass-market tabloid Bild, willingly participates in this campaign of deliberate obfuscation.
The Alternative für Deutschland must make the scandalous behavior of both the police and the media, in deliberately hiding the identities of Muslim migrant criminals, into a major campaign issue. The public has a right to know the full extent of Muslim crime in their country. Only when fully informed, can the people of Germany — or the indigenes of any Western country where Muslims have been allowed to settle in large numbers — make wise decisions as to the immigration policy they wish to pursue. If the German public knew today the full scope of Muslim crime, or the British public fully grasped that tens of thousands of English girls have had their lives ruined by Pakistani grooming gangs, does anyone think their immigration policies would remain as suicidally soft-hearted as they are today?
It is the same in Britain. When the identity/ethnic origin of perpetrators are not given by the police or media everyone knows they are not “white” British. who are almost always identified by the police/media as white if a Muslim alleges they are victims of so-called Islamophobia.
A dumb woke bitch in Germany was raped by a muslim. (MANY women are now routinely raped in Germany, after that idiot Merkel opened the borders.)
She esteemed “islamophobia” to be worse, so she slandered her fellow countrymen and said it was a white guy. Her lie fell apart, as so many leftist hoaxes do.
It is the same here in the states as well re: black perps and Muslim perps. It was rabid during the Obama era.
But the Obumma era never ended did it.
He’s been stage managing sleepy Joe throughout Sleepy’s term to date. Just ask General Michael Flynn.
FFS drain the swamp. Two terms needed to cleanse the DOJ and other DemonRAT controlled public institutions.
Without a two term Republican presidency the great work won’t happen sadly for America
If the ethnicity or religion of the perpetrator isn’t given, I always assume the criminal is moslem, especially in rape cases, for obvious reasons.
Germany still hasn’t gotten over it’s collective guilt for Nazism, helped along encouraged by a liberal press. But what is coming will be way worse when Islam finally takes over the reigns of government.
Muslims were a big part of the Nazi war machine.
We do the same thing in the U.S. with regard to crime by one componenent of our rich cultural stew. Media ususually say they don’t report the racial identity of suspects so as to avoid creating stereotypes, something the offenders themselves don’t seem to worry about at all.
When a black man had stabbed another man on the Underground in London, in front of the victim’s son, and had then run off, the description did not give the race of the perpetrator, in spite of the fact that this dangerous individual was at large and peope were supposedly being warned not to approach him. How were they supposed to know who he was, when he was only described vaguely as a man with a beard? Fortunately the lack of ethnicity meant that peope could at least figure out that e wasn’t white, since race is always given when the perpetrator is white
Again, same here. They’ll announce that the suspect they are looking for is a male, about 5’9″ tall, last seen wearing blue jeans and a black hoodie. Very helpful.
No doubt is to appease the UN/CFR Globalists and Soros and his ilk as well
Here in America the only folks admitting there is an epidemic of Black crime are conservative Black citizens.
The public has the right to know which migrants cause the most crime. The government should then rigorously screen people from these countries and limit numbers. Furthermore, the criminal migrants should be deported. The German public should be allowed to vote on who is admitted. It is drastically cheaper to help refugees near their home countries, for language reasons, if nothing else. It is very undemocratic to impose such people on the population.
for those who want to know where we are headed , read up on harry miller and the humberside thought police . britain is more concerned over an opposing view of trans lies than actual crime . muslim grooming , stabbing crimes , rape of women by muslim gangs and the like . it is the same the world over for the west . the left are suppressing any speech and jailing any who dare show any diversion from the approved narrative . j6 a case in point . the world is in for a rough time , prepare for the worse . all of europe and the u.s. are now subject to tyranny .
Today date,8 years back 19 non muslim yezdi innocent girls were burnt to death in Iraq for refusing s-ex with Islmc terrsts as given in quran
Don’t forget.True face of Islam