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After a Syrian Muslim refugee slashed the throats of a few middle aged people at the Festival of Diversity, the German government has announced that it will ban knives over three inches long.
The ISIS terrorist was one of over a million migrants who had invaded Germany while claiming to be “refugees”. The migrant was also one of the many scheduled to be deported, but was not.
All that the Muslim terrorist had to do to evade deportation was leave government housing when the authorities came looking for him. And then when the military age Arab Muslim migrant came back, the deportation order had expired and he couldn’t be deported. Undeported Muslim refugees have been one of the largest sources of terrorism,crime and violence in Europe.
So the German government is proposing a ban on knives over three inches.
After laying a white rose at the site of the Diversity Festival slashing that left three dead and eight wounded, Chancellor Olaf Scholz promised rapid action would be taken against knives.
Right now, German people can carry knives up to 4.7 inches long, the law will be modified so that they can only carry knives up to 2.4 inches long. No one appears to have considered the possibility that Muslim terrorists on the way to killing as many infidels as possible might violate the law and carry a concealed knife of 4 inches or longer. Such thoughts are unthinkable.
However the authorities are also proposing ‘knife free’ zones around railway stations and other areas where stabbings and slashings tend to happen to finally put an end to the violence.
In May, an Afghan Muslim refugee had attacked a Counter-Jihad rally in Germany, stabbing and slashing attendees along with a police officer who had tried to restrain the anti-migrant activists from fighting back against the Muslim refugee trying to kill them.
German authorities responded by vowing to crack down on “knife crime” with “stronger measures to control the possession and carrying of knives, tougher penalties for their misuse and intensive awareness campaigns about the dangers.”
If any Muslim terrorists still don’t know about the dangers of stabbing people, the awareness campaign would let them know.
There had been 13,844 ‘knife crime’ incidents in 2023 which the authorities are blaming on the existence of knives and not the perpetrators who are reportedly mostly young Muslim men. The authorities have resisted linking the nearly 10% increase in knife crime to Muslim migration.
“Though non-Germans are disproportionately represented in police knife crime statistics, that in itself is not a very helpful insight,” a ‘criminologist’ interviewed by the Deutsche Welle media outlet argued.
In 2023, nearly 1 in 5 criminals were refugees.
The mostly Muslim migrants were responsible for over 1 in 10 sex assaults in just one year. They have carried out around 7,000 sexual assaults since the beginning of the crisis. 1 in 2 gang rapists are foreigners and there are almost two gang rapes happening in Germany every single day.
In Northern Rhine-Westphalia, the region where the latest Muslim terrorist attack took place, 1 in 3 sex offenders, 1 out of 2 shoplifters and burglars, and 4 out of 5 pickpockets were foreigners.
Typical of this kind of violence was an altercation between two Arab Muslims which ended with one of them stabbed in Magdeburg, migrants fighting with knives in a refugee center in Bavaria, and a litany of young foreign men confronting and stabbing each other all across Germany.
But locating the source of the problem is probably “not a very helpful insight,” In the UK, people sharing such insights are being locked up even as Islamic terrorists are being freed.
The German government is more moderate than the Marxist lunatics at Whitehall which under PM Starmer and Justice Minister Shabana Mahmood, a supporter of Islamic terrorism, have decided to ruthlessly suppress all British opposition to mass migration with raids and prisons.
But a “moderate” European government is one that mostly ignores the problem while promising to increase deportations after every Islamic terrorist attack before realizing that it can do nothing. There is little difference between the putatively conservative Merkel government and the putatively leftist Scholz government, much as every French government, whatever its formal political orientation, has offered the same meaningless condemnations and empty promises.
If the Communist and Islamist ‘La France Insoumise’, which rose to victory due to its alliance with President Macron, succeeds in taking over, it can be expected to turn the police loose on political opponents the way that the Starmer regime did on critics of migration in the UK.
For now, the German authorities are deploring all the stabbings and promising knife control.
Creating ‘knife free’ zones, limiting the length of knives that can be carried (except for freshly purchased knives still in their plastic wrapping) and creating social media campaigns about the dangers of knives is the sort nonsense that the UK and other governments indulged in as a distraction from the reality of who is actually doing the stabbing (not to mention acid throwing).
Much like the American liberal obsession with gun control, literally objectifying the problem, talking about things so that they don’t have to talk about people, and then talking about broader social and economic issues, is a useful distraction from seeing what is actually taking place.
The Festival of Diversity ended in bloodshed, as it always does, but there will be another one. Much of the West now exists in the throes of an endless diversity festival where no one notices the killers only the number of rounds in their magazines and the lengths of their blades.
Another law that will only be enforced against native British citizens.
Its the law abiding people that are punished, not the criminals. What an upside down society.
“Knife control”?
You don’t need no steennkin “knife control”,….you need some Islamofascist Muslim control. Throw them all our of your country. and completely out of Europe and Great (formerly) Britain. Get realm . protect and save yourselves.
This is in Germany
This law demonstrates that Germany has reached it’s Wit’s End.
Their perpetual stance apparently. No wonder they have troubles.
Deport the muslims you dammned fools!
Of all these 3rd-world migrants coming into Germany, one family coming in might actually benefit Germany rather than seek it’s destruction.
A German family was deported from America because Jug-eared Barry saw some character flaws . . .
Obama was off put by the Romeike family being ¹in tact, ²hard working, ³law abiding, ⁴Protestant Christian, ⁵English speaking, ⁶refusing welfare, ⁷home schooling, ⁸employed, ⁹heterosexual, ¹⁰upright & polite, ¹¹entered the USA legally, ¹²loved America, and ¹²white caucasian.
So B. Hussein made sure they weren’t to stay here. (Sleepy Joe signed-off on their deportation several months ago.)
If the Romeikes had their faces covered with MS-13 gang tats, they’d still be here.
If that exemplary family re-entered Germany, the German government would be more upset with their home-schooling ethic, rather than relieved that at least one family entering would be peaceful & contributing.
obviously not! the omani government pays dearly for each “migrant”.
Well, I guess I’d rather get stabbed with a two inches knife than a six inches one.
The stupidest thing is that stop and frisk was well-known and about the only effective tactic to stop it, but the leftists succeeded in squelching it.
Can’t anybody see the elephant in the room??? BAN THE MUSLIMS-DEPORT THEM-PERIOD
How about making all of Europe a Islamic Terrorists Free Zone instead and America to and UN Free zone as well
Why not make ‘murder free zones’?
And make ‘corruption free zones’ at government buildings too?🤔
You’re right. If there were no signs posted with words in English, Arabic, and cartoons to convey the idea that slashing people’s throats or decapitating them is frowned upon in Germany, then authorities have no one to blame but themselves.
Why not make “islam free zone” – big enough to include the whole West?
islam free planet …
Looks like they are copying the US laws. Dummies!
The Muslim terrorists on 9/11 brought down an airliner using box cutters. Germany better ban any blades over 3/4 of an inch.
To believe that, you must also believe that the strictest of gun control laws inhibit the murders in Chicago by those using guns.
germany, your problem is with the drones that worship someone called “allah” not the knife itself. here in the states we have tried that many times with firearms and it has been a big failure.
Thank you. Weapons don’t kill, it’s the hard heart that kills (from Gunnery Sergeant Hartman – FMJ). Banning is just a blame game for those leaders who can’t admit their agenda doesn’t work.
Within one generation, much of Europe will be under full Islamic control. I hope I’m around to see this. They deserve everything they get.
Not so fast CS; the US is only two steps behind them and the left are willing partners with these 7th century barbarians.
Be careful, arrogance throws many face down into the mud where they formerly stepped.👣 Better you spend your time speaking the truth to these lies and helping redeem humanity from the Islamic Caliphate.
The bigger they grow, the stronger they are and better equipped to come after everyone else.
Come on Germany the writing’s on the wall The only way this is going to happen is to deport all these Muslims They are not compatible with Western society or humanity in general.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz has finally commented on the knife attack in Germany:
“Himmel!! While we can’t speculate on the
motives of the person who committed this cowardly act, I have directed the
Reichsminister of Hash Tags, Candlelight Vigils, Prayer Breakfasts and
Meaningless Platitudes to issue the following”:
“Knives can only be 3 inches long. Muslims are exempt from this ruling”
We stand with the people of Rhine-Westphalia
Ich bin ein Rhine-Westphalia bürger
This has nothing to do with Islam.(I wish it were right wing nationalists)
We can’t give in to Islamophobia and racism. That’s not who we are.
Unfettered Muslim Immigration makes our country safer.
Calling it Radical Islamic Extremism and ISIS only serves to create more Terrorists. That’s not who
we are.
We do not have a Muslim problem in Deutschland. There is no Muslim problem in Deutschland.
Our hearts and prayers go out to the victims.
OK , wo ist mein Bier und Bratwurst? (burp!!!…………)
Will they ban everything thats used by Islam as a weapon? You know they also use vehicles, especially on bridges. Remember, the lawless do not care about laws.
I don’t know. My post is sarcasm. But they better get their act together and start taking them seriously.
“Three inches long”?? DO Germans have NECKS THAT FAT??? NO!! Well, some of them might, but as a rule – NO! It’s like the GUN and “gun violence”! Does a GUN just go out willy nilly and SHOOT people?? NOPE!! SOMEONE has to carry the gun, LOAD the gun, point the gun, and PULL THE TRIGGER! It’s NOT the GUN – it’s the PEOPLE!
As far as knives?? Didn’t the 9/11 hijackers use BOX CUTTERS?? No, the issue is NOT the WEAPONS – it’s the IDEOLOGY!! No SANE Nation should allow even ONE muslim to enter – not even ONE!! But, that does happen and it usually results in death and destruction. WHY?? Is it just “bad luck” that the CITIZENS of Nations seem to get raped, mutilated, and murdered? NO, it’s the IDEOLOGY that it is ALLOWED and some might say it’s DEMANDED by the words of their “prophet”! People in the West need to take an interest in SELF PRESERVATION and look at people wanting IN and just say “NO, you won’t fit in and we’re NOT going to change OUR NATION”!
Will this ever reach critical mass?
I think Germany has already reached critical mass. It’s transforming their country into a sh*thole. Tragic.
Critical mass. Like in Russia 1991 when Yeltsin took over. Took 74 years since the 1917 Lenin revolution and seizure of power. The key thing was that the army took the side of the people, and the tank brigade bombarded the politburo building. Or something like that 🙂
The leftists seem to have too much control over the army currently..
No knives? Do I laugh? (Chicago is gun free.)
Or cry because of the stupidity, the intellectual negligence, of the politians. You know. The “smart people” that “lead” us.
Knife control…. Ha ha ha ha ha ha!! What a freakin joke! Hey geniuses, here’s a thought: In case you lack common sense, knives are inanimate objects. They do not wield themselves. How about starting with criminal control? Duhh!? Why didn’t some German government know-it-all bureaucrat think of that?
It’s another example of a leader saying, “I’m on top of this.” While blame-gaming his way out of his obvious failures.
This measure is a tap on the wrist. Muslims are shivering in their boots with fear (sarcasm). Hey, the German government, especially under Chancellor Merkel, let these people in so as to “enrich” the country. Now the German people are feeling the consequences of such enrichment, knife wounds optional.
If he’s only one jihadist stabber ,and murderer as in that Muslim terrorist of ISIS at that festival in Germany, or jihadists ,as in a group of an Islamic terror entity, as in the history of those horrendous murderous and destructive jihad terror affront attacks which occurred of 9/11 and 10/7, it’s based on Qu’ran based Islam.
Many people assume that “Radical Islamic Terrorism” to be a “warped” or “hijacked” form of Islam. Yet the terrible harsh reality is that the actual religion of Islam is the entire foundation of Islamic terrorism or otherwise accurately, but seldom called what is really is, which is “Muslim terrorism.”
For Islam’s “holy book” the Qur ‘an [the Koran] instructs on the use of violence and killing for the advancement of Islam.
As found in ,for example 2:191. 4:89. 5:33. 9:5,111,123. 47:4. Furthermore, it may be illustrated that if Islam is represented as a tree then the fruits then the fruits of that tree are the many brutal, violent and deadly jihad terror entities. As Hezbollah, Hamas and Islamic jihad.
With this statement, the Wisdom of the teachings of Jesus may, very much, apply to this subject. For Jesus taught, “You do know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bears forth good fruit; but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit.” After saying, this Jesus told them what He told them when He said “By their fruit you will know them.” Matthew 7:16, 17, 18,.20. [N.K.J.V.]
In conclusion, Islam is a corrupt tree and also a false religion, Proverbs 14:12. John 14:6. First John 2:22,23. 4:14,15. 5:12,13,20.
About that Muslim terrorist of ISIS and his stabbing jihad attack at that diversity festival in German, that does really prove the point made a number of years ago by the Conservative radio talk show host Michael Savage ,when he was still on the air, when he very sarcastically asked the rhetorical question which was “Isn’t diversity grand. ? “
In addition, Mr. Savage in one of titles of one of chapters of one of his books has a very good heading . It reads “Diversity is Perversity.”
Those German cops sure look “professional,” don’t they? Funny photo.
They are brainwashed by the left to look for “right wing extremists”. After one Muslim guy stabbed and killed some people at a conservative demonstration, one of the conservatives got the Muslim down & under control. So when the police finally arrived they tackled the conservative guy, thinking the Muslim was the victim. So the Muslim got up and stabbed one of the police officers and killed him.
Knife control? What they need is immigrant control, and removal.
Yes, Germany will ban knives over 3 inches long to be carried by………Germans.
Muslims and other Middle Easterners will be exempted. You don’t want to single out a certain people for such laws, which might point fingers at them as being more likely to commit crimes with said weapons.
Only the left can use gaslighting themselves to produce folly of this magnitude and actually believe they’re solving a problem.
German authorities are delusional if they think that “knife-fee zones’ will stop Islamic terrorists”. Here’s a radical thought: How about making their country Islamic terrorist free? Blaming the knife is purposely avoiding the issue that is staring them right in the face.
German authorities have been infected with scheisekopf thinking. The knife-wielding islamists are simply scheisekopfen.
Pansy liberals stabbed at a Diversity Festival. EXCELLENT
You Europeans brought it on yourselves.. You have committed cultural suicide. You can’t hide. Read “The Masque of the Red Death.” Substitute knives for the plague.
I read somewhere that Germany is puting soldiers and their families on bases in Lithuania. What could possibly go wrong?
That goes for every nation.
Diversity is a failed policy.
People like and will always hang out with their own kind. With the exception of the few mentally ill.